Comics and Race in Latin America

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Arts Languages and Cultures


From early caricatures to recent accusations of anti-Asianism, comics in Latin America have a troubled relationship to race. As comics use visual shorthands to communicate complex cultural histories quickly, they are susceptible to simplistic, stereotypical representations of cultural difference. But comics artists in Latin America have also produced more considered explorations of race, sometimes constructing anti-racist discourses. Such work is vital in a region with a long history of racial mixture, produced out of indigenous populations, Iberian colonialists, black slaves and (especially Asian and European) economic migrants. Despite legislative advances addressing structural inequalities and growing awareness that racism is a widespread social problem, Latin America is still shaped by long-standing racial hierarchies, often obscured by celebrations of the region's mestizaje (race mixture).

The relationship between comics and race demands attention both because of those racial tensions and also because Latin America is currently undergoing a comics renaissance. There are now more independent publishers dedicated to comics; festivals take place in both countries with established comics traditions (Mexico, Argentina and Brazil) and also in others (Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Peru); and, as well as growth in print and digital comics, artists are developing international links, not least as festivals abroad are seeking to work with the region's comics creators. This is the perfect moment to unpack how comics in the region have treated issues of blackness and indigeneity, and how the comics world, which remains predominantly white, might seek out ways to be less inscribed by racial inequalities.

We cannot speak of Latin American comics 'industries' but rather of precarious, often self-funded grassroots activities. Like most creators in cultural industries, comics artists are underpaid (if at all) and sometimes even discriminated against (in Colombia, for example, drawing comics is not an 'official' profession, which affects employment status). Artists complain about the lack of shared knowledge of working practices and employment conditions. That is compounded by the diffuse nature of Latin American comics networks and the absence of any information about the relationship between race and the professional working environment.

This project, therefore, responds to the need for: (a) better awareness of the history of race in Latin American comics by looking at works from the nineteenth century to the present in three different countries - Argentina, Colombia and Peru - that have different racial backgrounds and comics histories; and (b) better knowledge of how race inflects the work of contemporary artists and of the nature of working practices for such artists.

To achieve (a), the project will undertake archival research in Latin America, Europe and the US and will focus on four key periods in the history of Latin American comics: Early interventions (1890s-1930s); The Golden Age (1940s-1970s); Crisis and Early Activism (1970s-1990s); Recent Renaissances (2000s-2010s).

To achieve (b), we will work with six contemporary Latin American comics artists. During two retreats, we will hold interviews and discussions with these artists, before opening up those conversations for networking events with other local artists, publishing houses, archivists and festival organisers. These meetings will foment shared knowledge about comics production, especially in relation to race. Artists and researchers will collaborate on two fanzines and a curated online exhibition. The former will be circulated around libraries and archives in Latin America and the English-speaking world, to encourage racism awareness. The latter will be promoted via comics platforms, including the Colombian project partner Entreviñetas, and will incorporate space for viewers to submit their own comics as responses to issues raised by artists and researchers.

Planned Impact

This project will look at the relationship between one of Latin America's most cutting-edge popular cultural forms, comics, and one of its most pressing social issues: racial inequalities. We will produce in-depth, transhistorical and transregional analysis of race in the region's comics, and explore the relationship between race and comics both on the page and in the wider professional field.

Who Will Benefit?

Comics Artists: the project will work with six artists and invite others to participate in discussion workshops at the end of two retreat periods. Though the comics world in Latin America is predominantly white, we will create a racially diverse group of artists, some of whom self-identify as black/indigenous.

Comics Professionals: we will invite comics producers, publishers and festival organisers to participate in wider discussions about race, social inequalities and comics production in Latin America.

Entreviñetas Comics Platform (Project Partner): we will link one retreat period and one workshop to Entreviñetas, one of Latin America's most influential comics platforms (it annually invites around 30 artists from around 9 different countries to its festivals).

Comics Consumers: we will reach out to readers on the topic of race via the fanzines produced collaboratively by artists and researchers, and via the curated online exhibition, both available in Spanish and English.

How Will They Benefit?

Though frequently present race rarely takes centre stage in Latin American comics. Even though the predominantly white world of comics production in Latin America is increasingly aware of gender inequalities and - to a lesser degree - inequalities around sexual identities, race remains underexplored. The 2018 itinerant exhibit 'Taco de ojo' (hosted in Argentina, Peru and Mexico), a collection of works by 50 comics artists depicting originary peoples, indicates growing interest in and desire for explicit, in-depth research into race and comics.

Artists, producers, festival organisers and members of the general public will all benefit from having better access to analysis of historical and regional trends related to this particular issue. By making blackness and indigeneity explicit topics for discussion, and exploring the particularities of the form when depicting race, comics professionals will be better placed to reflect on how racism informs their working contexts. Likewise, consumers will be better informed about how comics can address racial inequalities. We hope that the latter group in particular will be inspired to explore how comics also address other forms of social inequalities.

The project will also help raise the international profile of the project's artists, not least as we will publicise their work in translation both in the two fanzines and via the curated online exhibition. Latin American comics artists are under-paid (if at all) and lack the resources to participate in networking activities. The retreats and workshops will give them a platform to develop professional networks with peers and producers alike. Moreover, by creating a briefing document out of the resulting conversations, we will respond directly to comments made in 2018 to the PI by artists in Bogotá, who lamented the absence of cross-regional networks and the lack of shared information about production costs, contracts, funding opportunities, technology, international links, etc. That document will provide essential information of lasting benefit to up-and-coming artists in Latin America and beyond and help them to confront professional constraints.

We want to stress that, in all these elements, the researchers will learn a great deal from artists, producers and consumers. The collaborative nature of the retreat discussions, the wider workshops, the two fanzines and the online exhibition will inform the development of the project's line of research and self-reflection about alternative modes of academic expression.
Title 2 Historias de migración 
Description This zine was created by Peruvian artist Cristina Zavala for the CORALA project. It included a short essay by one of CORALA's postdocs, Malena Bedoya. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact This work was launched to members of the general public at the Museo La Tertulia in Cali, Colombia, as part of a package of zines created by the project artists. 
Title Ana 
Description This zine was created by Colombian Nasa artist Michael Guetio for the CORALA project. It included a short essay by the project Co-I, Peter Wade. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact This work was launched to members of the general public at the Museo La Tertulia in Cali, Colombia, as part of a package of zines created by the project artists. 
Title Calixto Garmendia 
Description This zine was created by Peruvian artist Jesús Cossio for the CORALA project. It included a short essay by the PI of the CORALA project, James Scorer. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact This work was launched to members of the general public at the Museo La Tertulia in Cali, Colombia, as part of a package of zines created by the project artists. 
Title Cuentos alambrados 
Description This zine was written by the PI of the CORALA project, James Scorer, and was drawn by Argentine artist Lucía Brutta. It included a short essay by James Scorer. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact This work was launched to members of the general public at the Museo La Tertulia in Cali, Colombia, as part of a package of zines created by the project artists. 
Title Dos caras: 'Chicxs Chinxs en los '90s' 
Description This comic was created by Peruvian artist Cristina Zavala as part of the CORALA project's activities in Lima in September 2022. It forms part of a double reflection on race in the Latin American context - on the flip side of the zine 'Dos caras' is a comic produced by Lucía Brutta (G & G). The title 'Dos caras' refers to the fact that the two stories are presented inversely: one is read from one side, the other from the other side. The zine also includes a short reflective piece about neoliberalism and race written by James Scorer. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact This zine was circulated as part of a launch event held in Lima in September 2022. 
Title Dos caras: 'G&G' 
Description This comic was created by Argentine artist Lucía Brutta as part of the CORALA project's activities in Lima in September 2022. It forms part of a double reflection on race in the Latin American context - on the flip side of the zine 'Dos caras' is a comic produced by Cristina Zavala (Chicxs Chinxs en los '90s). The title 'Dos caras' refers to the fact that the two stories are presented inversely: one is read from one side, the other from the other side. The zine also includes a short reflective piece about neoliberalism and race written by James Scorer. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact This zine was circulated as part of a launch event held in Lima in September 2022. 
Title Frecuencia negra 
Description This zine was created by Colombian artist Wilson Borja for the CORALA project. It included a short essay by one of CORALA's postdocs, Abeyamí Ortega. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact This work was launched to members of the general public at the Museo La Tertulia in Cali, Colombia, as part of a package of zines created by the project artists. 
Title Nopeyakas N'äyhäy 
Description This zine was created by the Argentine collective Kalay'i for the CORALA project. It included a short essay by the CORALA administrator, Catalina Delgado Rojas. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact This work was launched to members of the general public at the Museo La Tertulia in Cali, Colombia, as part of a package of zines created by the project artists. 
Title Reflections on CORALA Conference (Oliveira) 
Description This comic was created by Brazilian artist Bennê Oliveira following her invitation to participate in the CORALA conference. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2024 
Impact This work highlighted the interaction between an extremely diverse group of comics practitioners and comics researchers as part of the CORALA conference held in Manchester in January 2024. 
Title Reflections on CORALA Conference (Panchulei) 
Description This comic was created by Chilean artist Panchulei following her invitation to participate in the CORALA conference. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2024 
Impact This work highlighted the interaction between an extremely diverse group of comics practitioners and comics researchers as part of the CORALA conference held in Manchester in January 2024. 
Title Somos los sueños más salvajes de nuestrxs ancestrxs 
Description This zine was produced collectively by the project researchers and artists during a workshop held in Lima in August 2022, with the assistance of project collaborators Espacio Los Únicos and Sara La Torre. It explores different manifestations, visualisations, and concepts of race in the Latin American context. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact The zine was included as part of a launch event held for members of the public in Lima in September 2022. 
Title CORALA Dataset Information 
Description This document provides information about how and where primary sources (newspapers, comics magazines, zines, graphic novels, etc.) were consulted and collected for the AHRC-funded project, Comics and Race in Latin America (CORALA). It lists the libraries and archives that were used, namely in Argentina, Peru and Colombia, the three countries focused on by the project, as well as libraries in the UK, Spain and Germany. It also refers to the private collections that were consulted and the bookshops in Latin America where additional materials were obtained.This document notes that due to copyright restrictions the project is unable to provide open access to the repository of images but that researchers can contact the project's principal investigator, Dr. James Scorer for guidance relating to any material gathered by members of CORALA. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description Universidad ICESCI 
Organisation ICESI University
Country Colombia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are co-hosting an event on graphic narratives and race in Colombia alongside a Colombian creative writer for students and researchers at the ICESCI.
Collaborator Contribution We are co-hosting an event on graphic narratives and race in Colombia alongside a Colombian creative writer for students and researchers at the ICESCI.
Impact We are co-hosting an event on graphic narratives and race in Colombia alongside a Colombian creative writer for students and researchers at the ICESCI.
Start Year 2023
Description Universidad del Valle 
Organisation University of Valle
Country Colombia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are co-hosting an event on non-fiction graphic narratives and race in Colombia alongside a Colombian academic collective, Colectivo Leche.
Collaborator Contribution We are co-hosting an event on non-fiction graphic narratives and race in Colombia alongside a Colombian academic collective, Colectivo Leche.
Impact We are co-hosting an event on non-fiction graphic narratives and race in Colombia alongside a Colombian academic collective, Colectivo Leche.
Start Year 2023
Description CORALA Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The CORALA Conference was held at the University of Manchester on 25 and 26 January 2024. The programme included 20 speakers from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru and covered topics including neo-extractivism, the superhero genre, caricatures, domestic work, and the intersectionalities of race and gender. One of the emergent questions debated during the conference was: what is specific to comics when it comes to addressing these issues? After all, all cultural forms have histories of racism and anti-racism. Some of the answers to these questions referenced the power of drawing back against the archive; the mobilisation of multiple temporalities in the same space; the occupation of the page-territory; and the potential to play with genre and comics traditions in ways that escape mere repetition.

The conference also included two workshops with Latin American artists.

The first workshop focused on race and land rights, and was led by Panchueli (Francisca Cárcamo Rojas), a Chilean comics artist and illustrator who is currently focusing on non-fiction comics and particularly her project The Other Archive.

The second workshop focused on comics and everyday life, and was led by Bennê Oliveira, a Brazilian comics artist whose work focuses on how the minute details of our daily routines speak to wider social issues, including race and class.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Launch event for CORALA Project Zines 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact 20 local artists, publishers and academics attended the launch of zines produced by artists and researchers for the CORALA project. Artists presented on their work, including on issues about the history of race in Peru, and about the internal armed conflict and its impact on Indigenous communities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Presentation of CORALA Project at Creative Manchester event 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The PI, James Scorer, presented the CORALA project to a group of comics artists and related professionals, and to academic researchers of comics as part of an event organised by Creative Manchester, the Lakes International Comics Festival, and Sheffield Hallam University.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Project Website 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The project website is designed to provide key information about the project, including its aims, researchers, collaborative partners (including project artists), and, later, links to data collected and the online exhibition.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022