Interaction and service design of a virtual health hub for patients with cardiovascular disease

Lead Research Organisation: University of Ulster
Department Name: Sch of Art & Design


'As agreed with AHRC please see the Case for Support attachment for the full application information'
Description At this early stage of research delivery, some significant new research partners have been established. In particular involvement with Policy Connect's All-Party Parliamentary Design and Innovation Group affording the opportunity to contribute to the national discussions on the role of design to NetZero strategy.
As a result of the learning through this award application, Ulster University also secured another award in Round 1 of the Design Exchange Partnerships. These formed background funding in another successful application for a Green Transition Ecosystem. Collectively these AHRC funded awards have increased Ulster University's research profile and have led to new networks.
Exploitation Route It is anticipated that the direct beneficiary will be the Cardiac Assessment Unit (CAU) at the Western Health & Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland and their patients. The process of applying design thinking to clinical services is helping to declutter and plan services, as a skillset within the Trust. The applied design outcomes hope to provide tools to help manage service improvements. Potential for secondary outcomes, not originally anticipated in the research award application, relate to policy influence as a contributor to APDIG. These specifically relate to design's role for NetZero gain in the healthcare sector. As a result of this research, an activity has funded by the AHRC Impact Acceleration Account (AH/X003361/1), delivered by Prof Paul Rodgers and colleagues, under the remit of 'Does Design Care...?3elfast' for 4-6 September 2023, enhancing the research environment in Northern Ireland and improving connections between QUB, Strathclyde, RCA and Ulster researchers in particular.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy



Description Participation in the National Consultation by the All-Party Parliamentary Design & Innovation Group (APDIG). Title: How can Art and Design research and Arts research methodologies help tackle the biggest challenges faced by the UK? (9th December 2021)
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Participation in the National Consultation: APDIG Design Council joint Round table
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Policy Connect: All-Party Parliamentary Design & Innovation Group (APDIG)
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Description Ulster University An academic Collaborative Agreement between Ulster University and the HSCNI - REFERENCE: 90202R: "Design Exchange Programme: Interaction And Service Design Of A Virtual Health-Hub, For Patients With Cardiovascular Disease" Dated 30 August 2022 
Organisation Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland (HSCNI)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution This agreement has permitted the extension of the team to include Research Nurses at the Western Health and Social Care Trust. It also affords a longer period of engagement with clinical partners beyond the end date of the award.
Collaborator Contribution Discussions are ongoing relating to Master's study work and potential PhD support for practising Nurses wishing to pursue research in their careers..
Impact N/A
Start Year 2022
Description AHRC Green Transition Ecosystem Event in Northern Ireland 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact This event will enable the audience to hear more about GTEs and how they are situated within the wider Future Observatory: Design the Green Transition programme, hear about other opportunities outside of the programme and ask questions to a panel of AHRC and FO representatives. During the event Ulster Univeristy, Queens University and the Open University were present. Ulster and Queens presented key research relating to NetZero and sustainability agendas, which featured the findings of this project. As an outcome, Prof Magee is leading an application for £4.625M to the AHRC with a collaborative bid between Ulster, Queens, Glasgow School of Art and the University of the Arts London.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description CHEAD: What does it mean to work in an interdisciplinary way? Panel presentation and discussion 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact This symposium will bring together members of the Research Alliance to discuss interdisciplinary working, team building and terms of engagement. This event will also include a workshop to explore interdisciplinary research proposals.

• What are the parameters when working on an interdisciplinary research project?
• What do creative researchers bring to the project?
• What space do creative researchers own?
• How do creative researchers share what we know without being apologists for what we don't know?
• Do creative researchers need to revisit definitions in order to better understand what we are good at and what we offer?

20 Academic leaders, who are members of CHEAD Research Alliance were in attendance. The symposium is one of a series relating to developing National Design Policy.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Design Exchange Partnership Forum: Interaction and service design of a virtual health hub for patients with cardiovascular disease 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was a progress report to the AHRC and the Design Museum, London, as part of a national showcase on how design research is tackling NetZero challenges (AH/W007827/1).
Embedding design research within healthcare to synthesise complexity and strategically develop a Virtual Health Hub for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease. Specifically conceptualisation of a Realtime App., to manage the flow of patients, and Service Design for a Cardiology Virtual Assistant enabling remote patient engagement across hospital sites and diagnostic equipment.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Design Exchange Partnership Forum: Interaction and service design of a virtual health hub for patients with cardiovascular disease 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact A public talk as part of the Design Museum London forum. An update was shared on the progress of embedding design research within healthcare to synthesise complexity and strategically develop a Virtual Health Hub for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease. Specifically conceptualisation of a Realtime App., to manage the flow of patients, and Service Design for a Cardiology Virtual Assistant enabling remote patient engagement across hospital sites and diagnostic equipment.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Panel member in MITS2023- Session 6: Design for Health 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was the first time the Medical Innovation & Technology Summit has come to Ireland. I was invited as a panel specialist in Design for Health, where during the session, I provided several examples of innovations and design for health applications. One such reference was in relation to the Design Exchange Partnership.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description The Patient Game 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact This symposium debates the similarities and differences between scholarship, research and practice-based research within the creative arts. Examples of interdisciplinary case studies submitted by members of the Research Alliance were presented. Professor Magee's contribution involved a case study and panel member discussion. The talk was entitled "The Patient Game" and discussed a collaborative research journey between design, cardiology and computer science, developing 3D anatomical visualisation software, for pre-operative decision making. It included a brief introduction to the current DEP award.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021