Long Covid Patient-Centric Virtual Biobank



Our inability to predict personalised disease progression (i.e. why do some people suffer more severely than others or respond differently to treatments) drastically reduces our ability to treat complex disease. Personalised medicine requires multiple sources of data on an individual level (including genetics, medical history, and other testing) and the ability to track changes in this data over time and in response to treatments.

While there are many research studies including hospitalised COVID-19 patients, there is a gap in the current research. People who have COVID-19 related symptoms for longer than 3 weeks, may have not been hospitalised and may not have a positive covid test, are not being studied. Furthermore, this group does not have a clear healthcare pathway to engage with due to the lack of understanding of their illness.

Widespread social distancing has made data collection for precision medicine research substantially more challenging, as patients are unable to safely visit research sites.

Sano has developed a platform for at-home precision medicine research, including at-home sample collection and a software platform for longitudinal data collection. We have validated the platform in disease areas such as Multiple Sclerosis, and are now using it to build a collaboration to study Long Covid patients.

We are seeking funding to collect samples and DNA test more Long Covid sufferers to better understand COVID1-9 infection, and the role that genetics plays in severity.

The Sano Genetics platform will enable researchers in drug discovery, vaccine development, and biomarker development to quickly quickly map, stratify and draw conclusions from big data sets collected via at-home genetic testing, self-reported longitudinal data, and links to existing medical records.

Beyond research into COVID-19, this funding will additionally accelerate platform development to enable fully remote research and trial participation in other complex diseases where at-home precision medicine research is urgently needed.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

SANO GENETICS LIMITED £83,871 £ 83,871




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