A genomic approach to understanding insecticide resistance in crop pests

Lead Research Organisation: Rothamsted Research
Department Name: Biological Chemistry & Crop Protection


Insect pests of crops are often controlled using chemical insecticides. Unfortunately over time many pests have evolved resistance to the insecticides used for control. Insects have been shown to develop resistance in two main ways. Firstly by changes in the protein that the insecticide binds to which means that it is no longer as sensitive to the toxic effect of the insecticide and secondly by increased production of enzymes that break down or bind to the insecticide and render it ineffective. In this proposal we aim to study insecticide resistance in two important crop pests the peach potato aphid (Myzus persicae) and the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens). M. persicae is a major pest on a range of crops in the UK and Europe and N. lugens is a major pest of rice crops in Asia, both cause damage to plants through direct feeding and the transmission of viruses resulting in high economic losses. Both of these crop pests have evolved resistance to many of the insecticides used for their control and the main chemical class currently being used is the neonicotinoids. However reports of resistance to this insecticide class have recently been described. Biochemical studies have shown that this resistance is likely to be caused by increased production of enzymes that break down the insecticide, in particular a group of enzymes called cytochrome P450 monooxgenases (P450s). P450s are a class of enzymes with many functions including the breakdown of toxins and insects have been found to have between 46-143 P450 genes, each producing a different enzyme. Insect pests can become resistant to insecticides by increasing the amount of one or more of the P450 enzymes they produce. In this project we aim to examine if resistance in M. persicae and N. lugens to neonicotinoids is caused by over-production of P450s and determine which P450s are involved and why they are over-produced. It is not easy to study the large gene families involved in metabolic resistance however recent advances in the field of genomics (the study of genes and their function) and new associated technologies means that it is now more feasible. This study will exploit these new resources to identify P450 genes in the target pest species. These include the genome (the entire DNA content of an organisms) sequences of a number of insect species (including an aphid), expressed sequence tags or ESTs (small pieces of DNA sequence usually 200 to 500 nucleotides long that are generated by sequencing either one or both ends of an expressed gene) and affordable high-throughput sequencing technologies that allow many hundreds of millions of bases (a unit of DNA) of sequence to be determined in a matter of hours. The identified P450 genes will then be studied using new molecular methods that allow determination of the levels of expression of genes into RNA and protein. The technique RNA interference (the introduction of double-stranded RNA into a cell to inhibit the expression of a gene) will be used to silence P450 genes and therefore examine their role in resistance. Finally the P450 genes will be cloned and expressed as protein to see if they break down or bind to insecticide. When the specific P450s involved in resistance in these crop pests have been identified we will develop diagnostic tools to monitor insect populations for resistance. These are an essential requirement of resistance management strategies which aim to slow or prevent the development of resistance. Prolonging the life of insecticides by managing resistance is vital as there are only a limited number of insecticides available for control and proposed new legislation on pesticides from the European Parliament will dramatically cut the availability of insecticides for use in agriculture. This project will be carried out in collaboration with partners in agrochemical companies and the Insecticide Resistance Action Group to ensure the findings of this study can be rapidly exploited.

Technical Summary

Insecticide resistance in crop pests has been an ongoing problem since the introduction of synthetic insecticides in the 1940's and has been shown to develop through two main mechanisms 1) the increased production of enzymes which can break down or bind to the insecticide and 2) structural changes in the target protein that render it less sensitive to the toxic effects of the insecticide. In this proposal we aim to study insecticide resistance in two important crop pests the peach potato aphid (Myzus persicae) and the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens). M. persicae is a major pest on a range of crops in the UK and Europe and N. lugens is a major pest of rice crops in Asia, both cause damage to plants through direct feeding and the transmission of viruses resulting in high economic losses. The main insecticide class currently used to control M. persicae and N. lugens are the neonicotinoids, however reports of resistance to this insecticide class have recently been described and there is strong evidence that elevated cytochrome P450 monooxgenases may be a contributing cause. In the proposed study we will explore the role that P450s play in metabolic resistance to neonicotinoids in the two pest species. We will identify P450 genes in M. persicae and N. lugens by exploiting genomic resources and new associated technologies that have recently become available including >24 insect genome sequences (including the recently sequenced pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum genome), EST databases and affordable high-throughput sequencing technologies. Identified P450s will then be studied using state-of-the art post-genomic technologies including quantitative PCR, microarrays, RNAi and functional expression to identify which enzymes are involved in resistance and why they are over-expressed. The findings will be exploited to develop diagnostic tools to monitor populations for resistance as part of management strategies which aim to slow or prevent the development of resistance.


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publication icon
Bass C (2013) Gene amplification and microsatellite polymorphism underlie a recent insect host shift. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

publication icon
Bass C (2011) Gene amplification and insecticide resistance. in Pest management science

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Bass C (2014) The evolution of insecticide resistance in the peach potato aphid, Myzus persicae. in Insect biochemistry and molecular biology

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Berger M (2016) Insecticide resistance mediated by an exon skipping event. in Molecular ecology

Description Many insect pests of agricultural crops are often largely controlled using chemical insecticides. Unfortunately over time many of the most economically important insect pests have evolved resistance to the insecticides used for control. In this proposal we studied insecticide resistance in several important crop pests with particular emphasis on the peach potato aphid (Myzus persicae) and the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens). M. persicae is a major pest on a range of crops in the UK and Europe and N. lugens is a major pest of rice crops in Asia, both cause damage to plants through direct feeding and the transmission of viruses resulting in high economic losses. Both of these crop pests have evolved resistance to many of the insecticides used for their control. In this project we have exploited recent advances in the field of genomics (the study of genes and their function) to identify understand how these important crop pests have become resistant to insecticides.

To date, we have shown that resistance to an important insecticide class called the neonicotinoids is caused by increased production of enzymes that breaks down the insecticide, in particular members of a class of enzymes called cytochrome P450 monooxgenases (P450s). P450s are a class of enzymes with many functions including the breakdown of toxins. We have shown that the insect pests have become resistant to insecticides by increasing the amount of one or more of the P450 enzymes they produce. For example for the aphid M. persicae we have found that the genome of susceptible aphids can contain two copies of a CYP6-type P450 gene whereas the genome of resistant aphids can have up to 30 copies of the P450. This process is called gene amplification and allows the resistant insects to produce lots of P450 that can break down the inseciticide before it can reach the target-site in the insect nervous system.

We collected, in collaboration with an industrial partner, populations of aphids that are almost immune to neonicotinoid insecticides and showed that such aphids have an additional mechanism underlying resistance. Neonicotinoid insecticides are very selective for insects rather than humans and vertebrates. This is partly because the receptor in the nervous systems of humans is fundamentally different to that of insects. We have shown that aphids have become highly resistant by mutating this receptor to make it more 'human like'.

Finally we have carried out work on other insect pests, such as the tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta, an invasive species. Research on this species has investigated the molecular basis of resistance to several insecticide classes including the pyrethroids and spinosyns. We have characterised the mutations that alter the sensitivity of the insecticide target-sites in the insect nervous system and used this knowledge to develop DNA-based diagnostics that can be used to monitor the frequency and distribution of resistance in global populations of this pest.
Exploitation Route Insect pests such as the aphid Myzus persicae damage our crops and threaten food security. We have carried out cutting-edge research to understand how M. persicae evolves resistance to insecticides. This information was used to develop diagnostic assays that can detect the mechanisms that cause resistance in single aphids. We have applied these tools to monitor changes in resistance in M. persicae throughout Europe. Our research has informed farmers and growers, advisers, regulatory authorities and the agrochemical industry of the resistance status of this pest and has led to management strategies to slow or prevent the development of resistance. Now we have identified the mechanisms underlying resistance we have developed DNA-based diagnostic tools

to monitor insect populations for resistance. These are an essential requirement of resistance management strategies

which aim to slow or prevent the development of resistance. Prolonging the life of insecticides by managing resistance is

vital as there are only a limited number of insecticides available for control. This project is being carried out in collaboration with partners in agrochemical companies and the Insecticide Resistance Action Group to ensure the findings of this study can be rapidly exploited. One example of this is the screening we did (funded by the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC)) to understand how far the mutation causing resistance in aphids had spread from its origin in Southern France. The results of the survey confirmed the presence of neonicotinoid resistant aphids in many of the stone fruit orchards of southern France and North East Spain as well as in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy. However we have not found these highly resistant aphids in the UK. We used this information to help devise a resistance management strategy and published a series of reccomendations for growers in the affected countries (see: http://www.irac-online.org/content/uploads/econnection291.pdf).
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Description Using the information generated in the above we developed a 'closed-tube' high-throughput diagnostic assay for the mutation based on TaqMan SNP genotyping. On the basis of this we won funding from the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) to screen aphid samples collected from stone fruit orchards and other crops in Southern Europe for the mutation. The results of the survey confirmed the presence of neonicotinoid resistant aphids in many of the stone fruit orchards of southern France and North East Spain as well as in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy. However we did not identify aphids with the mutation in other crops. In addition to publishing this work in a scientific journal I also discussed these findings at a meeting of the 'Sucking Insect Pest Working Group' (attending as an invited expert), held in Barcelona in 2012 and we devised practical recommendations for growers (see http://www.irac-online.org/content/uploads/econnection291.pdf).
First Year Of Impact 2012
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Chemicals
Impact Types Societal


Description ERC Condolidator Grant
Amount € 1,975,512 (EUR)
Funding ID 646625 
Organisation European Research Council (ERC) 
Sector Public
Country Belgium
Start 01/2016 
End 12/2020
Description FP7-SME-2013
Amount € 1,413,200 (EUR)
Funding ID 605740 
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 09/2013 
End 09/2015
Title Data from: Insecticide resistance mediated by an exon skipping event 
Description Many genes increase coding capacity by alternate exon usage. The gene encoding the insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) a6 subunit, target of the bio-insecticide spinosad, is one example of this and expands protein diversity via alternative splicing of mutually exclusive exons. Here, we show that spinosad resistance in the tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta is associated with aberrant regulation of splicing of Taa6 resulting in a novel form of insecticide resistance mediated by exon skipping. Sequencing of the a6 subunit cDNA from spinosad selected and unselected strains of T. absoluta revealed all Taa6 transcripts of the selected strain were devoid of exon 3, with comparison of genomic DNA and mRNA revealing this is a result of exon skipping. Exon skipping cosegregated with spinosad resistance in survival bioassays, and functional characterization of this alteration using modified human nAChR a7, a model of insect a6, demonstrated that exon 3 is essential for receptor function and hence spinosad sensitivity. DNA and RNA sequencing analyses suggested that exon skipping did not result from genetic alterations in intronic or exonic cis-regulatory elements, but rather was associated with a single epigenetic modification downstream of exon 3a, and quantitative changes in the expression of trans-acting proteins that have known roles in the regulation of alternative splicing. Our results demonstrate that the intrinsic capacity of the a6 gene to generate transcript diversity via alternative splicing can be readily exploited during the evolution of resistance and identifies exon skipping as a molecular alteration conferring insecticide resistance. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://datadryad.org/stash/dataset/doi:10.5061/dryad.37p17
Description Bayer CropScience 
Organisation Bayer
Department Bayer CropScience Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution We have collaborated with Bayer CropScience on a number of projects and brought our expertise in insect molecular biology and particularly insect transcriptomics and genomics to joint projects.
Collaborator Contribution Bayer CropScience contributed their expertise in the field of insecticide resistance and the functional expression and characterisation of insect detoxification enzymes. They have also contributed financially to joint research projects.
Impact doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2583.2011.01105.x. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1314122110 doi:10.1016/j.ibmb.2014.05.003
Start Year 2010
Description Insecticide Resistance Action Committee: IRAC have provided funds for research and have provided an excellent route to disseminate research findings and translate our science into practical recommendations for growers 
Organisation Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC)
Country Spain 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Our work on resistance has benefitted from forging strong links with the agrochemical industry. We have disseminated our research findings and translated out science into practical recommendations through our links to the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC). IRAC is a global organisation that coordinates industry?s response to proven or perceived cases of insecticide resistance. Through this relationship we have co-authored IRAC alerts and recommendations for combating the emerging problem of neonicotinoid resistance in M. persicae. IRAC subsequently funded us to undertake a European-wide study to examine the frequency and distribution of neonicotinoid resistance mechanisms over the 2011 season. This study showed that the most potent levels of neonicotinoid resistance are spreading across southern Europe and show the potential to invade the UK in the near future.
Start Year 2009
Description Royal Society Summer Science Exhibit 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact We demonstrated, discussed and debated the superpest problem with a large proportion of the 13,000 visitors that visited this week-long event.

no actual impacts realised to date
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2011