Living Legacies 1914-18: From Past Conflict to Shared Future

Lead Research Organisation: Queen's University Belfast
Department Name: Sch of Natural and Built Environment


The 2014-18 Centenary of World War I is of enormous significance, not just because it offers an opportunity to look back and re-evaluate the impacts the war had on the world a hundred years ago, but because it is the first in a series of globalised acts of commemoration that will define the 21st century. The 'Living Legacies 1914-18' WW1 Engagement Centre provides a meeting point between academics, heritage professionals, and communities, designed to capture and evaluate activities shaping the ongoing the Centenary of WW1 and engage those involved in its commemoration, while at the same time use this as an opportunity to forge closer university-community partnerships to assist a growing and important community of researchers whose interests in the past offer new insights into WW1 as well as stand as a testimony to the Centenary itself. The focus for Living Legacies is on the contemporary and continued resonances and legacies of WW1 in the UK, understanding how the war 'lives on' today, in different settings, across Britain and Ireland.

The Living Legacies WW1 Engagement Centre specialises in areas of research that offer unique and alternative insights into both the war and its commemoration, using methods and approaches from the disciplines of archaeology, museology, social policy, creative arts, geography and history. Looking at the past through the lens of the present, Living Legacies researchers are interested especially in thinking through how commemoration is complex (1) because it is a spatial act - it takes place somewhere - and (2) because conflict heritage variously links past and present, people and places, it is inherently contested and can perpetuate past conflicts into the present-day. Far from being the same everywhere then, current commemoration of the first 'global war' is very much localised, and made distinctive, meaningful and even contentious to those involved because of the very places commemoration occurs. The significance attached to the particularity of the place in commemorative practice is becoming very evident as the Centenary of WW1 unfolds within the context of a devolved UK, across 'nations within the nation'. Spanning England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, Living Legacies is exploring this theme, of WW1 commemorative practices and transnational identities, by working with partners drawn from a range of public organisations and bodies across the UK, as well as local community groups interested in WW1. This involves having a close working-relationship with community groups working on projects funded by the HLF, especially as part of the HLF "First World War: Then and Now" programme.

As a consequence of the partnerships formed by Living Legacies between community and academic researchers, the Centre aims to use a past conflict and contested heritage as a basis to build new and positive relationships across the UK, a shared future in which WW1 and its commemoration is not only better understood from different community and academic perspectives, but also creating legacies of the Centenary itself. These legacies will stand as a reminder to those in the future who wish to know how, in the 21st century, nations from across the UK looked back and remembered this most momentous of global events. To this end, Living Legacies research will result in a series of arts and humanities outputs, from scholarly works, to web-sites and digital data, to performances and exhibitions, all offering a deeper and more critical understanding of the impacts the war had on Britain and Ireland between 1914 and 1918, as well as a record of those who sought to commemorate and remember 'the war to end all wars'.

Planned Impact

The case is made by Facer and Enright (2016) to see impact more in terms of 'legacies'. The ongoing work of the 'Living Legacies 1914-18' (LL) WW1 Engagement Centre has legacies at its very core, a defining motif that is being carried forward by the Centre in 2017-19 in our second phase of outreach and engagement activity. These impacts are embedded in the Case for Support and fully set out in the accompanying Pathways to Impact document. To summarise here, the key areas of impact for LL are: 1. Building relationships, 2. Changing practices, 3. Data provision and 4. Policy engagement.

These impacts will be achieved by LL academic and community researchers working collaboratively and in partnership on projects that are rooted in local commemorative practices during the Centenary of WW1. The wide geographical reach of LL, spanning Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and NE England, means that our co-produced research will bring benefits to a significant proportion of UK population, working with UK government agencies and departments (such as Historic Environment Division of NI's Department for Communities, Royal Commission for Ancient and Historic Monuments (Wales), Historic England, Ministry of Defence), and also UK policy shapers in the Centenary (such as Cymru'n Cofio/Wales Remembers, Northern Ireland WW1 Centenary Committee, and the Northern Ireland Community Relations Council), and major cultural institutions (such as Imperial War Museums, National Library of Wales, National Library of Scotland, and National Museums Northern Ireland). Local and regional partnerships are also very important for LL in Phase 2 as they have been in Phase 1. Together, these partnerships form the framework for LL contribution to culture and society in the UK, building relationships between communities and organisations, and using the Centenary and commemoration of WW1 to strengthen community participation and involvement in decision-making and policy, whether at the local, regional or national level.

As well as creating new networks and collaborations, a significant area of legacy targeted by LL research is to deepen community understanding of WW1 and its impacts and contemporary resonances by embedding more critical, nuanced and reflective approaches and methods. LL is achieving this by taking innovative and alternative perspectives on WW1, drawing on academic research and areas of specialisation that offer particular scope to challenge normative and dominant views of the war, and at the same time draw out from communities hidden and sometimes contested narratives and commemorative practices, to enhance community engagement with the Centenary of WW1 and its commemoration as well as securing wider public impacts as a result of projects focused on WW1 impacts and heritage. Here LL's collaboration with HLF funded community projects is key, and in 2017-19 a programme of greater HLF project support and engagement is set out in the Vision statement by the 5 Centres, including Discovery Days for HLF groups, and direct funded specialise research support from LL to connect university and community researchers more closely and productively in Phase 2.

As a result of this closer community engagement activity over 2017-19, LL will be able to continue to build on foundations laid in Phase 1 and so yield greater benefits for our partners, scaling up activities to the mutual benefit of all. The legacies of these engagements will include a more critically- and analytically-minded body of community researchers, who once the Centenary of WW1 is over in 2018 will be better equipped and more confident to be able to develop further projects, including those relating to HLF programmes, on cognate heritage topics, particularly in their localities, and have also the capacity to work with university partners on these projects, and networks through which to achieve greater impacts and legacies themselves.
Title Faces of Time Comic Book 
Description The creation of a bespoke comic book telling the story of the Ballykinlar History Hut through three phases: WW1, the 1920s internment of Irish Prisoners of War and WW2. The plot derived from original research undertaken by the Living Legacies team of researchers, and was story-boarded and illustrated by the in-house creative media team. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact N/A 
Title Medals All Round Research Initiative (MAARI) Short Film 
Description A c.25 minute short film/documentary was made by the The Medals All Round Research Initiative (MARRI) - a Living Legacies supported community theatre project. The shorty film documents the MAARI project's use of drama as a means of conflict mediation, facilitating a better, shared understanding of northern Ireland's involvement in WWI; the video showcases the involvement of a diverse range of participants from both Protestant and Catholic communities in urban and rural areas and involved young adults with Special Needs and prisoners/ex-offenders. Each community group was assisted in exploring their heritage in relation to the First World War and supported by an experienced drama facilitator on using theatre skills to tell their own stories. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact Over a period of ten weeks, groups worked with their drama facilitator to develop their responses to the remembrance of World War 1 into coherent narratives that could form the basis of a drama or film production. All the groups then presented their work at a special performance at the Lyric Theatre Belfast on Feb 29th 2016. The event was a remarkable reflection on the way the First World War resonates in contemporary memory here in Northern Ireland and offered the opportunity to meet and discuss the different ways in which the War lives on, uniquely, in our lives today. The short film, available on YouTube, Living Legacies website, the School of Creative Arts online presence and via public screenings, has received praise and positive feedback. It is hoped that this creative and artistic digital output will continue to shed light on the shared nature of Belfast and northern Ireland's involvement in the war and the shared, cross-community legacy of WWI heritage. 
Title Medals All Round Research Initiative (MARRI) 
Description Medals All Round Research Initiative (MARRI) is a community drama project which will encourage groups to research, script and perform family and community stories that reveal an infinitely more nuanced and inclusive account of the human experience of a region simultaneously 'at war' with itself and with an outside force. Building upon the formative work already done through the presentation of Brenda Winter-Palmer's play The Medal in the Drawer, and its outreach project 2014-2015, 'Medals All Round' combines the knowledge, expertise and facilities of Drama at Queen's University Belfast with that of the Creative Learning department at the Lyric Theatre, Belfast in order to create a model for interaction with community groups at the grassroots level (eight organisations have already expressed interest in being part of the project). The Lyric and Queen's will employ our expertise in Drama facilitation to assist these community groups in exploring their heritage in relation to the First World War. The groups selected reflect a broad range of diversity, including Protestant and Catholic communities, a Special Needs group, Prisoners/Ex-Offenders and groups from localities defined as areas of social need. We plan to provide each of the groups with an experienced Drama Facilitator who, over the course of 10 two-hour visit, will provide support and advice on using theatre skills to allow members of the community to tell their own stories. Through this process, the participants in the project (both those employed within the project and the community groups they visit) will enhance their own skills so that they can continue to carry on similar work in the future. The project is thus designed to leave a crucial legacy-when the project is over, multiple community groups will have gained the knowledge and skills to direct their energies to the representation of communal narratives (about the First World War and beyond), and a group of young facilitators will have gained unparalleled experience in leading such projects. 
Type Of Art Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact On 29 February 2016, The Medals All Round Research Initiative (MARRI) culminated in an event at the Lyric Theatre Belfast with a presentation of the performances, plays and films that have emerged from our work with a variety of community groups from around Northern Ireland. The project began with a group of former QUB students being brought to each of the groups to perform an excerpted version of Dr. Brenda Winter-Palmer's play The Medal in the Drawer. With the play as inspiration and a starting point, the groups, with the help of a facilitator, began to explore their own ideas and knowledge of the war as we remember it in Northern Ireland. 
Title Remembering 1916: Your Stories 
Description The Remembering 1916: Your Stories exhibition forms a key part of our 1916 centenary programme. As well as featuring a diverse range of material from our own collection, it will also draw on a selection of community objects and stories collected through the Living Legacies First World War Engagement Centre. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact High public attendance, critical questions asked and key issues engaged with. 
Title The Living Legacies 2016 Writers' Summer School 
Description The Living Legacies 2016 Writers' Summer School was a new departure for the Engagement Centre. The Centre was established in January 2014 as one of five First World War Engagement Centres in the UK which work alongside community groups to explore the war period and its meaning for people today. It includes academics working at Glasgow, Newcastle, Queen's and Ulster Universities, amongst others, who have teamed with community groups, museum experts and people across the heritage and cultural sectors to produce new knowledge and understanding of the period. The Summer School built upon previous initiatives events hosted by Living Legacies, including: Medals All Round Research Initiative (MARRI), which resulted in Of Bicycles and Fallow Fields, a WW1 drama written and performed by Omagh Robins; the event Music and Memories held at the Inniskillings Museum in June 2015, during which musician Tracey MacRory talked about the wartime inspiration for her music; and the visit of the Fermanagh Writers to Northern Ireland War Memorial in March 2016. 
Type Of Art Creative Writing 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact The writers made new and deeper connections with the Living Legacies team; learned from the experiences of Marion Maxwell, Bellanaleck History Group, and their Cleenish Island project funded by HLF First World War Then and Now scheme; and made new friends within the recently amalgamated of Fermanagh & Omagh District Council. The two days represented not only a significant time commitment from the participants, but also one that would challenge their preconceptions of the war period and why we should remember. By the end they had produced new work, learned new skills about their craft, and had greater understanding of the impact and legacy of the First World War period. For the Living Legacies team the two days provided an invaluable insight into the multiple meanings that can be drawn from the war period and how each person constructs that past in a way that has relevance for their contemporary lives. Collaborations were lively, the mood was one of generosity and mindfulness, and the work read on the final day was moving and deeply insightful. 
Description 'Living Legacies 1914-18' has developed a range of reflexive public engagement methodologies for dealing with challenging heritage in post-conflict societies. These methodologies have evolved during the course of the centre's period of funding (since 2014) and continue to be refined through working closely with external partners in the heritage sector, including museums, archives, charities, and funders. The centre has demonstrated especially how areas of arts and humanities research--in drama and the creative arts, in geography, archaeology and digital humanities--can deepen understanding of engagement with complex historical issues in contemporary settings. The centre's methodologies have focused on co-production and co-curation, and models for these are now embedded in community action and policy frameworks for organisations such as National Museums Northern Ireland (NMNI) and the Community Relations Council (CRC) for NI. The models are available for download from the Living Legacies web-site.
Exploitation Route Our findings are being taken forward by community practitioners and in heritage policy by key stakeholders.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy

Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Leisure Activities

including Sports

Recreation and Tourism


Democracy and Justice



Museums and Collections

Description House of Commons DCMS Select Committee - Lessons from the First World War
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Impact The report was published by the House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) committee and assessed the lessons learned from events staged to commemorate the centenary of WWI. MPs praised the impact of the centenary celebrations in Northern Ireland - the direct result of the work of the Living Legacies centre. Members of Parliament were told that the "Irish dimension" was one of the most productive aspects of the commemorations.The prime minister's special representative for the World War One centenary Dr Andrew Murrison MP said it had enhanced understanding and respect for important events: "It has been that Irish dimension that has been the most heartening and, for me, probably one of the most productive things that we have achieved," he said. However, the DCMS committee were also warned that a proposed Festival of Britain and Northern Ireland in 2022 could be divisive; "That 2022 is the centenary of the Irish border, of partition, civil war and the founding of Northern Ireland presents specific challenges as to how such a festival could not belong to one community in Northern Ireland, even before the contemporary resonance of the Irish border is considered," a submission from the British Future think-tank said.
Description AHRC WW1 piblic engagement centres supplementary projects
Amount £81,000 (GBP)
Organisation Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2018 
End 06/2019
Description Research grants
Amount £186,832 (GBP)
Funding ID RPG-2015-274 
Organisation The Leverhulme Trust 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2016 
End 12/2018
Title 'The Bits Liveth Forever? Digital Preservation and the First World War Commemoration 
Description This report provides an overview of an invitational workshop, organised jointly by the Living Legacies 1914-18 Engagement Centre, the Digital Preservation Coalition and the University of Glasgow which explored the challenges faced in preserving community archives and community-generated content created during the First World War centenary. These have been listed as 'Critically Endangered' on the Global List of Digitally Endangered Species - the end of the First World War centenary commemorations means that digital content generated in community-driven projects face significant threat in the immediate future. This document explores policies for appraisal and disposal, and the infrastructure already available to ensure robust digital access for the long term. Gaps in policy and provision were noted, and recommendations for action suggested. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Impacts include wider appreciation of the need to provide clarity around what digital sustainability solutions are available for communities to maintain the digital output generated, by demarcating the capabilities, limitations and technical requirements of each solution; to develop and promote digital sustainability solutions that can be easily accessed and implemented by communities that generate digital content, especially those that lack the funding and exper-tise to understand the requirements of/for digital sustainability, and to Contribute to the shaping of new solutions and technologies for digital sustainability, which take into account the requirements and limitations of communities generating digital content. 
Title Community resources 
Description 'Living Legacies 1914-18' has gathered together a range of resources to help community researchers develop ideas for projects, as well as provide information on how to get funding, and to provide news on upcoming events and activities. We have also developed digital resources, online videos and 'WW1 workshops' covering a range of topics that will be of interest to community and university researchers wishing to explore the impacts and legacies of WW1. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Adoption by Community Relations Council (NI). 
Title Digital Guidelines: Saving the Centenary's Digital Heritage 
Description 2018 Recommendations for digital sustainability of First World War community commemoration activities, compiled by LL CI Prof Lorna Hughes (University of Glasgow), Agiatis Benardou and associate Leo Konstantelos (University of Glasgow). The Centenary of the First World War has seen a 'digital big bang': the creation of a huge number of digital collections, resources, and publications, much of it created by community projects. This guide has been developed to advise the creators of these projects on the long term digital preservation and sustainability of these items, to make sure there will be a 'digital legacy' of the Centenary. This is something we are concerned about: we don't just want to preserve the financial investment in creating these digital resources, but the effort that went into them should be respected, and their value for future scholarship and teaching should be protected. The guide provides useful brief summary of the principles of sustaining digitised content. It is provided as an Annex to a report on preserving outputs produced as part of your project, that have academic and historic significance, including digitised content, administrative content, as well as digital publishing platforms. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Unknown as yet. 
Title Living Legacies Research Workshop Models: Archiving 
Description Living Legacies designed a package of six research workshop models on the themes of Archiving, Digitisation, Performing Arts & Drama Facilitation, Material Cultures & Archaeology, Memory & Commemoration and Museum Curation. The aims of the Archiving workshops are to help communities across the UK to: • understand how to effectively search and use archives to access original historical material, including First World War specific material, • enhance their awareness of the amazing variety of documents (from "I deeply regret" telegrams to official maps, personal diaries, land deeds and love letters) that archives contain, • hear about the different creative ways that archive holdings can be used, • make notes and manage their research findings, and • (optionally) maintain their own archives. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Numerous successful training sessions and requests for further training and advice. 
Title Living Legacies Research Workshop Models: Digital 
Description Living Legacies designed a package of six research workshop models on the themes of Archiving, Digitisation, Performing Arts & Drama Facilitation, Material Cultures & Archaeology, Memory & Commemoration and Museum Curation. Supported by the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis (Queen's University Belfast), the aims of the Digital workshops are to help communities across the UK to: • tell their stories and share these stories with others; • prepare research materials for digitization; • digitally capture and archive content; • express their research using a range of technical hardware and softwares; • learn new IT/functional skills to support research and outputs; 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Numerous successful training sessions, with better integration of digital legacies incorporated into projects and project planning ensuring safeguarded content for the future. 
Title Living Legacies Research Workshop Models: Drama & Performing Arts 
Description Living Legacies designed a package of six research workshop models on the themes of Archiving, Digitisation, Performing Arts & Drama Facilitation, Material Cultures & Archaeology, Memory & Commemoration and Museum Curation. Theatre and drama can be a powerful way to explore, celebrate and communicate a sense of heritage and community.The aim of the drama workshop is to provide community groups with the basic skills needed to explore new perspectives on the past and/or create and develop creative responses to their research. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Numerous successful drama workshops and facilitated sessions that resulted in original performance art, short plays, and creative pieces relating to WW1 and Northern Ireland during the period. 
Title Living Legacies Research Workshop Models: Material Cultures and Archaeology 
Description Living Legacies designed a package of six research workshop models on the themes of Archiving, Digitisation, Performing Arts & Drama Facilitation, Material Cultures & Archaeology, Memory & Commemoration and Museum Curation.The aims of the Archaeological Workshops are to help communities across the UK to: • Tell their stories and share these stories with others discover personal connections to local First World War landscapes • Identify physical remains of First World War training camps,airfields, sound mirrors, practice trenches etc • Digitally access develop platforms for analysis, documenting and recording of these landscapes • Establish best methods to display/share their findings using arange of technical hardware and software's, including GIS • Support with archaeological projects, to create a lasting archive of research outputs 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Successful training sessions with requests for further involvement. 
Title Living Legacies Research Workshop Models: Memorial & Commemoration 
Description Living Legacies designed a package of six research workshop models on the themes of Archiving, Digitisation, Performing Arts & Drama Facilitation, Material Cultures & Archaeology, Memory & Commemoration and Museum Curation. Supported by Swansea University, the aims of the Memorial Workshops are to help communities across Wales to: • tell their stories and share these stories with others - discover connections with other communities • research memorials and the names on them • understand the impact of the war on their community a century ago and the lasting effects still felt today • decide on the best way to display/share their findings • support with researching memorials, and in developing a lasting record of their research outputs 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Increased awareness of Wales' FFW heritage and increased recording of WW1 moments across Wales. 
Title Living Legacies Research Workshop Models: Museums & Curatorial 
Description Living Legacies designed a package of six research workshop models on the themes of Archiving, Digitisation, Performing Arts & Drama Facilitation, Material Cultures & Archaeology, Memory & Commemoration and Museum Curation. The Museum Curation Workshop Model was designed to help community groups across the UK to: • develop their exhibition theme/s • acquire and refine basic collections skills • learn how to curate and interpret • apply text guidelines • logistics of exhibition display and travelling exhibitions 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Numerous successful training workshops and requests for further sessions. 
Title RAF100 Action Stations! 
Description Across Northern Ireland, dotted around the countryside and near our towns and cities are the remains of historic airfields that played a significant role in the First and Second World Wars. Where these airfields are, what survives of them, and what they tell us about aviation in the past, is important to us today as we look back in 2018 to the origins of the RAF in 1918 and reflect on its history and legacies over the past hundred years. As part of the RAF100 Inspire programme for 2018, the information on this Action Stations! website will help you explore the traces of these airfields and contribute to deepening our understanding and appreciation of Northern Ireland's rich aviation heritage.The aim of this website is to provide easy-to-use practical guidance for researching and recording historic military airfields in Northern Ireland. It contains information about each of the former airfields as well as a providing a step-by-step guide to help you with your airfield research. The results of your Action Stations! research will contribute to the Defence Heritage Project (DHP) and the work of the "Living Legacies 1914-18" Public Engagement Centre.The RAF100 Schools Project also has lots of information on its web-site which you may wish to use too, and a RAF100 Competition for schools that you can enter using your Action Stations! research. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The results of the Action Stations! research has contributed to the Defence Heritage Project (DHP) and the work of the Living Legacies 1914-18 Public Engagement Centre, safeguarding valuable data and information about aviation history in Northern Ireland, the history of the Royal Air Force and bringing greater attention to the presence and work of the RAF. 
Title RAF100 Action Stations! 
Description Across Northern Ireland, dotted around the countryside and near our towns and cities are the remains of historic airfields that played a significant role in the First and Second World Wars. Where these airfields are, what survives of them, and what they tell us about aviation in the past, is important to us today as we look back in 2018 to the origins of the RAF in 1918 and reflect on its history and legacies over the past hundred years. As part of the RAF100 Inspire programme for 2018, the information on this Action Stations! website will help you explore the traces of these airfields and contribute to deepening our understanding and appreciation of Northern Ireland's rich aviation heritage.The aim of this website is to provide easy-to-use practical guidance for researching and recording historic military airfields in Northern Ireland. It contains information about each of the former airfields as well as a providing a step-by-step guide to help you with your airfield research. The results of your Action Stations! research will contribute to the Defence Heritage Project (DHP) and the work of the "Living Legacies 1914-18" Public Engagement Centre.The RAF100 Schools Project also has lots of information on its web-site which you may wish to use too, and a RAF100 Competition for schools that you can enter using your Action Stations! research. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The results of the Action Stations! research has contributed to the Defence Heritage Project (DHP) and the work of the Living Legacies 1914-18 Public Engagement Centre, safeguarding valuable data and information about aviation history in Northern Ireland, the history of the Royal Air Force and bringing greater attention to the presence and work of the RAF. 
Title Time Traveller: World War I Drama Workshop 
Description The workshop was devised for the Men Behind the Glass Project - a major restoration, education and community engagement initiative that was created and led by Campbell College and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF). The project focused on uncovering the family lives and military service of 126 pupils and one member of staff who lost their lives in the Great War and whose photographs are embedded in the Edwardian wood paneling in the College's Central Hall. Living Legacies' Dr Michelle Young developed a new teaching resource which aims to engage and immerse Primary School pupils in the lives of soldiers who fought and died in WW1. The lesson plan presents a detailed guide for teachers and drama facilitators to deliver an interactive workshop which explores the experience of young men from Campbell College in Belfast. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Increased understanding of WW1 history and it's implications in Belfast. A useful teaching package that can be adapted to other periods of history. 
Title 3D Technologies 
Description Some of the latest and most innovative forms of scanning are the use of 3D techniques. The Centre has seen an exponential rise in both its own grant applications using the technology, and in partner applications from both public and private sectors. Accordingly we have invested considerable resources into the hardware and software required to apply the various information capture techniques described below. As ever, the Centre does not only rely on technology, but a key component of our work is investment in staff and their associated expertise. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Through Motion 3D Scanning, Laser Triangulation and 360 Degree Scanning, artefacts presently housed in National Museums of Northern Ireland's archives are now digitised and made publicly accessible via interactive touch-screen tables, facilitating material culture engagement, particularly for the 'Remembering 1916' Easter Rising & World War I commemorative exhibit. 
Title Digital Mapping 
Description The digital mapping tool can be viewed through all digital mediums and helps to give a visual representation and re-construction of data and enriches the research gathered by projects e.g. Welsh Memorial and Honour Rolls of WW1. For example, you could overlay and compare historic maps of place with the modern aerial imagery of today. This tool can also support additional information e.g. text, photographs, links to other places or information etc. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact These objects of commemoration can tell us a lot about how individual communities were affected by the war, and how they chose to remember the events of 1914 - 1919, and those whom they lost on the battlefield. They vary greatly in their design, in their choice of words to describe those who are commemorated, in the information they contain, and in how inclusive they were in their choice of men and women to remember and honour. Gathering a range of memorials in one database allows us to gauge how and why there were variations in the tone and scale of commemoration of the war. 
Title Living Legacies 1914-18 Digital Archive 
Description A collection of objects and stories gathered at 2 years' worth of public engagement events across Northern Ireland. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Ulster Museum used the database to curate an exhibition which was in the museum from 2015-2016. 
Title Mapping UVF Members from West Belfast in 1913-14 who Served in the Great War 
Description A new digital spatial resource created in collaboration with Conor Graham (GIS Unit) and Paul Ell (CDDA), School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology, Queen's University Belfast through the Living Legacies 1914-18 Public Engagement Centre. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Used for public engagement events. 
Title Shankill Great War Project 
Description The Shankill Great War Project researched, archived and displayed information and items relating to members of the Greater Shankill community who served King and Country during the Great War period. They gathered information from libraries, national archives, census documents, newspapers, academics and the public. This data was then shared through a bespoke crowdsourcing website, which continues to grow as more information is generated. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Successes are the contacts made and the donated material received from the local community and the public at large, which are now archived on the website for public consultation. Within days of launching the new website the group were inundated by members of the public wishing to donate family related information and material, being proud to offer up personal items and having their loved ones' stories recounted. 
Title Shankill Great War Project 
Description The Shankill Great War Project researched, archived and displayed information and items relating to members of the Greater Shankill community who served King and Country during the Great War period. They gathered information from libraries, national archives, census documents, newspapers, academics and the public. This data was then shared through a bespoke crowdsourcing website, which continues to grow as more information is generated. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Successes are the contacts made and the donated material received from the local community and the public at large, which are now archived on the website for public consultation. Within days of launching the new website the group were inundated by members of the public wishing to donate family related information and material, being proud to offer up personal items and having their loved ones' stories recounted. 
Title The Defence Heritage Project 
Description The Defence Heritage Project (DHP) records archaeological sites and monuments in Northern Ireland that have had a defensive function. The project aims to publicise existing defence heritage records for Northern Ireland and also encourage public recording of new information on defence heritage. DHP began in 1997 and developed further in 2015 through the Living Legacies engagement centre working in partnership with Department of the Environment (NI) and the Geographical Information Science Research and Teaching Unit of the School of Geography, Archaeology & Paleoecology at Queen's University Belfast. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Public can now access heritage documents online allowing for simple engagment routes. 
Title WW1 Aviation Sites in Ireland - an interactive mapping resource 
Description Ireland is rich in World War 1 aviation heritage, including airfields, landing grounds, and training facilities. In some cases these sites are still visible in the landscape, in other cases they have disappeared. This online resource has been created to increase public and state awareness of the surviving aviation heritage of WW1 in Ireland. Using interactive mapping, it can be used to learn about where Ireland's WW1 aviation heritage is located, what facilities were created during the war, and what of these facilities remains to be seen today. The online resource is based upon a British military map called 'Secret No. 120', drawn in 1918. This map shows the location of British military aviation sites as they were on the 16th November 1918, covering both around Great Britain and Ireland. The map itself was scanned by the Living Legacies digitisation team (CDDA), and is owned by the Ulster Aviation Society, who assisted with the research. The resource derives from a collaboration between the UAS and the School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology at Queen's and was undertaken in summer 2014. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Broadening public access to a valuable resource. 
Title WW1 Community Platform 
Description Via funding from the Arts & Humanities Research Council UK, Living Legacies in collaboration with the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis created an online portal to digitally archive and preserve the research generated from community-led, grassroots level WW1 projects funded through the Heritage Lottery Fund's Then and Now scheme. With the risk of this original research being irrevocably lost, this platform safeguards the valuable work undertaken for future generations and research projects. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Karen Brookfield, former Director of the National Lottery Heritage Fund First World War Centenary Programme has said: 'In designing the platform and the approach to depositing material, LL has taken great care to understand the issues for groups in submitting material - issues of confidence and lack of knowledge e.g. about IP, as well as technical issues- and is giving in-depth support to the groups, which is very much appreciated by them and by NLHF. As well as its practical application as a way of ensuring a longer life for the digital outputs of Centenary projects so they will be available to future researchers and to the public, the platform and LL's approach have provided very useful learning to feed into wider policy discussions of digital sustainability with DCMS and Imperial War Museums'. 
Description Ballykinler History Hut 
Organisation Down County Museum
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Living Legacies and the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis conducted research into the history and occupants of a 20th century Armstrong hut found at Ballykinler training camp in Co.Down (Northern Ireland). The hut was used during WW1, the 1920s Irish Civil War internment and WW2. Researchers investigated persons associated with the hut over the three periods of use, objects pertaining to and conducted oral history interviews with people who had relatives or artefacts/documents related to the hut. Additionally, LL provided academic support, ran a series of engagement activities including upskilling workshops, fieldtrips, oral history days and consulted on the design of the new history hut to be erected in Down County Museum.
Collaborator Contribution Wider publicity of the Living Legacies centre and its work, extending our network of community participants and stakeholders further.
Impact Outputs and outcomes include: greater awareness of the history and cultural significance of the Ballykinler site and hut; greater appreciation of WW1 heritage; new research into soldiers, nurses, internees stationed at Ballykinlar building up a more nuanced and complete understanding of life at the camp; the creation of information panels and research material; the creation of a bespoke comic book about the hut entitled 'Faces of Time'.
Start Year 2018
Description Bentra Aerodrome: Whitehead 
Organisation Mid and East Antrim Borough Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Living Legacies supported Carrickfergus Museum (Mid & East Antrim Borough Council) in their bid to HLF for a project examining the first aerodrome in Ireland at Bentra, Whitehead. LL assisted in project design, community outreach and engagement, running upskilling workshops on mapping and GIS technology and led fieldtrips.
Collaborator Contribution The partners promoted the work of the Living Legacies centre and contributed towards discussions, publications and engagement strategies towards WW1 heritage and aviation history.
Impact The aerodrome site at Bentra is now commemorated for posterity by a granite memorial, provided by the Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust, whose purpose is to preserve Britain's former airfields that deserve recognition as heritage sites. The project has also generated greater local awareness of this once important site.
Start Year 2018
Description Campbell College 
Organisation Campbell College
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Living Legacies Project Officer, Michelle Young has just completed a successful series of creative and interactive drama workshops with Primary schools across East Belfast as part of Campbell College's Men Behind The Glass project - a major restoration, education and community engagement initiative supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund and focuses on the archives of this historic school. Additionally, Living Legacies Project Officer, Dr. Heather Montgomery is a researcher for the Men Behind the Glass project, investigating the real-life stories of former Campbell College pupils who served and died in WW1.
Collaborator Contribution Campbell College and the associated Men Behind the Glass project is actively working to increase local community interest in Northern Ireland's WW1 heritage, aiding the Living Legacies team in their public engagement initiatives and in contributing to Living Legacies corpus of WWI research and resources.
Impact Interdisciplinary & multidisciplinary - history, geography, contemporary archaeology, archival research and curation, drama, creative arts, data digitisation
Start Year 2017
Description Diverse Perspectives on a global conflict 
Organisation Ulster University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Fed back on research design and aims and supporting directly via key Project Officer role
Collaborator Contribution Conducting research and working with centre on engagement activities
Impact none as yet
Start Year 2016
Description Geordie Soldiers in Dominion Armies, 1914-18 
Organisation Northumbria University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution As part of an allocated funding stream granted by the AHRC, LL distributed funds to the project and provided academic guidance and oversight in ensuring each project fulfilled its stated aims and showed fielty to the notion of co-production and a commitment to public impact.
Collaborator Contribution The partners led the project, crafting a research agenda and a community participation element and delivered the aims of the project, maintaining a close working relationship with LL academics and collaborating on engagement activities.
Impact A documentary produced by the team has been made available publicly. The Conversation featured an article on the research focus of the project. Lectures given detailing preliminary findings of the research - all available to see here -
Start Year 2016
Description Imperial War Museum 
Organisation Imperial War Museum
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Collaboration with the Imperial War Museum has involved running workshops on First World War heritage, digital sustainability, community engagement and co-organizing symposiums and lecture series (including WomensWork100, the Spanish Flu, Women and the War etc.), promoting the IWM and their research avenues.
Collaborator Contribution Increased awareness of the work undertaken by the Living Legacies Engagement Centre, networking with interested parties and stakeholders. Advice on WW1 projects and involvement in projects undertaken by IWM
Impact Multi-disciplinary collaboration that merged topics including history, geography, archaeology, digital humanities, social history, museum studies and drama. Collaboration between Living Legacies and the Imperial War Museum has resulted in multiple partnership meetings where policy and practice were discussed and advised on including the development of a portal for digital outputs of WW1 research projects, a successful series of community engagement workshops and several conferences on various aspects of First World War related research including the Spanish Flu, the Suffragette Movement, Womens Work 100, maritime history etc...
Start Year 2015
Description Libraries NI 
Organisation Libaries NI
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution In collaboration with Libraries NI we are running a series of Road shows (7) throughout NI, which explore community engagement with the Legacy of the FWW. The team is made up of two themes Migration and Digital Technologies, NI Museum (LL Heritage Officer) and administration support.
Collaborator Contribution Libraries NI have provided the range of venues, marketing support, family history expertise and administration.
Impact This is multi-disciplinary. Human Geography, Digital Technologies, Migration and Diaspora Studies, Archaeology, Museums and Exhibitions. CDDA is creating a project database which will hold digital images and oral histories gathered from the community and which can be drawn upon to produce original academic research.
Start Year 2014
Description NMNI 
Organisation National Museums Northern Ireland
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution NMNI are partners of the Living Legacies 1914-18 engagement centre, and have part resourced the centre's project curator.
Collaborator Contribution NMNI Head of Human History is a member of the Centre's PCT and line-manager for the centre's project curator.
Impact Outcomes include public engagement events and outreach as well as seminars and conference papers and museum interpretation.
Start Year 2014
Description National Lottery Heritage Fund (Formerly HLF) 
Organisation Heritage Lottery Fund
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution National Lottery Heritage Fund has directly funded several Living Legacies supported research projects including the Shankill Great War Project, East Belfast and the Great War, and Battlebags and Blimps: the Bentra Aerodrome. Additionally, Living Legacies and their digital partners at the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis collaborated with the National Lottery Heritage Fund to create the WWI Digital Platform, a digital repository for grassroots community projects funded through the Heritage Lottery Fund's WWI 'Then and Now' scheme. This web resource was made possible through funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council UK.
Collaborator Contribution National Lottery Heritage Fund directly funded several Living Legacies supported projects including the Shankill Great War Project, East Belfast and the Great War, and Battlebags and Blimps: the Bentra Aerodrome project. They contributed in discussions on policy making and facilitation of effective community research and safeguarding digital legacies.
Impact A significant output was the WWI Digital Platform, a digital repository for grassroots community projects funded through the Heritage Lottery Fund's WWI 'Then and Now' scheme, which safeguarded community-generated content which was at risk of being irrevocably lost.
Start Year 2014
Description Northern Ireland Community Relations Council 
Organisation Northern Ireland Community Relations Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Living Legacies collaboration with the Northern Ireland Community Relations Council has led to: LL participation in the Decade of Centenaries Round Table Group which discusses and advises on principles of best practice for projects undertaking centenary projects in Northern Ireland and circulates information on events and training opportunities; LL project case studies featuring in the CRC's 'Decade of Anniversaries Toolkit', a publication which showcases successful and inclusive projects that have dealt with NI's contested history and legacy of/ with centenary events; mutual participation in events and conferences on centenary related projects.
Collaborator Contribution The NI CRC has supported and promoted the work of the Living Legacies centre among their projects partners and stakeholders, increasing the centre's visibilityin the public community relations sphere, aiding LL in their mission to bridge community development projects with academic research and other non-HEIs
Impact This was a multi-disciplinary collaboration, involving archaeology, history, social policy, well-being and wellness, drama, digital humanities, peace-building initiatives, cross-community A significant output is the Decade of Anniversaries Tool kit (updated 2018), understanding our past, shaping our future ( . This resource was meant for community and voluntary organisations, councils and departments, arts and heritage groups, and cultural and history bodies considering their own commemorative projects or events, to learn and to be inspired.
Start Year 2014
Description Northern Ireland Community Relations Council Decade of Centenaries Roundtable Advisory Group 
Organisation Heritage Lottery Fund
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The decade of centenaries from 2011 - 2023 marks a number of particularly important anniversaries that have shaped the sense of British and Irish identity in Northern Ireland in the 20th century. The Decade of Centenaries Roundtable is a non-decision making, non-executive group that developed a set of principles for remembering in public space in NI, based on acceptance and inclusion, on thinking ethically, based on an understanding of history, wider context and evidence. Living Legacies Rachel Tracey has been a Roundtable discussant since 2018, contributing towards discussions of best practice in commemorative activity in Northern Ireland and promoting projects, endeavors and initiatives on shared heritage, peace-building and social cohesion in Northern Ireland, through Living Legacies' expertise on contested heritage, archaeology, geography, digital humanities, museum curation and drama.
Collaborator Contribution Promotion of the centre's work, networking with interested parties and mutual stakeholders, furthering of the centre's aims and objectives.
Impact The Roundtable grew to include departments, agencies, cultural and heritage organisations, libraries, arts organisations, district councils and groups. We meet quarterly to share information and play a part in planning and organizing conferences, publications and resources fairs. Notable impacts include increased learning in relation to commemoration and or contested histories was the overall effect of marking the centenaries on organisation and a rise in organisations developing an official policy, framework or principles for marking centenaries.
Start Year 2015
Description Northern Ireland Community Relations Council Decade of Centenaries Roundtable Advisory Group 
Organisation Northern Ireland Community Relations Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The decade of centenaries from 2011 - 2023 marks a number of particularly important anniversaries that have shaped the sense of British and Irish identity in Northern Ireland in the 20th century. The Decade of Centenaries Roundtable is a non-decision making, non-executive group that developed a set of principles for remembering in public space in NI, based on acceptance and inclusion, on thinking ethically, based on an understanding of history, wider context and evidence. Living Legacies Rachel Tracey has been a Roundtable discussant since 2018, contributing towards discussions of best practice in commemorative activity in Northern Ireland and promoting projects, endeavors and initiatives on shared heritage, peace-building and social cohesion in Northern Ireland, through Living Legacies' expertise on contested heritage, archaeology, geography, digital humanities, museum curation and drama.
Collaborator Contribution Promotion of the centre's work, networking with interested parties and mutual stakeholders, furthering of the centre's aims and objectives.
Impact The Roundtable grew to include departments, agencies, cultural and heritage organisations, libraries, arts organisations, district councils and groups. We meet quarterly to share information and play a part in planning and organizing conferences, publications and resources fairs. Notable impacts include increased learning in relation to commemoration and or contested histories was the overall effect of marking the centenaries on organisation and a rise in organisations developing an official policy, framework or principles for marking centenaries.
Start Year 2015
Description PRONI 
Organisation Public Record Office of Northern Ireland
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Sharing of resources and joint public initiatives.
Collaborator Contribution Facilitating public engagement and outreach.
Impact Public events.
Start Year 2014
Description RIUK (Arts and Humanities Research Council UK) 
Organisation Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution In 2013, the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC UK) issued a funding call for what it described as 'Co-ordinating centres for community research and engagement to commemorate the Centenary of the First World War'. Living Legacies helped the AHRC fulfill their aim to support community engagement activities to connect academic and public histories of the First World War and its legacy, particularly by drawing together heritage organisations with networks of academic (HEI - Higher Education Institutions) and community (non-HEI) researchers UK-wide. Funded for six years by the AHRC (2014-19), Living Legacies' public engagement initiatives focused on community co-production projects, workshops and events, public exhibitions, publications, toolkits, murals and installations, drama facilitation and performances, digital resources and databases. Living Legacies also ran two AHRC-funded community engagement 'Festivals'.
Collaborator Contribution Two rounds of financial support for the Centre's work; promotion of the Centre's work; involvement in policy making and praxis decisions; advice and support.
Impact The collaboration was multi-disciplinary - arts, humanities, geo-sciences, digital humanities, archaeology, dramatic arts all involved. The financial investment from the AHRC facilitated six years of research into the legacy of the 1914-18 period, particularly in Northern Ireland as it negotiated its way through the contested heritage of the Decade of Centenaries (2012-2022). The collaboration also allowed for the funding of nine projects around the UK to undertaken original research into the legacy of the First World War on various communities across Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and northern England, and substantial public engagement events. Lessons learned from the research and community engagement areas of the collaboration directly influenced policy and practice discussions and implementation, for instance, among the House of Commons Select Committee for the Department of Culture, Media and Sport at Westminster.
Start Year 2014
Description Refocusing Perspectives: Then and Now photography of FWW 
Organisation University of Exeter
Department Medical School
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Supported research design to we ensure aims tied in with centre's overall objectives.
Collaborator Contribution Conducting the research and feeding into LL broader brief.
Impact none as yet.
Start Year 2016
Description Royal Air Force 
Organisation Royal Air Force (RAF)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution After liaising closely with the RAF and the RAF Air Cadets Nl Wing, Living Legacies developed RAF100 toolkits to allow the Air Cadet squadrons to undertake local research on historic airfields and aeronautical sites. This project was open to all cadet squadrons across Nl and gave the cadets the opportunity to focus on their local area and its links to the past. This online toolkit has resulted in new content for the Defence Heritage Project and provides a digital legacy of the collaboration between the RAF and Living Legacies. One of the most significant RAF 100 legacy projects was the creation of a mural marking NTs contribution to aviation in World War One. Living Legacies collaborated on the development of this mural and supported the launch event. Living Legacies offered RAF Air Cadet Squadrons information, talks, workshops and advice on exploring the landscapes and legacies of defence heritage in Nl. The work undertaken Living Legacies has helped increase the RAF's profile in Nl and brought our history to life for a wide audience. Several RAF Air Cadet Squadrons were involved in the projects and the tasks carried out will be of use as part of their activities with the Air Cadets. Additionally, the project will allow them to gain valuable skills and experiences which could be of benefit in their future careers.
Collaborator Contribution Public endorsement of the centre's work and publicity.
Impact Multi-disciplinary - geopgraphy, landscape studies, mapping, archaeology
Start Year 2017
Description Visualising the Iolaire 
Organisation Abertay University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Working collaboratively with the group from application to research stage we have helped to ensure the research aims were in line with own thematic interests and that the outputs fulfilled our public engagement brief. Living Legacies have assigned a Project Officer to provide oversight and support and work alongside the partner group to fulfil their objectives.
Collaborator Contribution Ian Donald and his team are conducting the research and linking in to centre activities, both academic and public engagement.
Impact None as yet. Awards granted end 2016.
Start Year 2016
Description Wales Remembers 
Organisation Wales at War
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Through the National Library of Wales,, Living Lecacies is associated with the Welsh Government Programme for the Commemoration of the First World War, Wales Remembers. This is supporting a number of projects and initiatives around Wales. Partners in Wales Remembers include National Museum Wales, Heritage Lottery Fund Wales, BBC Cymru Wales, S4C, Royal British Legion, the Royal Navy, The RAF, The Army, Royal Welch Fusiliers Museum, Cytûn, Commonwealth War Graves Committee, the British Council, People's Collection Wales, the National Eisteddfod, the Welsh Local Government Association, the Archives and Records Council Wales (ARCW).
Collaborator Contribution Wales at War provides the digital architectures and networks necessary to host, develop and expand new and existing research projects.
Impact One of the most significant outputs is digital- the interactive site for schools to engage with their war legacies - Wales at War is a digital resource for schoolchildren, teachers and anyone with an interest in the First World War and its impact on communities across Wales. The project will engage pupils between the ages of 10 and 14 in historical research by supporting them to create biographies of the names listed on their local war memorial to help reveal the histories of the Welsh men and women who lost their lives during the war. It will develop literacy and digital literacy skills and will add to our understanding of the Welsh experience of the war on all fronts.
Start Year 2014
Description Welsh Memorials to the Great War 
Organisation Swansea University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution As part of an allocated funding stream granted by the AHRC, LL distributed funds to the project and provided academic guidance and oversight in ensuring each project fulfilled its stated aims and showed fielty to the notion of co-production and a commitment to public impact.
Collaborator Contribution The partners led the project, crafting a research agenda and a community participation element and delivered the aims of the project, maintaining a close working relationship with LL academics and collaborating on engagement activities.
Impact The effective recording of Welsh WW1 memorials, particularly in Powys. This has allowed for monuments, be they statues, plaques, stained glass windows to be restored and protected. These have also been digitally recorded and mapped by Living Legacies and their digital partner, the Centre for Data Digitisation at QUB.
Start Year 2016
Description Women and Leisure during the First World War - 'An Essential Part of National Work 
Organisation Newcastle University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution As part of an allocated funding stream granted by the AHRC, LL distributed funds to the project and provided academic guidance and oversight in ensuring each project fulfilled its stated aims and showed fielty to the notion of co-production and a commitment to public impact.
Collaborator Contribution The partners led the project, crafting a research agenda and a community participation element and delivered the aims of the project, maintaining a close working relationship with LL academics and collaborating on engagement activities.
Impact A touring exhibition around libraries and museums in the north of England and Northern Ireland, as well as a temporary exhibition 'Connecting Communities' at the Ulster Museum in Belfast.
Start Year 2016
Description "Local history and construction of contemporary historical narratives of WW1 in the digital domain: The cases of Europeana 1914-1918, Cymru 1914 and Living Legacies" (A. Benardou, Athens June 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact In June 2018, Living Legacies' Agiatis Bernardou presented a paper entitled 'Local history and construction of contemporary historical narratives of WW1 in the digital domain: The cases of Europeana 1914-1918, Cymru 1914 and Living Legacies', at the Digital History conference held in Athens. The purpose of the talk was to trigger discussions on the Greek and EU digital history academic discourse.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description 'Digital Research Infrastructures in Greece and Europe' (Athens University, A. Benardou - October 2019) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact In October 2019, LL team member Agiati Benardou delivered a paper at Athens University (Greece) in association with the Free University Berlin on the topic of WW1 research and digital sustainability. She presented a paper entitled 'Digital Research Infrastructures in Greece and Europe, and the Evolution of History as a Discipline' to an audience of approx. 150 people.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 'Nobody Wins Unless Everybody Wins' (Uppsala University, A. Benardou - Sept 2019) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact In September 2019, LL team member Agiati Benardou was invited to present a paper on WW1 digital heritage and sustainability at Uppsala University (Sweden). She delivered a paper entitled 'Nobody Wins Unless Everybody Wins: The Challenges of Community Generated Content in the Digital Domain', to approx. 30 people.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 'Our Maritime Heritage' NMNI (April 2017) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On April 27th, a conference on the theme of our 'Our Maritime Heritage' took place at Cultra Manor (Ulster Folk & Transport Museum, Northern Ireland). Over 90 delegates attended enjoying ten separate presentations on a variety of variety of maritime themed subjects from Fermanagh cots to Kelly's coal boats. Living Legacies provided a presence through Project Officer Clare Ablett who was presenting a talk on an archive of letters recently taken into the collections of National Museums NI. This donation recorded the life of local naval officer Bredin Delap. His service in the Royal Navy from 1913-23 provides a vital link to the experiences of sailors in the First World War. Particularly significant is the fact that Bredin was involved in the Battle of Jutland, one of the largest naval battles in history. Clare highlighted the vital work that has been achieved through the partnership between Living Legacies and NMNI through the digital scanning of Bredins naval uniform and other items helping to bring his story to life for the audience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description 'Using and Sustaining Community Generated Content', Europeana 14-18 Tour Finale, Brussels, Nov 28th 2018 (Lorna Hughes) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact On 28th November 2018, Living Legacies' CI Prof. Lorna Hughes (University of Glasgow) gave the keynote address to the Europeana 14-18 Tour Finale in Brussels. Approximately 100 delegates attended this gathering. The meeting focused in First World War research using digital content.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description 1917 Lunchtime Lectures - Living Legacies 1914-18 and NMNI (Ulster Museum) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Seven lunchtime seminars on a theme of '1917' were organised by Living Legacies and collaborative partner NMNI. These ran monthly from May to November 2017 at the Ulster Museum in Belfast. Speakers included academics from Brunel University London, University College Dublin, University of Kent, University of Glasgow and award-winning local poet Michael Longley, with topics ranging from the Rise of Sinn Fein in Ireland in 1917 to the Mountjoy Hunger Strike of 1917, Ulster's role in the Russian Revolution to the Poetry of the Great War.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Aspects Festival and The Clandeboye Reading Party, 2017 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Living Legacies 1914-18 Project Officer,
Dr Heather Montgomery recently attended the TCD/QUB Reading Party event held at the Clandeboye estate, 12-14th September 2017.

Heather spoke about Ireland's involvement in the First World War, from the archaeological perspective, presenting findings relating to her recent doctoral studies and the First World War training camp formerly located on the Clandeboye estate.

The reading party brought together staff and students from Queen's University Belfast, Trinity College Dublin, and members of the local community in collaboration with Aspects (Bangor Literary Festival,, aiming to promote deeper cultural awareness and understanding of sensitive issues around war, commemoration, identity, memory, place and history.

The event was a great success, widely supported by the general public and visiting academics from both QUB and TCD.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Ballykinlar History Hut: A Shared History & Culture Project, Linking the Past to the Future (June 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The Press Release for the 'Ballykinlar History Hut' project was circulated. The project concentrates on the restoration and reinterpretation of a 1900s Armstrong army hut salvaged from the MoD Ballykinlar army base in 2012 (Co.Down), which will be re-imagined in Down County Museum in the Autumn of 2019. The project is funded and supported by the European Union's PEACE IV Building Positive Relations Programme, with the primary purpose of fostering community engagement, bettering social and cultural relations in Northern Ireland and celebrating cultural diversity, while actively preserving the archaeological heritage and social history of this remarkable building, its public memory and the material culture of the occupants of this hut throughout its many incarnations - from the First World War to its use as an Internment Camp during the Troubles/Northern Ireland Conflict. The Centre for Data Digitisation & Analysis and The Living Legacies 1914-18 Public Engagement Centre (QUB) are the named project delivery agents for this project, in partnership with Down County Museum and Newry, Mourne & Down District Council, under their PEACE IV Action Plan. This press release has been featured in the Northern Ireland periodicals 'The Belfast Newsletter', 'The Down Recorder' and 'The Mourne Observer'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Battlebags & Blimps - Your Place & Mine BBC Radio Ulster (Sat 30th June 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Living Legacies' Prof. Keith Lilley and Mid & East Antrim Borough Council's Shirin Murphy talked about Living Legacies' new project 'Battlebags & Blimps' on BBC Radio Ulster's weekend Your Place & Mine radio show with Anne Marie McAleese (BBC Radio Ulster/Foyle is Northern Ireland's most listened to radio station (RAJAR 2014). Lilley & Murphy took the opportunity to publicly advertise the project which focuses on the Bentra WW1 aerodrome facility in Whitehead (Co. Antrim) bringing greater attention to this forgotten yet historically important site, which will hopefully draw greater awareness amongst local people.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Battlebags & Blimps Project Launch & Roadshow 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Saturday 30th June, Mid and East Antrim Borough Council (Carrickfergus Museum) and the Living Legacies 1914-18 Engagement Centre officially launched its new HLF-funded project 'Battlebags and Blimps' which explores the forgotten history of a WW1 aerodrome at Bentra (Whitehead) in Northern Ireland. The project aims to shed light on Ireland's first military aviation facility and log memorabilia from past generations and local residents. During WWI, Royal Naval Air Service airships based at Bentra, patrolled the waters between Ireland and Scotland to combat the German U-Boats. They were tasked with protecting the cross-channel ferry, Princess Maud, and guard incoming convoys in the North Channel. Affectionately named 'battlebags' by their crews, and 'blimps' by civilians, the airships were a familiar sight around Britain's shores during the war years 1914-1918.

The day included a designated digitisation unit (operated by the Centre for Data Digitisation & Analysis at QUB) where local residents brought memorabilia, family heirlooms or personal effects relating to WW1 to have them scanned and digitised for posterity whilst adding to the Living Legacies digital catalogue; a green-screen photo-booth where people could dress up in WW1 German or British/Irish air force costume and have a photograph taken in front of a simulated Bentra aerodrome backdrop. Royal Air Force (RAF) cadets joined in the celebration and were treated to a demonstration in drone technologies and First World War military artefacts and material culture.

Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Cllr Lindsay Millar said, "This is such a brilliant opportunity to learn more about a local site in the borough, which until now has been largely overlooked. If you have any WW1 related stories or artefacts, then we would love you to come along to this event so they can be logged and digitally recorded by specialist teams. We are thrilled to have received support thanks to National Lottery players and that this project will help us unlock the hidden history of Bentra, which played such a big part in the Great War".
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Being Human Festival of Humanities (2017) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact As one of five Being Human Hubs across the UK, Queen's University showcased, through a number of workshops and events, how humanities research can inspire and enrich our own lives and our relationships with others. On Thursday 21st November at the Brian Friel Theatre (QUB), representatives of community groups from across Northern Ireland came together to discuss their involvement in The Medals All Round Research Initiative (MARRI) - a Living Legacies project which explored how drama and theatre methods can challenge the contested histories in Northern Ireland's commemorations of the centenary of the First World War. The event, entitled The First World War and Community Memory presented excerpts and analysis of the performances and films which were created by community groups in partnership with researchers and facilitators from Queen's University. The event was hosted by Dr Kurt Taroff, Senior Lecturer in Drama in the School of Arts, English and Languages and Dr Michelle Young, Project Officer at Living Legacies Engagement Centre and one of the drama facilitators from the MARRI project. Community group participants included Sarahjane Patterson from Tonagh Neighbourhood Initiative, Dee Crooks from Newtownabbey Arts and Cultural Network (NACN) and Pheme Glass from Live and Learn community group in Omagh.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Breaking Ground Heritage Annual Conference (February 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Living Legacies Dr Heather Montgomery gave the keynote lecture at the inaugural Breaking Ground Heritage conference in Tidworth, Wiltshire. The purpose of the conference was to showcase all of the projects the Breaking Ground Heritage team had undertaken over the past twelve months. Dr Montgomery's keynote was entitled 'Training Kitchener's New Army 1914-1918: Perspectives of the Irish Experience' and concentrated on the archaeological evidence of new training methods in the trenches and the ultimate legacy of the First World War.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description CBA and Living Legacies First World War Workshop (Belfast, April 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Thursday 26th April, the Council for British Archaeology's Home Front Legacy team, in collaboration with Living Legacies, ran a community workshop at Queen's University Belfast. The purpose of the workshop was to help local community groups to develop their own WWI projects and to provide assistance in how to research and record Home Front archaeology and archives in their local areas, with additional help in sourcing funding for their projects. Living Legacies Dr Heather Montgomery co-led the event, which was well-attended and well-received with several of the delegates requesting further requests for information and assistance.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description CBA and Living Legacies First World War Workshop (Swansea, April 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Sat 14th April, the Council for British Archaeology's Home Front Legacy team working with the Living Legacies 1914-18 engagement centre ran a community workshop in Swansea (Wales) giving instruction and advice on how to research, record and get funding for First World War history projects. Advice was given on how to get started on recording the legacy of the Home Front in Wales, with special attention afforded to the newly launched Home Front Legacy recording app (CBA). Plenty of inspiration and guidance was offered to help young people develop their own community projects and funding opportunities. Attendees gave positive feedback and reported their keen interest in discovering and learning more about the forgotten sites and legacies of the First World War in Wales.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Campbell College WW1 Poetry Slam (August 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Throughout August 2018, a number of A-Level students from secondary schools across Belfast participated in a unique series of creative-writing workshops led by Living Legacies Project Officer Dr Michelle Young, which culminated in a presentation of original work at the Eastside Arts Festival. The 'Poetry Slam' event, which was held at Campbell College on Friday 3rd August, saw students read and perform a selection of their own poems, written in response to the stories of pupils from the College who lost their lives during WW1. The event was staged as part of the College's 'Men Behind the Glass' initiative - a major restoration/ education heritage project which is supported by HLF funding and involves a cross section of schools and communities throughout East Belfast.
The A Level students, from Lagan College, Strathearn School and Campbell College, came together on Monday 30th July to learn about the history of Campbell College and the stories of the men whose images line the walls of the college's Central Hall. Throughout the week, in a series of creative workshops, they were guided through the writing of poetic responses to the lives of these men as classmates at Campbell College and as comrades in the Great War. The students' work referenced the heritage of WW1 in the school and reflected some of the individual stories of men such as former Head Boy, Reginald Whiteside who was shot down by the Red Baron at the age of 20. At the end of the week, the students were prepared for the presentation of their work in an intense vocal and performance technique workshop before performing their poetry in front of an appreciative audience in what was a moving and inspiring evening.

Leah Fleming from Strathearn School, said about the week, 'I wasn't sure what to expect but I enjoyed it so much and learnt a lot from it'. Ross Taylor, from Campbell College, said: 'thank you so much for this unique experience, I really enjoyed last week and the activities you put together for us really helped me to get into the mind-set for writing those poems. I couldn't have imagined at the start that I would be able to write and perform three poems, especially in less than a week's time!
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Campbell College's Men Behind The Glass Project: Time Traveller Workshops (January/February 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Living Legacies Project Officer, Michelle Young completed a successful series of creative and interactive drama workshops with Primary schools across East Belfast as part of Campbell College's Men Behind The Glass project - a major restoration, education and community engagement initiative supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund and focuses on the archives of this historic school. The Time Traveller workshops toured a number of primary schools and introduced over 500 children to some of the 127 pupils from Campbell College who were lost in WW1. The project used performance and creative techniques to explore how drama can allow young people to interact with the real life and personal stories of those young men, many of whom lived in their own localities over 100 years ago. The workshops proved to be hugely successful with pupils learning about the stories behind the men behind the glass, their lives at Campbell College and their service in the war. Teachers commented on how engaged their pupils were in the workshop and how the use of drama enhanced their learning experience, giving them an excellent insight into the sacrifice made by the young men from Campbell College.?
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Commemoration in Everyday Irish Lives: Remembering and Commemorating the First World War - An Interactive Workshop (Nov 2019) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Organised by Dr Ciara Meehan (Univeristy of Hertfordshire), LL's Dr Johanne Devlin Trew (Ulster University) and LL's DR Kurt Taroff (QUB), the interactive workshop examined commemoration of the First World War in everyday Irish lives, looking at the relationship bewteen personal stories and national narratives. Participants were encouraged to shared their personal family stories of the war and discuss their thoughts on the act of remembering.

The event was run in collaboration with the Everyday Lives in War FFW Engagement Centre, Libraries NI and the University of Hertfordshire Heritage Hub.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Connecting Communities - Critical Reflections on WW1 Commemoration (Ulster Museum, Aug 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Friday 3rd August 2018, the Living Legacies Engagement Centre launched a new exhibition in the Belfast Room of the Ulster Museum (Belfast, Northern Ireland) in association with the National Museums of Northern Ireland (NMNI). The exhibit 'Connecting Communities - Critical Reflections on WW1 Commemoration' runs from the 3rd August to the 3rd September 2018 and consists of panels and information boards focusing on the research outputs of three Living Legacies-funded projects: Women & Leisure during the First World War (Newcastle University/Women's Institute), Diverse Perspectives on a Global Conflict: Migrant Voices & Living Legacies of World War One (Ulster University/North West Migrants Forum) And Refocusing Perspectives: Then & Now Photography of the First World War (Exeter University). Dr Philip McDermott (PI, Diverse Perspectives), Dr Paul Wright (RA, Women & Leisure) and Dr James Wallis (RA, Refocusing Perspectives) provided short lectures introducing each of the projects and a synthesis of impacts and outputs their Living Legacies-funded projects have had. The event was well-attended with representatives from the HLF in London, senior academics from Queen's University and Ulster University, Chief Executives from Libraries NI, Council for Community Relations, the Department for Communities (NI), the Northern Ireland Public Records Office and members of local history organisations and the general public. Feedback recorded from the day included: 'Seeing varying narratives and collaborative efforts is refreshing...enriching to public discourse!', 'the detail of the projects was fascinating', 'great to see such content being held at national museum level at the Ulster Museum', and 'there is a more diverse community in Northern Ireland than I was aware of...'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description DH2019: 'The Ties That Bind' (Utrecht University, L. Hughes and A. Benardou - July 2019) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Desk-based research and fieldwork undertaken by LL CI Lorna Hughes and associate researcher Agiati Benardou led to a DH2019 (Digital Humanities) conference paper presented at Utrecht University in July 2019. The paper was entitled '"The Ties That Bind": The Creation, Use, and Sustainability of Community Generated Histories', and addressed the ways that digital community-generated-content has been used in digital First World War initiatives across Europe.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Discover the First World War with HLF (Cardiff, June 2017) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A free workshop for individuals and community groups considering a HLF-bid to run a WWI project, held on Tues 4th April 2017 at the Clore Discovery Centre (National Museum of Wales, Cardiff). Advice was given from the National Library of Wales, the Living Legacies 1914-18 team and groups who have successfully won HLF funding, to assist participants on how their structure their plans, proposals and development of their projects.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description ESOF 2018 Conference Keynote, Toulouse, July 2018 (Prof. Lorna Hughes) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Living Legacies' CI, Prof. Lorna Hughes (University of Glasgow) delivered a key-note address entitled "Europe in 2018: Creating, Using and Sustaining Digital History" at the biennial gathering of the ESOF (EuroScience Open Forum) in Toulouse (France), 10th July 2018. The purpose of Hughes' keynote was to discuss digital history in the context of the European Union's largest forum for open science. The event had extensive media presence; Prof. Hughes gave interviews for both Romanian and Danish radio channels.
ESOF includes a professional international forum gathering more than 4000 participants, researchers, students, educators, business actors, policy makers, science writers and journalists from all over the world.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description FWW at Sea Conference (National Maritime Museum, 8-10 Nov 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The First World War at Sea conference: Conflict, Culture and Commemoration took place 8-10 November at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. It's aim was to explore the conflict at sea through a wide range of themes from the Royal Navy and the merchant marines, as well as placing the experience of the maritime war within the historical context of the years preceding and following the conflict. Living Legacies 1914-18 engagement centre was in attendance, represented by Project Officer Clare Ablett who presented on Living Legacies' collaborative work with National Museums NI, highlighting on an archival resource of paper ephemera relating to local naval man Bredin Delap which was recently donated to NMNI's collection. The event was well-attended with experts in WW1 maritime history in attendance. Clare's presentation and Living Legacies contribution were both well-received.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description First World War Centenary Partnership (IWM) Northern Ireland (PRONI) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Living Legacies team were pleased to participate in the Imperial War Museum's "First World War Centenary Partnership" event on the 23rd November 2017 at the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. Along with other key stakeholders from National Museums of Northern Ireland, HMS Caroline, Woodland Trust, Down County Museum, Nerve Centre, Belfast City Council and the Heritage Lottery Fund, we enjoyed useful discussions and reflections, and heard about some fascinating commemorative and heritage projects. We were encouraged by the innovative ways of examining the war and networked with colleagues and community leaders undertaking novel work in First World War heritage and commemoration.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Greater Dunmurry Positive Relations Partnership - Research Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Thursday 8th of February, the first of four Living Legacies workshop sessions was held in Dunmurry Community Centre. The Greater Dunmurry Community Association group had requested a bespoke research package to be delivered to a group of 20 young people, prior to their planned battlefield tour of Belgium (March 2018). The workshop aimed to facilitate the generation of diverse stories through discussion and collaboration, helping young people to build upon a shared understanding of the legacies of the First World War. Living Legacies Dr Heather Montgomery lead a workshop with Dr Tom Thorpe, introducing research methods to help local community members in the Greater Dunmurry area (Belfast) understand their WWI heritage and strategies for developing their WWI projects.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Greater Dunmurry Positive Relations Partnership - Digital Training Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Thursday 26th April, the third and final workshop in a bespoke package designed for the Greater Dunmurry Positive Relations Partnership was delivered by Living Legacies' Dr Michelle Young and Anthony Anderson. The workshops offered a discussion on possible digital outcomes/outputs for the groups WW1 projects and topics included in the discussion included: social media, websites, 3D technology, film interpretation etc. Digital approaches to help the local community tell and share their WW1 stories and research were incorporated into a practical session, where participants took part in looking at possible software to enhance their research content and included basic instruction on how to collate information on databases, spreadsheets. The event was attended by 15 members of the local community group who reported the usefulness of the session in helping them with their study.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Greater Dunmurry Positive Relations Partnership - Researching Content Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Thursday 22nd Feb, the second of three bespoke workshops designed for the Greater Dunmurry Positive Relations Partnership was delivered by Living Legacies' Prof Keith Lilley. The session focused on 'Mapping the Front' and aimed to provide participants with a greater understanding of historical landscapes and historic maps, particularly of maps and sites relevant to the group's field trip to battlefield sites and graves in Belgium, associated with young soldiers originally from the Dunmurry area.
Feedback was positive with all attendees reporting they had significantly improved their knowledge and understanding of their WW1 topics/subject areas; participants appreciated seeing the fast changes in the western front over time as presented by the maps shown and were pleased to have a better understanding of the area they would be visiting.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description HMS Caroline Museums & Archiving Workshop (CDDA, QUB) 5th December 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact On 5th December 2018, volunteers from the HMS Caroline (Belfast) attended a one-day workshop at the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis at Queen's University Belfast. The event was hosted jointly by Living Legacies and CDDA and featured a bespoke programme of activities on the theme of Museum Curation/ Material Culture Handling and Digital Archiving for the HMS Caroline team. The session on Museum Archiving was delivered by Living Legacies team member Fiona Byrne of the National Museums of Northern Ireland, and the Digital Archiving aspect was provided by Anthony Anderson and David Hardy, both of the CDDA/Living Legacies team. This was the second of two training days created specially for the HMS Caroline Voluntary Scheme. The day was intense yet successful as evidenced by the great feedback returned from participants - 'the practicals really let me get a better understanding of how to carry out the task', 'Fiona was great at presenting museum-based interpretation', 'I will be more confident with cataloguing artefacts'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Hear Her Voice - Lilian Bland (NMNI, April 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Saturday April 7th, a Living Legacies supported lecture took place at the Ulster Museum about leading aviation pioneer Lilian Bland. 2018 marks an important year in aviation with the centenary of the RAF on April 1st. It is also the centenary of the Representation of the People Act in which some women received the right to vote in political elections. To highlight these centenaries, the incredible work of Lilian Bland was revealed through an informative and fascinating lecture by local aviation historian Guy Warner. Guy has written a book about Lilian's exploits, of which there were many notable ones. From her achievement as the first woman in the world to design, build and fly her own aeroplane in 1910 to her determination to be considered an equal amongst the male pilots of the era. All of this was accomplished around Carnmoney Hill close to the family home and a local park has been named in her honour as a tribute to these successes. Approximately 40 people attended the lecture; feedback was positive with many attendees requesting further information about aviation history, Lilian Bland and upcoming events in the Hear her Voice series - a NMNI programme of events championing the achievements, voices and power of women in their museum collections.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Irish Republican Prison Crafts - Making Memory and Legacy 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Living Legacies supported HLF-funded oral history project 'Coiste na nlarchimi (Republican ex-prisoners)' - an oral history project collecting up to 30 stories from republican ex-prisoners and their families associated with the heritage of making and receiving prison crafts. On Wednesday 14th March, a community conference and exhibition entitled 'Irish Republican Prison Crafts: Making Memory and Legacy' was held at Belfast's historical Crumlin Road Gaol and was supported by Living Legacies and facilitated by Living Legacies' DR Johanne Devlin Trew (Ulster University). Members of the public were asked to bring the WW1 memorabilia (photographs, documents, artefacts) pertaining to their families. Due to issues of stigma and shame relating to participation in the British army in certain sections of the community, a significant portion of this material had been kept carefully hidden in families and rarely if ever discussed over the past one hundred years. The photographs, scanned objects and interviews will be archived via a digital archive 'Ceardaiocht' which will be completed by July 2018. The event was opened by Stormont MLA Gerry Kelly (himself a Republican prisoner) and the day featured talks and dicussions by local artists, prisoner family members and ex-prisoner craft makers who related their personal experiences of participating in the project and their views on the importance of the recovery and preservation of Republican heritage from 1916 through to the Troubles. The organising committee and community volunteers were gratified by the level of community response amd the strong desire expressed that the Coiste project be extended to cover a wider terrritory in the north of Ireland.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Living Legacies 1914-18 WW1 Engagement Centre relaunch event at Down County Museum. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact We managed to forge useful relationships with existing community groups and some new organisations and are developing some work with museums in the area as a result of the relaunch.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Living Legacies Community Co-Production Projects - Mini Symposium 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact On Friday 5th January, Living Legacies funded community 'co-production projects' from 2017 took part in a 'mini symposium' at Queen's University Belfast to share the results of their projects. Presentations by the project representatives gave us the opportunity to reflect on the processes and practices of co-production and community-based research, and - as part of the wider aims of Living Legacies - to reflect also on the contributions these projects have made in exploring the impacts that WW1 had in Britain and Ireland, and their continuing legacies across these islands
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Ministry of Defence Sanctuary Awards Ceremony 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The Sanctuary Heritage Project Award was made for archaeological investigations undertaken at the Ballykinler Training Estate in County Down. Living Legacies Dr Heather Montgomery and a team from the Centre of Archaeological F?ieldwork undertook a community archaeological excavation at First World War practice trenches. The results of this work formed a component of Heather's doctoral research on the archaeology of First World War training camps in Ireland and was proudly supported by Living Legacies First World War Engagement Centre.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description North of Ireland Family History Society - 40th Anniversary Digital Roadshow (March 2020) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The North of Ireland Family History Society, in collaboration with Living Legacies and the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis at Queen's University Belfast facilitated an open day at Ranfurly House (Hill of the O'Neill, Dungannon) to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the NIFHS. Participants were encouraged to explore their ancestors, family and local history, to record and preserve their stories and memorabilia for the future. Attendees brought objects and artefacts and shared their family stories with the Centre's researchers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Performing Commemorations Project: Dramatic Responses to the Legacies of the First World War (Feb 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On 10th February, Living Legacies' Kurt Taroff and Michelle Young led a full-day workshop in the Brian Friel Theatre at Queen's University Belfast. The event brought together representatives from community groups from all over the UK to explore how the groups could involve their members and their broader communities in research on the First World War and disseminate this research through performance. The event forms part of the 'Performing Commemorations' project, linking three of the WW1 public engagement centres. The event began with a public showing of the Medals All Round Research Initiative (a Living Legacies funded-project from 2016) and was followed by dramatic demonstrations and characterisations of real individuals from the greater Belfast area who went off to war, with opportunities for improvisation and acting. The day's final participatory exercise featured a box filled with objects and photographs related to the life of a soldier, which the attendees used to produce a short scene based on their interpretation of the material in the boxes. The day was a great success - some initial feedback included 'I have spent a reflective morning creating ideas for the future' and 'Very good session and great atmosphere'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Poppies: Weeping Window exhibition 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact As December approaches, the Poppies: Weeping Window exhibition draws to a close. It has been extremely popular, with visitor numbers up 85.9% from November 2016 and with the most recent overall total numbering 102,991! Living Legacies involvement has been critical in engaging with groups through our Participate in Poppies programme. This has consisted of outreach through handling box sessions with groups in the five Urban Villages of Belfast and Londonderry/Derry areas with follow-up visits to the Poppies display and the Decade of Centenaries exhibition at the Ulster Museum. We have also been engaging with community groups through our sold out Sign of the Times seminar where a panel of academics, historians and writers spoke about symbols throughout history and the significance of them in today's world including our very own Project Officer Sophie Long. Films, poetry, lectures and drama were just some of the other examples of the diverse range of events that visitors could participate in. We hope to continue to build on the legacy of the Poppies display by working with these different community groups again in future projects.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Presentation at RAF Aldergrove, November 2017 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Dr. Keith Lilley spoke at the annual Christmas meeting of the RAF Cadet Squadron Leaders at RAF Aldergrove about linking RAF100 cadet activities in 2018 with the work of Living Legacies. The emphasis in the presentation was placed on the scope offered by the Defence Heritage Project (DHP) online resource as a basis for developing local outreach projects with groups of cadets across NI, particularly using DHP to locate 'aviation heritage' in the field, recording its status today, and uploading the results of their field-work onto the DHP platform.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description RAF100 - Early Operations in Ireland 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Friday 25th April, as part of the RAF100 Inspire programme, Living Legacies launched our 'Action Stations!' web-based resource. This initiative works in partnership with the Defence Heritage Project and their new online crowd-sourcing platform to support RAF100 public outreach activities during 2018. Living Legacies is currently working to bring together cadets, schools and other youth organisations to help record what remains of our RAF heritage, thus making a lasting contribution to the RAF commemorations and legacy. To mark the centenary of the creation of the Royal Air Force in 1918, PRONI in conjunction with the NI War Memorial and the RAF hosted a one day conference exploring a hundred years of the RAF in Northern Ireland. Living Legacies Director Prof. Keith Lilley presented a paper entitled 'Action Stations! 1914-18, RAF100 and the Defence Heritage Project'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description RAF100 Centenary Pit Space Exhibition (NMNI, May-June 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In partnership with Living Legacies, an exhibition at the Ulster Museum in Belfast is being held by the National Museums of Northern Ireland to mark the centenary of the Royal Air Force. Held in a prime spot in the museum's atrium, the exhibition items include a WWII flying jacket and goggles, and a WWI aeroplane propeller recently restored by the Ulster Aviation Society. The display has been curated by Clare Ablett, Living Legacies Museums Engagement Officer. The exhibition was on view from the end of April to mid-June.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Refocusing Perspectives - Symposium and Exhibition 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Refocussing Perspectives: Then and Now Photography of the First World War project held its final symposium in Winchester on 18th November. An accompanying exhibition was launched, comprising ten panels each led by a volunteer researcher from the Royal Photographic Society. The Keynote Lecture at the Symposium was given by Richard van Emden, who presented a series of previously unpublished photographs combined with excerpts from soldiers' own diaries and letters from the battle fronts of 1917. Each of the volunteers gave short presentations of their work, and reflected on the research process and the wider experiences of being able to develop their photographic passion through the guise of an interdisciplinary academic project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015,2017
Description Researching the Impact of the First World War on the Highlands and Islands 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact High Life Highland and the University of the Highlands and Islands co-hosted an open and free study day with the First World War Centenary Partnership, led by Imperial War Museums, Gateways to the First World War and Living Legacies 1914-18. The aim of this event was to bring community and academic audiences together to learn more about current research on the impact of the First World War on the Highland and Islands, the archival and digital resources available to those planning to conduct their own research and centenary funding opportunities for community projects. It also provided an opportunity for organisations to reflect on centenary activity to date in order to shape and inform future work, and provided opportunities for discussion about best practice and planning for forthcoming anniversaries and networking.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description SASH Project Launch (Shankill, July 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Monday 2nd July, the Shankill Area Social History group (SASH) launched their new Living Legacies supported, HLF-funded Great War Project at the Spectrum Centre (West Belfast) as part of Shakillfest, a local festival celebrating the Shankill area. The purpose of the project is to establish more community awareness of the war efforts of the local men and women from the Shankill Road, and to facilitate greater community engagement and involvement in their own First World War heritage and historical legacy. Living Legacies and SASH will create an online digital memorial -- populated with digitised WW1 artefacts/documents/material culture e.g. medals, letters, photographs from local residents-- and dedicated to those from the Shankill community who contributed to the war effort. The day included a special guest lecture by Living Legacies' Professor Richard Grayson (Goldsmiths University London) on the Ulster Volunteer Force and the Shankill soldiers who went to war. The Living Legacies team, with assistance from the Centre for Data Digitisation & Analysis, scanned and digitised numerous family heirlooms and artefacts from the First World War (brought in by local residents) and recorded oral testimonies of the origins of the items.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description SUPI Schools University Partnership Initiative 'Home Front to Battle Front' May 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact On Monday 21st May, 70 school children from four schools across Northern Ireland attended a Living Legacies Open Day at Queen's University. Three workshop sessions were organised and facilitated by Living Legacies team members: 1) Mapping the Front with Prof Keith Lilley - a practical session using historical maps to track the changing boundaries of the Western Front, 2) WW1 Drama with Dr Michelle Young and Dr Kurt Taroff - a practical session which explored how drama could be used to bring WW1 stories to life. Students were invited to write letters home from the Front and took part in small interactive drama activities pretending to be contemporary personas, 3) WW1 Handling Box/3D Technology & Green Screen Booth with Clare Ablett (NMNI), Anthony Anderson & Elaine Reid - a hands-on session where students could handle genuine and replica WW1 objects, try on British & German army attire and nurses uniforms and have a take-home green-screened photograph of themselves in the trenches. The session also included a short presentation on current 3D techonology being used by the Living Legacies team including hyperphotos, photogrametry and 3D modelling. The day was a resounding success with pupils stating they would love to come back to another similar event. The drama session was especially popular and feedback indicates that both the day was enjoyable but also information, with attendees noting that they learned new information about WW1 that would help them in their school projects. Some comments from teachers accompanying the children included 'the day was extremely well organised from start to finish with plenty of staff around so there were always people around who knew the answers to any queries', 'the workshops were very interesting and engaging for the students and they really enjoyed them' and 'the activities and excellent resources were very appropriate for the students and they had a lot of fun dressing up for the green-screen booth - the photos were brilliant - they will have them forever!'
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Shankill Area Social History Group (SASH) Community Website Launch (Nov 2019) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Armistice Day, 11th November 2019, the SASH group launched their new bespoke website designed by the Centre for Data Digitization and Analysis and populated by Living Legacies researchers. The launch was held at the Spectrum Centre on the Shankill Road, Belfast. The Shankill History Great War Project researched the servicemen from the Great Shankill area who went to war between 1914-18. The website also has a 'community portal' where local residents can directly upload their own stories, photographs and documents to the online resource.
The Shankill Great War Project was supported by Living Legacies and funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. LL CI Prof. Richard Grayson (Goldsmiths,UoL) inspired the project through his book 'Belfast Boys: How Unionists and Nationalists Fought and Died Together in the First World War'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Society for Historical Archaeology 53rd Annual Conference: Boston, Massachusetts - 'Manifestations of Identity: Materiality, Commemoration & Mediation in Early Modern & Contemporary Ireland' 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Living Legacies' Dr Rachel Tracey was recently in Boston, Massachusetts, speaking at the 53rd annual conference of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The four-day conference had approximately 1400 attendees, drawn from 39 countries. The overarching theme of the conference was 'Revolution', particularly in terms of diversity and inclusivity, in commemoration, rebellion, survivance and resistance. Members were also encouraged to consider some of the revolutions in theory and practice that have occurred more recently. Community engagement strategies and restorative justice were key subject matters. Rachel presented on Living Legacies' extensive catalogue of work over the past six years, particularly on how the Centre's programme of inclusive public engagement and co-produced community projects have played a significant role in negotiating the role of commemoration and identity on the island of Ireland during the Decade of Centenaries (2012-2022). Living Legacies' particular approach and methodology towards community engagement (supported by the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis) and Inclusive Heritage Discourse was discussed to great effect to a packed-out room, in a session that focused on the developments and new directions of Historical Archaeology on the island of Ireland. The requests for further information about the Centre's work was most encouraging!
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Speed That Spitfire EHODNI (NI War Memorial) - European Heritage Open Day 2018 (Sept) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Saturday 8th September, the Living Legacies' team supported NI War Memorial museum's Speed That Spitfire event -- a family fun day in the heart of Belfast's Cathedral Quarter -- as part of the European Heritage Open Days weekend. Kids and grown-ups alike dressed up real RAF and WAAF (Women's Auxillary Air Force) uniforms and had themselves digitally green-screened into a commemorative wartime souvenir photograph. Those who came learned about the RAF during the First and Second World Wars and Northern Ireland's role in both wars. There were opportunities to participate in war-era craft activities, learn about rationing and taste authentic wartime recipes made from the RAF's Field Cook Book. Outside, visitors had the chance to climb inside and explore a replica Spitfire airplane, courtesy of the Ulster Aviation Society and talk with aviation historians and experts. A great day was had by all - Jenny Haslett (Museum Manager) said, 'our visitors (all 182 of them) loved the [green screen] activity, thank you for being so friendly and patient with them. The photos were excellent we really appreciate the dedication you gave to our event. We'd certainly like to work with you again!'
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description The 5th "First World War Engagement Centre Project" Showcase, Glasgow (November 2017) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On November 23 2017, Information Studies, University of Glasgow organized the 5th "First World War Engagement Centre Project" Showcase in the context of Living Legacies 1914-18.The showcase was held in the iconic early 20th century building of the Mitchell Library and the audience included project members as well as members of the general public. The host of the event, Living Legacies' Prof. Lorna Hughes gave an illustrated and comprehensive discussion on the uses and benefits of digital tools and methods in the preservation and interpretation of historical memory. Prof. Hughes then addressed the audience and invited them to contemplate the digital methods they too might have used in their professional and/or amateur historical research, the ways in which digital commemoration has facilitated their undertakings, and the challenges they might have faced while developing digital projects. The success of the event was largely reflected in the explicit ways in which numerous members of the audience expressed their needs and requirements: teachers of local schools would benefit from access to digital archives, while websites do not always suffice - sometimes narratives made into ebooks should also be available to school children.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The Council for British Archaeology Home Front Legacy and Living Legacies 1914-18 First World War Workshop - Bristol 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The 'Living Legacies 1914-18' engagement centre is delighted to be working alongside the Council for British Archaeology's Home Front Legacy team to deliver a series of community workshops aimed at helping community groups learn how to research, record and fund their own First World War projects. The event was focused on the CBA's "Home Front Legacy" project and the ways of creating new knowledge about the physical impacts the First World War had on local landscapes and their archaeological legacies.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The Council for British Archaeology Home Front Legacy and Living Legacies 1914-18 First World War Workshop - Duxford, Cambridgeshire 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The 'Living Legacies 1914-18' engagement centre is delighted to be working alongside the Council for British Archaeology's Home Front Legacy team to deliver a series of community workshops aimed at helping community groups learn how to research, record and fund their own First World War projects.

The first of these events was recently held on the 6th of October at the Imperial War Museum site, Duxford (Cambridgeshire). The event focused on the CBA's "Home Front Legacy" project, and specifically on the means of creating new knowledge about the physical impacts the First World War on local landscapes and their archaeological legacies.

A great introduction to the event and the Home Front in the First World War was provided by Historic England's Wayne Cocroft.?
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The Irish Military Tradition (Feb 2017, PRONI) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A conference on the theme of 'The Irish Military Tradition' was held on Thursday 9th February 2017 at the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland in Belfast. The event was organised by PRONI and Living Legacies in association with the Antrim & Down branch of the Western Front Association. The event was followed by a book launch of 'The Irish Amateur Military Tradition in the British Army 1854-1992' (Manchester University Press) by Dr William Butler of the University of Kent, one of the guest speakers. The event was well attended and provided some interesting discourse on military traditions in Ireland.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The Poppy Trail: RAF100 Mural Launch (Aug 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Saturday 25th August, the Living Legacies team were present at the unveiling of the latest in a series of murals forming 'The Poppy Trail' in the Donegall Road area of South Belfast. The Poppy Trail originated in 2014, as a collaborative effort between the Shared History Workshop, the Greater Village Regeneration Trust, the NI Housing Executive (Community Cohesion Unit) and the Living Legacies 1914-18 Engagement Centre. The purpose of the trail is to commemorate the legacies of the First World War and the sacrifice of local men from South Belfast, from both sides of the community, whilst also acting as a solution to a rising problem of racist and sectarian graffiti on the walls of the Donegall Road area. Five murals, each representing a year of the 1914-1918 conflict, have been commissioned and displayed along the Donegall Road. Living Legacies' Professor Richard Grayson (Goldsmiths, University of London) advised and worked closely with the Shared History Workshop group in researching and delivering the historical narratives featured in the Poppy Trail murals - which include commemorations to the HMS Hawke (1914), Kitchener's 'Your Country Needs You' (1914), The Gallipoli Campaign (1915), the 36th Ulster Division (1916) and The Home Front/Women's Munitions (1917).
This new mural marks one hundred years of the Royal Air Force in Northern Ireland and celebrates Northern Ireland's contribution to aviation and aircraft history in Britain. It was unveiled outside Belfast's City Hospital by Pete Bleakley of the Shared History Workshop, Angela Johnston of the GVRT, Belfast-based RAF Wing Commander Tara Scott and Air Vice-Marshall David Niven (CB, CBE) of the Royal Air Force, with representatives from the Ulster Aviation Society and the Living Legacies Engagement Centre in attendance.
The unveiling was followed by a family fun day at the nearby Barrington Social Club, where attendees climbed into a replica Spitfire plane, dressed up in RAF costume, digitally superimposed themselves into a WW1 backdrop and handled some WW1 objects from the collections of the National Museums of Northern Ireland. Reponses from people who came to the unveiling and fun day described the mural as both informative and commemorative and something to be proud of.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description The Spanish Flu: A Global Pandemic (Ulster Museum, November 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Friday 16th November, Living Legacies and National Museums Northern Ireland collaborated on a lecture series held at the Ulster Museum in Belfast on the impact of the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic that killed between 50 and 100 million people worldwide. Professor Guy Beiner of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel) offered the key-note address and was followed by lectures from Prof. David Killingray (Goldsmiths, University of London), Dr Patricia Marsh (Public Records Office NI) and Dr Ida Milne (Carlow College). The purpose of the event was commemorate the centenary of the epidemic and to question why so little academic or public attention has been afforded to such a global and catastrophic event - the death toll of the flu was significantly much higher than the death toll of the First World War. The event was well attended, with approximately 80 attendees and the topic stimulated much discussion and debate amongst participants and experts. This event was significant as it was a unique lecture series in that focused solely on the Spanish Flu, which has been largely omitted from the centenary programmes of commemoration in both the UK and Ireland.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Training Kitchener's New Army in Ireland (2018 - PRONI) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Friday 9th February 2018, Living Legacies' Dr Heather Montgomery presented a critical examination of the nature of the British Army's training of soldiers in Ireland during the First World War (1914-1918), considering the archaeological evidence remaining at former training camps across Ireland, including Randalstown (Co. Antrim), Kilworth (Co. Cork), Finner (Co. Donegal) and Ballykinler (Co. Down).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Treasure House Workshops (NMNI/Clanmil Housing Group) (Ulster Museum, November 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact To commemorate the Armistice and the end of the First World War, Living Legacies collaborated with the HLF-funded Treasure House Project through the month of November. The Treasure House Project in association with Clanmil Housing Group and the National Museums of Northern Ireland is an initiative that promotes improving quality of life and tackling social isolation amongst the eldery by offering educational and fun days out once a month. Through the collaboration, residents from Clanmil Housing folds and nursing homes are brought to the Ulster Museum and Ulster Folk and Transport Museum (Northern Ireland), where they enjoy workshops that highlight objects in the collection and the different periods they reflect.

Living Legacies' Project Officer Clare Ablett regularly facilitates the workshops. Project Officer Dr. Michelle Young wrote a short play for these workshops which focused on the Armistice and the aftermath of the war: the impact of the Spanish Flu, the impact on women and the workplace and the many issues soldiers faced after returning from the front - unemployment, disability and post-traumatic stress disorder. This play was performed in the Modern History gallery at the Ulster Museum on various dates throughout November.
Feedback was hugely positive with requests for further drama facilitation sessions. Co-coordinators reported that discussions and conversations continued enthusiastically on the bus journeys home.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Using Digital Skills to Enhance your WW1 Project 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On the 7th November, we hosted a very successful digital training workshop with eighteen participants, all with current or planned HLF bids. We provided introductory training on research skills, scoping their projects, digital standards and guidelines, indexing content and archiving/sustainability of their research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2011,2017
Description WW1 Today: For community groups with ambitions for their own First World War projects (Leicester, Sept 2017) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This free event was held at the City Rooms in Leicester on Monday 4th September 2017 and was aimed at community groups with an idea for a
First World War project, regardless of its scale, the stage of development it has reached, or whether it had received funding. Groups who had successfully obtained HLF-funded projects spoke about their experiences of developing and running them, and expert advice was given from the WW1 engagement centre teams and HLF advisors, helping participants to develop their projects, with particular focus on practical aspects of applying for funding.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description WW1 Today: For community groups with ambitions for their own First World War projects (Newcastle, June 2017) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This one day event was aimed at community groups who have an idea for a World War I project (of any scale) and provided informative talks, discussions and deliberation on how those projects might be brought to fruition or advanced. Groups who had successfully completed HLF-funded projects spoke of their experiences developing, applying, funding and running their initiatives, and practical advice was offered from the WWI Engagement Centre & HLF to help participants in developing their own projects.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description WWI Today: Sharing Community Research during the Centenary of WW1 (Ulster Museum, Belfast) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact On Monday 19th June, Living Legacies played host to a number of researchers, academics and funding bodies who shared their knowledge and experience in commemorating the centenary of WW1 and its heritage in Northern Ireland.

Held at the Ulster Museum, Belfast, the event celebrated the wide variety of projects that have engaged communities in exploring the legacy of WW1. The event also connected community researchers with academics to develop closer collaborations on WW1 heritage and explained how the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) can support future projects which explore the military, cultural and societal impacts of the war upon the lives of people and communities.

Throughout the day, participants heard from groups who have successfully completed HLF-funded projects. Staff from Living Legacies were also on hand to provide expert advice to community groups who have ideas for their own WW1 Centenary projects and advisors from HLF talked through some of the practical aspects of applying for funding.

The day began with an introductory presentation by Keith Lilley from Living Legacies who explained how the WW1 Engagement Centres throughout the United Kingdom can help support local community groups in planning and resourcing their project ideas. Please click here to view presentation given on the day.? This was followed by three presentations which described some of the successfully funded projects which took place in Northern Ireland.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description War Memorials Trust 20th Anniversary 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The War Memorials Trust celebrated their 20th Anniversary at the House of Lords in May 2017. The event was hosted by the Trust's Chariman - Peter Cormick OBE. Additionally, on the 22nd and 23rd of June, the War Memorials Trust ran two Memorials Online Workshops in collaboration with the Powys War Memorials Project. These workshops provided training on the use of the War Memorials Online website; a site visit to survey the condition of a local memorial and guidance on best conservation practise in addition to providing guidance on the funding available for war memorials and information about the Powys War Memorial Project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Women, Work and the First World War (April 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact High Life Highland and the University of the Highlands and Islands co-hosted an open and free study day with the First World War Centenary Partnership, led by Imperial War Museums, Gateways to the First World War and the Living Legacies 1914-18 engagement centre. The aim of this event was to bring community and academic audiences together to learn more about current research on Women and Work in the First World War, the archival and digital resources available to those planning to conduct their own research and centenary funding opportunities for community projects. It was also intended that this event would provide an opportunity for organisations to reflect on centenary activity so far in order to shape and inform future work. The day was well attended and provided opportunities for discussion about best practice, planning for forthcoming anniversaries and networking.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013,2018
Description WomensWork100: An Irish Perspective (Ulster Museum, August 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact ?Coinciding with the centenary of the Representation of the People Act, the WomensWork100 programme, led by the Imperial War Museum, explores the breadth of women's roles - from factories and hospitals to homes and churches, representing their political activism, front-line service and home front experiences, against the backdrop of the suffrage movement and greater prominence of women in public life. On Friday 17 August, Living Legacies, in partnership with National Museums NI, held a seminar in collaboration with the Imperial War Museum providing an Irish perspective on the role women played locally and the contribution they made across Ireland to the war effort and the struggle for equality. Kathryn Thompson, Chief Executive of NMNI introduced the day with the opening talk by Dr Myrtle Hill, former Director of the Centre for Women's Studies at Queens University Belfast, who presented an overview of the period highlighting the suffrage movement in Ireland. Dr Fionnuala Walsh, lecturer in History at UCD spoke about the impact of the war on women's employment opportunities and the effect the armistice had on working women.? Our final speaker was Katie Childs from the Imperial War Museum who spoke about the Womens Work 100 programme and introduced one of the IWM archive films about Nurses in WWI. Our thanks to all of the speakers for an informative and engaging event.
Feedback from the day was very positive with attendees noting they learned things they had not previously known and that they had new-found appreciation of the lesser-known or lesser-celebrated legacy of women's contribution to the war effort and social improvement.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description YAC Development and First World War Workshop (Stirling, March 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The Council for British Archaeology's Young Archaeologists' Club and Home Front Legacy teams joined with Living Legacies to bring together colleagues from community groups, heritage organisations, and those working with young people across Scotland. On the 24th March 2018 at the Engine Shed (Stirling), members of the Living Legacies team collaborated with the Home Front Legacy group to run a workshop, designed for members of existing First World War projects, and those seeking funding, as well as heritage professionals and offered inspiration and advice on developing community projects, obtaining funding through the Heritage Lottery Fund and recording defence heritage. The event was well-attended and positive feedback was received.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018