Raman spectroscopy as a novel analytical bioprocessing tool for PAT

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Chemistry


Protein-based biopharmaceuticals are becoming increasingly widely used as therapeutic agents and biotherapeutics; for example antibody therapy is become very popular and is used for explicit diseases and helps the immune system. These proteins are manufactured within cells and in order for them to be active they need to be produced and purified in the correct way. Whilst some methods do exist they are laborious and destroy the sample. By contrast we will develop a method based on the interaction of light with matter that will enable a very powerful and non-invasive analysis. One process that happens when light is shone at a substance is that it is scattered and sometimes this light is scatter at a different wavelength; an effect named Raman scattering. We will therefore develop Raman spectroscopy as a novel method for the direct in situ analysis of the production process, thereby allowing more rigorous assessment of these protein-based biopharmaceuticals.

Technical Summary

This project will develop Raman spectroscopy with appropriate chemometric modelling as a novel analytical tool for high-throughput monitoring of biopharmaceutical processes. This will be employed throughout the whole production phase and in particular for in situ measurements in fermentation broths for assessing the levels of post-translational modifications to antibodies and non-antibody products (e.g., clotting factors), and to aid downstream product recovery by measuring the structure of purified proteins. During the course of the work the Raman spectroscopic approach will be benchmarked against purified antibodies and the same antibodies after modification (enzymatic deglycosylation and proteolytic degradation) as well as fermentation broths from mammalian cell lines producing antibodies. The later will also be performed using a tangential flow system to separate cells from fermentation broths thus allowing on-line analysis. Finally, we shall also develop Raman spectroscopy for the assessment of protein aggregation.


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Description 1. Raman spectroscopy was developed for the analysis of complex bioprocesses. This included simultaneous assessment of key metabolites (glucose and lactic acids) as well as interesting products - such as the level of antibody being produced. We developed and assessed visible and UV Raman.
2. We successfully showed glycosylation, phosphorylation and iron-binding protein modifications
3. We showed that a new method called tip enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) could be used to assess the glycosylation status on single protein molecules.
4. During discussions at BBSRC BRIC we also established work with other groups including:
4a. Mark Smales (University of Kent) looking at host cell DNA and RNA dynamics in mammalian cell lines, which established leakage during the bioprocess.
4b. Ramon Go?ez de la Cuesta (Lonza Biologics) investigating antibody aggregation in early drug development
Exploitation Route Dr Lorna Ashton who was aPDRA on the project is now working in a similar area and is now a Lecturer at the University of Lancaster.
We started a collaboration with Pall to investigate Raman for on-line monitoring of bioprocesses.
Sectors Manufacturing

including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description EPSRC-SFI: Cutting Edge Analytical Solutions for Smart, Integrated, Efficient Biopharmaceutical Production
Amount £441,612 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/V042882/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2022 
End 12/2025