To establish a strategic alliance with India to combat emerging viral diseases of global importance

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: School of Veterinary Medicine and Sci


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Description During the period of the grant we have engaged with the following institutions in India through bilateral visits and research meetings
• Sri Venkateswara veterinary University (SVVU), Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
• Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS), Chennai, India
• Centre for cellular and molecular biology, Hyderabad, India
• Institute of Animal health and Veterinary Biologicals (IAH&VB), Bangalore, India
• National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB), Hyderabad, India

The following are the specific outcomes of the award
• On the 17th November 2009, a memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between SVVU, Tirupati and University of Nottingham (UoN). Two early career scientists from SVVU, Dr K.V Subramanyam and Dr R.N. Ramani Pushpa were later awarded India distinguished visiting fellowships (IDVF) by the UoN for a 3 month research sabbatical in Prof Chang's laboratory at the School of Veterinary medicine and science (SVMS) from 15th April-15th July 2010. Each IDVF was worth £3500. The two visiting fellows worked on innate immunity to influenza viruses in skeletal muscle cells and generated proof of concept data which helped to obtain a PhD studentship jointly funded by the UoN and Pfizer Animal health. This research is near completion and a high impact research paper with joint authorship of the UK and Indian scientists will be submitted soon.
• As a result of the contacts and network developed, we have recently been successful in obtaining funding for a Trilateral research in partnership award in influenza virus research" with partners from TAUVAS, India and Virginia-Maryland Regional college of Veterinary Medicine Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (USA).
• Under the auspices of the BBSRC-India PA and UKIERI grant, an International conference on "Emerging and Transboundary Diseases of Global Importance" was organized during held during 15th to 16th July, 2013 and a post conference "Farmer's Meet" on the 7th July, 20 13 at Chennai, India.
Exploitation Route We continue our active research collaborations with our respective colleagues in learned institutions in India. Joint research proposals for international research collaborations are actively pursued by my colleague Dr. Suresh Kuchipudi. We aim to develop further joint high impact publications and seek funding opportunities to increase productivity.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Description • On the 17th November 2009, a memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between SVVU, Tirupati and University of Nottingham (UoN). Two early career scientists from SVVU, Dr K.V Subramanyam and Dr R.N. Ramani Pushpa were later awarded India distinguished visiting fellowships (IDVF) by the UoN for a 3 month research sabbatical in Prof Chang's laboratory at the School of Veterinary medicine and science (SVMS) from 15th April-15th July 2010. Each IDVF was worth £3500. The two visiting fellows worked on innate immunity to influenza viruses in skeletal muscle cells and generated proof of concept data which helped to obtain a PhD studentship jointly funded by the UoN and Pfizer Animal health. This research is near completion and a high impact research paper with joint authorship of the UK and Indian scientists will be submitted soon. • As a result of the contacts and network developed, we have recently been successful in obtaining funding for a Trilateral research in partnership award in influenza virus research" with partners from TAUVAS, India and Virginia-Maryland Regional college of Veterinary Medicine Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (USA). • Under the auspices of the BBSRC-India PA and UKIERI grant, an International conference on "Emerging and Transboundary Diseases of Global Importance" was organized during held during 15th to 16th July, 2013 and a post conference "Farmer's Meet" on the 7th July, 20 13 at Chennai, India. Prof Chang and Dr Kuchipudi visited the Institute of Animal Health and Veterinary Biologicals during October 2012. Following extensive scientific meetings and discussions, a number of keys areas have been identified for strategic long-term research collaboration between both the organizations. A significant step towards furthering research collaboration is that, Dr Sanjeev Kumar, scientist working on avian influenza project at IAHVB has been offered a PhD project at SVMS in principle and will be starting a PhD with Prof Chang by September 2014. He will be jointly funded by the University of Nottingham (tuition fee) and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) (living expenses).
First Year Of Impact 2013
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink
Impact Types Economic