Bodies of Planned Obsolescence: Digital performance and the global politics of electronic waste

Lead Research Organisation: Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
Department Name: Faculty


The United Kingdom is one of Europe's main producers of electronic-waste (e-waste). Despite strict EU regulations and control programmes, a substantial part of British e-waste is exported to developing countries, where it is often recycled through environmentally harmful methods or dumped in unprotected areas, causing severe environmental damage accompanied by a range of socio-cultural problems. Despite this, public debate on digital technologies in Britain and other post-industrial countries has been primarily focused on the economic and social benefits of technological innovation.

Digital performance arts practices have largely been complicit in this narrative. On the one hand, their primary interest has been in the exploration and showcasing of state of the art innovations; on the other, critical practices in the field have been restricted to the politics of a western, post-industrial cultural framework. Digital performance arts practitioners have rarely engaged with the material and socio-economic aspects of technology in terms of their production, and their 'afterlife' as electronic waste.

Bodies of Planned Obsolescence is a one-year international research networking project in which performance artists, art curators, scientists and cultural theorists will exchange and develop performance-based approaches to digital arts and the cultural and environmental aspects of the global economy of electronic waste. By re-functioning e-waste materials, digital arts practices will make the economic and ecological issues visible. By interaction with colleagues from other disciplines, the artists' impact will be augmented by scientific and socio-economic findings. The network overall will develop innovative international research collaborations with researchers from the UK as a country that exports a substantial part of its e-waste, and two countries that import e-waste: Nigeria and China.

This project will include the following key elements:
-Launch event at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London
-Workshop & symposium in Hong Kong and Guiyu, China, combining paper and performance presentations with participation in labour processes at an e-waste recycling facility.
-Workshop & symposium in Lagos Nigeria, including practice-based explorations of e-waste dumping sites.
-Public conference/arts event at Watermans Art Centre in London, UK, which combines academic presentations with the creation of new performance work with electronic waste re-imported from Nigeria.

The focus on digital performance practices in Bodies of Planned Obsolescence is driven by the notion that critical practices in performance arts can constitute an intervention in broader cultural performative practices around understandings of - and engagement with - technology. An innovative aspect of Bodies of Planned Obsolescence is its methodological approach to practice-based research, which builds on anthropologist Tim Ingold's insight that not only art, but also anthropology, archaeology, and architecture should be practiced as 'thinking through making', instead of a focus on theorizing an externalized world..

Bodies of Planned Obsolescence seeks to extend Ingold's approach into collaborative work in the field of science and arts. Thus, practice-based research in digital performance arts is not only conceived as building on - and responding to - academic and scientific theory, as is often the case in science-arts collaborations, but also constitutes a process of 'blue-sky' experimentation, which may play an initiating role in discourse and research in other disciplines, as well as establish alternate modes of dissemination of scientific and humanities research on e-waste outside academia.

Planned Impact

Key impact areas:
1) Arts Practitioners
Collaborations with leading arts organizations will open the different events of the network to broader local audiences of professional artists. A collaboration with the Victoria & Albert Museum Digital Programmes department has been agreed, which will involve the inclusion of project activities in the V&A Digital Design Weekend. This is one of the UK's leading networking platforms for digital artists, which also reaches a broad audience of the general public (see below). In Nigeria, a collaboration with the Lagos Centre for Contemporary Art (CCA) will facilitate involvement of the Lagos performance and new media art community, whilst an outreach to the professional artist community in Hong Kong is currently being discussed with the Hong Kong Performance Art Project of the Asian Art Archive. The Principal Investigator, Dr Daniël Ploeger, will bring to the network a number of internationally recognized performance artists who have worked extensively in a science-art context. The participating artists - in addition to the project website and public media channels (see below) - will be important liaisons for further dissemination of the project's outcomes and activities in arts communities outside academia.

2) General Audience
The network's public event in London, as well as part of the workshops in Lagos and Guiyu/Hong Kong will take place at venues open to the general public that already draw a broad audience. All events will be free of charge. The project's events and its outcomes will also be brought to the attention of the general public through the following channels:
-Participant Irini Papadimitriou, Digital Programmes Manager at the V&A Museum and Head of New Media Arts Development at the Watermans Art Centre, London, will include UK-based activities in the programmes of both the V&A Museum and the Watermans Art Centre.
-The CI is active in educational projects around waste and ecology in Hong Kong and is a chartered member of the YMCA youth organization. In these roles, she will integrate the project's themes, methodologies and outcomes into learning activities for secondary school students.
-The Centre for Contemporary Art (CCA) is Lagos' main contemporary arts venue with a broad and loyal audience from the general public. The centre will integrate the project into their public programme.
-The project website will play a central role in the dissemination of information about project activities. In addition, the site will constitute a publicly accessible archive, which will remain available after the project's completion.

3) Policy Makers
The network is also aimed at disseminating its processes and outcomes to policy makers, and the inclusion of policy makers and lobbying groups in the public elements of the network's activities in the three countries. Connections to various bodies affiliated with environmental policy making have been established and will be further developed, building on network members' existing affiliations: The CI is a member of the Environmental Management Association of Hong Kong, participant Prof Oladele Osibanjo is a leading expert in the global trade of e-waste and a key person in the Secretariat of the Basel Convention the world's most important policy making body concerned with e-waste.

4) Media impact
Peter Dammann, a World Press Photo award winning photographer with extensive experience in the documentation of the social dimensions of cultural and industrial activity in developing countries, has generously agreed to document the project on the basis of reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses. Dammann has important connections to relevant journalists in the field of international development who are interested to write about the project. The network's activities and outcomes will also be disseminated to the press through the PR offices of the Watermans Art Centre, and the Centre for Contemporary Arts Lagos.


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Title Artwork - Dani Ploeger - VIRT 1210 (iPad mini) 
Description Electronic waste dust collected at an e-waste recycling factory is contained in standardized retail blister packaging for iPad mini accessories. E-waste dust is the material that remains after all recyclable resources have been extracted from a discarded electronic device. Edition 10+V 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact The work was presented at a solo gallery show at ruimteCAESUUR in Middelburg, Netherlands and at VARIATION PARIS MEDIA ART FAIR. All 10 copies of the work have been sold to art collectors in the Netherlands, France and the UK. 
Title Artwork - Dust-off (Neil Maycroft) 
Description The fan of a motherboard switches on and off intermittently. It blows household dust, removed from the inside of a computer carcass, into the air. The continual movement of dust is contained in the piece. However, the ceaseless creation and motion of unconfined dust accompanies all stages of the e-waste journey. Dust has pervaded this project, in many and unexpected ways. We have been covered in dust, breathed dust, and been infected by dust. Dust has been a surprising and provocative companion. Our first encounter with 'fresh' e-waste, at the V&A, was disappointing due to the absence of dust covering the freshly disposed carcasses. Also a surprise was the amount of dust we found inside the discarded computers we dismantled in Hong Kong. These machines suck in dust in startling quantities. The dust, both present and absent, in these two cases was very much the familiar dust of everyday domestic life; the stuff we find clinging to our furniture and filling our vacuum cleaners. It is the organic dust of human skin debris, pet hairs and dust mites; a fertile, rich medium. The other types of dust we have encountered have been much more dangerous. This has reminded us that dust is not a stuff but a category. What comprises specific dusts varies with the activities and locations where we find e-waste processing. Inorganic dusts comprising heavy metals, and other toxic and indigestible fragments, poison and infect people, animals, and the land itself. Most startling was the dense layer, thick as fur, of metal and plastic dust that coats the machinery at high-tech recycling factories. These different varieties of dust extract various kinds of revenge; familiar, organic dust clogs the machine, accelerating its journey to obsolescence, while the dangerous dust of e-waste processing retaliates against both individual bodies and the social body whose hubris set the whole process in motion. A measure of dust for a measure of dust. - Neil Maycroft 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact Impact and contribution to the projects Exhibition at Watermans as a culmination of findings. 
Title Artwork - E-waste Disassembly Tools and Sounds 
Description E-waste Disassembly Tools and Sounds Hammer from Alaba market e-waste dump in Lagos. Pneumatic screwdriver from Vannex International Ltd. recycling factory in Hong Kong. Soundscape recordings from the Lagos and Hong Kong recycling sites. - tools as traces of encounters between bodies and the debris of techno consumer culture - tools and their connection to local practices, specific social and geographic locations 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact Impact and contribution to the projects Exhibition at Watermans as a culmination of findings. 
Title Artwork - E-waste Wound (Dani Ploeger) 
Description Dani Ploeger - E-waste Wound (2015) The morning after I participated in e-waste recycling labour on the dump site in Lagos, Nigeria, a sore patch appeared on my left arm. It got infected. E-waste performed on my body. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact Impact and contribution to the projects Exhibition at Watermans as a culmination of findings. 
Title Artwork - ELECTRONIC 506 (garbage cyborg) 
Description ELECTRONIC 506 (garbage cyborg) 'A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of machine and organism' (Haraway, A Cyborg Manifesto, 1985) Household dust is composed of 70%-90% human skin flakes (Clark and Cox, 'The Generation of Aerosols from the Human Body', 1973) 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact Impact and contribution to the projects Exhibition at Watermans as a culmination of findings. 
Title Artwork - Packs of Lives 
Description Packs of Lives Butchered body/machine parts have been packaged for sale, sealed and marked with 'use by' dates, ready for export. Destination unknown. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact Impact and contribution to the projects Exhibition at Watermans as a culmination of findings. 
Title Artwork - Spoken (Shu Lea Cheang) 
Description Piles of old speakers with old screws attached. The magnetic fatal attraction of by-gone technology. Some speakers stripped naked still sound deep, droning and drowning. Metals composted give way to the worm colony. Sprouts awakened. Technologies don't die easy, strive for after life beyond expiration day, claim its own salvation as ever stretching cellular organism. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact Impact and contribution to the projects Exhibition at Watermans as a culmination of findings. 
Title Artwork - Unrealized Heavy Metal Analysis 
Description Three laboratory containers with e-waste samples from Lagos, Hong Kong and Sittingbourne. Poster of previous toxicological analysis by Kehinde Olubanjo. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact Impact and contribution to the projects Exhibition at Watermans as a culmination of findings. 
Title Artwork- Capacitance Does Not Consume Power 
Description Jelili Atiku - Capacitance Does Not Consume Power (2015; performance documentation) E-waste scavengers in Lagos use a shaker tool made of an old screwdriver and spindle platters from DVD players to attract people's attention. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact Impact and contribution to the projects performative element in Lagos, Nigeria. 
Title Exhibition - Bodies of Planned Obsolescence exhibition - London, UK 
Description The Bodies of Planned Obsolescence exhibition was a collimation all of the artists' artistic reactions to their personal findings and experiences of the project. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact The exhibition was widely attended by artists, researchers and general public alike. Many commented on the interesting approach to the issues of e-waste and many noted that it was either an area that they had not previously considered or not from this perspective. 
Title Video - Iletronis (Shu Lea Cheang) 
Description ILETRONIS Alaba, Lagos February 12&14, 2015 Arriving at Alaba market, plasma screens boast their sizes, the high volume speaker output defies the unruly street noises. Walk against the traffic, snake through the kekes, make yourself invisible, the sky opens up as we reach the end-of-market's e-waste dumpsite. A landscape fictionalized - cows fed on the e-waste roam the hills, weight scale hung aloft, loads of metal parts carried by heads, old TVs transported by hand trucks, boys, young men, elders, dealers, buyers, sellers engage with each other - unscrewing, hammering, sorting, pounding, weighing, Naira exchange hands. Smoke rises as un-wanted cables and parts are burnt on the not-so-distant hills. At the workshop space, I work with/for Basiru, 26 year old, who dissects circuit boards for parts that can be recycled and worthy of some Naira. Aluminum - 170ngn per KG Copper - 1000ngn per KG Blue panel - 800ngn per KG Resister - 100ngn per KG (1ngn=Nigerian Naira=0.004euro) The workers form a circle around the pile of circuit boards. Basiru hammers down the board, retrieves the parts containing copper, I untangle the copper threads. All valuable parts are sorted, each in its own storage pots. Some chitchats are exchanged in native tongues. The sun is high, the pile goes from high to low and high again as more are dumped constantly. The 'un'natural resources seem to be inexhaustible. Make and unmake, the technology chases its own tails. Print and unprint, the broken circuits fail the promises. Research project with BODIES OF PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact Documentation of the project's time in Lagos, Nigeria 
Description 1) In May 2015, the PI was interviewed about the project, and e-waste in general, for Yourope, a television programme broadcast in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and France on ARTE Television. The PI's perspective on a Fair trade and sustainable consumer product, the Fairphone, was used in this programme to assess the sustainability value of this product. 2) In 2016, the outcomes of the project formed the basis for the annual theme of BONE Performance Festival in Bern (CH), curated by Valerian Maly, which focused on (electronic) waste in relation to sub-Saharan Africa. In addition, outcomes were presented in a public exhibition at Stadtgalerie Bern. 3) In November 2017, outcomes were presented at the "1ère Semaine Imagin'ère de l'Ecologie" in Paris and formed the basis of discussions on electronic waste policies by NGO stakeholders, and ecologists working in the public and private sectors.
First Year Of Impact 2015
Sector Creative Economy,Environment,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural


Policy & public services

Description AHRC Connected Communities festival grant
Amount £4,970 (GBP)
Organisation Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2016 
End 04/2016
Description Afiriperfoma 
Organisation Afiriperfoma
Country Nigeria 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Participation and provision of artists and speakers for workshop and symposium at University of Lagos.
Collaborator Contribution Co-organisers of workshop and symposium at University of Lagos.
Impact Access to and validity with the e-waste research organisations of Nigeria.
Start Year 2014
Description Hong Kong University 
Organisation University of Hong Kong
Department School of Biomedical Sciences
Country Hong Kong 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Co-organise or workshop and symposium in Hong Kong and providing artists to speak on 'Dirty Methodologies:Rethinking Research through Participation in E-waste Recycling'.
Collaborator Contribution Contribution to the intellectual and theoretical framework of the research project. Co-investigator Dr Janet Chan, Toxicologist at Hong Kong University Hosting of a symposium on interdisciplinary approaches to electronic waste, 10th March 2015,
Impact Co-authored journal - forthcoming
Start Year 2014
Description Victoria and Albert Museum 
Organisation Victoria and Albert Museum
Department Learning Department
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Co-Organize project launch, participation in Inside Out festival event and Digital Futures event.
Collaborator Contribution Co-Organize project launch, organisers of the Inside Out festival event and Digital Futures event,
Impact Partnership with the Victoria and Albert Museum has given the project reach to a wider audience through the participation of events, especially reaching a younger audience by inclusion in the Inside Out festival. Affiliation with them also aided in gaining access to other organisations facilities and cooperation.
Start Year 2014
Description Watermans Centre 
Organisation Watermans Arts Centre
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Co-organisers of exhibition,
Collaborator Contribution Co-organisers of exhibition
Impact Exhibition
Start Year 2014
Description After the Circuits Died: Electronic waste in art and theory. Inside Out Festival/Victoria and Albert Museum 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A one-day event around e-waste, art and cultural theory, at the V&A Museum, London, which took place on 26 October as part of the Inside Out Festival.
A pile of discarded computers, telephones, printers, and microwaves were delivered to the museum. This material was explored by four artists specialized in consumer electronics and waste, during a workshop open to visitors. The day concluded with a presentation of the work-in-progress by the artists, in discussion with the two cultural theorists.

The event was attended throughout the day by museum visitors. The closing presentation was attended by 50-60 people. The discussion revealed that visitors' perception of their daily interaction with technology had changed and raised further questions that they'd like to investigate.

Artists: Paul Granjon, Jonathan Kemp, Dani Ploeger, Madaleine Trigg
Theorists: Dr Neil Maycroft, Dr Toby Miller
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Article/Interview: e-waste, porn, ecology & warfare. An interview with Dani Ploeger 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Interview/Article about Dani and the project by Régine Debatty for the online magazine We Make Money Not Art.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description E-waste recycling plant visit - Sittingbourne, UK 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact The participants visited the SWEEEP Kuusakoski e-waste recycling plant in Sittingbourne, UK, Britain's foremost e-waste recycling facility, which claims to retrieve close to 100% of materials. We were accompanied by artists Susana Sanroman and Maria Jose Arceo, who have made work on the premises of SWEEEP before. Here we had a guided tour by SWEEEP's commercial manager, Justin Greenaway.
Unlike our visits to Alaba Market in Lagos and the Vannex factory in Hong Kong, we did not participate in the recycling work due to Health and safety regulations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description E-waste recycling workshop - Lagos, NG 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Participants visited Alaba Market, which includes one of the biggest used electronics trading sites in Nigeria. An e-waste dump site is connected to the market. Project participants spent 3 days engaging and participating in recycling labour on this site. They performed the following activities:
-Harvesting circuit boards for copper (usually coils), aluminium (heat sinks), high capacity transistors, and microchips.
-Opening up transformers to take out copper wire.
-Dismantling flatscreen televisions.
-Dismantling computers and hifi components.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description E-waste recycling workshop - Vannex International Ltd. HK 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact While in Hong Kong the project participants spent 2 days at Vannex International Ltd. Here they participated in e-waste recycling labour, dismantling computers and separating circuit board. Participants rotated after each block of a few hours, so each takes part in several of these activities over the course of the two days at the factory.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description PiratePad - Participants discussion platform 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact As part of the project a Pirate Pad was set up to be used as a method for participants to work on a collaborative document as a way to develop the work for the project's final workshop + symposium + exhibition in London in June/July. This would allowed them to find connections and potentially develop joined work for the public programme in London.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Project blog 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A blog was set up to follow the activities, progress and reflections of the various events, workshops and activities of the project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014,2015,2016
Description Public event at Whitechapel Gallery, Lonon, "Technologizing Throw-Away Culture" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact More than 50 people attended the event. The event combined an exhibition of artwork and found objects with a panel discussion by participants. The discussion opened up to a lively exchange with and between the audience, which consisted of academics working in the fields of recycling and art, and several NGO stakeholders working in volunteering/social enterprising in relation to e-waste.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Symposium as part of V&A Digital Futures - London, UK 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A presentation and discussion as part of the V&A's Digital Futures programme, hosted by [ space ] at the The White Building, Hackney, London.

The event included presentations from some of the Bodies of Planned Obsolescence participants, on the themes and aims of the project itself and observations so far, as well as guest speakers from related organisations and studies. Following this there was discussion between the various speaker and questions from the floor. The event concluded with exhibition of some of the artists work from the previous events in Hong Kong and Lagos along with a drinks reception to allow for further informal discussion.

Guest speakers:
- Dr Jennifer Gabrys, Reader and Principal Investigator, European Research Council project Citizen Sense Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths University of London
- Carlo Inverardi Ferri, DPhil Candidate, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford
- Dr Federico Magalini, Research Associate, United Nations University
- The Restart Project
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Symposium on interdisciplinary approaches to electronic waste - HK 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A symposium at University of Hong Kong (PI, CI, KP, 3 core participants + 20 local delegates). The symposium combined paper and round table sessions with demonstrations of practice-based research and followed 4-day workshop in Hong Kong (PI, CI, KP + 3 core participants) involving an intensive exchange of practices in the context of a one-day participation in recycling labour processes guided by local experts.

We receive startled responses from the policymaker and scientist-dominated audience at the eclectic mix of cultural theorists, scientists and artists that make up our group surely must appear curious to somebody working in industrial recycling or toxicology research; the idea of rethinking and 're-doing' (whatever this may turn out to be) of electronic waste through this odd collective's hands-on exploration of recycling labour.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Symposium, Digital Performance and the Global Politics of E-Waste - Lagos, NG 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A 2-day symposium at University of Lagos Akoka, Lagos (PI, CI, KP + 3 core participants +20 local delegates) The symposium combined paper and round table sessions with demonstrations of practice-based research. This followed a 4-day workshop in Lagos (PI, CI, KP + 3 core participants) Participants took part in site-specific practical explorations of e-waste dumps outside Lagos. These formed the basis of an exchange of practice-based research methodologies and opportunities for collaborative work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Workshop - Watermans, London, UK 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact To open the exhibition a workshop was held for audiences to drop by, meet the artists and project participants to discuss the work and ask questions about the artistic reactions on display. The participants shared their experiences from these journeys, as well as presented their artwork and research developed during the project. The programme on 4 July was repeated on an ongoing basis so visitors could drop in any time.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015