Transnational Modern Languages: Exhibitions for impact

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: School of Modern Languages


Since its inception in 2014, Transnationalizing Modern Languages (TML), one of three large grants in the AHRC's Translating Cultures scheme, has been conducting research into the communities of the Italian diaspora. The research concentrates on cases representative of the geographic, historical and linguistic map of Italian mobility: Italian communities in the UK, the US, Australia, and South America; colonial settlement within Africa and the Mediterranean; migrant communities within contemporary Italy. The focus of the research is on the forms of representation (journals, newsletters, literature, life stories, photographs, collections of memorabilia, rituals and festivals) that have been produced by these communities and which exemplify the extent of their transcultural nature.

The project has engaged with cultural associations, schools, policy makers and individuals in an exploration of heritage, cultural memory, and educational practices. Intensive engagement with diverse collaborators has illuminated how linguistic and cultural identity are cultivated and expressed across the globe. The project has developed methodologies aimed at embedding the awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity within educational practices, from primary to higher and adult education. Within Higher Education the project is drawing on its primary research to produce a new transnational framework for the study of Modern Languages as a disciplinary field.

An important element of the project is the organization of two exhibitions, one at the British School at Rome (October - November 2016) the other at the Italian Cultural Institute (December 2016 to January 2017). Through the use of photography, audio and visual recordings, art installations and other material, the exhibitions display examples of people's experiences from across the globe and show Italian culture in transnational perspective. The exhibitions show the evolution of the project, its range of methodologies and the principle of co-produced research that lies at its core.

Impact follow-on funding allows the exhibition to be mounted in augmented reality at CO.AS.IT in Melbourne, at the Calandra Institute in New York, and at the Italian Cultural Institute in Addis Ababa.

Mounted in different sites across the globe, the exhibits do not simply offer a visual display but a demonstration of the evolution of the research project, its methodological framework and the principle of co-production that it exemplifies. They produce a dynamic research tool that shows how work on the transnational can be accomplished within Modern Languages. They demonstrate the complexity of interaction between researchers and curators and the nature of the work that the collaboration gives rise to. The exhibits, with associated publications, exemplify how research and curation interact to address issues of pressing topicality. They visualize the research and collaboration processes at the core of TML practice, making them accessible to broader audiences.

Working closely with the institutions where the exhibits are staged, the project team will organize a series of events around the exhibitions: these will include events with artists and writers; visits from local schools; events with migrant communities; meetings with representatives of educational authorities and with policy makers. The exhibits will draw on the work of local artists and will display visual and artistic material with significant local connections. The exhibits will not only disseminate the research of the project but foster new opportunities for the development of educational impact of the project.

Planned Impact

The aim of the application for follow-on funding is to bring the exhibition Beyond Borders. Transnational Italy, one of the central outputs of the large grant 'Transnationalizing Modern Languages' (TML), to as wide an audience as possible around the globe. Showing the exhibit in different sites around the world will allow the research methodology and the model of inter-cultural understanding that lies at the heart of TML to reach very different audiences all of which are profoundly interested and invested in cross-cultural exchange.

The application is based on close collaboration with the following institutions: CO.AS.IT (Melbourne), the Calandra Institute (New York), the Italian Cultural Institute (Addis Ababa). Each institution will ensure that groups from schools in the cities where the event is staged will see and interact with the exhibit; they will ensure that the exhibition is seen by as wide a public as possible; they will liaise with migrant associations and organise special events with them; they will encourage the participation of locally based writers and artists whose work addresses similar themes; they will set up meetings with representatives of educational authorities and policy makers.

The proposed exhibits will be open to communities from which much of the research material of TML was gathered. Local exhibitions will allow communities to see and engage with their histories in the global context of Italian migration and experience interactively the cross-cultural and cross-linguistic dimensions of human mobility. The exhibits will address audiences largely made up of people from Australia, the United States and Ethiopia.

Taking the exhibits to the communities from which TML drew material is essential in both academic and cultural terms. It will allow the project team to gather feedback on the exhibition itself which has become a major project output. It will also allow the project team to analyse both audience response to the exhibition experience and the efficacy of the exhibition as a modality of communicating academic research. The analysis of audience responses to the exhibition will be an important part of the TML's process of self-evaluation.

The related event at the Creative Exchange in Edinburgh that will be organized during the same period as the exhibits in different parts of the world will allow the TML team to actively set up a programme of skill development with local pupils (some of whom contributed to the exhibition) and media professionals. One aim of this collaboration is the exhibit in Edinburgh but also to develop of another ItunesU course on how to plan and stage an exhibit of this type.

The exhibitions will also trial the use of video installations that can be offered to any number of venues in the future. TML will actively seek additional venues in order to disseminate both the project and the exhibition as a medium of research in MLs. The following institutions have already expressed interest in staging the exhibition: the Museum of Immigration in Buenos Aires; the Italian Cultural Institute in Toronto; the Centro AltreItalie in Turin with support of the regional council of Piedmont. This series of exhibits are important in their own right but also offer a testing ground for the development of a fully portable exhibition that will have an afterlife long after TML has closed.

The article that will be written by members of TML and by the curators of the exhibition will serve as an important tool in disseminating within the academic community how this kind of research, with clear impact for very wide audiences, can be achieved.


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Title 'Beyond Borders: Transnational Italy', New York 
Description Project exhibition, 'Beyond Borders: Transnational Italy'. Audio-visual installations and research material from all the researchers of TML. The exhibition comprises a number of interactive installations, deliberately designed to create an 'immersive' environment. The exhibition is curated by Viviana Gravano and Giulia Grechi; software design Giulio Pernice; Simone Meme: video editing. Beyond Borders reconstructs a domestic environment as it exists, broadly speaking, with a transnational Italian cultural imaginary. The project exhibition was shown at the John D. Calandra Institute, New York, from March to April 2017 and from September-October 2017. The exhibition includes the work of the photographer, Mario Badagliacca. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2017 
Impact Engagement of Italian American community that is served by the activities of the Calandra Institute (an institutional partner of the project). Interest and engagement in the material (audio-visual installations and photography of the exhibition) and in the methodology of the exhibition in addressing transnational Italian cultures. Invitations to researchers of TML to present their work in New York and the ideas behind the exhibition. Invitation to Loredana Polezzi and Charles Burdett to participate in policy forum (January 2018) on developing an intercontinental network for developing a curriculum (and possibly a MOOC) on Italian diasporic cultures. 
Title Beyond Borders: Transnational Italy (Addis Ababa) 
Description The project exhibition, 'Beyond Borders: Transnational Italy' was presented during the 'week of the Italian Language' (16-22 October 2017) at various sites in Addis Ababa with the full support of the Italian Cultural Institute in Addis (institutional partner in the project). Installations from the exhibition were presented by Charles Burdett and Barbara Spadaro, the curators, Viviana Gravano and Giulia Grechi, as well as the project photographer, Mario Badagliacca.16 October 2017: presentation of the exhibition to all students and teachers of the Istituto omnicomprensivo (the Italian School), around 300 students, with talks from all members of the project team. 17 October 2017: presentation of the exhibition at the Club Juventus - (centre of the Italian community of Ethiopia) with talks from all memebers of the project team. 18 October 2017: presentation at the Italian Department of Addis Ababa University, 30-40 students and University teachers, with talks from all memebers of the project team. 20 October 2017: presentation of the exhibition at Fine Art Department, Addis Ababa University, 30 students, with talks from all memebers of the project team. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2017 
Impact Engagement of audiences in educational sites in different parts of Addis Ababa, both at school and university level. Interest and engagement in the material (audio-visual installations and photography of the exhibition) and in the methodology of the exhibition in addressing transnational Italian cultures. Interest in the educational practices and methodologies behind the research project. Interest in developing collaborative projects, especially with Fine Art Department of Addis Ababa University. Enhanced collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute. 
Title Beyond Borders: Transnational Italy (Melbourne) 
Description Project exhibition, 'Beyond Borders: Transnational Italy'. Audio-visual installations and research material from all the researchers of TML. The exhibition comprises a number of interactive installations, deliberately designed to create an 'immersive' environment. The exhibition is curated by Viviana Gravano and Giulia Grechi; software design Giulio Pernice; Simone Meme: video editing. Beyond Borders reconstructs a domestic environment as it exists, broadly speaking, with a transnational Italian cultural imaginary. The project exhibition was shown at the Museo Storico Italiano in May 2017. The exhibition includes the work of the photographer, Mario Badagliacca. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2017 
Impact Engagement of Italian Australian community that is served by the activities of the Museo Storico Italiano (an institutional partner of the project). More than 500 people came to the exhibition. It was reported on in the Melbourne newspaper, Il Globo. Interest and engagement in the material (audio-visual installations and photography of the exhibition) and in the methodology of the exhibition in addressing transnational Italian cultures. Invitations to researchers of TML to present their work in Melbourne and the ideas behind the exhibition. Invitation to Loredana Polezzi and Luisa Percopo to participate in conference on diasporic Italian cultures (April 2018) on developing an intercontinental network for developing conferences (Melbourne, New York) on transnational Italian cultures. 
Title TML Student Exhibition 
Description Exhibition of work by students and adult learners at Castebrae and Drummond CHS partners of TML. Held at the Creative Exchange, May 25-June 8 2017 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2017 
Impact The exhibition showcased the selected art work (ceramics and print) produced by school pupils and adult learners involved with TML over the three years of activity. 
Description One of the central outputs of the project, 'Transnationalizing Modern Languages', was the exhibition, 'Beyond Borders: Transational Italy'. The exhibition combined physical and digital installations and was organized into a space that corresponds to our shared sense of living spaces. The exhibition was first shown at the British School at Rome in October and November 2016. It was then shown at the Italian Cultural Institute in London (December 2016-January 2017). Follow-on funding has supported the display of the exhibition, in varying formats, at the Calandra Institute in New York, the Museo Storico Italiano in Melbourne and the Italian Cultural Institute in Addis Ababa. A good deal of the material of the exhibition was drawn from these same communities, so the follow-on funding allowed the exhibition to be taken to communities which have been deeply involved in the co-production of the research. At the Creative Exchange in Edinburgh, a complementary educational programme allowed local school pupils - some of whom also actively contributed to the project - and media professionals to engage with the material. The follow-on funding enabled the material of the exhibition to be seen by audiences in various parts of the world. It has shown the global reach of the project. It has contributed to developing ideas and involvement in critical reflection of the meanings of the transnational. The series of exhibitions, and the wider project TML, played a major role in the conceptualization of the three conferences that took place over three
continents from April 2018 (Melbourne) to November 2018 (New York) and finally to June 2019 (Genoa). All these events involved institutes and museums centrally concerned with the Italian diaspora. The exhibition, and the format in which it has travelled to different sites in the world, is the object of reflection in a number of the publications associated with Transnationalizing Modern Languages.
Exploitation Route The exhibition indicated how academic work on the nature and functioning of the transnational can be brought to a wide public in different parts of the world. The exhibition displayed not only the material on which all the researchers of TML worked, it was pioneering in its demonstration of the methodology that underlies the research project as a whole. As such, it represents a model that can be adopted by many projects that are financed by the AHRC. It also demonstrates a model that can be adopted in different countries and different contexts (see above). The exhibition has been shown together with the work of creative artists and thus it demonstrates how academic and creative work on the transnational can come together. Researchers on the project have spoken in a wide variety of venues on how the work of the exhibition can be adopted in other circumstances and articles specifically on this subject are planned.
Sectors Education



Museums and Collections

Description The primary impact of the follow-on project was to take installations of the exhibition 'Beyond Borders: Transnational Italy' to various audiences around the globe. As an exhibition on the transnational that involves communities in different parts of the world, this has been an important goal. The Calandra Institute asked to re-stage the exhibition in September-October 2017 after the initial showing of the exhibit in March-April 2017; the exhibit in Melbourne attracted more than 500 visitors; showing of different elements of the exhibition in Addis Ababa formed part of the range of events of 'Week of the Italian Language' organized by the Italian Cultural Institute; the exhibition at the Creative Exchange in Edinburgh allowed students and adult learners at Castlebrae and Drummond CHS to display work as part of TML. The exhibition has exemplified the notion of co-production that lies at the heart of TML and TML: Global Challenges. The involvement in the exhibition led to a formal cooperation between the Calandra Institute in New York and the Museo Italiano in Melbourne. It has led to researchers in TML being involved in planning a transnational curriculum at the Calandra Institute and discussions concerning the preparation of a MOOC on transnational Italian cultures. TML researchers have given presentations about the exhibition in venues in different parts of the world. The experience of taking the exhibition to different parts of the world has played an important part in the preparation of the Policy Report, 'TML: Reframing language education for a global future'. The methodologies deployed in the exhibition have been explored in the publications of the project.
First Year Of Impact 2017
Sector Education,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural

Description Transcending Borders, Bridging Gaps. Italian Americana, Diasporic Studies and the University Curriculum
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description 'Where Are We Now? The Location Of Modern Languages and Cultures', Durham University, April 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Where Are We Now? The Location Of Modern Languages and Cultures', Durham University (UK), April 2023;
Activity Type: plenary panel
Charles Burdett, Jenny Burns, Derek Duncan, Loredana Polezzi
Ben Schofield, Charles Forsdick, Hilary Owen
How many people: 50+
Geographical Reach: International
Primary Audience: MLs scholars, teachers, PG and postdoctoral students
Other Audiences: N/A
Activity years: 2023
Result Description: round table discussion
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Co-Creation in Modern Languages, Bath, June 2017 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Loredana Polezzi presented at the 'Bridging the Gap: Co-Production of Research in Modern Languages' event, held in Bath in June 2017. Dissemination and networking was achieved.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Opening of the exhibition, Calandra Institute, New York, March 2017 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The exhibition, 'Beyond Borders: Transnational Italy' was formally opened at the John D. Calandra Institute, in New York, 28 March 2017. At the formal opening, there were talks from Anthony Tamburri and Fred Guardaphe from the Calandra which addressed the importance of the exhibition in the work that the Institute fulfils. These two presentations were followed by talks by the two curators of the exhibition, Viviana Gravano and Giulia Grechi and by Charles Burdett. The talks addressed the aims of the research project and the methodology behind the exhibition. The audience was made up of memebers of the Italian-American community and from the general public.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The book, Italy is Out, presented at the Italian Cultural Institute, London, 7 December 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The internationally renowned documentary photographer, Mario Badagliacca, in conversation with Professor Derek Duncan (University of St Andrews), Professor Charles Burdett (University of London) and Dr. Antonia Dawes (King's College London) at the Italian Cultural Institute London, 7 December 2021.

Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021