Staging Peace: International Observatory of Peace Media (GCRF Development Award)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Sch of Performance & Cultural Industries


This Development Award responds to GCRF's call "Preventing Conflict" through the consolidation of an expert team of researchers, and a diverse array of policy and civil society partners across four ODA-listed countries (Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad). The rationale behind this choice of countries is clear. These countries are affected by protracted and aggravated conflict associated with Islamic extremism (Boko Haram and the Islamic State of West Africa Province). The Lake Chad Crisis is a complex and multidimensional conflict, which our research seeks to address. The focus of this observatory are not these four affected countries as a whole, but the regions within these ODA-listed countries most affected by extremist violence-- all currently classed Red Zones. These regions are Diffa in Niger, Borno in Nigeria, Region du Lac in Chad, and the so-called Extreme North region of Cameroon. This award will enhance existing capability for action research in and across these remote regions, laying foundations for a four-year programme that will address an urgent need for multi-regional and multinational peace cooperation. "Staging Peace" can pave the way for sustainable and inclusive peace-building, as prompted by this GCRF call, through the creation of an observatory that will evaluate and monitor reintegration programmes across the four affected regions. In the present context, reintegration is understood within the UN framework of de-radicalisation, demobilisation, and reintegration (DDR). This award will also facilitate partner equitability, South-South knowledge sharing, and trust-building among the academic and non-academic stakeholders involved, in order to set in motion a trajectory of research that will better understand, and in a more nuanced way, how reintegration works in practice for the benefit of local communities. Evaluation of good practice will enable us to inform decision-makers and policy stakeholders, including multinational and national armies, DDR programmes set up by national and local governments, and humanitarian actors. The importance of media arts as chosen tool for reintegration is justified given the central role played by media technology in Boko Haram's radicalisation agenda and propaganda apparatus. This award will enable us to continue building network relations with key media and arts groups involved in the reintegration agenda, particularly radio and television stations, theatre groups, and local community groups (i.e. religious or traditional leaders and opinion makers). Support from AHRC-GCRF will likewise enable the "Staging Peace" team to strengthen the administrative and management capabilities needed for the realisation of a Network Plus programme, not least at the level of post-award capability within the University of Leeds. A number of Network Plus specifics will be addressed throughout this 12-month award, including the shaping of a commissioning strand and devolved budgets, the planning for synthesis of different DDR programmes within a coherent theory of action (Peace Media Theory); the mapping of intersectionality of conflict across gender, social, cultural and ethnic issues; and the thematic interactions emerging across Network Pluses. This development award will also prioritise the articulation of impact and legacy strategies for policy and practice improvement among a range of stakeholders that will be involved in this award's proposed activities. The main policy-related groups we will engage with over the course of this twelve month development award are military, civil society and government actors. The individuals named in this submission are part of the "Staging Peace" team given their strong policy and action research credentials, as well as their track-record of publishing reports and resolutions in the area of Boko Haram reintegration. All members of this research team have experience of living in, or working across, the four affected Red Zones.

Planned Impact

This award will help strengthen the conceptualisation of Peace Media Theory (PMT), our chosen theory of change. PMT can be described and modelled as the triangulation of media practitioners, humanitarians and community actors. PMT is a framework to better understand community-based media spaces that instigate dialogue, mediation and debate within areas affected by protracted conflict. This theoretical framework provides a high-level model for the implementation of techniques and tools that draw on media communication practices (radio, television, theatre and mediated live arts) in an effort to build sustainable and inclusive peace within conflict-affected communities. The impact plan underpinning this programme is informed by real communication challenges presented to the core team by local communities in the Lake Chad region. There is a need, in this context, for online connectivity, web-based forums, and more extensive radio coverage for existing local broadcasters engaged in peace programming. A media-centred approach will allow us to address the key problem of naming beneficiary groups (e.g. "host communities", "ex-militants", "ex-Boko Haram", "ex-hostages") or the characterisation of Boko Haram itself as "cult" or "terror group". These labels need to be addressed critically to influence opinion within the proposed peace agenda. Careful consideration of the dissemination challenges underpinning reintegration programmes is also vital. Firstly, our work will make use of the same media tools used by Boko Haram as part of their propaganda agenda (video, radio, web-based media and social media). Using the same communication technologies as Boko Haram is critical for dissemination of counter-extremist discourse. Secondly, this programme addresses issues concerning language inclusivity. Crucially, more than 90% of former and current Boko Haram members only speak Hausa or Kanuri (Bukarti 2019). It is therefore essential to disseminate peace messages through platforms that are language inclusive (e.g. Radio Kadaye, Radio Dandal Kura, and News Caster). Our proposed theory of action is also inclusive of religious affiliation, which is why we have reached out to Sunnah TV, and local religious leaders. Our proposed theory of change integrates media technology and live arts, thus promoting change through synthesis of site-specific and mediated action. Thus, our programme will support a rich and varied commissioning strand led by civil society organisations supporting work on the ground. Our proposed pilot project with Radio Kadaye, Yal Hille Theatre, and the Langa Barka group of former militants will serve as proof of concept. The kind of creative practices we seek to support following piloting, include: radio plays, live television, web-based interactive art, and other forms of media art that combine live and mediated action. Our theory of change (PMT) will model the ways in which media arts can be mapped across various formats, and it will provide a qualitative methodological framework to help evaluate and monitor evidence-based pathways to effective reintegration. The commissioning of work in Strand 2 of the proposed large grant will include not only creative practices, but also commissioned projects that seek to achieve meaningful and lasting reintegration through media arts vocational training, training of trainees, community workshops, theme-relevant symposia, international conferences, knowledge exchange across the Lake Chad countries, professional development schemes for communication experts (conflict journalism), and crucially, policy change. Further details on policy-related impact are detailed in the Pathways to Impact attachment. Finally, this award will ensure that impact is embedded from inception stage, and that our shared values reflect the reason why we are committing to this demanding programme: namely, to improve the lives of communities affected by Islamic extremism in Central Africa.


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Title Covid-19 street workshops, N'Djamena 
Description Artistic workshops were conducted with Association Ndamsena during December 2020, to sensitise the public to Covid-19 pandemic, through street dance and mime. Member of the public watched from their windows as performers illustrated the importance of using hand sanitation and facial masks among some of the most deprived quarters in N'Djamena. Masks were handed out freely during these workshops 
Type Of Art Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact The population in the N'Djamena quarter of Chagoua especially benefitted from these workshops, as did the dancers and performers associated with Ndamsena who took part, given the experience of conducting social art work as part of their training with Ndamsena. Over 500 people witnessed these street workshops. 
Description This network has shown the extent to which peace-building in Centra Africa relies on the effective implementation of frameworks such as Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR). The network has identify key partner needs and priorities and has exposed the need to create partnerships to enhance DDR provision, practice and policy. In particular we have identified a need to focus on reintegration, which is currently less of a priority, or receives less funding, within the DDR agenda in Central West Africa. This award has led to a consortium that has identified the need for tipping point models that can evidence successful reintegration practices. We have also identified need for data sharing, knowledge exchange and capacity building across four main DDR programmes running in this conflict zone. The network has also scoped the main CSO partners working in the area of former Boko Haram reintegration across the four Lake Chad nations, and some work toward sharing, comparing and synthesising practices has begun.
Exploitation Route Our work led to some conversation with major stakeholders in the DDR context in the Lake Chad for multinational and cross-sector collaboration. The continuation on our findings on how to strengthen international reintegration in the region was dependent on a 2 million Net Plus GCRF grant that was not awarded.
Sectors Government

Democracy and Justice

Description The findings of this report have been used in the global think-tank Tony Blair Institute for Change, to inform their policy work on the Lake Chad Basin, a region of the world where they specialise. This work has also led to capacity building and support for independent research and policy groups in Chad (CRASH, CEPDE); and finally, to the opening of conversations between UK academia and the Nigerian army for future open and transparent collaborations that can lead to further visits to camps for ex-Boko Haram combatants to study the process of de-radicalisation and reintegration. This project has also supported the work creative practitioners working in the field of art and humanitarianism, informing the UNESCO Art Lab Report on this subject, and also connecting Co-I Ahmed with the African Union for further implementation of creative humanitarian missions in other parts of Africa.
First Year Of Impact 2020
Sector Government, Democracy and Justice
Impact Types Cultural


Description Association Ndamsena 
Organisation Association Ndam Se NA
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Internationalisation, capacity building, asset development.
Collaborator Contribution Accommodation space, transfers (car), food and water, internet access.
Impact Train the trainee programme (Pas en Avant international) Train the trainee programme (Iyal Hille de Bol) Performance of Assalam Community engagement in 3 refugee camps in Chad Workshops in Coventry University and University of Roehampton Drying Prayers documentary dance and touring production UNHCR policy report UNESCO Art Lab directorate
Start Year 2019
Description Bayero University Kano 
Organisation Bayero University Kano
Country Nigeria 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have involved a researcher from BUK in this project as a costed member of the team, which has brought financial contributions to this partners. In addition, we have supported this team member through travel and accommodation for fieldwork and conferencing activities.
Collaborator Contribution BUK have provided meeting space and internet access during meetings at their Kano Central campus.
Impact Meetings Fieldwork Data sharing Co-authoring (in progress)
Start Year 2019
Description Centre d'études pour le développement et la prévention de l'extrémisme au Sahel 
Organisation Center for the Study of the Development and Prevention of Violent Extremism
Country Chad 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Meetings were held in N'Djamena and logistics for safe transport of mission-based researchers were shared.
Collaborator Contribution CEPDE have provided the team with the best dataset on ex-Boko Haram profiling in the Lac region (Chad), as well as community contacts, gatekeepers, risk mitigation plans, and intelligence.
Impact Fieldwork (interdisciplinary)
Start Year 2019
Description Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie et Sciences Humaines 
Organisation Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie et Sciences Humaines
Country Chad 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Our contributions have advanced the internationalisation agenda of CRASH, and have enhanced their community based work in Lake Chad.
Collaborator Contribution CRASH have provided invaluable support in event organisation (Network meetings) and logistics for fieldwork, as well as support in risk management and ethical clearance protocols.
Impact Board meetings Collaborative fieldwork in Lake Chad Visit to Goudoumaria centre (Niger)
Start Year 2019
Description Institut Francais (Civil Society Organisation partner) 
Organisation French Institute in Chad
Country Chad 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution We have facilitated workshops and provided links to operators, social artists and key stakeholders as part of public engagement events held at IFT (conference, performance and talks).
Collaborator Contribution IFT has supported our project by paying transport fees for participants involved in the performances and talks, and also by providing performance and rehearsal space, as well as meeting spaces, free of cost.
Impact Dance for a Life Festival 2018 Assalam performance
Start Year 2019
Description Multi-National Joint Task Force (DDR Programme) 
Organisation Africa-EU Partnership
Sector Private 
PI Contribution This award has supported knowledge exchange for the development of a new DDR centre in Bol for former combatants of Boko Haram.
Collaborator Contribution MNJF has provided official travel authorisation, safe conduits and gatekeeping for fieldwork conducted in high-risk areas in Lake Chad.
Impact Fieldwork
Start Year 2019
Description Neem Foundation (NGO) 
Organisation Neem Foundation HQ
Country Nigeria 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Creation of a consortium for networking and collaboration across Lake Chad nations, and for knowledge exchange across different NGOs in the region
Collaborator Contribution Neem have provided information about specific target groups, especially women survivors of the Boko Haram group, whom we will be working with in future projects. Neem have also provided support with regards to networking and community-based liaison.
Impact Focus group meeting
Start Year 2019
Description Operation Safe Corridor (DDR operation in Nigeria) 
Organisation Nigerian Armed Forces
Country Nigeria 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We conducted a talk and a series of meetings with former Boko Karam clients and members of staff at Gombe Centre.
Collaborator Contribution Gombe centre provided in kind support through spaces for meetings and talk, food and water, as well as free internet connection.
Impact Talk with 280 former associated of Boko Haram
Start Year 2019
Description Radio Kadaye (CSO partner) 
Organisation Kadaye FM
Country Chad 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Workshop facilitation and capacity building.
Collaborator Contribution Radio Kadaye has contributed with meetings spaces, translation costs and equipment (microphones, broadcasting equipment, studio space).
Impact Live broadcasting.
Start Year 2019
Description UNHCR Humanitarian partners 
Organisation United Nations (UN)
Department United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Country Switzerland 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Our team has delivered several training programs, workshops and cultural activities.
Collaborator Contribution UNHCR has provided logistic support (travel intelligence) as well as risk management support and ethics clearance support. They have also facilitates spaces at the N'Djamena Headquarters, at their base in Baga Sola, and in various refugee camps where we have conducted work.
Impact Workshops in UNHCR camps of Dar es Salaam, Amboko and Gore.
Start Year 2019
Description University of Diffa (academic partner) 
Organisation University of Diffa
Country Niger 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Meetings were held in N'Djamena with Vice-Chancellor Ali Mahamane for future collaborations.
Collaborator Contribution University of Diffa provided very useful and extensive research material (in house publications) and data on former Boko Haram in Niger. In addition, they provided us with valuable links with Nigerean government, UN agencies in Niger, and Goudoumaria Centre (DDR programme).
Impact Board Meetings Goudoumaria Centre visit
Start Year 2019
Description University of Maroua 
Organisation University of Maroua
Country Cameroon 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Facilitation of board meetings held in N'Djamena in September 2019 as part of this Development Award.
Collaborator Contribution University of Maroua has provided profiling datasets, networking and collaboration links with policy stakeholders, and research mentoring
Impact Board meetings GCRF interview
Start Year 2019