Screen Encounters with Britain: What do young Europeans make of Britain and its digital screen culture?

Lead Research Organisation: King's College London
Department Name: Culture Media and Creative Industries


Screen encounters across borders are transforming. Transnational video-on-demand services like Netflix and YouTube fundamentally change viewing patterns and affect the nature and extent of overseas audiences' digital encounters with the UK. But we do not know how. This project seeks to fill this knowledge gap by applying overlapping and integrated analyses of: (1) How young Europeans define, find, access, value and experience screen content (fiction & non-fiction) from the UK, and what motivates them to do so; and (2) how they understand the UK and British culture based on their screen consumption and wider UK-related experiences, and how this impacts their attitudes about the UK.

The project's intervention is timely and important, culturally and economically: Popular culture plays a decisive role in circulating representations, which viewers use to make sense of the world. As radically different mediascapes (Appadurai 1996) emerge, it is vital that we comprehend how they reshape viewing communities, and impact UK content distribution and by extension the production and 'modes of cultural reproduction' (Vertovec 1999) that inform and shape how people perceive the UK. The country's departure from the EU lends additional urgency and makes Europe a particularly important site of investigation now.

The research focuses on young, digital audiences (aged 16-34) in four case study markets, Denmark, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands-chosen for feasibility, variety in market size, different levels of English-proficiency and perceived cultural proximity to the UK. Six questions guide the research across three work packages: markets, cultural intermediaries and young audiences. The mixed-methods approach combines document analysis to assess market trends with quantitative and qualitative methods (survey, digital activities, online interviews, workshops) to illuminate viewing behaviours, preferences for and views about UK screen content, and the role that cultural intermediaries from industry, education and social media play in in shaping these behaviours.

Academically, the research is of relevance to the fields of media, film, TV and cultural studies, audience research, intercultural communication and cultural policy. Alongside its significant and important empirical contribution, the project makes a theoretical intervention by advancing our understanding of (1) the complex interaction of personal, demographic, local, national and transnational forces that determine the consumption and reception of screen content; and (2) how digital encounters with other cultures impact opinions and behaviour towards these cultures, with implications for international relations. Methodologically the project makes a vital contribution by adopting and promoting a transnational research framework, and by developing an innovative mixed methods approach for researching digital, transnational screen audiences in context.

Outside academia, screen practitioners will benefit from a better understanding of how young European audiences find British content and what they like and value about it. UK political institutions and cultural policy makers will benefit from insights about how young Europeans perceive the UK and the role screen content plays in shaping perceptions. Non-academic project partners include the BBC, BBC Studios, the British Council, the BFI, All3Media, HMR International, and the Producers' Alliance for Cinema and Television (Pact).

Research findings will be shared widely with industry, policy and academic communities in the form of 4 open access interim country reports, 2 webinars, an edited book with papers from practitioners and academics attending 5 knowledge exchange roundtables, and an end of project symposium and report. Academic dissemination further includes conference papers, 3 journal articles, two ECR/PGR methods workshops and a co-authored book (post-award).
Description Babelsberg Berlin 
Organisation Film University Babelsberg
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution On 9th June 2023 we hosted a research workshop at King's College London on Screen Encounters with Britain. Workshop presenters included Jeanette Steemers and Matt Hilborn from King's, Dr Cathrin Bengesser from the University of Aarhus; Dr Rui Xu from the University of Aarhus and Prof. Suzanne Eichner, Professor of Analysis and Aesthetics of Audiovisual Media. Professor Eichner brought 10 students from her MA course in Berlin to participate in the event and present their research on British content. We presented our research findings on Germany and explained our methodology and using our expertise gave feedback to the Babelsberg students on their work on how British TV content is perceived in Germany. We also facilitated a discussion and brainstorming session on What could the UK do to sell their content better?
Collaborator Contribution Professor Eichner from Babelsberg University has joined our steering committee and is one of our academic advisors and has attended all our ONline Roundtables and provided feedback on our research and methods as we have progressed. Babelsberg has assisted with our German field research (Jan 2023-July 2023) by assisting with survey circulation, and recommending a German assistant to help with translations, locate respondents and undertake landing page research. Professor Eichner also facilitated the additional methods workshop with academic colleagues from King's and Aarhus and also Master students from Berlin (see above).
Impact 9 June 2023 - Methods Workshop, "Screen Encounters with Britain" King's College London 10.00am-16.30
Start Year 2022
Description Department of Communication University of Copenhagen - Academic Advisor 
Organisation University of Copenhagen
Country Denmark 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have collaborated in person and online with the Denmark-based research team of Reaching Young Audiences: Serial Fiction and Cross-Media Storyworlds for Children and Young Audiences (RYA) attending meetings in Oslo, hosted by the University of Oslo on 28th April 2022, where we exchanged information on Methods; and also on 25 January 2023, also hosted by University of Oslo where we further worked on methodological issues. We attended a research workshop hosted by the University of Copenhagen on 8th May 2023 to present our Denmark Interim Report and shared our Danish findings with the Reaching Young Audiences Team, the Global Natives Team from Oslo University and Early Career researchers who also presented. We gave two papers, the first an overview of the Screen Encounters with Britain Project and its methods, and the second a more indepth overview of "The Consumption of 'longform' screen content of 16-19 year olds in Denmark" sharing our experiences and insights with Danish colleagues who also gave feedback. We also participated in a joint Research/ Industry Workshop and roundtable on 9 May 2023 "Keeping up with young audiences' where we were able to share our Danish findings with and receive feedback from industry representatives from DR, the Danish Broadcaster, The Danish Film Institute, TV2 the commercial broadcaster, the Cross-media school of children's fiction, Buster Film Festival and Will & Agency and receive feedback. We offered a summary of our research on on the Danish marketplace with a particular focus on the 16-19 year age group.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Eva Novrup Redvall from Copenhagen university is a partner on the project and a project advisor. She attends all project roundtables. Our Copenhagen partners have assisted in the online circulation of our survey, helped us recruit research assistants and provided feedback on our approach and findings. They have also assisted by inviting us to events in Copenhagen including with industry where we have been able to share our expertise, findings and methodologies and have benefited both from academic and industry feedback.
Impact 8 May 2023 Research Workshop: Presented "The consumption of 'longform' screen content of 16-19 year-olds in Denmark", Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen (10.00-17.00); 9 May 2023 Research/Industry Workshop: Presented "Screen Encounters with Britain. What do young Europeans make of Britain and its digital screen culture. Interim Report Denmark ", Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen (9.00-14.30);
Start Year 2022
Description University of Aarhus Collaboration 
Organisation Aarhus University
Country Denmark 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have collaborated in person with Dr Cathrin Bengesser, who worked on the original pilot for the project, contributing to two research outputs associated with this project (one published; one about to be submitted). We are also collaborating with Dr Pia Jensen. As specified in the original application we have delivered methods workshops and other events to the department of communication at Aarhus which is one of the planned activities of the Screen Encounters with Britain project. On 10th May 2023 Jeanette Steemers and Matt Hilborn took part in an Aarhus-organised Workshop on "Questions & Approaches to VoD catalogue research" presenting a paper on our research to date and this has formed the foundation of a Journal Article which which we have co-written with Dr Bengesser (see below). On 11 May 2023 Andrea Esser, Matt Hilborn and Jeanette Steemers delivered a Methods Workshop at Aarhus to researchers, including Early career researchers, called "Researching young, transnational screen audiences:Methodological lessons from the 'Screen Encounters with Britain: What do young Europeans make of Britain and its digital screen culture?' (AHRC, 2022-2024)" This was an occasion to share methodological experiences with other researchers, including ECRS who also presented their work. On 12 May 2023 Jeanette Steemers and Matt Hilborn delivered a lecture to Postgraduate students at Aarhus University on the Danish fieldwork entitled "Screen Encounters with Britain: What do young Danes make of Britain and its digital screen culture?" Jeanette Steemers from the Screen Encounters with Britain Team [SEWB] has organised and is chairing a panel for the Media Industries conference at King's College London on "Screen Entertainment Among New Generations: Audiences Preferences and Industry Responses" in April 24. The University of Aarhus team led by Dr Pia Jensen is contributing a paper on "The audience turn in screen production: Changing audience behavior and new audience-centric production methods in fictional screen content for adolescents" . The Panel with 4 papers will form part of a Special Journal Issue on "Screen Entertainment Among New Generations" for the Journal Critical Studies in Television, which SEWB team members Jeanette Steemers and Andrea Esser will edit.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Bengesser and Dr Jensen sit on our project steering committee and participate in all project Roundtables, providing feedback and advice. Working with Dr Bengesser, who is principal investigator on the Horizon Project EUVOD which investigates the development of the EU VoD Market since 2012, we have managed to bring together findings from both projects particularly focusing on the circulation and prominence of British screen content in video-on-demand catalogues in Europe. We gave a joint presentation (Bengesser, Steemers, Hilborn) on 12 October 2023 to the Ecrea Conference on Methods in Cultural Production and Media Industries Research, organised by the University of Oslo. The paper entitled " A four pronged approach to catalogue research" has formed the basis for further collaboration, utilising Landing Page Data generated by the SeWB project on Video on Demand Streamers in Italy, Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. We are about to submit a jointly written Journal article on "VOD Catalogue Research as a Comparative Tool for Understanding the Circulation, Presence and Prominence of British Film and TV in Europe" to a major journal (in March). We collaborated on a recent article for Participations (under publications) with Dr Bengesser Aarhus has assisted with our Danish field research (September 2022-March 2023) by assisting with survey circulation, and recommending a Danish assistant to help with translations, locate respondents and undertake landing page research.
Impact Researching transnational audiences in the streaming era : Designing, piloting and refining a mixed methods approach . / Bengesser, Cathrin; Esser, Andrea; Steemers, Jeanette. In: Participations: International Journal of Audience Research, Vol. 19, No. 1, 11.2022. 10 May 2023 - Methods Workshop: Questions & Approaches to VOD Catalogue Research, "Screen Encounters with Britain: Approaches to VOD Catalogue Research in Denmark and Germany", Centre for Transnational Media Research, University of Aarhus (13.00-16.00) 11 May 2023 - Research Workshop: Researching transnational patterns in the media consumptions of young Danish Audiences, " Researching young transnational screen audiences: methodological lessons from the "Screen Encounters with Britain" Project". Centre for Transnational Media Research, University of Aarhus (9.00-12.30) 12 May 2023 - "Screen Encounters with Britain: What do young Danes make of Britain and its digital screen culture?" Centre for Transnational Media Research, University of Aarhus (14.00-16.00)
Start Year 2022
Description University of Bologna 
Organisation University of Bologna
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution In November 2023 Professor Steemers undertook a short field trip to Bologna to set up the field research for focus group interviews and the survey. As specified in the original application Professor Steemers delivered a 2 hour methods workshop to academics and ECRs within the department of communication at Bologna. The workshop also included academics from other institutions. The topic of the 28 November 2023 event was "How can you research engagement with Screen Entertainment? Screen Encounters with Britain." She also delivered a 2 hour lecture to MA Students on 30 November 2023.
Collaborator Contribution Following delivery of the event above, the team has been invited by Researchers at the Universities of Bologna, Rome and Urbino to contribute a paper on "British Screen Content in Europe: Circulation, discovery, role and appeal for young audiences in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands" at a workshop (20 participants) on "Popular audiences, populist narratives in contemporary European film and TV series. Methods, contexts, case studies" as part of the Screening European Populisms (2008-2020) Project In Paris March 10-11 2024 organised by Constructive Advanced Thinking. Cat . Professor Luca Barra is one of our academic advisors sits on our project steering committee and has participated in all project Roundtables, providing feedback and advice. Our Bologna partners have assisted in the online circulation of our survey, helped us recruit research assistants for the Italian fieldwork and provided feedback on our approach and findings. The also hosted us in November 2023 for a week with a methodology workshop on 28th November for staff, early career researchers and postgraduates (see above). Jeanette Steemers from the Screen Encounters with Britain Team [SEWB] has organised and is chairing a panel for the Media Industries conference at King's College London on "Screen Entertainment Among New Generations: Audiences Preferences and Industry Responses" in April 2024. The University of Bologna team is contributing a paper on "Young, Wild and Free? Industrial Outtakes from Contemporary Italian Teen Content: the case of RAI " alongside the King's Paper " On Transnational Encounters with British Screen Entertainment" . The Panel with 4 papers will form part of a Special Journal Issue on "Screen Entertainment Among New Generations" for the Journal Critical Studies in Television, which SEWB team members Jeanette Steemers and Andrea Esser will edit. The deadline for submission to the special journal issue is November 2024.
Impact 28 November 2023 - Methods Workshop, "How can you research engagement with screen entertainmnen" University of Bologna 17.00-19.00 University of Bologna, Italy
Start Year 2022
Description University of Groningen 
Organisation University of Groningen
Country Netherlands 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are currently (March 24) sharing Data from our Dutch field research (survey, audience interviews, teachers interviews, digital diaries) with 2 colleagues from Groningen to work on a joint research article entitled "Young Media Audiences in the Netherlands (ages 16-34): Where and How Do They Encounter TV, Or 'Streaming Platform Content'?" . This will form part of a Special Issue of the Journal Critical Studies in Television. The article which will combine new interviews from our Dutch colleagues with our own data - will be submitted in November 2024 as a joint application. We are currently working on the draft.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Berber Hagedorn from Groningen University is one of our academic advisors and has attended all our ONline Roundtables and provided feedback on our research and methods as we have progressed. Groningen has assisted with our Dutch field research (September 2023-March 2004) by assisting with survey circulation, and recommending a Dutch assistant to help with translations, locate respondents and undertake landing page research. Our Dutch colleagues are combining their data with ours and we will write an article together for a Special Issue of the Journal Critical Studies in Television. Deadline November
Impact We are working on an joint output
Start Year 2022
Description University of Oslo - Collaboration 
Organisation University of Oslo
Country Norway 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The PI is a co-I on the Global natives? Serving young audiences on global media platforms, led by the Department of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo has collaborated online and in person with this project attending meetings in Oslo, hosted by the University of Oslo on 28th April 2022, where we exchanged information on Methods; and also on 25 January 2023, also hosted by University of Oslo where we further worked on methodological issues. Jeanette Steemers from the Screen Encounters with Britain Team [SEWB] has organised and is chairing a panel for the Media Industries conference at King's College London on "Screen Entertainment Among New Generations: Audiences Preferences and Industry Responses". The University of Oslo team is contributing a paper on "Exploring Screen Entertainment from a Combined Industry Youth Perspective" alongside the King's Paper " On Transnational Encounters with British Screen Entertainment" . The Panel with 4 papers includes contributions including the Oslo and King's College contribution which will form part of a Special Journal Issue on "Screen Entertainment Among New Generations" for the Journal Critical Studies in Television, which SEWB team members Jeanette Steemers and Andrea Esser will edit.
Collaborator Contribution Our Oslo partners have assisted in the online circulation of our survey, and provided feedback on our approach and findings. They are contributing to our Media Industries Conference Panel in London in April 2024 and will also contribute a Special Journal issue we are editing on Screen Entertainment Among New Generations: Audience preferences and Industry Responses for Critical Studies in Television (Submission November 2024).
Impact None yet
Start Year 2022
Description 10 May 2023 - Methods Workshop: Questions & Approaches to VOD Catalogue Research, Aarhus University 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact As specified in the original application we have delivered methods workshops and other events to the department of communication at Aarhus which is one of the planned activities of the Screen Encounters with Britain project. On 10th May 2023 Jeanette Steemers and Matt Hilborn took part in an Aarhus-organised Workshop on "Questions & Approaches to VoD catalogue research" presenting a paper on our research to date (Landing page research) and this has formed the foundation of a Journal Article which which we are co-writing with Dr Bengesser at Aarhus University.
10 May 2023 - Methods Workshop: Questions & Approaches to VOD Catalogue Research, "Screen Encounters with Britain: Approaches to VOD Catalogue Research in Denmark and Germany", Centre for Transnational Media Research, University of Aarhus (13.00-16.00)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description 11 May 2023 Methods Workshop Researching transnational patterns in the media consumptions of young Danish Audiences Aarhus 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact On 11 May 2023 Andrea Esser, Matt Hilborn and Jeanette Steemers delivered a Methods Workshop at Aarhus to researchers, including Early career researchers, called "Researching young, transnational screen audiences:Methodological lessons from the 'Screen Encounters with Britain: What do young Europeans make of Britain and its digital screen culture?' (AHRC, 2022-2024)" This was an occasion to share methodological experiences with other researchers, including ECRS who also presented their work.
11 May 2023 - Research Workshop: Researching transnational patterns in the media consumptions of young Danish Audiences, " Researching young transnational screen audiences: methodological lessons from the "Screen Encounters with Britain" Project". Centre for Transnational Media Research, University of Aarhus (9.00-12.30)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description 12 May 2023 Lecture to Postgraduates Aarhus University 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact On 12 May 2023 Jeanette Steemers and Matt Hilborn delivered a lecture to Postgraduate students at Aarhus University on the Danish fieldwork entitled "Screen Encounters with Britain: What do young Danes make of Britain and its digital screen culture?"
12 May 2023 - "Screen Encounters with Britain: What do young Danes make of Britain and its digital screen culture?" Centre for Transnational Media Research, University of Aarhus (14.00-16.00)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Industry/Academic Workshop 9 May 2023 University of Copenhagen 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact We participated in a joint Research/ Industry Workshop and roundtable on 9 May 2023 "Keeping up with young audiences' where we were able to share our Danish findings with and receive feedback from industry representatives from DR, the Danish Broadcaster, The Danish Film Institute, TV2 the commercial broadcaster, the Cross-media school of children's fiction, Buster Film Festival and Will & Agency and receive feedback. We offered a summary of our research on the Danish marketplace with a particular focus on the 16-19 year age group:
9 May 2023 Research/Industry Workshop: Presented "Screen Encounters with Britain. What do young Europeans make of Britain and its digital screen culture. Interim Report Denmark ", Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen (9.00-14.30);
After attending the workshop and having read our Danish report a major platfrom in Denmark wrote to us and informed us:

"We read your report with great interest. I then used some of the most interesting points, to us, in an internal presentation alongside some of the points from the Danish DFI report. It involved the title lists and some of the quotes regarding the love for Jeremy Clarkson and Gordon Ramsey. The qualitative quotes are very interesting to us as we don't see that very often. We were also surprised by the interest in consuming long format content on YouTube."
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Methods Workshop 28 November 2023 University of Bologna 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact As specified in the original application Professor Steemers delivered a 2 hour methods workshop to academics and ECRs within the department of communication at Bologna. The workshop also included academics from other institutions. The topic of the 28 November 2023 event was "How can you research engagement with Screen Entertainment? Screen Encounters with Britain."
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Methods workshop 9 June 2023 at King's College London with Students from Babelsberg Film University 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact On 9th June 2023 we hosted a research workshop at King's College London (10-16.30) on Screen Encounters with Britain. Workshop presenters included Jeanette Steemers and Matt Hilborn from King's, Dr Cathrin Bengesser from the University of Aarhus; Dr Rui Xu from the University of Aarhus and Prof. Suzanne Eichner, one of our academic advisors and Professor of Analysis and Aesthetics of Audiovisual Media. Professor Eichner brought 10 students from her MA course in Berlin to participate in the event and present their research on British content. We presented our research findings on Germany and explained our methodology and using our expertise gave feedback to the Babelsberg students on their work on how British TV content is perceived in Germany. We also facilitated a discussion and brainstorming session on What could the UK do to sell their content better?
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Online Scoping Roundtable 1 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact 14 people attended the online launch meeting to present the research project, and its methods. This included representatives from BBC Studios, BBC, All 3 Media, British Council, BFI, HMR International and PACT - as well as academic representatives from the University of Aarhus and Copenhagen. The event sparked questions and discussion about the research approach and participants gave advice on how best to approach each market.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Project Web pages Screen Encounters with Britain 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The project webpages provide information about the project and also access to all outputs.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Roundtable 2 - Presentation of the Denmark Interim Report 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This was our second scheduled Roundtable on 3 March 2023 used to present findings from our draft report "Screen Encounters with Britain - Interim Report Denmark.: What do young Europeans (16-34) make of Britain and its Digital Screen Culture " (79 pages). Team members Andrea Esser, Matt Hilborn and Jeanette Steemers were responsible for writing the report based on German field research involving a survey (423); digital diaries (20) Audience interviews (22), Cultural intermediary interviews (10). Outcomes from the engagement activity included feedback on the report from project partners who distributed the report which has been widely downloaded in industry circles (587 downloads) . Attendees included industry partners from All3Media, the BFI, BBC, BBC Studios, Pact the Producers Association, the British Council, and representatives from TV2 Denmark and Banijay International; and academic partners from the Universities of Aarhus, Copenhagen, Babelsberg, Groningen and Bologna. A short survey was taken afterwards and industry representatives responded that they would use the information to inform interactions with Government and regulators and with colleagues in Policy and the UK Global Screen Fund; Others wanted to share with journalists. Those involved in buying or acquiring UK content, will use the report to inform their own territory research and for staff training. There is strong interest in the research data, with academic colleagues using it for their own research, and industry attendees using it for business purposes and for circulating among their contacts. Academic participants told us they will use the research to inform their teaching and academic research. Attendees were most interested in the findings on how Danish respondents use English language content, and how they discover British content.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Roundtable 3 - Presentation of the Screen Encounters with Britain - German Interim Report 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This was our third scheduled Roundtable on 20 July 2023 used to present findings from our draft report "Screen Encounters with Britain - Interim Report Germany.: What do young Europeans (16-34) make of Britain and its Digital Screen Culture " (89 pages). Team members Andrea Esser, Matt Hilborn and Jeanette Steemers were responsible for writing the report based on German field research involving a survey (426); digital diaries (26) Audience interviews (20), Cultural intermediary interviews (10). Outcomes from the engagement activity included feedback on the report from project partners who distributed the report which has been widely downloaded in industry circles (397 downloads) . Attendees included industry partners from All3Media, the BFI, BBC, BBC Studios, Pact the Producers Association, the British Council, and representatives from ProSiebenSat1, Deutsche Telekom and BBC Studios; and academic partners from the Universities of Aarhus, Copenhagen, Babelsberg, Groningen and Bologna. A short survey was taken afterwards and industry representatives responded that they would use the information to inform acquisitions from the UK, inform their own research and use it for staff training in acquisitions. From the after event survey industry representatives informed us that they would share the report and findings with global acquisitions, their local production department and with other buyers, and use it for training sales staff. There is strong interest in the research data, with academic colleagues using it for their own research, and industry attendees using it for business purposes and for circulating among their contacts.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Roundtable 4 - Presentation of the Netherlands Interim Report 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact TThis was our fourth scheduled Roundtable on 7 March 2024 used to present findings from our draft report "Screen Encounters with Britain - Interim Report Netherlands.: What do young Europeans (16-34) make of Britain and its Digital Screen Culture " (95 pages). Team members Andrea Esser, Matt Hilborn and Jeanette Steemers were responsible for writing the report based on Dutch field research involving a survey (409); digital diaries (28) Audience interviews (22), Cultural intermediary interviews (15). After taking on board the feedback from attendees (n.23) we will distribute the report publicly as an Open access publication at the end of March. Outcomes from the engagement activity included feedback on the report from project partners who will distribute the report) . Attendees came from industry including All3Media, the BFI, BBC, BBC Studios, Pact the Producers Association, the British Council, Dutch broadcaster NPO/VPRO and Banijay;; and academic partners from the Universities of Aarhus, Copenhagen, Babelsberg, Groningen and Bologna. A short survey was taken afterwards and industry representatives responded that they would use the information to inform acquisitions from the UK or sales to the Netherlands , for staff training in acquisitions/sales; and for planning and strategy. Academic respondents said they would share findings with students, other academics and for their own research. There is strong interest in the research data, with academic colleagues using it for their own research, and industry attendees using it for business purposes and for circulating among their contacts. As we move to our final territory there is a strong demand to compare and contrast territories.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Workshop, University of Copenhagen, 8 May 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact We attended a research workshop hosted by the University of Copenhagen on 8th May 2023 to present our Denmark Interim Report and shared our Danish findings with the Reaching Young Audiences Team, the Global Natives Team from Oslo University and Early Career researchers who also presented. We gave two papers, the first an overview of the Screen Encounters with Britain Project and its methods, and the second a more indepth overview of "The Consumption of 'longform' screen content of 16-19 year olds in Denmark" sharing our experiences and insights with Danish colleagues who also gave feedback.
8 May 2023 Research Workshop: Presented "The consumption of 'longform' screen content of 16-19 year-olds in Denmark", Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen (10.00-17.00);
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023