In Place of War Ten Year Anniversary Initiative: from research to practice (Highlight call)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Arts Languages and Cultures


The aim The IPOW Anniversary Initiative is to develop and support new and emerging artists from sites of conflict, crisis and post conflict by nurturing their creative talent, enhancing creative enterprise skills and showcasing their work on an international platform. The project features alternative creative workshops for marginalised artists, a mentoring network for creative entrepreneurs and the dissemination of these artistic projects to the general public via The Guardian and Taschen publishing.
The IPOW Anniversary Initiative emerged from 10 years of research visits, observations and interactions with creative communities in sites of conflict, post conflict or communities in social, political or economic crisis. IPOW's research revealed that creativity served as a powerful tool in times of social and political upheaval. Art can provide a means of resisting violence, preventing conflict, healing individuals and communities and enabling communities to re appropriate space consumed by war. However, whilst creativity is utilised to address social, psychological and cultural needs, artists often lack the skills or outlets to exploit the economic value of their talents. Furthermore, communities affected by conflict or crisis did not have access to the necessary educational tools to develop their creative projects or to connect to audience. In its most recent phase (2013-2014) In Place of War had attempted to address this skills gap by delivering informal creative entrepreneurial workshops on the ground to marginalised communities. However, it was apparent that informal workshops over a short period of time had little impact in developing skills or enhancing exposure.
To this end, In Place of War has created structured knowledge exchange workshop certified by the University of Manchester. The Creative Entrepreneur Workshop (CEW) is structured over nine weeks and draws upon creative practice identified through IPOW's research. All this material would not have been available without the extensive research and practitioner networks developed through AHRC support. In addition to this, artists have the opportunity to develop a creative business proposal which will presented at the end of the sessions. Industry experts will give feedback on creative proposals and artists will be allocated a mentor to support theml. Furthermore, the most viable project will be awarded a small seed fund to support the development of the project. In addition to this, IPOW will work with Tacshen Publishing to offer mentoring support for new and emerging visual artists on the CEW.
The CEW and mentoring network will nurture a new generation of artists and practitioners from sites of conflict or extreme disadvantage by creating a research-informed, free at the point of use educational tools and professional support system.
As part of this new stage of development, IPOW has developed a relationship with the Guardian to disseminate and engage with new public audiences. IPOW been invited to programme 6 events at the Guardian Space in London. This unique collaboration will provide an innovate public space to present new and emerging talent identified via the CEW, giving artists an international platform, thus expanding opportunities. This partnership will facilitate connections between artists and international audiences, increase avenues for dissemination, and generate public debates on the role of arts in society.
Responding to the need to generate economic benefits and improve access to international audiences for marginalised artists, IPOW will also work with Taschen Publishing to publish a book on art in conflict zones. Artists featured in the book and will receive a percentage from book sales.
The proposal aims to provide tools for creative entrepreneurship, support mechanisms for artistic development and new pathways for dissemination and engagement with international audience for artists from conflict and post conflict zones.

Planned Impact

It is anticipated that the In Place of War Anniversary Initiative will benefit the academic community by contributing to the debates across a range of disciplines including the peace studies, education, business, cultural studies and sociology. The research will enrich current literature and prompt new research questions on alternative education, the role and impact of creative entrepreneurialism in peace building and enhancing knowledge exchanges between communities and higher education.

The research produced will also contribute to policy on education, creative industries, widening participation in higher education, international development and peace building, therefore supporting the work of government departments such as Department for Innovations, Skills and Business, Department for Education and Department for International Development, NGOs and third sector organizations. Thus, the research aims to contribute to Britain's international role as a leader in creative industries, International Development and Peace building.

Other beneficiaries from the research will include creative practitioners who will develop creative enterprise skills, receive support from mentors and have access to an international platform to showcase their work. Thus, anticipated benefits range from improved knowledge, the development of business and life skills, access to support networks and educational tools, opportunities to connect to new audiences and artists via the IPOW platform, the Guardian Digital Platform and the Guardian space in London, Index on Censorship and Taschen published book. Equally, the support from Taschen publishing to nurture creative talent via a mentoring network will strengthen the development of artists. It is hoped that this international exposure could provide new opportunities for performance and collaboration facilitating more sustainable careers in the creative industries for artists. Furthermore, participants who complete the CEW will also receive a certification from the University of Manchester which will complement the artists' C.Vs thus potentially enhancing employment opportunities or opportunities for further study or training.

Additionally, through dissemination at the Guardian space and digital platform, the general public will have the opportunity to learn about creativity in sites of conflict, engage in workshops, performances and debates to better understand the value of the arts in society. By disseminating the research in this way provides innovative, engaging and more relevant outlets which enables the general public to connect and interact with higher education research. Thus, disseminating research in an accessible way, contributes to cultural and educational development. Equally, plans to develop the Creative Entrepreneur Workshops into a University of Manchester MOOC would also support life long learning and enhance the University of Manchester's community engagement.

Partnering with arts book publisher Taschen to produce a book on art and conflict provides another avenue to disseminate academic research to a public audience, thus widening the reach of academic research to the general public. Furthermore, this commercial proposition enhances the sustainability of IPOW's project and will provide income and exposure to the featured artists.


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Title Creative Entrepreneurial Programme 
Description IPOW have created a blended learning package of video (150 resources), audio, text (170 documents) and online resources, drawing on real life case studies and developed in partnership with 40 international partners (from a range of contexts including Africa, Latin America, Asia).  As part of the learning experience, participants have the opportunity to connect with these international creative entrepreneurs as part of the course. This takes the form of virtual workshops, seminars and meetings to support learning and collaboration and to share experiences and knowledge. The course is a structured programme of activities covering seven themes. Each unit is accompanied by a detailed lesson plan outlining the aims and activities to be delivered in the session. Concurrently, students will take part in the 'Creative Challenge' which will be presented at the end of the course. The 'Creative Challenge' enables students to develop and present a proposal for creative idea or business. Workshops will be delivered to support students in the preparation for the 'Creative Challenge'. The workshop sessions enable students to apply ideas and concepts learnt in the lessons to develop a creative business plan. In order to build local capacity, local people are recruited to deliver the CEP to young people in their communities. The 'train the trainer' sessions, certified by the University of Manchester, aim to prepare trainers to deliver the CEP through activities focused on teaching methodologies, classroom management and teaching practices and observations. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact To date the 'train the trainer' pilot programmes have been delivered in Egypt (with trainers from six countries in North Africa and the Middle East), Malta, Bosnia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. The CEP pilot programme has been delivered with local partners young people in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia, Uganda. 
Title The Power Of Hip Hop - Freedom In Dance (Yandass) 
Description The Power Of Hip Hop - Freedom In Dance (Yandass) Since its birth in the 1970s Bronx, hip hop has had a conscience. Today, graffiti artists, MCs, breakdancers and DJs across the world are empowering themselves and their communities through hip hop, creating real social and political change. They are empowering women in Colombia, creating political movements in Burkina Faso, fighting for freedom of speech in Zimbabwe, and challenging religious stereotypes in the UK. All the time creating incredible raps, rhymes and beats. Through music, dance, MCing, turntabling, exhibition and talks, come and meet some of the world's most revolutionary hip hop artists as they tell us their personal experiences of hip hop changing the world. The Power of Hip Hop: LIVE was part of In Place of War's event series Culture. Conflict. Change. that took place at Rich Mix throughout 2016. Through a mix of music, dance, rap, DJing, VJing, exhibitions and satire, 14 artists presented TED-style talks about how hip hop is changing the world. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact Audience engagement beyond the event via IPOW Youtube Channel. 
Title The Power Of Hip Hop - Hip Hop Garden (KMT Freedom Teacher) 
Description The Power Of Hip Hop - Hip Hop Garden (KMT Freedom Teacher) Since its birth in the 1970s Bronx, hip hop has had a conscience. Today, graffiti artists, MCs, breakdancers and DJs across the world are empowering themselves and their communities through hip hop, creating real social and political change. They are empowering women in Colombia, creating political movements in Burkina Faso, fighting for freedom of speech in Zimbabwe, and challenging religious stereotypes in the UK. All the time creating incredible raps, rhymes and beats. Through music, dance, MCing, turntabling, exhibition and talks, come and meet some of the world's most revolutionary hip hop artists as they tell us their personal experiences of hip hop changing the world. The Power of Hip Hop: LIVE was part of In Place of War's event series Culture. Conflict. Change. that took place at Rich Mix throughout 2016. Through a mix of music, dance, rap, DJing, VJing, exhibitions and satire, 14 artists presented TED-style talks about how hip hop is changing the world. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact Audience engagement beyond the event via IPOW Youtube Channel. 
Title The Power Of Hip Hop - Hip Hop collaboration between borders (SYMBIZ) 
Description The Power Of Hip Hop - Hip Hop collaboration between borders (SYMBIZ) Since its birth in the 1970s Bronx, hip hop has had a conscience. Today, graffiti artists, MCs, breakdancers and DJs across the world are empowering themselves and their communities through hip hop, creating real social and political change. They are empowering women in Colombia, creating political movements in Burkina Faso, fighting for freedom of speech in Zimbabwe, and challenging religious stereotypes in the UK. All the time creating incredible raps, rhymes and beats. Through music, dance, MCing, turntabling, exhibition and talks, come and meet some of the world's most revolutionary hip hop artists as they tell us their personal experiences of hip hop changing the world. The Power of Hip Hop: LIVE was part of In Place of War's event series Culture. Conflict. Change. that took place at Rich Mix throughout 2016. Through a mix of music, dance, rap, DJing, VJing, exhibitions and satire, 14 artists presented TED-style talks about how hip hop is changing the world. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact Audience engagement beyond the event via IPOW Youtube Channel. 
Title The Power Of Hip Hop - How Hip Hop can transform the lives of youth (Rodney P) 
Description The Power Of Hip Hop - How Hip Hop can transform the lives of youth (Rodney P). Since its birth in the 1970s Bronx, hip hop has had a conscience. Today, graffiti artists, MCs, breakdancers and DJs across the world are empowering themselves and their communities through hip hop, creating real social and political change.They are empowering women in Colombia, creating political movements in Burkina Faso, fighting for freedom of speech in Zimbabwe, and challenging religious stereotypes in the UK. All the time creating incredible raps, rhymes and beats. Through music, dance, MCing, turntabling, exhibition and talks, come and meet some of the world's most revolutionary hip hop artists as they tell us their personal experiences of hip hop changing the world. The Power of Hip Hop: LIVE was part of In Place of War's event series Culture. Conflict. Change. that took place at Rich Mix in 2016. Through a mix of music, dance, rap, DJing, VJing, exhibitions and satire, 14 artists presented TED-style talks about how hip hop is changing the world. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact Audience engagement beyond the event via IPOW Youtube Channel. 
Title The Power Of Hip Hop - Music Is My Visa (Afrikan Boy) 
Description The Power Of Hip Hop - Music Is My Visa (Afrikan Boy) Since its birth in the 1970s Bronx, hip hop has had a conscience. Today, graffiti artists, MCs, breakdancers and DJs across the world are empowering themselves and their communities through hip hop, creating real social and political change. They are empowering women in Colombia, creating political movements in Burkina Faso, fighting for freedom of speech in Zimbabwe, and challenging religious stereotypes in the UK. All the time creating incredible raps, rhymes and beats. Through music, dance, MCing, turntabling, exhibition and talks, come and meet some of the world's most revolutionary hip hop artists as they tell us their personal experiences of hip hop changing the world. The Power of Hip Hop: LIVE was part of In Place of War's event series Culture. Conflict. Change. that took place at Rich Mix throughout 2016. Through a mix of music, dance, rap, DJing, VJing, exhibitions and satire, 14 artists presented TED-style talks about how hip hop is changing the world. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact Audience engagement beyond the event via IPOW Youtube Channel. 
Title The Power Of Hip Hop - Pretty for a dark skin (Princess Latifah) 
Description The Power Of Hip Hop - Pretty for a dark skin (Princess Latifah) Since its birth in the 1970s Bronx, hip hop has had a conscience. Today, graffiti artists, MCs, breakdancers and DJs across the world are empowering themselves and their communities through hip hop, creating real social and political change. They are empowering women in Colombia, creating political movements in Burkina Faso, fighting for freedom of speech in Zimbabwe, and challenging religious stereotypes in the UK. All the time creating incredible raps, rhymes and beats. Through music, dance, MCing, turntabling, exhibition and talks, come and meet some of the world's most revolutionary hip hop artists as they tell us their personal experiences of hip hop changing the world. The Power of Hip Hop: LIVE was part of In Place of War's event series Culture. Conflict. Change. that took place at Rich Mix throughout 2016. Through a mix of music, dance, rap, DJing, VJing, exhibitions and satire, 14 artists presented TED-style talks about how hip hop is changing the world. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact Audience engagement beyond the event via IPOW Youtube Channel. 
Title The Power Of Hip Hop - When a woman loves Hip Hop (Shhorai) 
Description The Power Of Hip Hop - When a woman loves Hip Hop (Shhorai) Since its birth in the 1970s Bronx, hip hop has had a conscience. Today, graffiti artists, MCs, breakdancers and DJs across the world are empowering themselves and their communities through hip hop, creating real social and political change. They are empowering women in Colombia, creating political movements in Burkina Faso, fighting for freedom of speech in Zimbabwe, and challenging religious stereotypes in the UK. All the time creating incredible raps, rhymes and beats. Through music, dance, MCing, turntabling, exhibition and talks, come and meet some of the world's most revolutionary hip hop artists as they tell us their personal experiences of hip hop changing the world. The Power of Hip Hop: LIVE was part of In Place of War's event series Culture. Conflict. Change. that took place at Rich Mix throughout 2016. Through a mix of music, dance, rap, DJing, VJing, exhibitions and satire, 14 artists presented TED-style talks about how hip hop is changing the world. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact Audience engagement beyond the event via IPOW Youtube Channel. 
Title The Power Of Hip Hop: Hip-hop and satire in Zimbabwe (Zambezi News) 
Description Hip-hop and satire in Zimbabwe (Zambezi News) at The Power Of Hip Hop Since its birth in the 1970s Bronx, hip hop has had a conscience. Today, graffiti artists, MCs, breakdancers and DJs across the world are empowering themselves and their communities through hip hop, creating real social and political change. They are empowering women in Colombia, creating political movements in Burkina Faso, fighting for freedom of speech in Zimbabwe, and challenging religious stereotypes in the UK. All the time creating incredible raps, rhymes and beats. Through music, dance, MCing, turntabling, exhibition and talks, come and meet some of the world's most revolutionary hip hop artists as they tell us their personal experiences of hip hop changing the world. The Power of Hip Hop: LIVE was part of In Place of War's event series Culture. Conflict. Change. that took place at Rich Mix throughout 2016. Through a mix of music, dance, rap, DJing, VJing, exhibitions and satire, 14 artists presented TED-style talks about how hip hop is changing the world. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact Audience engagement beyond the event via IPOW Youtube Channel. 
Description This was a research impact project so not findings as such. The project was completed.
Exploitation Route As a guide to cultural research projects?
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy

Creative Economy



Museums and Collections

Description The key outcomes of the AHRC Ten Year Anniversary Project were: 1. Capacity build: IPOW undertook workshop training with five local partners across 3 continents. The pilots took place in Bosnia, Uganda, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Brazil. A full evaluation report of impact is available. From this work IPOW were able to leverage FCO funding to rollout a large pilot of a more structured Creative Entrepreneurial Programme across the Middle East and North Africa, across seven countries, reaching over 700 young people. 2. To date over 200 people have been trained as trainers in the Creative Entrepreneurial Programme and 700 participants in the programme. 3. The Creative Entrepreneur Workshops (CEW) was transformed into a structured Creative Entrepreneurial Programme with it's own digital platform. 4. IPOW has developed a bank of over 500 mentors for young creative entrepreneurs across the world. 5. IPOW showcased emerging new work from young creative entrepreneurs on the CEW and warzone artists from the digital platform over six events - The Power of Hip-hop Academic, Rich Mix, London (June 2016) The Power of Hip-hop Public, Rich Mix, London (June 2016) Voices of the Revolution: Women artists in Places of Conflict at Shambala Festival, Festival Number 6, Hull Freedom Festival, Ronnie Scotts and POP Brixton (August - Sept 2016) Monday 17th October: Intercultural-dialogue | Richmix, London Tuesday 18th October: Change Makers | Richmix Wednesday 19th October: Cultural Production and Creative Activism | London Thursday 20th October: Exploring Cultural Spaces | Manchester Friday 21th October: Digital and funding tools to equip the grassroots | Manchester Saturday 22st October: Exchange | Why? Festival, Contact, Manchester The events featured speakers from over twenty countries, academic strands and audiences of over 50,000 people. 6. Due to editorial decisions at Taschen were not able to produce a book, but the work has been disseminated across a range of platforms including community events (Create Film Festival) online and in local press and we are planning to develop new avenues for dissemination (an artist agency for conflict artists and an ethical sales platform). 7. An evaluation of the impact of the CEW was developed for each country and recommendations were made, which have helped IPOW evolve the CEW into the Creative Entrepreneurial Programme, which has now been certified by the University of Manchester. 8. IPOW used a range of digital tools and technologies to create an online network for participants and trainers of the CEW through which to share ideas and experiences (using whatsapp, Facebook and IPOW's online platform). 9. IPOW has drafted a report recommending actions for the CEW's long-term sustainability and has interest across the world to deliver the programme across a range of academic and non-academic contexts. 10. IPOW has presented the Creative Entrepreneurial Programme at the following conferences: re:publica, Berlin; The Hub Unconference, Harare; Moveis Convida, Brasilia; 2016 Living Arts in Post Conflict Contexts Forum, Phnom Penh; The Coalition, Delhi to audiences exceeding 10,000 people. 11. IPOW has developed preliminary research notes on widening participation and role of higher education in knowledges exchanges (creative ecosystem) and we are developing more substantial research projects to explore the role and impact over the long term (3 years plus).
First Year Of Impact 2015
Sector Creative Economy,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural


Description Arts Council
Amount £40,000 (GBP)
Organisation Arts Council England 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2016 
End 10/2016
Description UK Government: FCO
Amount £1,000,000 (GBP)
Organisation Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2016 
End 05/2016
Description Bavubuka (Youth) Allstarz Foundation, Uganda - Creative Entrepreneurial Workshops and Training 
Organisation The Bavubuka Foundation
Country Uganda 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Training trainers in the Creative Entrepreneurial Programme, ongoing support for delivery.
Collaborator Contribution Identifying trainers, contribution to contextualising resources, showcases of local artists.
Impact Recording project Performances
Start Year 2016
Description CIYOTA, Kyangwali Refugee Camp, Uganda - Creative Entrepreneurial Workshops and Training 
Organisation COBURWAS International Youth Organization to Transform Africa
Country Uganda 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Training trainers in the Creative Entrepreneurial Programme, ongoing support for delivery.
Collaborator Contribution Identifying trainers, contribution to contextualising resources, showcases of local artists.
Impact Recording Performances
Start Year 2015
Description Fora Do Exio, Brazil - Creative Entreprenurial Workshops and Training 
Organisation Fora Do Eixo, Brazil
Country Brazil 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Training trainers in the Creative Entrepreneurial Programme, ongoing support for delivery.
Collaborator Contribution Identifying trainers, contribution to contextualising resources, showcases of local artists.
Impact Delivery of the Creative Entrepreneurial Programme in Brazil
Start Year 2015
Description Keleketla Library, South Africa 
Organisation Keleketla Library
Country South Africa 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Training trainers in the Creative Entrepreneurial Programme, ongoing support for delivery.
Collaborator Contribution Identifying trainers, contribution to contextualising resources, showcases of local artists.
Impact Rollout of training across different organisations.
Start Year 2015
Description Mpenjja Vulnerable Children & Single Mothers in Uganda - Creative Entrepreneurial Workshops and Training 
Organisation Mpenjja Vulnerable Children And Single Mothers
Country Uganda 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Training trainers in the Creative Entrepreneurial Programme, ongoing support for delivery.
Collaborator Contribution Identifying trainers, contribution to contextualising resources, showcases of local artists.
Impact Showcase of work
Start Year 2015
Description Northern Uganda Hip-hop Culture (NUHC) - Creative Entrepreneurial Workshops and Training 
Organisation Northern Uganda Hip-hop Culture (NUHC)
Country Uganda 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Training trainers in the Creative Entrepreneurial Programme, ongoing support for delivery.
Collaborator Contribution Identifying trainers, contribution to contextualising resources, showcases of local artists.
Impact Recording of an album Performances Project in local prison
Start Year 2015
Description TCFT, Srebrenica, Bosnia - Creative Entreprenurial Workshops and Training 
Organisation The Complete Freedom of Truth
Country Bosnia and Herzegovina 
Sector Learned Society 
PI Contribution Training trainers in the Creative Entrepreneurial Programme, ongoing support for delivery, evaluation.
Collaborator Contribution Identifying trainers, contribution to contextualising resources, showcases of local artists.
Impact Participants have gone onto further develop their organisations, make global connections, develop their creative practice.
Start Year 2015
Description Culture. Conflict. Change. - Change Makers | Richmix 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The impact was that the audience said the conversations gave them a more international outlook and understanding of culture in different contexts. They said that it inspired them to begin new projects in the UK.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Culture. Conflict. Change: Changemakers at Hyper Island, Manchester 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A series of talks and presentations from UK and international cultural practitioners. Available here: The audience made new international connections and learnt from each other about cultural practice across the world.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Culture. Conflict. Change: Cultural Production and Creative Activism | London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was a tour of cultural projects and spaces with an international cohort: East London Stripper's Collective, Hip Hop Shakespeare Company and Livity. It enabled knowledge exchange between international cultural practitioners and London based creative organisations. It resulted in a commitment by both to work together in the future.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Culture. Conflict. Change: Exchange | Why? Festival, Contact, Manchester 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact As part of Why? Festival, IPOW curated several talks and workshops, engaging with school groups from across Greater Manchester. The audience were inspired by our international speakers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description IPOW's Intercultural-dialogue Conference | Richmix, London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Impact was that new resources and materials were developed around best practice working with refugees and the arts.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The Power of Hip-hop Academic 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The Power of Hip Hop: LIVE is a programme of events taking place as part of a year-long series of IPOW production work called Culture. Conflict. Change.

Since its birth in the 1970s Bronx, hip hop has had a conscience.

Today, graffiti artists, mc's, breakdancers and DJs across the world are empowering themselves and their communities through hip hop, creating real social and political change.

They are empowering women in Colombia, creating political movements in Burkina Faso, fighting for freedom of speech in Zimbabwe, and challenging religious stereotypes in the UK. All the time creating incredible raps, rhymes and beats.

Through music, dance, MCing, turntabling, exhibition and talks, come and meet some of the world's most revolutionary hip hop artists as they tell us their personal experiences of hip hop changing the world.

Ask why hip hop is such a powerful tool for transformation.

Discover how people across the globe are using it to change lives.

See what you can change through the power of hip hop.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The Power of Hip-hop Public, Rich Mix, London (June 2016) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Since its birth in the 1970s Bronx, hip hop has had a conscience.

Today, graffiti artists, mc's, breakdancers and DJs across the world are empowering themselves and their communities through hip hop, creating real social and political change.

They are empowering women in Colombia, creating political movements in Burkina Faso, fighting for freedom of speech in Zimbabwe, and challenging religious stereotypes in the UK. All the time creating incredible raps, rhymes and beats.

Through music, dance, MCing, turntabling, exhibition and talks, come and meet some of the world's most revolutionary hip hop artists as they tell us their personal experiences of hip hop changing the world.

Ask why hip hop is such a powerful tool for transformation.

Discover how people across the globe are using it to change lives.

See what you can change through the power of hip hop.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Voices of the Revolution at Festival Number 6 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Performance, workshops and panel discussions during the festival on multiple stages and radio broadcast. A wider public engaged with both the art and the women from places of conflict.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Voices of the Revolution at POP Brixton 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Performance, talks and workshops with the Voices of the Revolution women, plus famous UK women collaborators. The impact was engagement with a wider public, critical acclaim in media and the project being developed further into 2017.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Voices of the Revolution: Women artists in Places of Conflict at Ronnie Scotts 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact As part of the Culture. Conflict. Change series - Voices of the Revolution was a series of music collaborations, performances and workshops/talks with twenty women from sites of conflict to large diverse UK audiences.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Voices of the Revolution: Women artists in Places of Conflict at Shambala Festival 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact As part of the Culture. Conflict. Change series - Voices of the Revolution was a series of music collaborations, performances and workshops/talks with twenty women from sites of conflict to large diverse UK audiences.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016