Imagining Futures through Un/Archived Pasts - Development Proposal

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER
Department Name: Classics and Ancient History


Debates about the past are negotiations about the future. At the centre of these the archive plays a unique role as a trace of a moment, a trend, a life, a culture, an atrocity. It bears witness to the past, situating communities in the present and shaping the future. This is why decisions over what is to be collected, recorded or preserved are crucial, as this affects what will have future presence. The archive exposes the connection between memory and the persistence or transformation of identity. It is about whose story will continue to be told and how, and whose will be silenced.

These issues become acute in moments of post-conflict, displacement and reconstruction. Our Network depends on linking expertise from regions where they are most urgent: the Middle East and Africa, specifically Lebanon and Tanzania. Our starting point is the early 20th century Maji Maji War in Tanzania, its landscape and memorialisation, accessible and in-accessible - in prisons and monasteries. It will act as the site of discourse for the team and, through sharing images and writings, bring in voices from Baddawi Camp in Lebanon. In re-imagining past or present places and lives from a distance, the analysis will trace surprising connections between (formerly/still) colonised, incarcerated, travelling and forcibly encamped people, exploring the ways that such an engagement can engender (real and imagined) lives and narratives beyond the confines of refugee encampment.

The Network provides an opportunity for convergence and co-creation of knowledge, from geo-political contexts that rarely get to share ideas and experiences directly, especially the creation of South to South connections. Each represents a different point in a future: the crisis in the Middle East, the long-term post-conflict reconciliation in Africa, and the colonising past of Europe. Within each of these moments the archive has a distinct power. We want to examine its role and articulate archiving practices that contribute to a future which promotes, not suppresses, just, peaceful and inclusive societies.

Acts of archiving that draw on local knowledges, self-archiving methods, joint decision-making in what is to be remembered or forgotten, with dialogues across generations, gender and class, have a unique authority. In contrast, stereotypes, gentrification, discrimination, and deprivation - all of which can create discord, tension and physical conflict - often result from insufficient knowledge and narrow understanding. They stem from a lack of appreciation for shared histories and of community's place in the global context. Imagining Futures will use the intrinsic power of the archive for its capacity to build confidence, to enhance understanding and reveal co-existing multiple narratives, and thus, to reduce conflict within and between groups, increasing the potential for sustainable peace.

Our aim is to facilitate the opening-up and sensitive use of existing archives, to create new methods and types of archives and to articulate jointly what a different more egalitarian archive would be. This will be achieved through two Labs in Tanzania and Lebanon (with a supporting technologies workshop), that will co-produce, through engaging with existing archives, special and non-traditional archives in-situ; creative open digital tools; and protocol recommendations. These activities will allow for articulating shared questions, scoping case studies, and piloting approaches that can be scaled up, tested and developed in a wider Network Plus project. Our goal is to create methodologies and tangible proposals for the best archiving practices building towards a policy-manifesto, with heritage preservation as an element. Our wider ambition, through exposing cultural practices as important sites of negotiation, is to advocate for culture to be officially recognised as a humanitarian need.

Planned Impact

The fundamental impact of Imagining Futures, which underpins the other areas of impact outlined below, is the Network itself - an intersection of academic and non-academic knowledge that will co-produce the parameters of egalitarian archiving practices, including their accessibility and distribution. It incorporates community actors, academics, architects, practitioners, archivists, memory institutions, governmental and NG/Organisations. It will build skills through knowledge-exchange between experts within the core team, and those who will be part of the activities and commissions - creating the archives of the future. Ultimately these new practices will help activate archives and related heritage sites as platforms for discourse, leading to socio-cultural impact discussed below. We intend for the Network to be a bridge and create long-lasting partnerships across diverse contexts allowing us to work towards our Objectives, where these contexts are detailed.

Academic Impact: The project will result in better analysis, interpretation and understanding of archiving practices and their capacity to build confidence, reveal multiple co-existing narratives, enhance understanding and empathy, and in so doing, to reduce inter- and intra-community conflict among diverse social, political, religious, economic, and regional groups in contexts of conflict, displacement and reconstruction. The result will be a series of academic publications that will bring to the fields of humanities, social and political sciences, international development, museum and heritage studies, geography, urban planning and design, new methodologies, case studies and data sets. The work and findings of the commissioned projects will be showcased in a touring exhibition to highlight case studies as methods for working across disciplines, practice and fields beyond the academic.

Capacity Building: This multi-disciplinary project will create a broad-ranging body of knowledge of use to researchers and practitioners, focusing on history, archaeology, tangible and intangible heritage, especially in relation to the Middle East (Syria, Iraq , Jordan, Lebanon) and Africa (Ghana, Tanzania, Kenya and South Africa), and more broadly in contexts of post-conflict, postcolonialism and displacement. It intends, through a co-produced manifesto, to inform policies used by organisations, cultural and memory institutions, and to contribute to enhancing strategic aspects of development and overseas aid. The creation of physical archives in these countries will engage international and national agencies, universities, museums and community groups.

Policy Impact: Engagement with organisations, including NGOs, governments, heritage authorities and institutions, developers and urban planning experts, will foster awareness of systemic issues with top-down archives and encourage new, egalitarian archiving practices. In particular, the project engages organizations as the OSCE, ICCROM and UNESCO, through policy papers, guidelines and co-organized events, to encourage ethical and sensitive use of existing archives, and promotion of community-based archives. This will advocate for culture's role in building just, peaceful, inclusive societies and for its official recognition as a humanitarian need.

Societal and Economic Impact: The project aims to have an impact of social cohesion through preservation of tangible and intangible community heritage. Long-term cohesion is directly related to societal stability and economic growth. The project also has economic potential, by increasing local accessibility, preservation and interaction with heritage, it can be translated into an economic asset, if appropriate, enhancing sustainability through local and visitor economies. The heritage sector as a whole in the Middle East, Africa, Europe and other regions will therefore benefit.


10 25 50
Title Film LIndi Pilot Maji Maji War 
Description Documentary short film form the Pilot about the Visit and dicussions with Actors and workshop, schools performances at the disused prison in Lindi 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Helpe to raise awareness and influence perspectives, self - archiving practices and education tools in the region around the Maji Maji War, gain partnerships and secure the Large funding grant Network Plus 
Description THis is early but the approach to working with communities in the region and Maji Maji War memory... still early stage
Exploitation Route SO far early stages
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy

Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Leisure Activities

including Sports

Recreation and Tourism


Democracy and Justice



Museums and Collections

Security and Diplomacy

Description TO rethinking cultural and social spaces in the region, education approaches to difficult memories and history, access to archives by community
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Creative Economy,Education,Leisure Activities, including Sports, Recreation and Tourism,Government, Democracy and Justice,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections,Security and Diplomacy
Impact Types Cultural


Policy & public services

Description AHRC - GCRF Network Plus
Amount £2,000,000 (GBP)
Funding ID AH-T008199-1 
Organisation Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2020 
End 03/2024
Description Futures through Underwater Pasts: a search for Mongalo (COmmission from Risign from the Depths for Nancy Rushohora our co-I)
Amount £5,000 (GBP)
Organisation Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2020 
End 09/2020
Description Imagining Futures Commissioned Research Projects 
Organisation British Institute at Ankara
Country Turkey 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Imagining Futures established 13 discrete new research projects through our Phase 1 Commissions in 2021, providing funding to research partners and independent researchers (some of which are available in the Researchfish database, but also some which are not, such as the Liwan Organisation in Iraq, the Rombo Cultural Tourism Enterprise in Tanzania, the National Museum of Tanzani, and Tumaini University of Dar es Salaam College in Tanzania). Our team designed and published the call for applications in 2021, including eligibility criteria aligned with the Head Terms of the IF grant, and ran a competitive selection process to nominate these awards. We have mentored the activities and progress of these 13 projects, providing them with guidance and template expenditure and narrative reporting forms, with which Commission leads have been closely engaged.
Collaborator Contribution The 13 Commissioned research projects supported by Imagining Futures in 2021 were originally commissioned to lead 12 months projects when announced in March 2021. The effect of the UKRI cuts to the project at that time led us to need to reprofile these projects to deliver to a shorter timescale, and, with all due diligence and pre-award work satisfied during Summer 2021, these projects are now reaching their conclusion. The projects have led research (and have employed research methodologies) that align with the objectives of Imagining Futures across a range of disciplines and in a variety of community settings. As reported in the Engagement section of this report, we note that the majority have had direct engagement with their work outside the network or peer group, either through convening members of the public through workshops and group discussions or through communicating research outputs with other practitioners and lay members of the public. Prominent examples include: - Engaging with primary schools children and educators as research participants in group discussion (project: "Traditional storytelling as an archive under threat", Tanzania) - Engaging with primary and secondary school children and educators as research participants in group discussion (project: "The un-archived horrors of Fort Patiko," Uganda) - Engaging with village elders and young adults as research participants in group discussion and in interview, and representing research outputs in documentary film (project: "Tanzanian Dressing Traditions," Tanzania - Engaging with village elders, practitioners and patients with knowledge of traditional medicines (project: "Archiving the endangered traditional herbal medicinal knowledge," Tanzania - Engaging with artists and audiences of public/street art through group discussion, interviews with individual artists and with representation of street art on web site (project: "Iraqi Protest Art & Alternative Visions of the Past") - Engaging with local village residents in group and individual discussions regarding understanding of historical significance of local architecture (project: "Multivocality & Egalitarian Representation of Slavery Heritage in Mikindani & Pangani Town in Tanzania," Tanzania) - Engaging with village elders, local residents, and practitioners of tradition al song and dance in rural Tanzania, and convening demonstrations of local traditional dances (project: "Chagga Traditional Songs as Archives of Africa Traditional Knowledge," Tanzania) - Creating online repository of botanical knowledge (project: "Digitalising Turkey's Botanical Heritage", Turkey) - Engaging with village elders and local residents regarding land ownership and issues of displacement (project: "Tracing Nubian Archives", Kenya) - Engaging with village elders and local residents in group discussion and individual interviews (projects include: "The Role of Tanzanian Myths in Conservation of Natural Resources" Tanzania, "Mental Map," Tanzania, and "Salvaging Remnants of Ghana's Osofo Dadzie Television Drama Series", Ghana) Commissioned projects have also led to the design of new web sites and the development of new online repositories, the creation of short documentary films and audio files. Commissioned project leads are also presenting their research findings through the IF Dialogues series, an open and online seminar and exhibition space convened by Imagining Futures, with presentations delivered weekly between February and June 2022. We report on the IF Dialogues elsewhere in this report submission.
Impact Outcomes are in progress as Commissions complete in early 2022, and outputs are otherwise reported as above (in terms of events, exhibitions, group discussions and other outputs)
Start Year 2021
Description Imagining Futures Commissioned Research Projects 
Organisation Kyambogo University
Country Uganda 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Imagining Futures established 13 discrete new research projects through our Phase 1 Commissions in 2021, providing funding to research partners and independent researchers (some of which are available in the Researchfish database, but also some which are not, such as the Liwan Organisation in Iraq, the Rombo Cultural Tourism Enterprise in Tanzania, the National Museum of Tanzani, and Tumaini University of Dar es Salaam College in Tanzania). Our team designed and published the call for applications in 2021, including eligibility criteria aligned with the Head Terms of the IF grant, and ran a competitive selection process to nominate these awards. We have mentored the activities and progress of these 13 projects, providing them with guidance and template expenditure and narrative reporting forms, with which Commission leads have been closely engaged.
Collaborator Contribution The 13 Commissioned research projects supported by Imagining Futures in 2021 were originally commissioned to lead 12 months projects when announced in March 2021. The effect of the UKRI cuts to the project at that time led us to need to reprofile these projects to deliver to a shorter timescale, and, with all due diligence and pre-award work satisfied during Summer 2021, these projects are now reaching their conclusion. The projects have led research (and have employed research methodologies) that align with the objectives of Imagining Futures across a range of disciplines and in a variety of community settings. As reported in the Engagement section of this report, we note that the majority have had direct engagement with their work outside the network or peer group, either through convening members of the public through workshops and group discussions or through communicating research outputs with other practitioners and lay members of the public. Prominent examples include: - Engaging with primary schools children and educators as research participants in group discussion (project: "Traditional storytelling as an archive under threat", Tanzania) - Engaging with primary and secondary school children and educators as research participants in group discussion (project: "The un-archived horrors of Fort Patiko," Uganda) - Engaging with village elders and young adults as research participants in group discussion and in interview, and representing research outputs in documentary film (project: "Tanzanian Dressing Traditions," Tanzania - Engaging with village elders, practitioners and patients with knowledge of traditional medicines (project: "Archiving the endangered traditional herbal medicinal knowledge," Tanzania - Engaging with artists and audiences of public/street art through group discussion, interviews with individual artists and with representation of street art on web site (project: "Iraqi Protest Art & Alternative Visions of the Past") - Engaging with local village residents in group and individual discussions regarding understanding of historical significance of local architecture (project: "Multivocality & Egalitarian Representation of Slavery Heritage in Mikindani & Pangani Town in Tanzania," Tanzania) - Engaging with village elders, local residents, and practitioners of tradition al song and dance in rural Tanzania, and convening demonstrations of local traditional dances (project: "Chagga Traditional Songs as Archives of Africa Traditional Knowledge," Tanzania) - Creating online repository of botanical knowledge (project: "Digitalising Turkey's Botanical Heritage", Turkey) - Engaging with village elders and local residents regarding land ownership and issues of displacement (project: "Tracing Nubian Archives", Kenya) - Engaging with village elders and local residents in group discussion and individual interviews (projects include: "The Role of Tanzanian Myths in Conservation of Natural Resources" Tanzania, "Mental Map," Tanzania, and "Salvaging Remnants of Ghana's Osofo Dadzie Television Drama Series", Ghana) Commissioned projects have also led to the design of new web sites and the development of new online repositories, the creation of short documentary films and audio files. Commissioned project leads are also presenting their research findings through the IF Dialogues series, an open and online seminar and exhibition space convened by Imagining Futures, with presentations delivered weekly between February and June 2022. We report on the IF Dialogues elsewhere in this report submission.
Impact Outcomes are in progress as Commissions complete in early 2022, and outputs are otherwise reported as above (in terms of events, exhibitions, group discussions and other outputs)
Start Year 2021
Description Imagining Futures Commissioned Research Projects 
Organisation University of Dar es Salaam
Country Tanzania, United Republic of 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Imagining Futures established 13 discrete new research projects through our Phase 1 Commissions in 2021, providing funding to research partners and independent researchers (some of which are available in the Researchfish database, but also some which are not, such as the Liwan Organisation in Iraq, the Rombo Cultural Tourism Enterprise in Tanzania, the National Museum of Tanzani, and Tumaini University of Dar es Salaam College in Tanzania). Our team designed and published the call for applications in 2021, including eligibility criteria aligned with the Head Terms of the IF grant, and ran a competitive selection process to nominate these awards. We have mentored the activities and progress of these 13 projects, providing them with guidance and template expenditure and narrative reporting forms, with which Commission leads have been closely engaged.
Collaborator Contribution The 13 Commissioned research projects supported by Imagining Futures in 2021 were originally commissioned to lead 12 months projects when announced in March 2021. The effect of the UKRI cuts to the project at that time led us to need to reprofile these projects to deliver to a shorter timescale, and, with all due diligence and pre-award work satisfied during Summer 2021, these projects are now reaching their conclusion. The projects have led research (and have employed research methodologies) that align with the objectives of Imagining Futures across a range of disciplines and in a variety of community settings. As reported in the Engagement section of this report, we note that the majority have had direct engagement with their work outside the network or peer group, either through convening members of the public through workshops and group discussions or through communicating research outputs with other practitioners and lay members of the public. Prominent examples include: - Engaging with primary schools children and educators as research participants in group discussion (project: "Traditional storytelling as an archive under threat", Tanzania) - Engaging with primary and secondary school children and educators as research participants in group discussion (project: "The un-archived horrors of Fort Patiko," Uganda) - Engaging with village elders and young adults as research participants in group discussion and in interview, and representing research outputs in documentary film (project: "Tanzanian Dressing Traditions," Tanzania - Engaging with village elders, practitioners and patients with knowledge of traditional medicines (project: "Archiving the endangered traditional herbal medicinal knowledge," Tanzania - Engaging with artists and audiences of public/street art through group discussion, interviews with individual artists and with representation of street art on web site (project: "Iraqi Protest Art & Alternative Visions of the Past") - Engaging with local village residents in group and individual discussions regarding understanding of historical significance of local architecture (project: "Multivocality & Egalitarian Representation of Slavery Heritage in Mikindani & Pangani Town in Tanzania," Tanzania) - Engaging with village elders, local residents, and practitioners of tradition al song and dance in rural Tanzania, and convening demonstrations of local traditional dances (project: "Chagga Traditional Songs as Archives of Africa Traditional Knowledge," Tanzania) - Creating online repository of botanical knowledge (project: "Digitalising Turkey's Botanical Heritage", Turkey) - Engaging with village elders and local residents regarding land ownership and issues of displacement (project: "Tracing Nubian Archives", Kenya) - Engaging with village elders and local residents in group discussion and individual interviews (projects include: "The Role of Tanzanian Myths in Conservation of Natural Resources" Tanzania, "Mental Map," Tanzania, and "Salvaging Remnants of Ghana's Osofo Dadzie Television Drama Series", Ghana) Commissioned projects have also led to the design of new web sites and the development of new online repositories, the creation of short documentary films and audio files. Commissioned project leads are also presenting their research findings through the IF Dialogues series, an open and online seminar and exhibition space convened by Imagining Futures, with presentations delivered weekly between February and June 2022. We report on the IF Dialogues elsewhere in this report submission.
Impact Outcomes are in progress as Commissions complete in early 2022, and outputs are otherwise reported as above (in terms of events, exhibitions, group discussions and other outputs)
Start Year 2021
Description Imagining Futures Fellowships in Egalitarian Archiving 
Organisation Saint Joseph University
Country Lebanon 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Imagining Futures established a new postgraduate fellowship programme across four partner universities, including Stellenbosch University, University of Ghana, University of Dar es Salaam and University of Saint Joseph, whereby two to three postgraduate fellows at each partner university in the collaboration have been selected to pursue research aligned with the aims of Imagining Futures. We designed the scope and mission of the fellowship plan and reached agreement with the partner to provide financial support to fellows selected through an open and competitive process. These fellows are selected and in place at the partners and they are developing their thesis proposal with guidance in part from Elena Isayev, as well as supervisors at the home institution.
Collaborator Contribution The partner institution led on publishing the call for applications from amongst current or prospective students at the partner university, with guidance from Imagining Futures, and led on the selection of successful fellows and by assigning academic supervisors with expertise in themes of egalitarian archiving, displacement and related fields.
Impact Fellows have been selected and are developing their research theses at the partner universities, guided by academic advisors at the home university and with input where appropriate from Elena Isayev. Full research outputs will be published with the fellows' postgraduate theses.
Start Year 2021
Description Imagining Futures Fellowships in Egalitarian Archiving 
Organisation University of Dar es Salaam
Country Tanzania, United Republic of 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Imagining Futures established a new postgraduate fellowship programme across four partner universities, including Stellenbosch University, University of Ghana, University of Dar es Salaam and University of Saint Joseph, whereby two to three postgraduate fellows at each partner university in the collaboration have been selected to pursue research aligned with the aims of Imagining Futures. We designed the scope and mission of the fellowship plan and reached agreement with the partner to provide financial support to fellows selected through an open and competitive process. These fellows are selected and in place at the partners and they are developing their thesis proposal with guidance in part from Elena Isayev, as well as supervisors at the home institution.
Collaborator Contribution The partner institution led on publishing the call for applications from amongst current or prospective students at the partner university, with guidance from Imagining Futures, and led on the selection of successful fellows and by assigning academic supervisors with expertise in themes of egalitarian archiving, displacement and related fields.
Impact Fellows have been selected and are developing their research theses at the partner universities, guided by academic advisors at the home university and with input where appropriate from Elena Isayev. Full research outputs will be published with the fellows' postgraduate theses.
Start Year 2021
Description Imagining Futures Fellowships in Egalitarian Archiving 
Organisation University of Ghana
Country Ghana 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Imagining Futures established a new postgraduate fellowship programme across four partner universities, including Stellenbosch University, University of Ghana, University of Dar es Salaam and University of Saint Joseph, whereby two to three postgraduate fellows at each partner university in the collaboration have been selected to pursue research aligned with the aims of Imagining Futures. We designed the scope and mission of the fellowship plan and reached agreement with the partner to provide financial support to fellows selected through an open and competitive process. These fellows are selected and in place at the partners and they are developing their thesis proposal with guidance in part from Elena Isayev, as well as supervisors at the home institution.
Collaborator Contribution The partner institution led on publishing the call for applications from amongst current or prospective students at the partner university, with guidance from Imagining Futures, and led on the selection of successful fellows and by assigning academic supervisors with expertise in themes of egalitarian archiving, displacement and related fields.
Impact Fellows have been selected and are developing their research theses at the partner universities, guided by academic advisors at the home university and with input where appropriate from Elena Isayev. Full research outputs will be published with the fellows' postgraduate theses.
Start Year 2021
Description Imagining Futures Fellowships in Egalitarian Archiving 
Organisation University of Stellenbosch
Country South Africa 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Imagining Futures established a new postgraduate fellowship programme across four partner universities, including Stellenbosch University, University of Ghana, University of Dar es Salaam and University of Saint Joseph, whereby two to three postgraduate fellows at each partner university in the collaboration have been selected to pursue research aligned with the aims of Imagining Futures. We designed the scope and mission of the fellowship plan and reached agreement with the partner to provide financial support to fellows selected through an open and competitive process. These fellows are selected and in place at the partners and they are developing their thesis proposal with guidance in part from Elena Isayev, as well as supervisors at the home institution.
Collaborator Contribution The partner institution led on publishing the call for applications from amongst current or prospective students at the partner university, with guidance from Imagining Futures, and led on the selection of successful fellows and by assigning academic supervisors with expertise in themes of egalitarian archiving, displacement and related fields.
Impact Fellows have been selected and are developing their research theses at the partner universities, guided by academic advisors at the home university and with input where appropriate from Elena Isayev. Full research outputs will be published with the fellows' postgraduate theses.
Start Year 2021
Description Tanzania Pilot 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Series of Events in the LIndi Reigon Tanzania, including performances and workshops at the disused prison in LIndi
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019