Identifying the behavioural and biological mechanisms underpinning elite performance in aiming tasks

Lead Research Organisation: University of Birmingham
Department Name: Sport, Exercise & Rehabilitation Science


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Technical Summary

In aiming tasks, the final fixation on a target before the initiation of action (quiet eye period; QE) has been shown to differentiate expertise and performance levels. A prolonged QE may permit task-salient cues to be prioritised so that cortical resources are likely reallocated away from irrelevant sensory cues and toward the visuospatially dominant processes critical for effective motor programming. However, the cognitive and neural mechanisms that underlie the behaviour have never been systematically examined. We have recently shown how TMS can be used in conjunction with fMRI imaging to reveal both the interactivity and necessary role of different brain regions in human attentional control. The current project will utilise these advanced neuroscientific procedures to elucidate the necessary role of different brain regions in QE behaviour. In Phase One, we will carry out behavioural studies, which aim to evaluate whether one effect of QE behaviour is to facilitate the filtering-out of irrelevant distraction and whether this ability varies with expertise. We examine the neural structures that are recruited under QE conditions and how these interact with crowding effects. Subsequently, we combine TMS with fMRI to test the necessary role of the different brain regions identified. In Phase Two, we will assess how increases in anxiety interact with QE and performance in situ, and examine how these effects are mediated by expertise. In Phase Three, we design and implement training interventions to improve perceptual-motor and cognitive performance. We test if a training protocol designed to optimise QE behaviour will (i) enhance effects of QE behaviour on filtering-out distraction as well as on firing behaviour, and (ii) changes the brain mechanisms involved in implementing QE effects. This innovative approach using breakthrough technical advancements will have significant implications for neuroscience and sports science.

Planned Impact

This project will have both a significant economic and social impact. First, the results of this translational research can be applied to various areas of society. For example, in Phase Two, we examine the effect of anxiety on performance in aiming tasks. This has implications for aiming in other domains, such as laws enforcement, and the military, where individuals are faced with high-anxiety situations. The knowledge gained in the current project can help understand how performance can be maintained under these highly stressful situations to enable successful outcomes, and minimise error. Similarly, surgeons can also benefit this application. For instance, during laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon has to aim and manipulate probes in order to carry out the operation. Understanding how anxiety effects visual attention and performance would allow training interventions or strategic protocols to be developed to overcome the negative affects of this stressor. Not only would this increase performance levels and reduce error, it also would make surgical procedures safer.

The most direct impact of the work will be in the sport of archery. As the project is supported by GB Archery and we will be utilising a sample of elite performers, the findings will have substantial impact on the sport. Specifically, we will be able to determine key behavioural characteristics that affect performance, and identify more efficient methods of training, not only elite, but sub-elite and grass roots archers. The expediting of skill acquisition will not only improve performance, keeping Britain at the top of the world stage, but also impact on coaching practice. The results of the study will be used to redesign the coaching methods used throughout the sport. The work will be disseminated to athletes, coaches and educators in the sport, as well as other similar aiming sports in the UK. The translational value of the results is likely to extend to a number of sports, which will provide opportunities to undertake further research.

The development of the training intervention and identification of more effective and efficiency training strategies will also benefit other areas of society. For example, in the education and learning sector, the results could have significant impact on processes and applied practice. The increase in knowledge and improvement in methods will significantly reduce the time, money and resources needed to develop the next generation of surgeons, soldiers, police officers and sports stars.

Alongside the practical and applied impact of the research there will also be major theoretical impacts. In particular, in the areas of neuroscience and sport science, the research is at the cutting-edge and will make substantial theoretical advancements. Specifically, identifying the neural activation during QE and how these structures differ between skill levels, and under high-anxiety scenarios, demonstrates a considerable step in understanding visual attention and performance. The findings derived from the work will be disseminated via national and international conferences, and high-impact peer- reviewed journal articles, book chapters and professional publications, in both neuroscience and sport science specific outlets.


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Description The 'quiet eye' (QE) - a period of extended gaze fixation on a target - has been reported in many tasks that require accurate aiming. Longer quiet eye durations (QED) are reported in experts compared to non-experts and on successful versus less successful trials. Our aim was to investigate the underlying mechanisms of experts' QEDs using a variety of experiments to i) determine QED differences between experts and novices in the field; ii) to design a computer-based task that would allow for a controlled examination of QED and performance across our expert and novice performers, that would replicate the QED field results; and iii) to determine the brain areas associated with experts' (longer) QEDs using fMRI. To achieve this we designed two main experiments.
In Experiment 1, we investigated the QEDs of 10 expert archers from the Archery GB team and 10 novice archers from the University's Archery Club in the field, and in the laboratory using a computer-based archery task. The computer task consisted of shooting archery targets using a joystick. Random 'noise' (visual motion perturbation) was introduced at high and low levels to allow for the controlled examination of the effects of task complexity and processing demands. In this task, we also tested an additional group of 10 non-archers. In both field and laboratory tasks, eye movements were measured using electro-oculography. The expert archers exhibited longer QED compared to the novice archers in the field task. In the computer task, the archers again exhibited longer QEDs and were more accurate compared to non-archers. Furthermore, expert archers showed earlier QE onsets and longer QEDs during High Noise conditions compared to the novices and non-archers, as well as in the High Noise compared to the Low Noise condition. Our findings show skill-based effects on QED in field conditions and in a novel computer-based archery task, in which online (visual) perturbations modulated experts' QEDs. These longer QEDs in experts may be used for more efficient programming in which accurate predictions are facilitated by attention control.
In Experiment 2, we implemented the same computer archery task, with an MRI compatible joystick, and examined the QEDs of 10 experienced archers (> 2yrs) and 10 non-archers in a mock scanner and in a 3T Philips Achieva MRI scanner at the University of Birmingham. Participants performed the archery task in two conditions: i) a High-Noise and Low-Noise active aiming task; and ii) a passive tracking task, which consisted of a play-back of their performance and participants were asked to simply track the crosshairs using the joystick. Eye movements were measured inside the mock and the real scanner using an Eyelink (1000 Hz, SR research). A correlation analysis will be used to examine whether QEDs resulted in better performance across expertise. Additionally, fMRI analysis will consist of examining brain areas active during aiming prior to when the arrow was shot (button press), corresponding to QED. We predict that longer QEDs will be found in High-Noise conditions compared to Low-Noise conditions. Furthermore, significant QED and performance correlations will also correspond to increased task difficulty, in accordance with our previous findings. Preliminary fMRI results show greater frontal activation for the more complex High-Noise task and greater activation in SMA, DLPFC and cingulate cortex, associated with prediction and programming.
Exploitation Route We have shed some light on the brain areas responsible for the quiet eye phenomenon. These results will be of interest to sport scientists with an interest in the underlying physiology of this phenomenon.
Sectors Leisure Activities

including Sports

Recreation and Tourism

Description This grant is a joint application. Joint reference: M1534300 Professor Mark Williams
Description MRC/ARUK Centre 
Organisation Versus Arthritis
Department Arthritis Research UK Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This award is linked to the MRC Arthritis Research UK Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research.
Collaborator Contribution MG was a theme lead in the Centre until leaving UoB in 01/17. RCM is continued to be a theme lead in the Centre.
Impact The research papers associated with this grant are also associated with the MRC/ARUK Centre.
Start Year 2012