MARAM: Mobilising Access to Rights for Artists in Morocco

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: Sch of Social and Political Science


Mobilising Access to Rights for Artists in Morocco (MARAM) will build on and broaden the impact of our innovative GCRF project ("Arts for Advocacy") in contributing to debate, shifting opinions, and informing migration policies in Morocco. MARAM (meaning 'wish' in Arabic) will foster greater social and institutional recognition for marginal artists (specifically migrants from Africa and the Middle East and Moroccans from disadvantaged communities).

Morocco has become a country of transit and immigration, notably for sub-Saharan migrants fleeing persecution, conflict and economic precariousness, and more recently for those fleeing the war in Syria. Morocco is attempting to implement a new and more inclusive politics of migration, but this has been fraught with contradictions and ongoing violence. As with other progressive reforms across the Middle East and North Africa region (e.g. Arab Spring), activists, artists, migrant leaders and NGO practitioners have increasingly mobilised the arts to advocate for policy changes regarding migration. Researchers and other practitioners often engage with migrant artists, but their specific needs and challenges as both migrants and artists are overlooked. MARAM addresses this gap in collaboration with its Project Partner, Racines, through three objectives:

1. To develop a Toolkit to facilitate the navigation of existing legislation and administrative hurdles by artists based in Morocco;

2. To enhance artistic collaboration and support networks amongst artists based in Morocco, and between artists and cultural professionals;

3. To generate a Manifesto for Artists' Rights to shape policies affecting artists based in Morocco.

In order to broaden the range of user communities, MARAM will work with a new Project Partner, Racines, an association for cultural development in Morocco and Africa. Activities co-designed and co-delivered with Racines in MARAM include: 1) a series of Workshops in which marginal migrant and Moroccan artists based in Morocco will identify challenges to accessing rights, and social and institutional recognition, co-develop solutions, and build capacity; 2) an Artistic Residency Programme in which participants will creatively engage with what it means to be an artist in Morocco; 3) A Forum for stakeholders, decision-makers, and policy-makers to develop a shared vision of future cultural policies in Morocco.

Led by Dr Laura Jeffery (University of Edinburgh) in collaboration with Dr Mariangela Palladino (University of Keele) and Dr Sébastien Bachelet (University of Edinburgh) the team consists of researchers from across the humanities and social sciences with experiences in forced displacement, arts-based methods, NGO partnership, knowledge exchange, and capacity building within and beyond the Moroccan context. Through its inclusion of artists and creative professionals in designing and conducting the project, MARAM will deliver short, mid, and long-term impact:

1. MARAM will benefit Morocco-based local and migrant artists by enhancing their capacity as creative professionals trough knowledge and skills (e.g. project development & management, communication, employment rights);

2. MARAM will foster and enhance networks and partnerships in the creative and cultural sector in Morocco;

3. MARAM will contribute to shaping institutional policies at national level in Morocco and help sustain improvements in other ODA countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region (see Visual Evidence 1).

Planned Impact

MARAM will have direct impact on otherwise marginal migrant and Moroccan artists, delivering short, mid, and long-term impact (see Visual Evidence):
1. MARAM will benefit Morocco-based local and migrant artists by enhancing their capacity as creative professionals through knowledge and skills (e.g. project development and management, communication, employment rights);
2. MARAM will foster and enhance networks and partnerships in the creative and cultural sector in Morocco;
3. MARAM will contribute to shaping institutional policies at national level in Morocco and help sustain improvements in other ODA countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

The project will impact on and benefit the following groups:

a) Workshops will promote wealth creation and economic prosperity; artists' capacity will be enhanced through the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for their development as creative professionals.
b) Artistic Residency Programme will foster opportunities for collaboration amongst participants.
c) Trilingual Toolkit (to navigate existing policies and procedures) will enhance: access to rights and institutional recognition; social, cultural, and economic opportunities for marginal Moroccan and migrant artists beyond the project's participants.
d) Dissemination via website, blog, and social media will improve understanding amongst the general public of issues affecting otherwise marginal migrants and Moroccan artists.
e) Migrant'Scène festival and exhibition will foster broader engagement with and reflection on cultural and migration politics in Morocco.
f) Long-lasting relationships between Racines and participating artists will be fostered through the project's multilingual and interactive website which will further disseminate MARAM's outputs.

a) MARAM will increase the capacity of Racines to support the professional development of marginal artists in Morocco.
b) This international partnership will enhance the capacity of Racines to attract future research and development and engender community regeneration.
c) Creative practitioners in Morocco will benefit from MARAM's Forum by learning about other practices, sharing experiences, and influencing future policies.
d) Organisations beyond Morocco and the MENA region (e.g. Arterial Network; the Observatory of Cultural Policies in Africa) will benefit from MARAM via the participation of Racines in the EU-funded Med Culture project.

3. POLICY MAKERS including - but not limited to - Moroccan Ministry of Culture & Communication, Moroccan Ministry of Migratory Affairs, Centre National des Droits de l'Homme (CNDH), Observatoire Nationale de la Migration (ONM)
a) Increased access to user-informed research co-developed by practitioners, academics and participants will directly influence policy development at national level.
b) MARAM's Manifesto will feed into the strategy to shift cultural policies relating to Morocco's recently launched strategy "Maroc Culturel 2020", which seeks to make long-lasting policy change to foster culture as a vector for development.
c) Through its use of cultural, creative practices for capacity building, MARAM provides new insights and knowledge to advance migration policies relating to Morocco's Stratégie Nationale d'Immigration et d'Asile (National Strategy for Immigration and Asylum) (2014), which includes "Education and Culture" and "Professional Development" among eleven programmes for action.
d) MARAM will contribute to shaping institutional cultural and migration policies beyond Morocco: it will help sustain improvements in other ODA countries in the MENA region and across Africa. Racines will cascade and disseminate our multilingual outputs (available online for wide, enhanced access) via its extensive pan-African networks.


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Title Guide for artists in Morocco 
Description Content: • A legal framework related to the copyrights, legal status of the artists, freedoms (expression, creation, movement and residence) • The main procedures that an artists, either Moroccan and migrants need to follow to get the professional card, to register at the copyrights bureau, to enter the territory, etc. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact N/A 
Title Step Free documentary film 
Description Step Free is a documentary directed by Zakaria Rochdi and produced by Association The Minority Globe as part of the MARAM project. The film narrates the journeys of the artists who participated to the project, who are all seeking freedom of expression, of creation and being. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact N/A 
Title Step Free exhibition catalogue 
Description "It is because they want to express the world that they are artists. To express their dreams and uncertainties. With their images, their colors, their words and their poetry. To express this world or another, in one way or another. This collective exhibition is the result of a common work between artists, migrants and Moroccans, who defend their common identity; that of being artists who try to express themselves when expression is not free. For a year, they worked together, without distinction. They are aware that they are all on the same boat. They lived together, "endured" training sessions, scratched their heads, shared their laughter and despair. This exhibition is dedicated to those who know that freedom is conquered step by step. Free steps towards freedom." 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact N/A 
Title Step Free online exhibition 
Description "It is because they want to express the world that they are artists. To express their dreams and uncertainties. With their images, their colors, their words and their poetry. To express this world or another, in one way or another. This collective exhibition is the result of a common work between artists, migrants and Moroccans, who defend their common identity; that of being artists who try to express themselves when expression is not free. For a year, they worked together, without distinction. They are aware that they are all on the same boat. They lived together, "endured" training sessions, scratched their heads, shared their laughter and despair. This exhibition is dedicated to those who know that freedom is conquered step by step. Free steps towards freedom." 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact N/A 
Description MARAM aimed to consolidate the status of artists in Morocco and to raise civil society awareness of issues surrounding migration. MARAM supported a group of eight marginalised Moroccan and migrant artists to strengthen their knowledge of their rights as artists and as migrants, and secondly by providing a creative workspace. Facilitators from the arts sector delivered five bespoke professional training sessions on: methodology for the elaboration of a cultural project, financial management, communication, laws, and human rights. MARAM's participating artists benefited from artistic residencies in MARAM's office space for artistic collaboration, where they worked with each other and with different artistic mediums to deliver a collective creative contribution. MARAM generated: a collaborative online exhibition and associated exhibition catalogue, a manifesto for artists' rights, a legal and administrative guide for artists in Morocco, a digital discussion forum, and a documentary film on the implementation of the MARAM project. These creative outputs are freely and easily available online via our web platforms and social media, they use accessible (rather than technical) Arabic and French, and they have an appealing graphic design to engage with a wider and more diverse audience.
Exploitation Route MARAM's participating artists and facilitators from the arts sector emphasised the urgent need in Morocco to enrich public debate on culture and to advocate for cultural policies that address artists' concerns. Morocco has been in a democratic transition for 20 years following a decades-long record of human rights infringements. Cultural policies currently serve goals such as promoting the country's image, contributing to the tourist economy, and promoting particular religious and political values, but could also positively support democratic transition and contribute to the country's development. MARAM's creative outputs could be deployed to put cultural policy on the political agenda in Morocco and to advocate for cultural policies that address key issues such as freedom, rights, democracy, and critique.
Sectors Creative Economy


Democracy and Justice



Museums and Collections

Description MARAM supported marginalised Moroccan and migrant artists to coproduce creative outputs that together consolidate the status of artists in Morocco and raise civil society awareness of issues surrounding migrants' rights, artists' rights. MARAM put cultural policy on the political agenda in Morocco and advocated for cultural policies that address key issues such as freedom, rights, democracy, and critique.
First Year Of Impact 2020
Sector Creative Economy
Impact Types Cultural

Description Follow-on Fund for Impact and Engagement (International Development)
Amount £99,784 (GBP)
Funding ID AH/S005846/1 
Organisation Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2019 
End 07/2020
Description Freedom of expression and creation in a context of migration 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact As part of the MARAM (Mobilising Access to Rights for Artists in Morocco) project, The Minority Globe association (Morocco) and its partners, the Universities of Edinburgh, Keele and Manchester (United Kingdom), organised an online forum on the Facebook page of The Minority Globe, Friday, 9 October 2020, 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m, on freedom of expression and creation in a context of migration. The forum had 419 live views.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description MARAM Artistic Residency 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The artistic residency was directed by:
- Reuben Yemoh Odoi, a Ghanaian artist and artistic director based in Morocco
- Aadel Essaadani in his capacity of pedagogical coordinator of MARAM project

The objectives of the residency were to:
- Identify with the participants the main themes for the exhibition that will inspire them for their creations
- Reflect on the artwork that they want to create and its connection to the themes
- Make the participants work together on the collective exhibition

The themes selected were:
- Copyright
- Status of the artists
- Freedom of speech
- Artistic freedom
- Freedom of movement
- Freedom of residency
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020
Description MARAM workshops 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact 5 training workshops:

Session 1: 11 to 15 November 2019
Topic: Introduction to MARAM project and the methodology of the elaboration of cultural projects
Trainer: Dounia Benslimane (project coordinator of MARAM) and Aadel Essaadani (expert in cultural policy and cultural management)

Session 2: 16 to 21 December 2019
Topics: status of the artist, copyrights and neighbouring rights, migrants' rights, and legal access to public space
Trainers: Aadel Essaadani (expert in cultural policy and cultural management), Elias Khrouz (lawyer and expert in copyrights and intellectual property), Camille Denis (general coordinator of association GADEM for the protection of migrants in Morocco), Mehdi Azdem (director of the cultural centre Les Etoiles de Sidi Moumen)

Session 3: 20 to 25 January 2020
Topic: human rights and cultural rights
Trainer: Simone Longo de Andrade, expert in human rights and cultural rights

Session 4: 10 to 15 February 2020
Topics: communication
Trainers: Aadel Essaadani (expert in cultural policy and cultural management), Mohammed Sammouni (journalist) and Driss Khayi (consultant in digital communication)

Session 5: 21 to 24 September 2020
Topics: accounting, labour law and financial management
Trainers: Zineb Nejjam (accountant) and Dounia Benslimane (cultural manager and consultant)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020
Description Moroccan artists' rights: A guide is published 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The Moroccan daily news website "Aujourd'hui le Maroc" (Morocco Today) published an article by Siham Jadraoui entitled "Droits d'artistes marocains : Un guide voit le jour" (Moroccan artists' rights: A guide is published"):
"Statut de l'artiste, droits d'auteur, droits voisins
Destiné aux artistes ou aux professionnels de la culture résidant au Maroc, un guide est publié dans le cadre de Maram <> (Mobilisation pour l'accès des artistes à leurs droits), un projet de collaboration entre les universités d'Edinburg, Manchester et Keele et l'Association culturelle The Minority Globe. <>, indique Aadel Saadani, membre du comité scientifique de Maram.
Composé de 27 pages, ce guide est un outil permettant d'avoir un aperçu sur le cadre juridique qui régit plusieurs questions. D'ailleurs, la première partie donne à voir les questions liées à la liberté de circulation et d'installation. La deuxième partie présente une idée sur les droits liés à la liberté d'expression et de création. En ce qui concerne la troisième partie, elle est consacrée au statut de l'artiste, droit d'auteur et droits voisins. Elle présente un bref aperçu historique sur le Bureau marocain du droit d'auteur (BMDA), les conventions et traités ratifiés par le Maroc en la matière, carte professionnelle de l'artiste et les métiers artistiques.
<>, peut-on lire dans le document.
Pour noter, le projet Maram est financé par le Conseil de recherche sur les arts et les sciences humaines du Royaume-Uni (AHRC - Global Challenges Research Fund) et s'appuie sur les résultats du projet <> (2016-2018). Il vise en effet à favoriser une plus grande reconnaissance sociale et institutionnelle des artistes au Maroc (en particulier des artistes migrants et des artistes marocains en situation de vulnérabilité)."
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020