Challenging Health Outcomes/Integrating Care Environments: A Community Consortium To Tackle Health Disparities For People Living with Mental Illness

Lead Research Organisation: University of Ulster
Department Name: Sch of Psychology


In the UK and elsewhere, people with severe mental illness die prematurely, up to 20 years younger than the general population, a mortality often associated with modifiable medical risk factors. The substantial costs to the health system and the wider economy caused by smoking, obesity, physical inactivity, alcohol misuse and substance abuse are well established. For example, smoking rates among people with a mental illness are three times higher than among the general population. However, while smokers living with severe mental illnesses are just as likely to want to quit as the general population, they are generally more addicted, and face greater barriers to quitting. Similarly, weight gain and obesity are major problems for people with mental health problems, increasing the risk of developing diabetes or cardiovascular diseases, all contributing to low quality of life and exacerbating psychiatric symptoms. Other interwoven and modifiable risk factors associated with the poor physical health of people with mental health problems include low self-esteem, unemployment, loneliness, the low expectations of others, and social exclusion. For a range of social and psychological reasons, including the damage done by stigma, people with mental health problems have relatively limited access to local cultural and natural resources which could improve their physical and mental health.

In recent years, greater attention has been focussed on the physical health of people living with mental illnesses but services remain fragmented and uncoordinated. This disconnect may be particularly true in the relationship between statutory health and social care services, and the community and voluntary sector organisations. Moreover, many lifestyle interventions exist that are of potential benefit to people with SMI these are seldom implemented in community settings and there is a lack of evidence on the development of effective interventions to help people with SMI. The CHOICE project aims to build a community coalition of agencies and people across Northern Ireland to maximise the resources, skills and knowledge held collectively. We will use Community-Based Participatory Research (CPBR), a powerful 'bottom-up' approach which uses innovative and inclusive approaches to empower disadvantaged communities and populations in the co- design and implementation of solutions to address health disparities. CBPR helps bridge research and practice by engaging the community to tackle disparities in population health and has been used in diverse and disadvantaged settings as an efficient means of challenging power imbalances. Importantly, our coalition will assist in identifying and exploiting all the assets and resources that exist in our communities but remain generally underused. Working with the experts by experience, we will use arts-based approaches to highlight the experience of living with mental illness, and the relationship between exclusion and physical health. By the end of the project we will have developed a strong community coalition and an agreed strategic plan to improve the lives of people living with mental illness.


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Title PhotoVoice exhibition - a day in the life 
Description We undertook a series of photography workshops for people with severe mental illness. This included themes on the everyday life of living with severe mental illness and places and objects that were important to the participants. From the photographs and personal discussions we developed an exhibition held at a Belfast City Council exhibition space. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact This has been a major success, with considerable interest from the public. 
Description We found evidence that people with severe mental illness are extremely socially excluded. this happens for various reasons but chiefly,: (1) they have small social networks and support, (2) they rely on day centres which have limited opening times and dates; (3) they are anxious that the public will respond badly (that is with prejudice and discrimination) to their presence; (4) they have limited knowledge of social opportunities. Community assets such as libraries, sports, arts and leisure facilities have no knowledge of the needs of people with severe mental illness but would appreciate the opportunity to be involved in challenging social exclusion.
Exploitation Route We will develop and examine the model of social prescribing for people with severe mental illness in the current phase of the AHRC Tackling Inequalities programme. The work and the findings will be made available to all.
Sectors Education


Leisure Activities

including Sports

Recreation and Tourism


Democracy and Justice



Museums and Collections

Description The project has had a major impact on various government departments in terms of increased recognition of the health and social inequalities of people living with severe mental illness. The work has been circulated to policymakers and will help to inform and deliver the new NI mental health strategy. The findings developed from the ESRC funded ADR-NI programme have helped raise awareness across various sectors and among the public.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Healthcare,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Societal

Policy & public services

Description Mobilising community assets to tackle health inequalities
Amount £1,900,000 (GBP)
Funding ID APP5380 
Organisation Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2024 
End 01/2027
Description Choice Community Coalition to tackle inequalities of people with severe mental illness 
Organisation Arts Council of Northern Ireland
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution We established a community coalition to tackle the health and social inequalities of people living with severe mental illness. we undertook research on the health and social needs of people living with severe mental illness We undertook workshops with key stakeholders in the public and voluntary sectors we organised workshops and meetings with providers of community assets we undertook a mapping exercise of assets and organisations we ran PhotoVoice workshops with people with severe mental illnesss and set up a Photographic exhibition We set up a conference on the physical health outcomes of people with severe mental illness We produced a video film of the CHOICE project We consolidated a Community Coalition in preparation for stage 3 of the AHRC funding Awarded funding of £1.9M through the AHRC Mobilising community assets to tackle health inequalities programme.
Collaborator Contribution This was a partnership in which all the partners contributed time and resources. We established a community coalition to tackle the health and social inequalities of people living with severe mental illness. we undertook research on the health and social needs of people living with severe mental illness We undertook workshops with key stakeholders in the public and voluntary sectors we organised workshops and meetings with providers of community assets we undertook a mapping exercise of assets and organisations we ran PhotoVoice workshops with people with severe mental illnesss and set up a Photographic exhibition We set up a conference on the physical health outcomes of people with severe mental illness We produced a video film of the CHOICE project
Impact We consolidated a Community Coalition in preparation for stage 3 of the AHRC funding Awarded funding of £1.9M through the AHRC Mobilising community assets to tackle health inequalities programme. Public Health Health Services Research Arts Psychotherapy Art and Design Epidemiology Psychology
Start Year 2022
Description Choice Community Coalition to tackle inequalities of people with severe mental illness 
Organisation Government of Northern Ireland
Department Department for Communities
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We established a community coalition to tackle the health and social inequalities of people living with severe mental illness. we undertook research on the health and social needs of people living with severe mental illness We undertook workshops with key stakeholders in the public and voluntary sectors we organised workshops and meetings with providers of community assets we undertook a mapping exercise of assets and organisations we ran PhotoVoice workshops with people with severe mental illnesss and set up a Photographic exhibition We set up a conference on the physical health outcomes of people with severe mental illness We produced a video film of the CHOICE project We consolidated a Community Coalition in preparation for stage 3 of the AHRC funding Awarded funding of £1.9M through the AHRC Mobilising community assets to tackle health inequalities programme.
Collaborator Contribution This was a partnership in which all the partners contributed time and resources. We established a community coalition to tackle the health and social inequalities of people living with severe mental illness. we undertook research on the health and social needs of people living with severe mental illness We undertook workshops with key stakeholders in the public and voluntary sectors we organised workshops and meetings with providers of community assets we undertook a mapping exercise of assets and organisations we ran PhotoVoice workshops with people with severe mental illnesss and set up a Photographic exhibition We set up a conference on the physical health outcomes of people with severe mental illness We produced a video film of the CHOICE project
Impact We consolidated a Community Coalition in preparation for stage 3 of the AHRC funding Awarded funding of £1.9M through the AHRC Mobilising community assets to tackle health inequalities programme. Public Health Health Services Research Arts Psychotherapy Art and Design Epidemiology Psychology
Start Year 2022
Description Choice Community Coalition to tackle inequalities of people with severe mental illness 
Organisation Inspire Wellbeing
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution We established a community coalition to tackle the health and social inequalities of people living with severe mental illness. we undertook research on the health and social needs of people living with severe mental illness We undertook workshops with key stakeholders in the public and voluntary sectors we organised workshops and meetings with providers of community assets we undertook a mapping exercise of assets and organisations we ran PhotoVoice workshops with people with severe mental illnesss and set up a Photographic exhibition We set up a conference on the physical health outcomes of people with severe mental illness We produced a video film of the CHOICE project We consolidated a Community Coalition in preparation for stage 3 of the AHRC funding Awarded funding of £1.9M through the AHRC Mobilising community assets to tackle health inequalities programme.
Collaborator Contribution This was a partnership in which all the partners contributed time and resources. We established a community coalition to tackle the health and social inequalities of people living with severe mental illness. we undertook research on the health and social needs of people living with severe mental illness We undertook workshops with key stakeholders in the public and voluntary sectors we organised workshops and meetings with providers of community assets we undertook a mapping exercise of assets and organisations we ran PhotoVoice workshops with people with severe mental illnesss and set up a Photographic exhibition We set up a conference on the physical health outcomes of people with severe mental illness We produced a video film of the CHOICE project
Impact We consolidated a Community Coalition in preparation for stage 3 of the AHRC funding Awarded funding of £1.9M through the AHRC Mobilising community assets to tackle health inequalities programme. Public Health Health Services Research Arts Psychotherapy Art and Design Epidemiology Psychology
Start Year 2022
Description Choice Community Coalition to tackle inequalities of people with severe mental illness 
Organisation Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Learned Society 
PI Contribution We established a community coalition to tackle the health and social inequalities of people living with severe mental illness. we undertook research on the health and social needs of people living with severe mental illness We undertook workshops with key stakeholders in the public and voluntary sectors we organised workshops and meetings with providers of community assets we undertook a mapping exercise of assets and organisations we ran PhotoVoice workshops with people with severe mental illnesss and set up a Photographic exhibition We set up a conference on the physical health outcomes of people with severe mental illness We produced a video film of the CHOICE project We consolidated a Community Coalition in preparation for stage 3 of the AHRC funding Awarded funding of £1.9M through the AHRC Mobilising community assets to tackle health inequalities programme.
Collaborator Contribution This was a partnership in which all the partners contributed time and resources. We established a community coalition to tackle the health and social inequalities of people living with severe mental illness. we undertook research on the health and social needs of people living with severe mental illness We undertook workshops with key stakeholders in the public and voluntary sectors we organised workshops and meetings with providers of community assets we undertook a mapping exercise of assets and organisations we ran PhotoVoice workshops with people with severe mental illnesss and set up a Photographic exhibition We set up a conference on the physical health outcomes of people with severe mental illness We produced a video film of the CHOICE project
Impact We consolidated a Community Coalition in preparation for stage 3 of the AHRC funding Awarded funding of £1.9M through the AHRC Mobilising community assets to tackle health inequalities programme. Public Health Health Services Research Arts Psychotherapy Art and Design Epidemiology Psychology
Start Year 2022
Description Choice Community Coalition to tackle inequalities of people with severe mental illness 
Organisation Public Health Agency (PHA)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We established a community coalition to tackle the health and social inequalities of people living with severe mental illness. we undertook research on the health and social needs of people living with severe mental illness We undertook workshops with key stakeholders in the public and voluntary sectors we organised workshops and meetings with providers of community assets we undertook a mapping exercise of assets and organisations we ran PhotoVoice workshops with people with severe mental illnesss and set up a Photographic exhibition We set up a conference on the physical health outcomes of people with severe mental illness We produced a video film of the CHOICE project We consolidated a Community Coalition in preparation for stage 3 of the AHRC funding Awarded funding of £1.9M through the AHRC Mobilising community assets to tackle health inequalities programme.
Collaborator Contribution This was a partnership in which all the partners contributed time and resources. We established a community coalition to tackle the health and social inequalities of people living with severe mental illness. we undertook research on the health and social needs of people living with severe mental illness We undertook workshops with key stakeholders in the public and voluntary sectors we organised workshops and meetings with providers of community assets we undertook a mapping exercise of assets and organisations we ran PhotoVoice workshops with people with severe mental illnesss and set up a Photographic exhibition We set up a conference on the physical health outcomes of people with severe mental illness We produced a video film of the CHOICE project
Impact We consolidated a Community Coalition in preparation for stage 3 of the AHRC funding Awarded funding of £1.9M through the AHRC Mobilising community assets to tackle health inequalities programme. Public Health Health Services Research Arts Psychotherapy Art and Design Epidemiology Psychology
Start Year 2022
Description Choice Community Coalition to tackle inequalities of people with severe mental illness 
Organisation Queen's University Belfast
Department Centre for Public Health (CPH)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We established a community coalition to tackle the health and social inequalities of people living with severe mental illness. we undertook research on the health and social needs of people living with severe mental illness We undertook workshops with key stakeholders in the public and voluntary sectors we organised workshops and meetings with providers of community assets we undertook a mapping exercise of assets and organisations we ran PhotoVoice workshops with people with severe mental illnesss and set up a Photographic exhibition We set up a conference on the physical health outcomes of people with severe mental illness We produced a video film of the CHOICE project We consolidated a Community Coalition in preparation for stage 3 of the AHRC funding Awarded funding of £1.9M through the AHRC Mobilising community assets to tackle health inequalities programme.
Collaborator Contribution This was a partnership in which all the partners contributed time and resources. We established a community coalition to tackle the health and social inequalities of people living with severe mental illness. we undertook research on the health and social needs of people living with severe mental illness We undertook workshops with key stakeholders in the public and voluntary sectors we organised workshops and meetings with providers of community assets we undertook a mapping exercise of assets and organisations we ran PhotoVoice workshops with people with severe mental illnesss and set up a Photographic exhibition We set up a conference on the physical health outcomes of people with severe mental illness We produced a video film of the CHOICE project
Impact We consolidated a Community Coalition in preparation for stage 3 of the AHRC funding Awarded funding of £1.9M through the AHRC Mobilising community assets to tackle health inequalities programme. Public Health Health Services Research Arts Psychotherapy Art and Design Epidemiology Psychology
Start Year 2022
Description Choice Community Coalition to tackle inequalities of people with severe mental illness 
Organisation Royal College of Psychiatrists
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution We established a community coalition to tackle the health and social inequalities of people living with severe mental illness. we undertook research on the health and social needs of people living with severe mental illness We undertook workshops with key stakeholders in the public and voluntary sectors we organised workshops and meetings with providers of community assets we undertook a mapping exercise of assets and organisations we ran PhotoVoice workshops with people with severe mental illnesss and set up a Photographic exhibition We set up a conference on the physical health outcomes of people with severe mental illness We produced a video film of the CHOICE project We consolidated a Community Coalition in preparation for stage 3 of the AHRC funding Awarded funding of £1.9M through the AHRC Mobilising community assets to tackle health inequalities programme.
Collaborator Contribution This was a partnership in which all the partners contributed time and resources. We established a community coalition to tackle the health and social inequalities of people living with severe mental illness. we undertook research on the health and social needs of people living with severe mental illness We undertook workshops with key stakeholders in the public and voluntary sectors we organised workshops and meetings with providers of community assets we undertook a mapping exercise of assets and organisations we ran PhotoVoice workshops with people with severe mental illnesss and set up a Photographic exhibition We set up a conference on the physical health outcomes of people with severe mental illness We produced a video film of the CHOICE project
Impact We consolidated a Community Coalition in preparation for stage 3 of the AHRC funding Awarded funding of £1.9M through the AHRC Mobilising community assets to tackle health inequalities programme. Public Health Health Services Research Arts Psychotherapy Art and Design Epidemiology Psychology
Start Year 2022
Description Tackling health inequalities related to people with severe mental illness 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact We presented the findings of our research on the physical health outcomes of people with severe mental illness. These studies were part of a programmes led by professor Leavey on inequalities related to severe mental illness. The presentation was followed by a discussion with policymakers, practitioners, and experts by experience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description presentation and discussion 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation of the CHOICE project findings and discussion of future work
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022