Mapping the zebra finch genome

Lead Research Organisation: University of Sheffield
Department Name: Animal and Plant Sciences


Zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) are a passerine or songbird. Passerines are widely studied in a broad range of biological disciplines, both as laboratory model organisms, and in the wild. In the laboratory they are used to understand how song is developed, controlled and learned, and are a model system for understanding vocalisation in other species. Studies of wild passerine populations have advanced our understanding of natural selection, sexual selection, the effects of inbreeding, mechanisms of speciation, the causes of evolutionary stasis, and the genetic architecture of fitness-related traits. Enormous progress on many of these questions has been made in recent years by quantitative genetic analyses of pedigreed populations. Frustratingly, genomics resources are less well-developed for passerines than many other vertebrate taxa. As a result it is currently almost impossible to carry out gene mapping studies in passerines, a direction that many biologists feel is the next logical extension of previous work. However, an opportunity has now arisen to address this problem because the zebra finch genome is currently being sequenced. This will be the first genome sequence for a passerine species, and only the second of any bird; a first draft chicken genome assembly was released in 2004, but Galliforms (the group that includes chickens) and passerines diverged ~100 million years ago. In this project we will build a genetic linkage map of the zebra finch genome, using birds from a long-term study population maintained in Sheffield. The project is made possible by three things: (i) the availability of the zebra finch genome sequence, which will enable us to rapidly find genetic markers to put on the map, (ii) our multigenerational zebra finch population and (iii) new high-throughput genotyping platforms that can produce data on a scale that was not previously possible. Compared to older methods the new platforms produce data at 5-10 times lower cost and at least 5-10 times more rapidly. The zebra finch linkage map will serve several purposes. First, it will be used to help 'assemble' the zebra finch genome sequence. Sequencing programs typically produce large, overlapping sequences, but placing them in the correct order and on the correct chromosomes is very difficult. The task is made much simpler if reference can be made to a linkage map, where markers are ordered along the chromosomes. Second, we will use the map to test a number of population genetic hypotheses, particularly those relating to the evolution of chromosomal rearrangements and meiotic recombination rates. Third, the map represents a resource which can be used to identify the genes that are responsible for variation in a number of important phenotypes including sperm motility and morphology, body condition, plumage intensity and song performance. Finally, the map can be used to start building similar maps in other passerine species, especially those where gene mapping is an attractive future direction, such as those that have been the subject of long-term ecological studies in the wild. Good examples include the great tit population at Wytham Woods, Oxford and the collared flycatchers on the Swedish island of Gotland.

Technical Summary

The overall aim of this proposal is to identify and map >2000 genetic markers to the zebra finch genome. The linkage map will be the first genome-wide map for any passerine species, and will establish the zebra finch as the model organism for passerine gene mapping. The work will be carried out in a 500-bird 'International Mapping Flock' created from our long-term study population. Birds from our population are currently being used to create cDNA libraries, which will then be sequenced at the University of Washington Genome Sequencing Centre. Many thousands of SNPs will be discovered in silico, and we will type ~2000 of them in the mapping flock. Genotyping will be performed on the Sequenom MassArray system in just 6-12 weeks. A further 200 microsatellite markers which we have already mined from existing zebra finch EST libraries will be added to the map. The microsatellites serve two main purposes. First they are more variable than SNPs and so can be used to 'anchor' the map during linkage map construction. Second, because they are exonic they are highly conserved across other species, making them an excellent comparative genomics resource. We will use the map to address a number of fundamental population genetic questions. We will identify the chromosomal rearrangements that occurred during avian evolution, and construct an ancestral avian karyotype. We will compare genetic recombination rates between a domesticated (chicken) and undomesticated (zebra finch) species, to test whether domestication may have caused the chicken to have a low recombination rate. We will compare recombination rates between microchromosomes and macrochromosomes, to further understand the evolutionary consequences of a functionally-important gene being located on a microchromosome. Finally we will estimate linkage disequilibrium (LD) between all pairs of markers, because an understanding of LD is central to many questions in population genetics, as well as in gene mapping.


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Description • We constructed a linkage map of the zebra finch genome, using a panel of around 800 SNPs

1. The map showed that avian genomes were conserved across wide evolutionary distances, although it also
anticipated some of the findings of the zebra finch genome assembly by showing some intrachromosomal
rearrangements between passerines and galliforms.

• In addition to building the linkage map we also compared the accuracy of the two most commonly used types of marker for gene mapping - microsatellites and SNPs. We showed that maps built with SNPs were usually more accurate and provided some rules of thumb other researchers should adopt when combining both types of marker 2. We also identified a panel of highly conserved microsatellite markers, and showed that they will be useful in comparative genomics studies and/or for population genetic studies of other bird species with fewer genomics resources

• We provided the first description of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the zebra finch genome (and the most comprehensive in any passerine bird) 4. We showed that LD was systematically heterogeneous in the zebra finch genome, with LD decaying much faster on the microchromosomes and ends of macrochromosomes than in the middle of macrochromosomes. Patterns this pronounced have not
been reported in any other vertebrate and have profound implications for the design of SNP chips and genomewide association studies.

• We investigated whether large panels of markers could reliably estimate pairwise relatedness and inbreeding coefficients by comparing pedigree-based and marker-based estimates

5. • We described the transcriptome of the zebra finch in six tissues (including testes) and showed that genes with highly tissue-specific expression tend to have faster rates of molecular evolution

6. • We participated in the international effort to sequence the zebra finch genome, culminating in a paper in Nature

1) J Stapley, TR Birkhead, T Burke and J Slate (2008) A linkage map of the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata provides new insight into avian genome evolution. Genetics 179:651-667 *Paper highlighted in Science as 'Editor's Choice'.

2) AD Ball, J Stapley, DA Dawson, TR Birkhead, T Burke & J Slate (2010) A comparison of SNPs and microsatellites as linkage mapping markers: lessons from the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). BMC Genomics 11:218 *Highly accessed article

3) J Slate, MC Hale & TR Birkhead (2007). Simple sequence repeats in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) expressed sequence tags: a new resource for evolutionary genetic studies of passerines. BMC Genomics 8:52

4) J Stapley, TR Birkhead, T Burke & J Slate (2010) Pronounced inter and intra-chromosomal variation in linkage disequilibrium across the zebra finch genome. Genome Research 20:496-502

5) AW Santure, J Stapley, AD Ball, TR Birkhead, T Burke & J Slate (2010) On the use of large marker panels to estimate inbreeding and relatedness: empirical and simulation studies of a pedigreed zebra finch population typed at 771 SNPs. Molecular Ecology 19:1439-51 *A News & Views on this paper was published in the same issue

6) R Ekblom, CN Balakrishnan, T Burke & J Slate (2010) Digital gene expression analysis of the zebra finch genome. BMC Genomics 11:219 *Highly accessed article

7) WC Warren, DF Clayton, H Ellegren, AP Arnold & 56 others, J Stapley, J Slate, R Ekblom, T Birkhead, T Burke & 17 Others (2010) The genome of a songbird. Nature 464: 757-762 See BBSRC media release at
Exploitation Route Our main findings have been used by other researchers that have taken advantage of the zebra finch's emergence as a model system. In particualr, researchers studying sexual selection, sperm biology, neurobiology and comaprative genomics have benefitted from the existence of a zebra finch map and genome assembly.
Sectors Environment


Title Zebra finch linkage map 
Description By creating a linkage (genetic) map of the zebra finch genome, we created a tool that can be used to find genes associated with phenotypes of interest. A follow-on grant, on sperm biology, was funded in part because of the availability of the map. The map was also used to help assemble the zebra finch genome, which became only the second bird to have its genome assembled, and which has become a key model species in comparative genomics and in learning and vocalisation neurobiology. 
Type Of Material Biological samples 
Year Produced 2008 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact By creating a linkage map from a population of birds that were already being used in other research (e.g. in sexual selection research, in studies of sperm morphology), we reduced animal use. 
Description Media coverage of zebra finch genome paper 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Media coverage of zebra finch genome paper

no actual impacts realised to date
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2010
Description Press release on zebra finch genome assembly 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Press release on zebra finch genome assembly

no actual impacts realised to date
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2010