Ghosts of Solid Air

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Institute of Archaeology


Ghosts of Solid Air is an innovative public engagement project that aims to provide a new Augmented Reality experience enabling diverse audiences to understand and participate in discussions around contested statues. As Gary Younge has recently argued, statues do not just give a 'misleading idea about particular people or particular historical events - they also skew how we understand history itself. For when you put up a statue to honour a historical moment, you reduce that moment to a single person' ('Why every single statue should come down', The Guardian 1 June 2021). Ghosts of Solid Air aims to address this distorted view of the past by digitally (re)populating the streets and squares that statues inhabit with the voices of those who are not remembered.

While debates over public commemoration and memorialisation are nothing new, recent events in the UK and around the world have brought into sharp focus the need for more nuanced and pluralistic stories to be told in and through the historic built environment. This is not just a question of what histories are represented in public space, and how, but also who gets to play a role in telling these stories, and what agency they have to shape new narratives. As Nancy Fraser argued in her seminal paper 'Rethinking Recognition', 'culture ... is a legitimate, even necessary, terrain of struggle [and] a site of injustice in its own right'. For Fraser, confronting these injustices means 'changing the values that regulate interaction, entrenching new value patterns that will promote parity of participation in social life'. Participatory parity in this context seeks to avoid both authoritarianism and separatist identity politics, aiming instead for a form of democratised 'transcultural interaction'. Heritage and memory are key focal points for such interaction, but they are also terrains of struggle and - all-too-often - sites of ongoing injustice. How to foster participatory parity therefore remains an urgent question for the field: one that reaches far beyond academic discourse to impact on issues of access, inclusion and the politics of representation.

Responding to this concern - and building on a process of co-creation developed by the project team over the past twelve months - the experience we aim to develop will be produced in close collaboration with a group of young people (18-25) from London who are not typically engaged with heritage practice or discourse. They will help to shape the research, design and curatorial strategy of the experience. Furthermore, audiences using the Ghosts of Solid Air AR app will encounter a multitude of historical 'ghosts' jostling for their attention: a stark reminder of the many stories overshadowed by one-dimensional statues and monuments. They will then be invited to contribute their own experiences and sentiments to this digital assembly, helping to build a record of contemporary public debate on the memorial landscape. Through this approach the project will emphasise the importance of 'participatory parity' at all stages of the product design. By the end of the award, audiences and participants alike will be introduced to the potential for contested heritage to become a terrain of 'transcultural interaction' rather than further social injustice.


10 25 50
Exploitation Route See further discussion at
Sectors Culture


Museums and Collections

Description Please see
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural

Description AHRC - IAA 2022-25 KEI2023-01-18
Amount £15,000 (GBP)
Funding ID AHRC - IAA 2022-25 KEI2023-01-18 
Organisation University College London 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2023 
End 05/2024
Description PITCH - Innovate UK - HORIZON EUROPE Underwrite
Amount £462,442 (GBP)
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2023 
End 11/2027
Description UCL QR-Policy Support Funding
Amount £6,000 (GBP)
Organisation University College London 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2023 
End 05/2024
Title Ghosts of Solid Air 
Description Augmented reality app for smartphones. 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact App was launched as part of the BFI London Film Festival 2023