Mass-flowering crops: cost or benefit to bumblebees and wild flower pollination?

Lead Research Organisation: University of Stirling
Department Name: Biological and Environmental Sciences


There is a widespread perception that pollinators are in decline, and that this threatens both natural plant communities and agricultural productivity. Although this decline has recently been questioned, most authorities agree that some important pollinator groups, notably bumblebees, have declined in both abundance and range in Europe. There are also well documented declines in abundance of many plant species in the UK, particularly perennial herbs such as cowslips and red clover. The cultivation of mass-flowering crops (primarily oilseed rape and field beans) in the UK has been arguably the most dramatic change to the floral landscape for centuries. Recent work by the applicants shows that, when in bloom, the amount of pollen and nectar provided by these crops greatly exceeds that provided by all other insect-visited flowering plants combined in arable landscapes. We still have a poor understanding, however, of the impact that this brief glut of floral resources has on pollinator populations or on the reproduction of wildflowers. There is disagreement as to whether mass-flowering crops are of benefit to populations of bumblebees (they provide a lot of resources, but colony success requires a continuous supply of food throughout spring and summer, and some bee species avoid shallow flowers like oilseed rape). Mass-flowering crops are also likely to affect pollination and hence seed set in wildflowers of arable ecosystems. But it is unclear whether wildflowers will suffer adverse affects from competition with the crop for pollinators or through stigma-clogging with pollen from such crops, or conversely whether they will benefit from a boost to local pollinator populations. The answer will depend on the phenology and floral similarity of crop and wildflower. Wild flower population processes and their pollinators' population dynamics in farmland have never been considered together in a single project. This project aims to capitalise on previous BBSRC-funded work by the applicants, to assess how the amount and landscape-scale spatial distribution of mass-flowering crops affect pollinator populations (particularly bumblebees) and reproduction of wildflowers, using a three-pronged approach: A. Studies of the effects of oilseed rape and field beans on bumblebee colony survival, focussing on two contrasting bee species, the longer tongued B. pascuorum and the shorter-tongued B. lapidarius. Molecular approaches pioneered by the applicants will be used to detect nests through the season (Goulson@Stirling). B. Studies of the effects of these same mass-flowering crops on pollinator visitation and seed-set in five target wildflower species, chosen to provide a range of phenologies and flower morphologies (Osborne@Rothamsted) Ci) Expansion, development and testing of an existing GIS-based forage map and associated model to predict how the distribution and phenology of forage in arable landscapes determines pollinator abundance, and in particular which areas act as sinks for bumblebees, and which act as sources (net exporters of queens) (Sanderson@Newcastle) Cii) Use of the same forage map to develop new spatially-articulate models to examine the broader, landscape scale effects of mass-flowering crops on pollinator visitation to, and seed set in, wildflower populations In combination, this work will enable us to evaluate the likely ecological consequences of growing mass-flowering crops on pollinators and wildflowers, and will substantially increase our ability to predict and manipulate the impacts of agricultural practices on farmland biodiversity. The project is of direct relevance to policy makers producing schemes for arable and countryside stewardship, for example those advising on field margin management. Practices that encourage large bumblebee populations will in turn boost pollination of crops and wild plants, underpinning the sustainability of a diverse flora on unfarmed agricultural land.

Technical Summary

The project will focus on a 15 x 15 km sq. of arable farmland in Hertfordshire. Obj A: Determine whether mass-flowering crops (MFCs) affect the growth of colonies of long and short-tongued bumblebee species. We will perform genetic analysis on samples from bees caught on or in the margins of oilseed rape, field bean and cereals (30 sites). Samples of B. lapidarius and B. pascuorum queens will be taken in the spring, and workers in May and July. Molecular markers will be used to determine relatedness, and from this we will estimate how many colonies are foraging in an area, and how colony survival over time varies according to forage availability. Obj B: Determine whether MFCs have a competitive or facilitatory effect on pollination and seed-set of field-margin wildflowers. We will plant wild flowers in the margins used above and assess pollinator visitation, pollen deposition and consequent seed set. Five species of wild plant with different floral shapes and flowering times will be chosen. Thus they will be visited by different pollinators and we predict different levels of interaction with mass-flowering crops. It is currently not possible to predict whether these interactions will be positive or negative. Obj C: Development and testing of a GIS-based forage map and associated model to predict how the distribution and phenology of forage in arable landscapes determines which areas act as sinks or sources for bumblebees. Our existing 10 x 10 km forage map will be enlarged to 15 x 15 km, and resolution improved to 60 cm. We will use the existing map to identify training areas in the new imagery, prior to supervised classification. Predictions of the effects of changing forage availability through the season on bumblebee colony survival will be tested against observed survival (Obj A). Development of new spatially-articulate models based on the same GIS map to predict the effects of the landscape-scale distribution of MFCs on wildflower reproduction. (joint with BBE0014911 and BBE0027571; cofunded by NERC)


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Description Key outputs included:

• Using field experiments and microsatellite markers to quantify and compare foraging ranges of 5 bumblebee species, including development of a novel means of mass-marking bumblebees.

• Quantifying bumblebee nest densities in relation to habitat across UK.

• Evaluating how the distribution of mass-flowering crops and non-crop habitats influences the density of bumblebee nests in arable landscapes.

• Quantifying for the first time how far queen bumblebees disperse from their natal nests.

• Using molecular tools to quantify how landscape scale factors influence bumblebee nest survival through the season.

• Demonstrating that mass flowering crops had a facilitative effect on wildflower pollination, and that wild flower pollination was higher in suburban areas than on arable farmland.
Exploitation Route The results of the research are of direct value in informing farmland management with regard to sustainable provision of pollination services. The research improves our understanding of how best to manage and conserve bumblebee populations in arable farmland, and so is of relevance to policy makers, conservationists and farmers. The results were disseminated directly to the staff of the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, of which the PI was founder, and hence to a broad range of stakeholders with whom trust staff regularly interact.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description The findings from this project have helped to shape the conservation strategies of the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, an organisation that I set up in 2006 and was chair of the board of trustees of until 2011. The findings have also been explained to the public in over 150 talks given to members of the public by the PI, at diverse locations and events including beekeeper meetings, local wildlife trusts, gardening associations and science and literary festivals.
First Year Of Impact 2008
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Environment
Impact Types Societal

Description Numerous public talks to e.g. beekeepers, natural history societies, schools, literature festivals. Approximately 50 per year 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In total several thousand people have heard me give talks on bumblebee ecology and conservation, and on the impacts of pesticides on bees. My biggest audiences have been addressing a "People's Walk for Wildlife" in Hyde Park (estimated 10,000) and talking at the Bluedor festical, Cheshire, 2017 and 2019, estimated audience ~1,000 each year. Many of my talks are on Youtube e.g. Tedx talk:

I have numerous further invites to give talks
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity Pre-2006,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020
Description Popular Science Books 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I have published four popular science books, A Sting in the Tale (2013), A Buzz in the Meadow (2014), Bee Quest (2017) and The Garden Jungle (2019). Together they have so far sold >360,000 copiues, and been translated into 16 languages.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020
Description Talks on bees and related issues on YouTube 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Several of my talks on bee ecology and conservation, and on impacts of pesticides, are available on Youtube and have been watched many thousands of times. I also have a Youtube channel which has various short videos on bee-related matters, focussed on encouraging the public to plant flowers for them, and create nest sites for them. These videos have, collectively, been viewed >69,000 times
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014,2015,2016,2017,2018