To-You Local deliver-ease

Lead Participant: HUBL LOGISTICS LTD


To-You Deliverease is a 'last mile' delivery and collection network which directly addresses the challenges faced by the High Street.
Regeneration depends on making the High Street ‘and beyond’ an attractive destination and place to work, visit, live and spend. It needs to be reinvented as a commercial location, leveraging local character, amenities and community to challenge the scale and accessibility of out-of-town malls and the convenience and efficiency of the online world.
Logistics has a critical impact on the experience of shopping, working and living. Current High Street logistics are inefficient (duplicated, operating in brand and product centric silos) and do little to tailor service to meet the needs of local shops and businesses. Freight costs are high and rising but offer no solution to High Street challenges such as limited shop stock, poor home delivery and lack of out of hour’s collection. Meanwhile, the increasing numbers of urban freight deliveries severely impacts the High Street and surroundings adding to congestion, air pollution, dirt, noise and building damage. This is felt most keenly in the crowded High Street environment, where the health and quality of life impacts are greatest. Poor logistics directly reduce the attractiveness and viability of the High Street.
To-You directly addresses these challenges. It will support existing national and local services and be focused on efficient and effective, environmentally and ‘community friendly’ services to the High Street and beyond. Our business plan, based on research and current experience of independently operated urban freight consolidation centres (UCC) and drop-box networks (Micro-Hubs) is that significant efficiencies can be achieved by a coordinated, locally focussed distribution approach. These can create a profitable business that can contribute significantly to enhancing the High Street environment through the use of ‘urban appropriate’ vehicles running short distance routes which reduce congestion, pollution and noise. We believe it can provide High Street businesses with enhanced services offerings, such as stock handling, waste return and click and collect, that can improve their attractiveness and support Business Improvement District initiatives. By providing these services locally in a coordinated way we can give smaller businesses access to services previously only ‘big brands’ could afford and reduce their delivery costs. As a locally focussed brand, To-You will bring sustainable jobs and help build the local community. These innovations combine to help redress the balance in favour of the High Street and beyond.
In the Feasibility Phase we will refine service options. We will focus on maximising the potential benefits of improved, coordinated and environmentally friendly local freight services for the High Street. We will identify the characteristics of High Streets which would most benefit from this service, so target areas for the Implementation Trial. We will develop Implementation Trial plans, defining the Target Operating Model for the Trial in terms of technology, marketing and business model, systems and benefits case, together with the benefits measurement approach to test the outcomes for shops, businesses and local community services. The trial will identify what does, and does not work effectively and so establish a commercial model and blueprint for wider roll out.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

HUBL LOGISTICS LTD £98,523 £ 98,523




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