Showcasing Socialist Flower Power: The World of Soviet Hippies

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: School of Humanities


Soviet hippies may seem to many a paradox in terms. Very few people, even in the Soviet Union itself, knew that there was a thriving hippie community. The hippie 'sistema' was located in various cities throughout the Soviet empire from 1967 to the very end of the Soviet Union in 1991. Extensive research made possible by the AHRC grant 'Dropping out of Socialism' has made first inroads into this topic and is going to be presented in the monograph 'Flowers Through Concrete' by the PI of this project, forthcoming with OUP in 2017. An unexpected corollary of the research has been the collaboration between the PI Juliane Fürst and the Wende Museum in LA, which offered a home to many of the invaluable and highly eccentric hippie archives unearthed in the course of research. The Wende is now sheltering, restoring and making accessible over 3000 artifacts relating to the Soviet hippie culture.

This grant proposes to extend this collaboration in order to facilitate an extensive exhibition on the history of the Soviet hippie movement in June 2017, commemorating its 50th anniversary. It proposes not only to showcase the many interesting items in the possession of the Wende Museum, but also to provoke discussion about the nature and universality of countercultures, the working of dictatorial regimes and the parallels and differences between East and West. It aims to engage new audiences by exhibiting unique and new material. At the same time resonates with California audiences, because of its evocation of the American sixties. Many visitors are likely to have themselves a countercultural past.

The museum will also host a study day, in which participants of the Soviet hippie movement will meet with audiences and representatives of local countercultures. The programme of workshops, accompanying the exhibition is tailored to younger people with the aim to highlighting continuity and change, e.g. showing not only that all generations knew rebels, outsiders and countercultures, but also that these marginals left significant impact on the mainstream. A digital archive, sponsored by the original grant 'Dropping out' will ensure continued access to exhibition materials for interested audiences.

Finally, the extensive and multi-level collaboration between the Wende Museum and Dr. Juliane Fürst will provide a blueprint for future collaborations between the museum and academics, highlighting how research, archiving and exhibition activities can fruitfully engage with and further each other. The exhibition highlights not only the need to preserve archives' 'on the margin' of societies, but also the value that can be added to academic research by using historical sources in an innovative, accessible and visible manner.

Planned Impact

This is an application for follow-on funding and hence is in its entirety geared towards impact. Specifically the proposal aims to have impact in the following areas:

1. To further and showcase an exceptional collaboration between academia and museum; to establish a blueprint for future collaboration between the museum and scholars.

One of the unexpected and important outcomes of the AHRC grant 'Dropping out of Socialism' was the extremely fruitful collaboration between the PI Dr. Juliane Fürst and the Wende Museum in LA. That collaboration resulted in the collection of over 3000 items of Soviet hippie memorabilia and will culminate in a large exhibition and digital archive of the materials. The Wende is looking to build on this experience and use it as a blueprint for further collaborations between the museum and academia. We also believe that our experience is worth disseminating to a larger academic and museum audience, since it helped the Wende Museum to widen its reach and the PI to engage with her material in a more visual way more accessible to non-academics. This has broadened the horizons of both partners.

2. To tell and showcase the history of an important countercultural movement in Eastern Europe to a wider public, engaging new audiences and exploring new avenues of dissemination.

At the heart of the project is the exhibition 'Socialist Flower Power'. The exhibition both takes the museum into new territory of counterculture and late Soviet history and allows the PI to disseminate knowledge in a way that is not geared towards academic audiences. The material of the exhibition, while interesting in itself, is also a strong reminder that Russia - now and then - is not a homogenous, monolithic society. This has particular relevance in today times of renewed tension.

3. To explore new ways of disseminating historical narratives.

Both the museum and the PI aim to tell the tale of the Soviet hippies through a variety of media (especially sound and visual sources), integrating a mixture of biographical and thematic approaches and hence to break down the barrier between personal experience and historical narrative.

4. To prepare the collection of hippie archives for future use by scholars and public; to ready the exhibition for transit to London, and other potentially interested exhibition sites.

Part of the preparation of the exhibition is the cataloguing and filing of materials in a way that makes it easily accessible for future use both as an exhibition and as an object of research by academics and the interested public. The planned workshops in particular are designed to attract young people to the collection and suggest ways in which their own experiences of alienation and marginalization have parallels in other historical moments.


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Description The award was directed towards realising an extensive and ground-breaking exhibition about the Soviet hippie movement by the Wende Museum in LA. Over many years of collaboration an absolutely unique collection has been assembled by and in the museum, which was for the first time on show between May and August 2018. It had an extensive side programme including PI-led tours, a podium discussion with former hippies, who were flown in from Moscow, a film showing and several high-profile media interviews, including the LARB and KTLA, California's foremost radio station.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural


Description Consulancy provided to Alona Pardo, curator of Barbican Gallery, for exhibition Another Life on Igor Palmin and his photographic subjects 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Alone Pardo included the photographer Igor Palmin into the exhibition Another Kind of Life (Barbican Gallery February to August 2018) on my recommendation. I also wrote the entry on Igor Palmin for the exhibition catalogue. This is the first time Palmin's pictures have been seen in the UK or indeed outside Russia. The exhibition has been covered in reviews in the national and international press. It is still ongoing, hence there is no availability on audience figures or reactions by the general public yet.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Documentary Soviet Hippies 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Co-production and consultancy on documentary Soviet Hippies , attendance of several screenings in Leipzig, London, Varna, and Belgrade. Film toured for 18 months major film festivals all over the world, including USA, South America and Europe. Film was shown by the German-French channel Arte. (
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Exhibition Socialist Flower Power at the Wende Museum, Los Angeles 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This exhibition was the crowning achievement of the PI's collaboration with the Wende Museum, which involved the collection, analysis and cataloguing of archives and artefacts by Soviet hippies. The exhibition showcased more than 2000 individual items and attracted more than 5000 visitors. It had a verntisage attended by more than 500 people which included a podium discussion with seven donors of hippie archives and a finisage which consisted of the showing of the documentary Soviet Hippies and a question and answer session with the director Terje Toomistu and the PI Juliane Fürst, who also worked as a consultant to the film. The exhibition was reviewed by several news outlets including Voice of America, CNN and the Los Angeles Review of Books. The museum reported very positive feedback and interest from visitors. Generally, there was much surprise that something like Soviet hippies existed.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Exhibition Vernisage Red Gallery, Shoreditch London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I (Juliane Fürst) was asked to give a talk at the vernisage for an exhibition on Estonian hippies at the Red Gallery London curated by Terje Tomistu, a long-time collaborator of the PI. The presentation lasted about 40 minutes followed by half an hour of questions and answers. There was vivid interest in the topic from the audience, which was drawn mainly from London, but included several representatives of Eastern European embassies and journalists.

awareness of academic community in our project, awareness of project as a teaching resource
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Interview LARB 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Several hour interview with the prestigious LA Review of Books about Soviet hippies and late socialism.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Talk about Soviet hippies during the exhibition Soviet Hippies at KUB, Leipzig 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Introductory talk about Soviet hippies to an audience of about a 100 in honour of opening of exhibition Soviet Hippies by Terje Toomistu
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018