Photosystem Two accessory proteins: structures binding sites and functions

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Life Sciences


The Photosystem Two (PSII) complex has quite rightly been described as the 'Engine of Life'. This molecular machine which is found in plants, algae and cyanobacteria is able to use the energy of sunlight to split very stable and abundant water molecules into molecular oxygen, which is released into the atmosphere as a by-product, protons which are used to generate ATP, and 'high energy' electrons which are ultimately used with the ATP to fix atmospheric carbon dioxide into sugar molecules. These carbohydrates can then be used as a fuel and to synthesise biomass for growth. Over the years there has been considerable effort to understand the structure of PSII and how it works. It is now known that PSII is made up of over 20 individual proteins, bound together as a large protein complex in a lipid membrane. Tightly associated with this complex are pigments that harvest the solar energy, small organic molecules that can transport high-energy electrons and a metal cluster comprising one calcium and 4 manganese ions. It is at this metal cluster, buried deep in the protein complex, that water binds and is oxidised to molecular oxygen, giving up its electrons. But PSII is not a perfect machine; it sometimes breaks down, especially when the sunlight is very bright, and has to be repaired. To do this the damaged PSII complex is partially disassembled into a smaller complex, and the damaged protein is recognised, specifically degraded by special proteases found within the membrane, a new protein inserted and the complex reassembled. Without this special repair mechanism PSII would be quickly inactivated in the light and plant growth and oxygen evolution would be inhibited. The purpose of our research is to understand how PSII functions, how PSII is assembled from its component parts and how it is repaired efficiently. Understanding these processes might allow us in the future to enhance photosynthesis in crop plants so that we can increase growth to help satisfy the ever increasing demand for more food and more biomass. This knowledge might also have applications in the design of new, sustainable herbicides or the design of new man-made catalysts that might act as 'artificial leaves' to provide renewable fuels from solar energy. Previous work has identified a number of small proteins that seem to be involved in the assembly, repair or optimal functioning of PSII. We propose to determine the structures of these 'accessory' proteins, so we can see how they are folded in space, and how they bind with PSII. To help do this we have made large amounts of our target proteins in a bacterium, purified the proteins and made crystals which we can use in X-ray diffraction experiments to determine the structure. Alternatively we can also use nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy which has the advantage that crystals need not be made. We have also been able to make complexes between some of the accessory proteins and either the intact oxygen-evolving PSII complex or smaller protein segments. Analysis of these complexes by x-ray crystallography or NMR will allow us, for the first time, to observe how these accessory proteins engage with PSII at the molecular level. It is important to relate these structural interactions with what is happening in the cell. To do this we have made strains of a cyanobacterium that lack these accessory proteins. By studying PSII assembly and repair and PSII activity in these strains we hope to be able to identify a precise defect in PSII that can be related to the structural results. In this way we will be able learn valuable new information on how the 'Engine of Life' is assembled and maintained in a working state.

Technical Summary

The Photosystem Two complex functions as the water:plastoquinone oxidoreductase of oxygenic photosynthesis and is found in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. The structure of dimeric PSII has been determined for the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus. Not present in this structure are a number of 'accessory' proteins that are important for the assembly, repair and proper functioning of PSII in vivo. Understanding the role of these accessory proteins might provide insights into how large multisubunit membrane protein complexes are assembled and in the case of PSII might provide a way to improve PSII activity in vivo. In this application we aim to clarify the structures, binding sites and function of 6 cyanobacterial PSII 'accessory' factors with homologues in higher plants. They are Ycf48, Psb27, Psb28, Psb29, CyanoP and CyanoQ. In background work we have been able to express and isolate each of these subunits from T. elongatus in E. coli as His-tagged and non-tagged proteins and been able to obtain crystals. We have determined the structure of Ycf48 to 1.5A and CyanoP to 2.4A resolution and will determine the structures for the remaining subunits. The binding sites for Ycf48, Psb27 and Psb28 in PSII will be assessed in protein/peptide complexes or protein/PSII complexes using either NMR or x-ray spectroscopy. These results will be supported by protein cross-linking data. Potentail interactions outside PSII will be assessed by affinity chromatography approaches coupled with mass spectrometry. The physiological importance of these proteins for PSII function and biogenesis will be assessed by detailed biochemical and biophysical analysis of cyanobacterial null mutants. Overall this work will provide unprecedented structural and functional insights into the mode of operation of these accessory proteins.

Planned Impact

1. In comparison to soluble proteins, membrane proteins are much less well-understood. There are less than unique 300 membrane protein structures. In addition, very little is known about how they are assembled. Photosystem II requires many assembly factors and chaperones for it to be synthesized in an active form. The understanding of PSII assembly, as well as being of interest in itself, should also shed light on general mechanisms of the chaperone-guided assembly of integral membrane protein complexes. 2. The global energy consumption rate at present is approaching 16 TW and will rise towards 20 TW within this decade. The energy provided by solar radiation is equivalent to 100,000 TW. That is, more solar energy strikes the surface of the earth in an hour than all the global fossil energy consumption in an entire year. About 3 billion years ago, living organisms developed molecular mechanisms to take advantage of this vast energy resource and it was their photosynthetic activity which allowed life on our planet to prosper and diversify on an enormous scale. Any improvement in our understanding of any single facet of photosynthesis may immediately have far-reaching economic implications. 3. For solar radiation to be utilized on a massive scale, while at the same time minimising the interception area and not competing with food production, efficiencies greater than that achieved by biomass production are required. In terms of solar energy conversion, the early stages of photosynthesis, including the water splitting reaction, are highly efficient, while the production of biomass is less so. For this reason it is important to understand the molecular details of the highly efficient energy conversion reactions that occur before the fixation of carbon dioxide (i.e. light reactions). 4. We believe that an early-career PDRA having gained the skills required for this project will be in a very competitive position at the end of the proposed project. Ideally, he or she will have been trained in microbiology and molecular biology, protein purification (including membrane protein purification), X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy.


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publication icon
Bec Ková M (2017) Structure of Psb29/Thf1 and its association with the FtsH protease complex involved in photosystem II repair in cyanobacteria. in Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences

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Boehm M (2012) Subunit composition of CP43-less photosystem II complexes of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803: implications for the assembly and repair of photosystem II. in Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences

Description The Photosystem Two complex functions as the water:plastoquinone oxidoreductase of oxygenic photosynthesis and is found in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. The structure of dimeric PSII has been determined for the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus. Not present in this structure are a number of 'accessory' proteins that are important for the assembly, repair and proper functioning of PSII in vivo. Understanding the role of these accessory proteins might provide insights into how large multisubunit membrane protein complexes are assembled and in the case of PSII might provide a way to improve PSII activity in vivo. Objective 1: X-ray structures have been published for the Psb27, Psb28, CyanoP and CyanoQ subunits encoded by T. elongatus. The crystal structure of T. elongatus Ycf48 has been deposited (PDB 2XBG) and the crystal structure of Ycf48 from the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae has also been determined which has allowed the impact on structure of the highly conserved 19 amino-acid residue insertion in eukaryotic Ycf48 proteins to be assessed. The crystal structure of Psb29 has been determined to 1.4Å and a manuscript reporting the binding of Psb29 to FtsH complexes in cyanobacteria has been published. Objectives 2-4: Psb27 - We have shown in collaboration with Josef Komenda and colleagues that Psb27 is able to bind to the unassembled CP43 sub-complex, most likely to the large lumenal loop connecting transmembrane helices 5 and 6 and plays a role in stabilising unassembled CP43. Interestingly, Psb27 together with Psb28 are components of large PSI/PSII supercomplexes and so might act as linker proteins between PSI and PSII. Psb28 - We have shown that Psb28-1 and its homologue, Psb28-2, in Synechocystis 6803 are components of the PSII core complex lacking CP43 and most likely bind to CP47 (9). Psb29 - We have shown in pull-down experiments combined with mass spectrometry that Psb29 physically interacts with FtsH complexes in Synechocystis 6803 and that the FtsH2/FtsH3 heterocomplex is destabilised in psb29 null mutants. Similar effects have been observed for the Psb29 homologue in Arabidopsis known as Thf1 so it appears that Psb29 plays a conserved role in regulating FtsH levels in chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. Ycf48 - We have been able to isolate and determine the structure of a co-crystal between Ycf48 and an 18 amino-acid long C-terminal synthetic peptide of a precursor form of D1. Site-directed mutagenesis is currently being used to test the physiological relevance of this interaction (funded by BBSRC grant BB/L003260/1). CyanoP - We have shown in pull-down experiments that CyanoP is a component of the PSII reaction centre assembly (RCII) complex consisting of D1, D2, Cyt b-559, PsbI, Ycf48 and Ycf39. Purification of D2 and PsbE together with FLAG-tagged CyanoP from a strain lacking D1 suggests that during PSII assembly CyanoP binds first to the D2 assembly module (consisting of at least D2 and the cytochrome b-559 subunits PsbE and PsbF) before this module is attached to the D1 module. Binding of CyanoP appears to be needed for optimal and fast interaction of both modules during formation of RCII and would explain the accumulation of newly synthesized unassembled D1 protein which we observe in mutant Synechocystis strains lacking CyanoP. The proposed location of CyanoP is consistent with an in silico docking model predicting an interaction of CyanoP with PsbE in the cyanobacterial PSII complex, as well as with cross-linking experiments showing direct interaction between the PsbP and PsbE in spinach. CyanoQ - We have shown that CyanoQ is indeed a component of PSII oxygen-evolving complexes in thermophilic cyanobacteria and that its absence in the crystal structure is probably due to either loss during purification or detachment during crystallisation. In published collaborative work, we identified a binding site for the CyanoQ homologue in red algal PSII close to CP43.
Exploitation Route Our findings have produced new insights into the assembly of the oxygen-evolving complex found in cyanobacteria. This new knowledge might help identify or produce plants with improved resistance to light stress thereby improving crop yields.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description Annual debate at the Linnean Society of London, Central London, on 'Plant Biology and the Future' 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Gave short presentation about my research with emphasis on the potential impact for society in terms of breeding better crops and developing solar biorefineries for biotechnology applications. Member of panel that debated the future of plant science.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Co-organised a Royal Society Discussion Meeting entitled 'Enhancing photosynthesis in crop plants: targets for improvement' 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Two-day discussion meeting containing lectures from experts in photosynthesis and crop breeding. Helped publicise to industry and the general public/media the fundamental work being done by researchers studying photosynthesis and its potential impact.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Green Great Britain Week, Imperial Lates 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Exhibit on the 'solar bio-battery', a printed biophotovoltaic cell consisting of cyanobacteria grown on an electrode which converts sunlight into an electric current
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Imperial College London Festival 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Members of the research group gave a hands-on demonstration on photosynthesis and algae at the Imperial College Science festival
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
Description Marin Sawa's exhibitions and presentations 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Peter Nixon acts as one of the PhD supervisors of Marin Sawa, a PhD candidate/designer at Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design, London, whose thesis is entitled 'Interweaving algal biotechnology with sustainable urban living'. Their collaborative work has focused on integrating plants and algae into urban living with focus on digitally printed health food supplements and digitally printed biophotovoltaic cells. These novel applications of photosynthesis have helped raise awareness of current photosynthesis research in connection with ecological crises and sustainability issues. In the past her work has been exhibited in museums and galleries to a general international audience at the 'ALIVE' EDF Foundation exhibition in Paris in April-September 2013 and the Biodesign' exhibition at The New Institute in Rotterdam in September-December 2013, and more recently in September 2015 at the 'Anthropocene' exhibition at the Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw, one of the largest science museums in Europe. Future work on genetic engineering/synthetic biology and algal biotechnology is scheduled to take part at biotechnology-focused events at the Copernicus Science Centre in 2016, and at the National History Museum, Sweden. Public presentations informing non-scientists about the molecular workings of photosynthesis were given at the Mediamatic, Bioindustry programme in Amsterdam in March 2014, at the symposium 'Syn de bio' at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London in June 2014, and also at the the Przemiany Festival, Copernicus Science Centre in September 2015, with a future presentation planned for the 2016 edition of the Biofabricate conference at the Microsoft Times Square headquarter, New York City.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016
Description Science museum 2015 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Marin Sawa, a member of the Nixon research group, contributed to a hands-on presentation on Space Algae as part of the Science Museum's Principia Launch event held on December 16th 2015 to highlight Tim Peake's mission to the International Space Station
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015