Commodity Frontiers and Environmental Change in a Challenged Coastal Region of Cuba

Lead Research Organisation: University of London
Department Name: School of Advanced Study


On 8 September 2017, one of the most powerful hurricanes ever to sweep the Caribbean made landfall in north-central Cuba. Images of the devastation in the coastal town of Caibarién were broadcast around the world, bringing back to international prominence a port that had once thrived with the export of sugar and tobacco, and as a centre for fishing, but which had long since fallen into decline - except as a gateway for the newly flourishing international tourism on the keys. Hurricanes played a significant role in this region, where forests and food self-sufficiency gave way to cattle ranching, coffee estates, tobacco farms and sugarcane plantations, which led to soil exhaustion and were at the mercy of global markets. Today Cuba seeks to reinsert itself into the global economy at a time of mounting climate-change concerns, and the local community pins its hopes on a self- sustaining economy alongside a newly established commodity frontier - this time that of international tourism, largely attracted by the marine and coastal wealth that the region offers. This brings economic gain, yet also challenges of an environmental and socio-cultural nature.

The project will see the establishment of a network of international and national scholars, documentary filmmakers, conservationists, and meteorologists, working with those active at the community level in Caibarién and surrounding region. It will combine academic and community workshops with the production of a 3-part series of 20-minute documentaries (along with a 1-hour length version), exploring how a history of extreme weather events and global commodity frontiers has impacted on the natural environment and coastal and rural communities made vulnerable by excessive exploitation of land and sea, and the inequalities of the global market. As climate change places under increasing risk local communities once at the fore of intensive cultivation, the network and resulting films will examine both the historical circumstances that resulted in their vulnerability and look forward to their prospects for recovery and survival. They will focus on the local experiences of this frequently ignored region, seen against the background of two centuries of economic rise and decline, environmental change, and extreme weather events.

Alongside workshops, testimony will be collected from local residents, who will be integrally involved in the filming, along with interviews with experts, location filming, archival footage and sequences narrating the region's history, drawing on newsreel, documentary and fiction films from the archives of the Cinemateca de Cuba and Mundo Latino television studios, as well as local museums and collections. The films will combine traditional documentary techniques with a collaborative approach, designed to bring different perspectives into dialogue, and especially to give voice to local communities most directly concerned. They will borrow from the principles of participatory video practice, in which social actors in front of the camera are consulted during the filmmaking process and invited to give feedback on work in progress. They will be distributed by open access, and produced in English and Spanish versions, as part of the new audio-visual outreach strategy, as a collaboration between the Commodities of Empire Project ( based at the University of London's School of Advanced Study (SAS) and the Antonio Núñez Jiménez Foundation for Nature and Humanity ( in Cuba. They will be promoted through the SAS Digital Humanities Strategy (, the Commodity Frontiers Initiative ( and network partners in this venture. Research outputs will also be published online and in print in the form of a policy brief, CoE Working Papers, a peer-reviewed journal article, and an edited volume.

Planned Impact

Beyond the academic world, the collaborating organisation for the project is the Fundación Antonio Núñez Jiménez para la Naturaleza y el Hombre (Antonio Núñez Jiménez Foundation for Nature and Humanity) (, a Cuban NGO specialising in environmental research and conservation activities in Cuba and abroad, and through their offices the Cinemateca de Cuba and Mundo Latino television studios. In addition, the project will potentially benefit the local community, museums and archives of Caibarién and neighbouring town of Remedios, Cuban and international policy makers, Cuban and international NGOs, documentary filmmakers, and a general interested public.

The local community in Caibarién/Remedios will be directly involved in the network workshops and in the making of the films. The effect of the recent hurricane upon them will be highlighted, and they will be given the opportunity to express their past experiences, and views about the present and their future prospects. Through the establishment of a local group of participants, ongoing communication and involvement will be enabled. Local participants will also be encouraged to identify areas of particular environmental concern. Close involvement will be established with local museums and archives in the region, and the project will result in a resource that will be of use for their local educational work.

In the longer term, it is anticipated that the network will result in having a potential impact on local and national policy makers in Cuba, by highlighting areas of concern and learning from the history of the region and contemporary circumstances, thereby contributing to making informed decisions about future courses of action. The films are also intended to have an impact on international policy making, in particular in the Greater Caribbean where communities are so subject to hurricanes, by revealing the relationship between commodity frontiers, extreme weather events, vulnerability, and local development.

In addition to contributing to the work of the Antonio Núñez Jiménez Foundation, as the collaborating NGO, the project will potentially provide a strong local case study that may be of use in the ongoing work of other international development, disaster-response and environmental justice NGOs. There is an existing relationship with the Environmental Justice Atlas (, and the project will feed its findings into this, as well as helping raise awareness in Cuba of environmental justice concerns.

The project will contribute to participatory filmmaking practices, in that it integrally involves both academic researchers and local communities alongside filmmakers in the production process. In this, the Antonio Núñez Jiménez Foundation will mediate with the Cuban Film Institute and Mundo Latino, drawing attention to their extensive archives, as also will be the case with local archives and museum and other collections.

Finally, the network will have an impact within a general local, national and international public, as the documentaries will be openly available online and through platforms such as YouTube, enabling them to be used freely in campaigns to raise awareness of the issues. Likewise, publication online of a policy brief will be aimed at policy makers and NGOs, and those wishing to be more informed will be able to consult publications resulting from the research and filmmaking process in the online Commodities of Empire Working Paper series (, as well as the proposed policy brief, journal article and edited volume in print form.


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Title Documentary - 'Cuba: Living Between Hurricanes' 
Description A 70-minute documentary, in English and Spanish, directed by Michael Chanan. Exploring the relationship, historically and in the present, between hurricanes, commodities and environmental change. The film combines testimony from local residents and interviews with experts, location filming and archival footage. The film brings together a wide range of themes: the importance of hurricanes in Cuban history, the impact of commodity frontiers, the rise and fall of the port of Caibarién, contemporary responses to extreme climate events, ecological change and damage, the new impact of tourism, and the prospects for sustainable development. The filming process, and workshops associated with it, facilitated discussion in Cuba, and the finished documentary is now available for viewing online through open access, and for screenings and talks in Cuba, the UK and elsewhere, as a tool for raising awareness about broader issues affecting society, the economy and the environment. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Available on open access through the dedicated website Also ongoing screenings around the world, in academic and other settings. It was launched in Havana, Cuba in December 2019 during the International Film Festival. It is being promoted as a curriculum resource, as well as a film that contributes to a number of pressing contemporary questions concerning climate change and sustainable development. The film is intended to act as a pilot for the production of other such commodity-frontier related documentaries. 
Description There have been two significant achievements from the award. The first has been to bring together of an interdisciplinary network of specialists, from Cuba and internationally, whose work in different ways explores the historical and contemporary impact of extreme weather events (such as hurricanes), and the importance of understanding ecological change and sustainable community development. Of particular interest was to explore the role of such climate events on commodity frontiers, and how in turn these commodity frontiers contribute to understanding impact and recovery. This has been undertaken in the context of the Commodities of Empire British Academy Research Project ( in tandem with the Commodity Frontiers initiative ( A first workshop was organised in Havana, Cuba, in May 2019. The second significant achievement was the production of the documentary, Cuba: Living Between Hurricanes (available for open access viewing on and also on Vimeo
The immediate aim of the project was to bring together in Cuba a small network of international scholars and filmmakers with conservationists, meteorologists and community workers for the purposes of research, workshops and filming of the documentary. This was fully achieved. Following a suitably flexible shooting plan, evidentiary filming developed the theme, announced in the title, of living between hurricanes, attesting to the resilience of the communities whose economy and ecology are under threat. Contact has been maintained with these local participants, and others who have subsequently come forward as a result of the film; and it is anticipated that future activities and projects can be arranged with them.
A major overarching finding in the Cuban case is that while extreme weather events receive more attention, the long-term effects of commodity production and alternating drought and heavy rains can be more devastating, as also the geopolitical and economic problems Cuba faces globally. Cuba has good national disaster management policy and practice, yet a cumulative history renders present-day local communities all the more vulnerable to climate change. The lessons are there to be learnt by all.
In this vein a lasting collaboration has been established with the Fundación Antonio Núñez Jiménez Foundation for Nature and Humanity in Havana. The Foundation acted as the project's main partner in Cuba, providing expertise in Cuban environmental history and negotiating with the national authorities to obtain relevant permissions and also the Cuban Film Institute, which provided us with access to its extensive film archive as well as logistical support.
After completing the documentary in December 2019, we embarked on promoting the documentary, through its online presence and also through screenings for both academic and non-academic audiences. Where possible, such screenings would also include discussion about the themes raised. Only two on-site screenings (one in the US and one in the UK) took place before the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, after which a series of online national and international screenings and talks were organised, all of which have elicited much interest and discussion of the topics and issues raised, both as regards Cuba and more widely the world over, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and the halt to international tourism, which had become Cuba's economic mainstay. Publication of the edited book, combining extracts from the interviews with appropriate visual images, and extracts from other relevant sources, and the two journal articles relating to the project have been delayed due to Covid-19.
Likewise, planned follow-on activities have been postponed due to Covid-19. Documentary co-producer, researcher and writer Jonathan Curry-Machado, was to have led on two further developments, which he has had to put on hold. After filming, two local initiatives in Caibarién came to light, both of which seek to raise local consciousness about the environment of the town and its environs. Proyecto Color de Miel (Colour of Honey Project), founded by the visual artist Crisel Lo, is an independent eco-art project, working in particular with young people to combine ecological awareness with artistic expression. The Grupo Espeleológico Cayo-Barien (the Cayo-Barien Speleological Group) brings together locals interested in exploring the archaeology, geography and ecology of the area, and over several years has played a part in raising awareness not only of how the past has shaped Caibarién, but also of the environmental vulnerabilities that are now showing their vulnerability. The plan was to spend time with both of these projects in late 2020, filming their activities and their popular interactions, in order to produce short video stories as a means of communicating the experiences and lessons learned from these examples to a far wider audience than would ever otherwise have knowledge of them. The video stories would be used as a starting point to encourage the sharing of other local initiatives from elsewhere in Cuba and the world, thereby further widening the network already established. Committed to exploring other forms of engagement, Curry-Machado aimed also to use his theatrical expertise to develop a performance, drawing on existing material collected during the making of the documentary, as well the ongoing incorporation of new material resulting from subsequent community interactions, and exploring the themes raised. In addition to performing in Caibarién in conjunction with the filming of the projects there, he had received an invitation to what would have been the 2021 Cruzada Teatral (Theatre Crusade), traveling over the course of a month to small communities in the mountains of eastern Cuba. At the time of reporting, due to Covid-19 it is not clear whether it might be possible to resurrect either of these initiatives in late 2021 and 2022.
Exploitation Route Since completion of the documentary in December 2019 and its availability for viewing online on open access, requests have come in for screenings and talks with those of us who have been involved. They have come from partners to the project and through the established network of the Commodities of Empire British Academy Research Project, in which the PI and postdoctoral researcher have played a foundational role, and through their personal and professional links, as well as those of the documentary film director, who was Co-I for the project. They have come from Third Sector groups, interested in Cuba and the wider issues raised, and from the wider academic community, for screenings with scholars and students. Interest through other channels, such as some international conferences and film festivals, has inevitably been pushed to future dates due to such events being postponed, and it is hoped some of these might take place this coming year. We have been asked for a French subtitled version, which will be available soon, and approached also by colleagues for the use of clips from the documentary for the Open University.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Communities and Social Services/Policy



Leisure Activities

including Sports

Recreation and Tourism


Democracy and Justice



Museums and Collections

Description The documentary Cuba: Living Between Hurricanes is the principal tangible output from the award. Intended to work with different audiences both inside and outside Cuba, we have little to report on the former, since Covid-19 put a stop there to dissemination activities, but a series of online screenings elsewhere provide evidence of its impact on a variety of audiences. Early reactions indicate that the film not only informs audiences about Cuba but the relation of what they learn to phenomena closer to home, like flooding in the UK, the decline of small towns in the interior of Argentina, or the problematic effects of tourism in Spain, thus bridging the gap between the local and the global and raising questions that range from issues of disaster management to long-term planning for climate change, as well as sustainable agriculture. This kind of debate has been central in the online screenings and discussions, not least the major issue since filming the documentary, which is the impact of Covid-19, in terms of health, the economy and society, and the ways in which the very origins of Covid-19 are linked to climate change. This was all the more relevant in the run-up to the postponed COP26 in Glasgow in November 2021, where we screened the film for a second time, having done so there already in November 2020. We were, however, unable to bring over a Cuban smallholder organic farmer for COP26, as originally planned. Before and since then we have had further online screenings+Q&A, in the UK, Europe, USA, Canada, and Puerto Rico, where the aftermath of Hurricane Irma in Cuba and Hurricane Maria there was part of a wider conversation on public policy and practice in contrasting experiences of Cuba and other Caribbean islands. Other developments include a French subtitled version, which is now available; English and Spanish versions of a companion book, available read-only online and for purchase in print; an online open-access journal article; and a BBC Green Thinking podcast. We were approached for use of clips from the documentary for the Open University, and we have continued to receive requests for documentary screenings + Q&A, the most recent of which were in early 2024. The documentary is clearly proving to have a long 'shelf-life'.
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Education,Environment
Impact Types Cultural



Policy & public services

Description Practice/public influence
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Title Documentary film as a tool for capacity-building & awareness-raising 
Description The film is a novel collaboration by a London-based research project (Commodities of Empire, University of London) with a Cuban NGO for the environment, (Fundación Antonio Núñez Jiménez, FANJ), and the participation of the Cuban national film archive (Cinemateca ICAIC). The London team comprised the film's director (supported by a small crew) and the two writer-producers. The FANJ agreed the script, supported filming arrangements and brought together a group of experts in relevant disciplines for a workshop and individual interviews. We worked with two special advisors, the historian Reinaldo Funes from the FANJ, and in Caibarién, where much of the film was focussed, an ecological activist, Pedro González. Borrowing from participatory video practice, an essential part of the process was taking the first cut (which was done in London) back to screen to our collaborators for their feedback in October 2019. This served as an internal form of peer review (although not anonymised), and the feedback obtained, both in immediate discussion and written form, was detailed and valuable.This is envisaged as a model for researchers and documentary filmmakers in Cuba and elsewhere for building capacity and raising awareness. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The premiere screening of the film in Havana (10.12.2019) was followed by a productive discussion with the audience. While the film aims for widespread online dissemination, the same screening-and-debate approach is now being adopted, whereby discussion of the issues forms an integral part of the process of raising awareness. 
Description Research network, 'Commodity Frontiers and Environmental Change' 
Organisation Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry
Country Cuba 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Coordinated establishment of research network. Brought together the various international partners and participants. This has been undertaken in the context of the Commodities of Empire British Academy Research Project ( in tandem with the Commodity Frontiers initiative (
Collaborator Contribution Fundación Antonio Nuñez Jiménez organised workshop in Havana. Provided support in the production of the documentary. Coordinated with Cuban authorities. Cuban Film Institute provided film permissions and Cinemateca de Cuba provided archival material and organised Havana rough-cut screening. Other partners contributed to the collaboration, and will be holding screenings of the documentary.
Impact Workshop, Havana, May 2019 Rough-cut screening October 2019 Film, 'Cuba: Living Between Hurricanes'
Start Year 2019
Description Research network, 'Commodity Frontiers and Environmental Change' 
Organisation Florida International University (FIU)
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Coordinated establishment of research network. Brought together the various international partners and participants. This has been undertaken in the context of the Commodities of Empire British Academy Research Project ( in tandem with the Commodity Frontiers initiative (
Collaborator Contribution Fundación Antonio Nuñez Jiménez organised workshop in Havana. Provided support in the production of the documentary. Coordinated with Cuban authorities. Cuban Film Institute provided film permissions and Cinemateca de Cuba provided archival material and organised Havana rough-cut screening. Other partners contributed to the collaboration, and will be holding screenings of the documentary.
Impact Workshop, Havana, May 2019 Rough-cut screening October 2019 Film, 'Cuba: Living Between Hurricanes'
Start Year 2019
Description Research network, 'Commodity Frontiers and Environmental Change' 
Organisation Fundación Antonio Nuñez Jiménez, Havana, Cuba
Country Cuba 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Coordinated establishment of research network. Brought together the various international partners and participants. This has been undertaken in the context of the Commodities of Empire British Academy Research Project ( in tandem with the Commodity Frontiers initiative (
Collaborator Contribution Fundación Antonio Nuñez Jiménez organised workshop in Havana. Provided support in the production of the documentary. Coordinated with Cuban authorities. Cuban Film Institute provided film permissions and Cinemateca de Cuba provided archival material and organised Havana rough-cut screening. Other partners contributed to the collaboration, and will be holding screenings of the documentary.
Impact Workshop, Havana, May 2019 Rough-cut screening October 2019 Film, 'Cuba: Living Between Hurricanes'
Start Year 2019
Description Research network, 'Commodity Frontiers and Environmental Change' 
Organisation International Institute of Social History
Country Netherlands 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Coordinated establishment of research network. Brought together the various international partners and participants. This has been undertaken in the context of the Commodities of Empire British Academy Research Project ( in tandem with the Commodity Frontiers initiative (
Collaborator Contribution Fundación Antonio Nuñez Jiménez organised workshop in Havana. Provided support in the production of the documentary. Coordinated with Cuban authorities. Cuban Film Institute provided film permissions and Cinemateca de Cuba provided archival material and organised Havana rough-cut screening. Other partners contributed to the collaboration, and will be holding screenings of the documentary.
Impact Workshop, Havana, May 2019 Rough-cut screening October 2019 Film, 'Cuba: Living Between Hurricanes'
Start Year 2019
Description Research network, 'Commodity Frontiers and Environmental Change' 
Organisation Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Country Spain 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Coordinated establishment of research network. Brought together the various international partners and participants. This has been undertaken in the context of the Commodities of Empire British Academy Research Project ( in tandem with the Commodity Frontiers initiative (
Collaborator Contribution Fundación Antonio Nuñez Jiménez organised workshop in Havana. Provided support in the production of the documentary. Coordinated with Cuban authorities. Cuban Film Institute provided film permissions and Cinemateca de Cuba provided archival material and organised Havana rough-cut screening. Other partners contributed to the collaboration, and will be holding screenings of the documentary.
Impact Workshop, Havana, May 2019 Rough-cut screening October 2019 Film, 'Cuba: Living Between Hurricanes'
Start Year 2019
Description Research network, 'Commodity Frontiers and Environmental Change' 
Organisation University of Birmingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Coordinated establishment of research network. Brought together the various international partners and participants. This has been undertaken in the context of the Commodities of Empire British Academy Research Project ( in tandem with the Commodity Frontiers initiative (
Collaborator Contribution Fundación Antonio Nuñez Jiménez organised workshop in Havana. Provided support in the production of the documentary. Coordinated with Cuban authorities. Cuban Film Institute provided film permissions and Cinemateca de Cuba provided archival material and organised Havana rough-cut screening. Other partners contributed to the collaboration, and will be holding screenings of the documentary.
Impact Workshop, Havana, May 2019 Rough-cut screening October 2019 Film, 'Cuba: Living Between Hurricanes'
Start Year 2019
Description Research network, 'Commodity Frontiers and Environmental Change' 
Organisation University of Puerto Rico
Country Puerto Rico 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Coordinated establishment of research network. Brought together the various international partners and participants. This has been undertaken in the context of the Commodities of Empire British Academy Research Project ( in tandem with the Commodity Frontiers initiative (
Collaborator Contribution Fundación Antonio Nuñez Jiménez organised workshop in Havana. Provided support in the production of the documentary. Coordinated with Cuban authorities. Cuban Film Institute provided film permissions and Cinemateca de Cuba provided archival material and organised Havana rough-cut screening. Other partners contributed to the collaboration, and will be holding screenings of the documentary.
Impact Workshop, Havana, May 2019 Rough-cut screening October 2019 Film, 'Cuba: Living Between Hurricanes'
Start Year 2019
Description Research network, 'Commodity Frontiers and Environmental Change' 
Organisation Yale University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Coordinated establishment of research network. Brought together the various international partners and participants. This has been undertaken in the context of the Commodities of Empire British Academy Research Project ( in tandem with the Commodity Frontiers initiative (
Collaborator Contribution Fundación Antonio Nuñez Jiménez organised workshop in Havana. Provided support in the production of the documentary. Coordinated with Cuban authorities. Cuban Film Institute provided film permissions and Cinemateca de Cuba provided archival material and organised Havana rough-cut screening. Other partners contributed to the collaboration, and will be holding screenings of the documentary.
Impact Workshop, Havana, May 2019 Rough-cut screening October 2019 Film, 'Cuba: Living Between Hurricanes'
Start Year 2019
Title Documentary film Cuba: Living Between Hurricanes 
Description Documentary film Cuba: Living Between Hurricanes 
IP Reference  
Protection Trade Mark
Year Protection Granted 2019
Licensed No
Impact The film has been issued under a Creative Commons licence and is available on open access.
Description BBC Radio 3 Green Thinking podcast 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact PI Jean Stubbs was invited to take part in a BBC Radio 3 podcast in the Green Thinking series, conceived as a collaboration with AHRC-UKRI, to discuss issues raised by the documentary in the build-up to COP26.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description CIIS Incite/Insight Film Series, San Francisco, documentary screening 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact We received positive feedback from colleagues who are involved in the network.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Caribbean Studies Centre (University of Warwick) "in conversation" online event 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was part of the (currently online) activities of the Yves Persaud Caribbean Studies Centre at the University of Warwick, and followed from interest elicited the year previous at the University of Leicester Conference. Participants were asked to view the documentary prior to the even, which took the form of a conversation with the director and one of the co-producers, then opened up to questions from the audience. As a result, a follow-up screening + Q&A is to take place with undergraduate students on the introductory Latin American history course at Warwick.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Cuba Research Forum online documentary screening and Q&A 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Cuba Research Forum at the University of Nottingham holds an annual conference, which in 2020 was conducted online, open to colleagues, students and interested parties in the UK and abroad. The screening was followed by an in-depth discussion of both the making of the documentary and the issues raised in response to questions from an informed audience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Cultural conference documentary screening and presentation (University of Leicester) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The presentation aimed to explore documentary as cultural practice in disseminating economic, societal and environmental issues.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Discrete website hits 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The principal outcomes of the award are the documentary and the book accompanying the document, both of which are are available on open access on the dedicated website. The website has had 300 discrete hits and the most recent request for a screening + Q&A came via the website.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023,2024
Description Documentary launch 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The completed documentary was formally launched in Havana, Cuba, during the Festival Internacional de Nuevo Cine Latinomaericano (International Festival of New Latin American Cinema), in December 2019. This was followed by a discussion, led by documentary film-makers and critics.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Documentary made available on Vimeo 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Vimeo provides important additional outreach for viewing the documentary.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Documentary website established 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A dedicated website has been established, to serve as a platform for the documentary, which has been made openly available for viewing either in its entirety, or as a series of three parts. Details are also provided of forthcoming screenings, and an opportunity provided to communicate with the research team and documentary makers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020,2021,2022
Description Erasmus online documentary screening and Q&A 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The online screening + Q&A was requested for international students on the Erasmus European Master in Global Studies hosted by the university of Leipzig, Germany, and moderated by the University of Ghent, Belgium. A wide range of questions was asked, about the issues raised and the making of the documentary.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Facebook page 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A Facebook page was launched to help publicise the documentary, and to attempt to reach a wider audience. This is being actively managed.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020,2021,2022
Description Havana Glasgow Film Festival online documentary screening and Q&A 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The documentary was selected as the opening film of the 2020 Havana Glasgow Film Festival, an annual event for films on Cuba by both Cuban and foreign filmmakers, which, if Covid-19 hadn't forced the 2020 Festival online would have coincided with COP26, had that not likewise been postponed until 2021. The environmental issues addressed made the documentary particularly pertinent, and the film drew the festival's largest audience. We were invited to screen the documentary again at the 2021 Festival, along with two other environmental documentaries on Cuba, in the wake of COP26, which was followed by a well-attended panel discussion in hybrid format (in-person and streamed online).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021
Description Interview for podcast 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Jean Stubbs was invited to participate in the podcast discussing the making of the documentary and the issues it raised.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Latin America: Crisis and Coronavirus Series online documentary screening and Q&A 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact The screening elicited a dynamic Q&A relevant to contemporary tissues facing Cuba, Latin America, and the UK.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Online screening & Q&A, Center for Global Studies, University of Victoria, Canada 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Having previously been a Visiting Fellow at the University of Victoria Center for Global Studies, PI Jean Stubbs particularly welcomed the invitation to her and CoI Michael Chanan for a screening and Q&A with colleagues and postgraduate students, whose own interests dovetail with many of the issues raised in the documentary.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Online screening and Q&A at the Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Originally planned for the 2020 annual conference of the Caribbean Studies Conference, which was postponed due to Covid-19, the online documentary screening and Q&A took place at the rescheduled 2021 conference. The session attracted a multidisciplinary international audience of academic colleagues and postgraduate students, whose questions were fielded by PI Jean Stubbs.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Online screening and Q&A with Latin American History students at the University of Warwick, UK 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Dr Camillia Cowling's interest in the documentary was sparked at an event earlier in the year hosted by the Caribbean Studies Centre at the University of Warwick, and she invited PI Jean Stubbs and CoI Michael Chanan for a documentary screening and Q&A in the end-of-year class with her undergraduate Latin American History students, as many of the issues the documentary addressed were highly relevant to their course.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Online screening and Q&A with postgraduate Development Studies students, University of Leiden, the Netherlands. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Dr Rosemarijn Hofte had invited PI to Leiden in 2020 for a screening and Q&A. This was postponed due to Covid and held online in 2021. The focus of debate was on Cuba in the context of wider political, economic, sociocultural and environmental issues in development thinking.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Online screening and Q&A, Ana Méndez University, Puerto Rico 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact PI Jean Stubbs and CoI Michael Chanan were invited for a screening and Q&A (in Spanish) with colleagues and students as part of the Caribbean seminar series at the Ana Méndez University in Puerto Rico. This was a particularly moving event given the proximity and similar histories of Cuba and Puerto Rico and how Hurricane Irma, which was the springboard for the documentary, hit Cuba as both Hurricanes Irma and then Maria hit Puerto Rico. A lively and informative discussion ensued, with the suggestion of a much-needed documentary of a similar nature to be filmed in Puerto Rico.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Online screening and Q&A, Annual Conference of the Society for Caribbean Studies, UK 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Originally planned for the 2020 annual conference of the Society for Caribbean Studies, which was postponed due to Covid-19, the online documentary screening and Q&A took place at the rescheduled 2021 conference. The session attracted a multidisciplinary international audience of academic colleagues and postgraduate students, whose questions were fielded by PI Jean Stubbs.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Online screening and Q&A, institute of Latin American Studies, Columbia University, New York City, USA 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Institute of Latin American Studies at Columbia University hosted a series of environmental seminars on Cuba and the online screening and Q&A was an offshoot of this, with the participation of PI Jean Stubbs, CoE Michael Chanan, and Cuban main collaborating researcher Reinaldo Funes. Attendees came from various academic disciplines and from a broader public with a special interest in Cuba. Discussion was informed and, in the US context, was particularly related to the negative impact the continuing US embargo was having on Cuba, which was experiencing the onset of the second wave of the pandemic and developing its own vaccines to combat it amidst significant pharmaceutical shortages and economic hardship.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021
Description Sands Film Studios, London, online documentary screening and Q&A 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The documentary was screened as one of the regular weekly film screenings Sands Film Studios in London has been running online during Covid-19 and the documentary. It was screened by Sands via Vimeo and Facebook to a combined audience of over 800 and a discussion followed in response to questions sent in via chat, which ranged from the documentary and its making to the political, economic, environmental and cultural issues it raised.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Screening & Q&A 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The screening was scheduled as part of an annual Latin America event open to the general public.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Screening + Q&A for Welsh film club in Aberaeron. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The screening was in response to a request from the film club in Aberaeron, Wales.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Work in progress screening (Havana) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact A screening of a rough cut version of the documentary was held, as a work in progress, at the Cinemateca in Havana, followed by a discussion and collection of feedback to inform the ongoing editing process.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Work in progress workshop (Remedios) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact A rough cut of the documentary was taken to Remedios, in Cuba, in order to show to film participants, and elicit their feedback.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019