Systems biology of the butanol-producing Clostridium acetobutylicum: new source of biofuel and chemicals/COSMIC2

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Molecular Medical Sciences


By 2030, worldwide energy consumption is projected to grow by 57%. Fossil fuels cannot meet this demand, as their continued use is causing global warming and in any case are a finite reserve that will be exhausted before the end of this century. Liquid fuels derived from natural plant material (biofuels), are the most promising alternative energy source for use in the transportation sector. In this regard, an alcohol called butanol is currently receiving considerable interest due to its superior properties compared to ethanol and biodiesel. Butanol has a higher energy content than ethanol, can make use of existing petrol supply and distribution channels, can be blended with petrol at higher concentrations without engine modification, offers better fuel economy and has, unlike ethanol, potential as aviation fuel. Traditionally, butanol is produced by a bacterium called Clostridium acetobutylicum when growing on growth media containing sugars. The fermentation process is known as the Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) process. In the first hald of the last century, the ABE process was second in importance/ scale only to ethanol production from yeast. However, with the advent of the petrochemical industry, the process became uneconomic and was abandoned in the western world from the 1960s onwards. The process has recently been re-established in China and Brazil, where lower operating costs make a process based on inefficient 20th century technology economic. For adoption in the western world, a more efficient process is required. Its derivation will be reliant on improvements to the bacterial strains employed. However, the rational creation of such strains will require a more detailed understanding of the complex processes within the cell that catalyse and control the formation of fermentation products. Deriving a better understanding of the process is the overall objective of this proposal. For this, a new holistic approach termed systems biology will be used, which involves iterative cycles of mathematical modelling and experimental testing. It is made possible by developments made in an earlier funding round in which crucial gene tools and methodologies were developed that will allow precise changes to be made to selected genes and the consequences assessed.

Technical Summary

The enzymes catalyzing and controlling conversion of glucose to solvents and acids are encoded by up to 40 genes. Starting with model-driven hypotheses, specific mutants will be generated by knock-in and knock-out strategies and analyzed. Selected mutants will be grown in continuous culture, allowing the imposition of reproducible, controlled perturbations. Fermentation analysis will include substrate/product concentrations, determination of key intracellular metabolites, and transcriptome time series. These data will lead to further iterative experimentation and ultimately to a fine-tuned quantitative description of the process of solventogenesis. Workpackages:- 1] Construction of artificially controlled genes required for solvent production/regulation: ACE technology will place specific chromosomal genes under inducible control. These changes, in combination with gene knock-outs, will allow rational perturbation of the system. 2] Analysis of mutants in continuous culture under standardized conditions: Strains will be grown and analyzed in continuous culture. Quantitative analysis will include substrate and product determination, identification and quantification of key intracellular metabolites, and transcriptome time series. 3] Modelling, in silico generation of hypotheses and experimental design: An iterative process of model-based hypothesis generation and experimental testing by variations of the transcriptome and the environome will be adopted for refining the model. Controlled stimuli from the environome and rapid sampling experiments will be included. 4] Data management: DaMaSys will serve as an access-controlled repository for multi-'omics' datasets as well as platform for communication and joint model development. Data pre-treatment, data consistency checks, data curation for modelling purposes, and, in part, the cyclic interaction between model-based hypothesis generation and experimental testing will be organized into automatable workflows.

Planned Impact

Beneficaries: The ultimate goal of this project is to generate strains of Clostridium acetobutylicum that produce biobutanol with greater productivity and which can form the basis of a commercial process for biobutanol production. The major direct beneficary is, therefore, the industrial private sector concerned with chemical commodity production. A boost for the agricultural sector is also expected, as farmers will be able to profit from the demand for cellulosic waste products which form the substrates for biobutanol production. The results will also benefit national and international government green policies in helping to replace fossil fuels with biofuel. Achieving government targets in terms of green issues will also indirectly benefit the wider general public. How they benefit from this research: At the basic level, industrial producers will benefit through the availability of strains which may be employed as the basis of an economic process for biobutanol production. These beneficaries may be expected to gain a commercial advantage over competitors. The ultimate development of a biobutanol process will reduce national, and international, reliance on fossil fuels in the transportation sector, providing a cleaner environment and therefore indirectly impacting on human health. The technological developments will also provide an opportunity for export to third countries providing revenue for UK Plc. The project will also provide the opportunity for staff working directly on the project, together with postgraduate students indirectly affiliated to the project, to become trained in the arena of the strategically important areas of 'Systems Biology' and 'Bioenergy'. These skills should prove applicable to many different projects outside of butanol metabolism. To ensure that they benefit: The project PI (NPM) already has strong links with a major UK Biofuel company, who part fund other BBSRC projects at the University, and with whom a commercial agreement is already in place. A high degree of collaboration will be maintained with this company, while at the same time other collaborative ventures will be explored. To date, previous BBSRC funding to NPM has resulted in the filing of 4 patents to cover the enabling gene technologies that make this project possible. In addition to a number of academic awards, the existence of these technologies have led to 2 X BBSRC IPA awards, 4 X industrial CASE awards, 1 X industrial studentship and an industrial research contract with a major US Pharmaceutical company. Our principle measure of success will, therefore, be the filing and subsequent licensing of patents concerned with butanol production to private companies. Through liaison with Nottingham's Research & Innovations service, NPM will continue to monitor the IP and commercial potential of the research to be undertaken here, and will additionally chair a consortium wide committee concerned with IP and commercialisation of the consortia outputs. Over an above these activities, the project members will endeavour to communicate their work widely, both through the scientific and non-scientific press and through various media outlets, including websites.
Description During the course of this project a number of technical difficulties were encountered that prevented the achievement of the initial specific goals of the project. Nonetheless, a number of significant advances were made.

[1] We developed a highly effective new protocol for introducing DNA into the Clostridium acetobutylicum cell at a frequency never before reported

[2] We developed the first ever C. acetobutylicum vector conditional for replication, that is a plasmid vehicle that could only replicate itself in the cell under a permissive condition. Under the non-permissive condition (in this case the presence of IPTG), the plasmid is rapidly lost. Such a system is extremely useful, but particularly so for the delivery of transposons. Transposon are genetic elements that insert at random into genomes and form the basis of forward genetic approaches. That is to say, allow the isolation of a particular mutant phenotype with no preconception of its genotype. The subsequent determination of the genotype can provide unexpected knowledge of the process under investigation.

[3] In parallel, we developed the first transposon system for C. acetobutylicum. This was made possible by the integration of a gene encoding a special type of sigma, transcriptional factor into the clostridial genome that specifically activates the transposase enzyme responsible for the movement of the transposon element. In theory, this approach can be deployed in any clostridial species.

[4] Using the same orthogonal expression system employed to control transposase expression, we developed a highly effective inducible expression system based on the inducer lactose. The system was shown to respond in a dose dependent manner and to result in a level of expression which exceeded that seen with the strongest known clostridial promoter.

[5] In parallel to the above, ClosTron mutants in pivotal solventogenic and acidogenic genes were provided to the consortium partners for 'omic analysis and modelling studies.
Exploitation Route Whilst the planned goals of the project were not achieved, a number of significant goals were achieved. The universal transposon system developed, together with its associated conditional vector delivery system, represent an extremely useful tool for forward genetic studies. Aside from its use to isolate random mutants, it may be used It may be deployed in Transposon-Directed Insertion Site Sequencing (TraDiS) to identify essential genes under niche specific conditions, and may therefore be used to identify genes involved in butanol tolerance. This approach may potentially be used in any clostridial species, including pathogens to identify virulence factors with potential as therapeutic targets. Similarly, our combination of an orthogonal promoter system with an inducible promoter could have wide application where high level, inducible control of gene expression is required.
Sectors Chemicals




including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Historically, the bacterial genus Clostridium is most often associated with disease. Thus, the term 'clostridia' is to many synonymous with debilitating and life-threatening intoxications and disease such as botulism, tetanus, gangrene, antibiotic associated diarrhoea and food poisoning generally. However, the vast majority of all clostridia are entirely benign, and far from being the scourge of mankind, may well be its saviour. This is because the genus occupies all manner of specialised niches and as a result has evolved a plethora of bio-catalytic abilities which may be exploited for the production of specialist chemicals through an impressive array of biological transformations. As such, many species are being pursued as possible cell factories for the production of chemicals through processes that offer an alternative to traditional petro-chemical routes. One consequence has been the pressing need to develop gene tools and processes which may be deployed both to better understand the basis of a desirable catalytic pathway and to maximise its effectiveness in terms of productivity. Pivotal was the ability to make directed mutants in specific genes encoding the enzymes and regulators of a particular pathway. In our previous work, we developed ClosTron technology which may be used to deliberately inactivate selected genes through the insertion of segment of DNA called an intron. In this project we have developed a highly efficient mutagenesis method, in which a small DNA element, called a transposon, inserts entirely at random. This allows the isolation of mutants with the desired property (the ability to grow in the presence of high concentrations of a biofuel, like butanol). The nature of the mutation can then be determined, leading to a greater understanding of the basis of resistance, and ultimately to the derivation of rational methods to improve tolerance and hence biofuel yields. In addition to this fundamental advancement, we have developed a whole plethora of new tools, including systems that allow the precise control of gene expression under defined conditions, a powerful promoter system that allows the attainment of expression levels higher than any see before, and the formulation of methods of gene transfer that are more efficient than any method described before for the organism used here, Clostridium acetobutylicum. All of these developments will ultimately lead to the derivation both of strains that are more effective producers of chemicals and fuels, as well as to the discovery of more effective countermeasures against disease causing clostridial species.
First Year Of Impact 2013
Sector Chemicals,Energy,Healthcare,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Societal


Description BBSRC - DBT SuBB Award: RICEFUEL
Amount £1,393,966 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/K020358/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2013 
End 10/2016
Description BBSRC sLoLa
Amount £2,396,136 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/K00283X/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2013 
End 02/2019
Description ERA-IB4: Rational Engineering of Advanced Clostridia for Transformational Improvements in Fermentation (REACTIF)
Amount £365,499 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/L000105/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2013 
End 03/2015
Description TSB award in the Advancing the Industrial Application of Synthetic Biology Feasibility Study Competition
Amount £244,608 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/L004356/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2013 
End 01/2015
Title SysMO-DB 
Description SysMO-DB was a database set up as part of the EARNET SysMO. We deposited details of clostridial mutants made and protocols for their generation. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2008 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Methods and protocols for mutant generation in Clostridia shared with other members of SysMO 
Description The present invention provides a bacterial expression system for expressing a nucleic acid comprising: (a) DNA encoding a group 5 RNA polymerase sigma factor; and (b) an expression cassette comprising a promoter recognised by the group 5 RNA polymerase sigma factor operably linked to a heterologous nucleic acid; wherein (a) and (b) are located on the same expression vector, separate expression vectors or are integrated into the bacterial host genome. 
IP Reference WO2013144647 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2013
Licensed Commercial In Confidence
Impact Has enabled implementation of mariner transposition in any Clostridium species This technology along with others developed in the research group form the Minton Roadmap of gene technology development in bacteria. These technologies together helped lay the foundations for a £14.3m Synthetic Biology Research Centre bid to BBSRC and EPSRC which was subsequently funded.
Description A DNA molecule comprising: a modified Group II intron which does not express the intron-encoded reverse transcriptase but which contains a modified selectable marker gene in the reverse orientation relative to the modified Group II intron, wherein the selectable marker gene comprises a region encoding a selectable marker and a promoter operably linked to said region, which promoter is capable of causing expression of the selectable marker encoded by a single copy of the selectable marker gene in an amount sufficient for the selectable marker to alter the phenotype of a bacterial cell of the class Clostridia such that it can be distinguished from the bacterial cell of the class Clostridia lacking the selectable marker gene; and a promoter for transcription of the modified Group II intron, said promoter being operably linked to said modified Group II intron; and wherein the modified selectable marker gene contains a Group I intron positioned in the forward orientation relative to the modified Group II intron so as to disrupt expression of the selectable marker; and wherein the DNA molecule allows for removal of the Group I intron from the RNA transcript of the modified Group II intron to leave a region encoding the selectable marker and allows for the insertion of said RNA transcript (or a DNA copy thereof) at a site in a DNA molecule in a bacterial cell of the class Clostridia. A method of introducing a nucleic acid molecule into a site of a DNA molecule in a bacterial cell of the class Clostridia, the method comprising the steps of: (i) providing a bacterial cell of the class Clostridia with the DNA molecule as described above and a DNA molecule capable of expressing a Group II intron-encoded reverse transcriptase; and (ii) culturing the bacterial cell under conditions which allow for removal of the Group I intron from the RNA transcript of the modified Group II intron and the insertion of said RNA transcript containing the selectable marker gene (or a DNA copy thereof) into said site. Preferably, the bacterial cell of the class Clostridia is a Clostridium sp. The DNA molecules and methods are useful for making mutations in Clostridium spp. 
IP Reference WO2007148091 
Protection Patent granted
Year Protection Granted 2007
Licensed Yes
Impact Material transfer agreements have been put in place with many laboratories across the world to allow them to use this technology. This technology along with others developed in the research group form the Minton Roadmap of gene technology development in bacteria. These technologies together helped lay the foundations for a £14.3m Synthetic Biology Research Centre bid to BBSRC and EPSRC which was subsequently funded.
Description The invention relates to a method of double crossover homologous recombination in a host Clostridia cell comprising: a first homologous recombination event between a donor DNA molecule and DNA of the host cell to form a product of the first recombination event in the host cell, wherein the donor DNA molecule comprises a codA gene and at least two homology arms; and a second recombination event within the product of the first homologous recombination event, thereby to form a product of the second homologous recombination event in the host cell which is selectable by the loss of the codA gene; and a related vector and altered host cell. 
IP Reference WO2010084349 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2010
Licensed No
Impact It existence led to an external contract with a major international pharamaceutical company to create specific mutants of C.difficile useful in the development of a vaccine.
Description A method of double crossover homologous recombination in a host cell comprising: a first homologous recombination event between a donor DNA molecule comprising a first element of a selectable allele and an acceptor DNA molecule comprising a second element of the selectable allele in the host cell, thereby to form a product of the first homologous recombination event in the host cell; and a second homologous recombination event within the product of the first homologous recombination event, thereby to form a product of the second homologous recombination event in the host cell which confers a selectable phenotype on the host cell, wherein the selectable phenotype arises following and in dependency on the formation of a selectable allele from the first and second elements of the selectable allele. 
IP Reference WO2009101400 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2009
Licensed Yes
Impact The technology has facilitated discussions with a number of companies and academics and has lead to new grant applications and new collaborations. This technology along with others developed in the research group form the Minton Roadmap of gene technology development in bacteria. These technologies together helped lay the foundations for a £14.3m Synthetic Biology Research Centre bid to BBSRC and EPSRC which was subsequently funded.
Title Modular vector Set pMTL80000 
Description A vector set design to facilitate the rapid construction of bespoke plasmids with specific combinations of selectable markers / replication origins etc for bacterial transformations. 
IP Reference  
Protection Protection not required
Year Protection Granted
Licensed Yes
Impact The modular vector set has been used my industry and academia in bacterial genetic manipulations. Over 200 material transfer agreements have been put in place to allow the materials to be sent to researchers globally.
Description The present invention now provides a conditional vector comprising DNA encoding for: (i) an inducible expression cassette comprising an inducible promoter operably linked to a plasmid replication region; and (ii) a selectable marker. 
IP Reference WO2013144653 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2013
Licensed Commercial In Confidence
Impact This technology along with others developed in the research group form the Minton Roadmap of gene technology development in bacteria. These technologies together helped lay the foundations for a £14.3m Synthetic Biology Research Centre bid to BBSRC and EPSRC which was subsequently funded.