Do Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides (CAMPs) impact on the microbiota & consequent gut health of commercially important broilers?'

Lead Research Organisation: Newcastle University
Department Name: Inst for Cell and Molecular Biosciences


The poultry industry aims to produce healthy birds that survive and grow in all environments in which poultry are managed. However, recent regulations limiting the use of antibiotics in livestock means that birds raised in commercial settings are often severely compromised through the environmental challenges associated with intensive production regimes. This often leads to reduced growth performance, disease & increased bird mortality. As well as the resultant economic impact, such losses raise important issues & concerns regarding bird welfare. Research is thus pivotal to understand and exploit, through breeding, the natural defences of commercially important bird lines. Such research will help to keep birds healthy, reduce bird losses arising through disease, and maintain a safe & secure, national & international, food source. Birds and mammals have natural defence mechanisms that function from hatch or birth and quickly destroy any microbes that would normally kill them. A group of effectors of this innate system are small positively charged molecules called antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), which are synthesised constitutively or induced, and display broad spectrum activity against bacteria, fungi and viruses. In the chicken there are 13 of these peptides which are called Avian beta-Defensins (AvBDs), and these are synthesised by a plethora of body surfaces including those of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. At the GI tract or gut surface they exist in very high concentrations and kill pathogenic microbes trying to cross the gut barrier & invade the body. However there is a suggestion that at more dilute concentrations, as exist in the gut lumen, they allow the selective growth of commensal bacteria that help to inhibit the growth of potential pathogens & as such help to maintain a healthy gut. In collaboration with a leading poultry breeding company we have found that the expression of gut AvBDs in two pedigree bird lines is line specific, indicative of a genetic influence, displays regional variation and importantly is responsive to the environmental conditions in which the birds are maintained. These data therefore suggest that the gut AMP response of birds is important in protecting birds from disease and, importantly, can probably be manipulated through selective breeding programmes as well as environmental factors. This project will, in collaboration with an international poultry breeding company, extrapolate our research to include commercial lines derived from the pedigree stocks. We will apply a range of molecular & cellular techniques to determine & compare the GI AvBD profiles of four lines reared from hatch to 21 days in either high hygiene or low hygiene conditions, and investigate whether the AvBD patterns are (1) specific to each bird line, (2) responsive to the living conditions of the birds (3) correlated with specific groups of indigenous microbiota, & (4) associated with good or poor gut health and disease resistance. Scientifically these data will allow GI factors associated with the gut microbiota, gut health & disease resistance to be established. Such factors may be used as genetic selection tools to improve disease resistance in commercially important lines of poultry & exploited through selective breeding programmes.

Technical Summary

Preliminary data indicates that Avian beta-Defensin (AvBD) gene expression in the gut epithelia of two commercial elite pedigree bird lines is specific to a particular bird line, displays regional variation, but is responsive to the environmental conditions in which the birds are maintained. A key question is whether the commercial bird lines derived from the pedigree stocks and central to a successful and bio-secure poultry industry also exhibit such characteristics and, if so, whether such properties are similarly affected by environment, and impact on bird gut health & welfare in general. Our objective is to define the roles of cationic antimicrobial peptides, CAMPs, specifically AvBDs, in bird gut health & disease resistance. To achieve this we will in collaboration with Aviagen Ltd, set up a trial in which four of the company's commercial bird lines, selected for balanced breeding goals, are raised in either a pedigree environment (high hygiene) or a sib-testing environment (low hygiene) and sampled at 0, 7 ,14 & 21 days of age respectively. Using molecular (qRT-PCR) and cellular (immunohistochemistry) techniques we will investigate & compare regional patterns of AvBD gene expression in the GI epithelia of the commercial bird lines and determine the influence of bird genetics (SNPs) & rearing environment on such patterns. We will through 16SrDNA profiling & LC MS/MS analyses of gut scrapes & samples establish whether patterns of AvBD expression impact on the gut microbiota and are associated with a specific cationic proteome. Scientifically these molecular, genetic, proteomic & microbiota data, in conjunction with gut immunohistochemistry, will allow the roles of the AvBDs and other GI factors in bird gut health & disease resistance to be established. Commercially such information may be used to improve disease resistance in broiler lines & exploited through selective breeding programmes.

Planned Impact

Strategically this research proposal fits within the Animal health and Global Security research priorities of BBSRC. The research is a collaborative project with Aviagen Ltd, a world leading poultry breeder & supplier. It is intended long term that the knowledge arising from the project will be used by Company R&D for future genetic selection & breeding programmes to improve disease resistance in their commercial livestock. This will, in due course, have economic and social impacts for the Company as well as the UK economy per se. In turn national & international poultry businesses who are customers of the Company and rearing birds for use in the food industry will benefit economically from the more disease resistant livestock. This will be achieved through a reduction in bird wastage concomitant with the reduced susceptibility of the birds to disease. In addition the research will impact on the consumer ie society, who will benefit from a safer, more secure food supply but without either nutritional compromise or a cost premium. Globally, the improved disease resistance in intensively produced domestic poultry will help to reduce the threat of diseases, with their origin in poultry, transferring to humans. This reduction in infection risk has potential impact both with respect to national & international economies and public health. The project will interrogate potential relationships between CAMPs, part of the innate immune system, and the bird gut microbiota. Identification of CAMP/microbial patterns or interactions signals the possibility of selecting for specific gut microbial populations by stimulation of innate defences through environmental factors &/or diet. In relation to the latter it is feasible that nutritionists & immunologists, through the selection of specific microbial populations, could design and test nutritional programmes that manipulate gut innate immunity & improve disease resistance. Underpinned by the science this concept has significant impact not only in relation to livestock production but also arguably in relation to diet & well being of human populations including young & ageing populations.


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Description The aim of the poultry industry is to produce healthy birds that perform well in all environments in which they are managed. European regulations limiting the use of antibiotics in livestock means that birds raised in commercial settings are often severely compromised, through the environmental challenges associated with intensive production regimes. This predisposes birds to disease & increases bird mortality. As well as the resultant economic impact, such losses raise important bird welfare issues and concerns.
The aim of this research was to explore the natural defences of commercial bird lines with the objectives of selecting robust birds with improved disease resistance and thus maintaining a safe & secure, national & international, food source. We studied a group of host effectors called antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) that display broad spectrum killing activity against microbes. In the chicken these are called Avian B-Defensins (AvBDs), and are synthesised by a plethora of chicken external and internal surfaces including those of the gut.

Focussing on commercial bird lines we discovered that gut AvBD expression patterns were specific to individual bird lines, but importantly were also responsive to the environmental conditions in which the birds were reared. For example in high hygiene (HH) rearing conditions, associated commercially with the genetic selection of bird lines, AvBD synthesis was limited to the first few days after hatch, but in low hygiene (LH) conditions expression was maintained for longer periods functioning to help fight potential infections. These data proved that rearing birds in LH conditions is key to the future genetic selection of bird stocks with innate defence systems more robust to environmental, including microbial, challenges.

One of the commercial bird lines (X) was studied further because it was found to have increased susceptibility to poor gut health especially in LH conditions. We found that when these birds were environmentally challenged by LH conditions AvBD expression was markedly reduced in those Line X birds with poor gut health compared to a small number of siblings producing AVBDs and presenting with healthy guts. These data proved that the actual gut AvBD response of individual birds within a Line is important in protecting from gut disease. This significant finding has the potential to be exploited commercially through selective breeding of individual Line X birds displaying good gut health in LH conditions.

We also explored the mix of gut microbes in groups of birds with 'poor' and 'good' gut health. Specific patterns of gut microbial colonisation were observed with marked differences in Bacteroides and Barnsiella colonisation patterns particularly associated with positive and negative gut health outcomes. These data also indicated that the age at which birds were exposed to Bacteroides, through recycling used bedding, linked to later gut health. Observations suggested that Line X birds exposed to high levels of Bacteroides at an early age were linked to catastrophic reduction in gut AvBD synthesis, reduced innate defences and poorer bird gut health. Using cell lines cultured in the laboratory we found that Bacteroides in high numbers, were able to down-regulate AvBD expression. In parallel the functionality or microbial killing capacity of a number of AvBDs was explored. Using bacterial isolates recovered from the chicken gut we found that AvBD 1 and 6 were particularly strong killing agents, functioning through simple disruption of microbial membranes. Thus the ability of some gut microbes, common in recycled bedding and including Bacteroides, to switch off bird gut AvBD defences provides a mechanism to help explain why the bird guts were susceptible to microbial infection and disease.

In summary the research met its key objectives and has shown that rearing birds in LH conditions is pivotal to the future selection of bird stocks that are more robust to environmental challenges. Additionally knowledge of the gut AvBD response of individual birds to LH conditions will help drive future selective breeding programmes.
Exploitation Route In poultry breeding preservation of the elite poultry stocks means that any environmental challenges that influence bird performance and direct genetic selection are performed in carefully monitored biosecure conditions that support a HH environment. The results of this research have indicated that this methodology is 'flawed' and that rearing birds in LH conditions is key to the future selection of commercial bird stocks with innate defence systems more robust to environmental challenges.
The research focused particularly on one commercial bird line (X) due to its predisposition to poor gut health in LH conditions. The data from this study has shown that the gut AvBD expression profiles of Line X siblings raised in LH environments differ markedly, with a number of birds presenting with elevated AvBD expression and good gut health. As all the birds analysed can be traced genetically this information has provided a selection tool for the Company to underpin and drive future Line X breeding programmes enabling them to select, positively, for birds with robust gut health.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Description This grant was in collaboration with Aviagen Ltd, a world leading poultry breeder and supplier. To preserve elite poultry stocks, environmental challenges that influence bird performance and direct genetic selection are performed in carefully monitored biosecure conditions that support a high hygiene (HH) environment. The results of this research have alerted the company that this methodology is potentially flawed and that rearing birds in LH conditions is key to the future selection of commercial bird stocks with innate defence systems more robust to environmental challenges and disease. The research focused particularly on one commercial bird line (X) due to its predisposition to poor gut health in low hygiene conditions. The data from this study has also shown that the gut AvBD expression profiles of 'genetically identical' siblings raised in LH environments differ markedly with a number of Line X birds presenting with elevated AvBD expression and good gut health. As all the birds analysed can be traced genetically this information has provided a selection tool for the Company to underpin and drive future Line X breeding programmes positively selecting for birds with improved gut health. Long term it is envisaged that knowledge arising from the project will be used by the Company R&D teams to direct future Line X (and potentially other) genetic selection & breeding programmes, with the aim of improving disease resistance in the commercial livestock. This will improve the economic competiveness of the Company and other poultry businesses including those producing, marketing & retailing poultry and poultry products in the UK.
First Year Of Impact 2014
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink
Impact Types Economic

Description BBSRC Industrial CASE Partnership Studentship with Bioscience Knowledge Transfer Network
Amount £75,281 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/1532845/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2010 
End 09/2014
Description School Visit 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact School children & 6th former awareness of link between intensive agriculture, bird welfare & antibiotic resistance issues.
Many questions & lively discussions - for example:
6th former queries about a scientific career & how a research laboratory functions. Precipitated 1:1 laboratory experience for three local High school students
Questions about my career and why/how do I work with agricultural industry.

I have hosted three sixth formers for weekly visits to my laboratory shadowing researchers, attending lab meetings and performing simple laboratory tasks.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2011,2012,2013,2014