Investigating Gene Function in the Rice Blast Fungus by Next Generation DNA Sequencing.

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER
Department Name: Biosciences


This project aims to learn about the biology of rice blast disease, one of the world's most serious crop diseases, which each year destroys enough rice to feed more than 60 million people. There is an urgent need for new strategies to control plant diseases in order to ensure global food security in the future. It is estimated that the rice harvest needs to increase by almost 40% by 2030 to feed the planet's growing population. Understanding and controlling plant diseases is therefore an important challenge. In this study, we propose to use 'next generation DNA sequencing' to provide a rapid new method for carrying out genetic analysis in the rice blast fungus. Next generation sequencers allow scientists to determine sequences at least a hundred times more quickly than has previously been possible. We aim to carry out genetic analysis of the rice blast fungus by mapping molecular markers and using them to pinpoint the location of mutations that affect the ability of the fungus to cause disease. In this way we will be able to identify new genes which condition the ability of a fungus to invade and cause disease in a host plant. By gaining new insight into the biology of the fungus we hope to be able to identify new targets for durable disease control. The project will be carried out with an industrial partner, Syngenta, where scientists are attempting to develop new fungicides, which are safe, have less environmental impact and work more effectively than current treatments. This project will provide a new method for determining the mode of action of new potential fungicides, enabling researchers at Syngenta to develop the most promising chemicals and learn more about how they work. When considered together the project therefore promises to provide fundamental new information about this disease, which will be important for its long term control, while also providing a novel method which is of immediate value to the agricultural biotechnology industry in the UK

Technical Summary

This is an industrial partnership project that will develop a new method for carrying out classical genetic analysis in a plant pathogenic fungus. Using the Illumina Genome Analyser, we have sequenced the genomes of two isolates of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae of opposite mating type (Mat1-1 and Mat1-2) and identified 16,401 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with an average density of 1 SNPs per 2.53kb across the M. oryzae genome. We aim to use these SNPs as molecular markers in bulked segregant analysis experiments to identify the positions of specific mutations. M. oryzae is a haploid fungus and therefore all genetic markers that are unlinked to the region of interest will segregate with a 1:1 ratio, while genetic markers close to a specific mutation will show significant linkage disequilibrium, departing from this expected ratio. We aim to carry out bulked segregant genome analysis in which Illumina genome sequencing will be used to sequence a bulked DNA sample of segregating progeny from a M. oryzae genetic cross. In this way we will identify a mutation of interest by screening for its presence within a group of SNPs that show significant linkage disequilibrium. We will first test the technique on a defined auxotrophic mutant and optimize its efficiency. We will then use the procedure to clone the SMO locus of M. oryzae, which is a novel pathogenicity gene that is necessary for infection-related development and invasive growth in rice tissue. In collaboration with Syngenta, we will utilize the new method in fungicide mode-of-action studies to define new targets for disease control.

Planned Impact

The major aim of this research project is to use next generation DNA sequencing to provide a rapid new method for carrying out forward genetic analysis in the plant pathogenic fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. The project will develop new methods, superior to conventional approaches, which are of immediate utility to the fungicide discovery industry. 1. Track record. The Talbot Laboratory has a strong industrial partnership track record. During the last 16 years, the PI's laboratory has carried out projects with industrial partners which have lead to new proprietary information and repeat contracts. The PI also spent a year on sabbatical with Paradigm Genetics, gaining first-hand experience of the functional genomics and agricultural biotechnology industry. Most recently, a novel disease control strategy for plant pathogenic fungi has been patented. Professor Talbot also leads the School of Bioscience's participation in the BBSRC 'Excellence with Impact' competition. 2. Exploitation and application. This industrial partnership will develop new methods that will be of immediate utility for fungicide discovery. From an established relationship with Syngenta we intend to build a platform to bring products to the marketplace. We will integrate the following activities into our study: - At the start of the project, the PI and Syngenta staff will meet Research & Knowledge Transfer's IP & Commercialisation unit in order to agree a strategy to protect and manage intellectual property and develop potential commercialisation opportunities. - We will agree technical and commercialisation milestones, which will trigger further actions in order to ensure that IP management and exploitation issues will be considered throughout the grant lifecycle and beyond; - During each meeting we will determine: a) whether the work is sufficiently advanced in order to efficiently time IP protection and b) how to optimise the strength of the IP underpinning the work, both technically and commercially. 3. Communications and Engagement. The PI is a significant opinion-former in fungal genetics and plant pathology and has interpreted work in this field in invited commentaries for Nature, Science, Nature Biotechnology and Current Biology. In addition to our standard communication activities we intend to conduct the following activities: i. Promotion of careers in the Biosciences. During September 2009, postdoctoral staff from the Talbot Laboratory presented posters during a careers event at our 'Britain needs Bioscientists' one day conference. We intend to participate in this event again and also continue other outreach activities. ii. Public Understanding of Science. The School of Biosciences is committed to the public understanding of science. We will prepare and submit articles to popular science magazines in order to develop public interest and awareness of this exciting topic. We will, with support from our press office, ensure that results will be disseminated from our work. 4. Capability. The PI will have overall responsibility for ensuring the delivery of this impact plan. The appointed PDRA will be expected to contribute substantially to these activities and will be given training. The Talbot Laboratory has an extensive track record of industrial collaboration and the PDRA will spend substantial time working directly with Syngenta researchers. We will ensure that the PDRA selected is provided with the opportunity to develop their awareness of, and skills in, knowledge transfer. We will: - Provide knowledge-exchange mentors; - Organise a secondment for the PDRA to work with Research & Knowledge Transfer; - Encourage the PDRA to engage in other activities, e.g. Biotechnology YES. - Expect the PDRA to participate in all the IP and commercialization meetings during the project. - Expect the PDRA to author an article for the popular scientific press and conduct school visits.
Description This project sought to develop a new method to carry out classical genetic analysis in a plant pathogenic fungus, based on next generation DNA sequencing. The utility of the method was tested by identification of a pathogenicity gene in the rice blast fungus that had previously been defined by classical genetic analysis from a mutant screen, but not cloned or characterised. In collaboration with Syngenta, we then utilized this new technique to carry out mode-of-action studies on experimental lead compounds showing fungicidal activity.

The project had four experimental objectives:

1. Development of forward genetics in Magnaporthe oryzae by SNP identification and bulked segregant genome analysis.

We first set out to validate the approach by examination of the efficiency with which a defined point mutation could be detected. We analysed the mutant buf1- in a wild type strain of M. oryzae (Guy11) which carries a defined mutation. BUF1 encodes 1, 3, 8-trihydroxynaphthalene which was previously described as a key enzyme in melanin biosynthesis (Chumley and Valent, 1990). As a consequence the mutant is buff coloured because it is not able to produce melanin. Sexual crosses of two opposite mating types (wild type x buf1- mutant) were carried out and progeny were collected and phenotypically identified. Genomic DNA was isolated, pooled and a single bulk of 15 progeny was sequenced. The deletion of two genes at a single locus was detected including the 1, 3, 8-trihydroxynaphthalene-encoding BUF1 gene and an adjacent gene which has not been described yet. Those findings were sufficiently compelling, since they identified the mutation to a single chromosomal locus spanning a single deletion of two genes. They did, however, also illustrate that many conventional mutants previously described may have second site mutations within them or more complex genomic lesions. Based on this analysis, we proceeded to investigate mutations from undefined loci.

2. Isolation and characterisation of the SMO locus of M. oryzae by bulked segregant genome analysis.

We carried out crosses of a Smo1 mutant, which has a spore morphology phenotype and is non-pathogenic on rice, with a wild type strain of the opposite mating type. We selected 50 progeny and carried out bulked segregant analysis and next generation DNA sequencing. This led to identification of an interval in which there was significant linkage disequilibrium with regard to SNP markers. This defined a region of 29 genes, which we have subsequently analysed by complementation tests and targeted gene deletion experiments. We have a single candidate gene that is currently being characterised. We are also confirming this by sequencing this gene from 10 different Smo1 mutants that are independently obtained alleles from different mutant screens.

We also characterised the Smo1 mutants in details and have shown that smo1 plays a key role in re-orgnisation of the f-actin cytoskeleton during appressorium morphogenesis and has effected on penetration peg emergence. We have also shown that the distribution of key cortical and polarity markers is altered in smo1 mutants during conidial morphogenesis, consistent with the the effect of this mutation on spore morphology.

3. Identification and characterisation of extragenic suppressors of the Pmk1 MAP kinase mutant.

We have carried out a series of extragenic suppressor mutant screens and have identified putative suppressors of the Pmk1 MAP kinase mutant, the nim1 cell cycle regulator mutant, the wsc1 turgor sensor mutant and a number of other signal transduction mutants. The genes are awaiting characterisation in ongoing work.

4. Deployment of bulked segregant genome analysis for target selection and fungicide mode-of-action studies.

Based on the work performed in this project, bulked segregant genome analysis appears to be a powerful tool for identification of novel genes in M.oryzae. We therefore set out to apply the technique more widely. One of the applications was specification of the mode of action of putatively fungicidal compounds. In this instance, mutants resistant to analysed compounds were generated by UV or chemical mutagenesis.

We selected lead compounds in collaboration with Syngenta and selected resistant mutants. Further investigations were then carried out including genetic crosses to validate that mutations were associated with single genes and comprehensive, phenotypic characterisation to determine the effects of such mutations.

Six lead compounds were provided by Syngenta. We refined this selection to two compounds which showed greatest efficacy.

In order to generate putative fungicide-resistant mutants, UV mutagenesis was carried out. After UV exposure, spores were harvested and tested for resistance to each compound. We generated 100 putative mutants for the first compound and investigated to see if any mutants were uptake or multi-drug resistant mutants, rather than specific target-site mutations. We obtained 50 mutants showing resistance to the second compound. We carried out detailed phenotypic analysis on these mutants and then carried out crosses, selecting 62 individuals showing clear resistant to compound 2. Genomic DNA was extracted, bulked, and subject to genome sequence analysis. Next generation DNA sequencing results revealed 23 nucleotide differences between the bulked progeny and isogenic wild type which occurred in frequency greater than 90%. We identified two putative candidate genes that are currently being characterised by complementation and targeted gene deletion. This work is ongoing.

Publications will be forthcoming from each part of this project. Objective 4 is the subject of ongoing work with the industrial collaborator.
Exploitation Route The work is clearly applicable to the Agricultural Biotechnology Industry. We are in discussion with Syngenta to extend this work in order to determine how valuable the technology would be in fungicide discovery programmes.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description The research has been used by the industrial partner. We are still in dialogue concerning uptake of the technology developed. We studied the mode of action of a lead compound during the project and this work will continue within the company.
First Year Of Impact 2015
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink
Title Bulked segregant genome analysis 
Description A method was developed and validated that allows a gene of interest to be identified based on combining the well-known method of bulked segregant analysis (developed by Richard Michelmore in 1991) with next generation DNA sequencing. In this way, a bulked sample of DNA from segregating progeny was sequenced and genetic markers showing complete linkage with a given mutant phenotype used to define the corresponding gene. This led to cloning of the SMO1 gene and its characterisation (publication in preparation) and a series other genes after this, including many defined originally by T-DNA mutagenesis. Others have also developed this method independently, but the BBSRc funding was pivotal in establishing its utility to plant pathogenic fungi and was also utilised by the Industrial Partner in ongoing research. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The method will be published along with characterisation of the SMO1 gene, but has bene presented openly and is available to others to use and, indeed, has been used.