Phenotyping root function in wheat

Lead Research Organisation: Lancaster University
Department Name: Lancaster Environment Centre


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Technical Summary

In this project we will develop an application protocol for electromagnetic conductance (EMI) so that it can be used to rapidly measure soil moisture patterns beneath wheat. We will use established methods of electrical resistance tomography (ERT) to "ground-truth" the new EMI protocol. The new method will be tested on and developed with approximately 20 UK wheat lines with known (based on our preliminary data) or perceived differences in rooting, drought tolerance, biomass, etc., selected in conjunction with the wheat breeders. The data from these initial tests will be used to optimise the depth profiling ability of EMI measurements so that they can be used to quantify genotypic differences in water extraction profiles, which we have shown to exist beneath different wheat lines. EMI and ERT data will be compared with data from buried soil moisture meters, soil sampling at various depths, root depth measurement with transparent rhizotrons and the emerging qPCR approach to measuring root DNA concentration in soil. Data from these invasive approaches will be used to validate and refine as necessary the EMI protocol.

We will use the optimised EMI protocol to phenotype root activity of individual lines of the Avalon x Cadenza mapping population for root function QTL discovery. Further phenotypic data will be collected using penetrometer measurements (which are rapid and statistically robust) and other field tests such as root pulling strength. We will adapt the successful maize "shovelomics" approach for wheat, which is based on simple, rapid measurements of excavated root systems.

Planned Impact

The project has the potential to make a significant impact on the academic community and the seeds industry. The project will develop a new tool to assess root function via the profile of soil drying beneath contrasting varieties of wheat, although in the longer term the approach we develop can be applied to all crops.

The initial impact on the seeds industry will be to provide a way to identify which wheats are the most effective at extracting water from the deep soil layers. In UK wheat lines Eric Ober has shown that varieties capable of doing this can produce higher yields when water is limited. However, with current methods identification of this trait is laborious and difficult. In the UK approximately 30% of the production of wheat is on soils where insufficient moisture decreases yields by (on average) 1-2 t/ha, costing between £112M and £224M each year in lost production. Thus, the benefit to the UK farming community is considerable and could lead to a more efficient use of water and nutrient resources.

This project has the potential to make international impact because in many parts of the world the yield of wheat is water limited. This is true for developed (e.g. Australia) and developing countries. Further, the approaches we will develop will have generic application, and could be applied to upland rice where the yield is water-limited and the crop is preferentially grown by poorer members of society. Although there have been yield improvements in rice and other crops by conventional selection for yield, greater progress can be achieved by understanding better why some varieties are more productive or stress resilient than others. In the absence of detailed information on plant traits such as root architecture, breeders rely on chance combinations of favourable alleles. However, with inexpensive, rapid tools to assess genotypic differences in trait expression in the field, such as the measurement of root activity proposed here, the identification and selection of superior genotypes can be accelerated.

The project is consistent with the idea of sustainable intensification: wheat crops that use the available soil water to best effect are more productive and N efficient, thus minimising environmental impact on agricultural land, and reducing the area of land that needs to be cultivated to produce a tonne of grain. Thus, the project is consistent with the food security goals of the BBSRC.

The project will pave the way to a deeper understanding of root function. It is a rule of thumb that with access to new measurement technologies, scientific advance will follow. It is anticipated that by combining existing techniques with the development of new methods in the proposed work, project outcomes will be readily taken up by the scientific community.


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publication icon
Gao W (2016) Deep roots and soil structure. in Plant, cell & environment

publication icon
Hodgkinson L (2017) Root growth in field-grown winter wheat: Some effects of soil conditions, season and genotype. in European journal of agronomy : the journal of the European Society for Agronomy

Description We met all the objectives of this project in full. We have identified that EMI has the potential to be used as a method to rapidly phenotype root function.

The primary objectives for the first two years of this project were related to the technical development of the measurement methods (EMI, ERT and the use of the penetrometer). For the use of EMI and ERT laboratory calibrations between electrical conductivity/resistivity against soil water content were required. These werecompeted for both soil types used in this project at Lancaster). The calibrations were performed in the "pressure-plate apparatus" which allows matric potential to be controlled precisely. Soil water content was also measured during the calibration procedure using commercially available soil moisture meters. Our calibration data were consistent with the expected results for a conductive clay-loam (Warren Field) and a more resistive sandy soil (Butt Close). We fitted a newly published model to the data. Results from the calibration process indicated that with soil drying in the field, the change in conductivity/resistivity will be greater in clay rich soils, thus the approach is more likely to be effective in more conductive soils.

Two fully randomised experiments in in four blocks were sown at two sites in Woburn in 2013 and 2014. We compared 23 wheat lines agreed with our steering group as well as a fallow plot which was used for comparative purposes. These plots were used to develop protocols to use the EMI instrument and to test the use of the penetrometer to distinguish differences in soil strength (a proxy for water uptake) between the soils under different commercial lines of wheat.

We found that, as predicted from the laboratory calibrations, in the heavier soil of Warren Field there was a greater range in the measured values of soil conductivity. In the lighter soil of Butt Close, there was a greater range in the values of penetrometer resistance. Statistical analysis has shown that:-
1. Penetrometer resistance on the two sites for the different wheat lines was highly correlated; indicating that ranking the wheat lines in terms of water extraction was similar in each of the experimental sites. This was confirmed by a rank correlation test (P=0.003).
2. Conductivity measurements from EMI could not distinguish differences in soil drying by the wheats on the lighter soil of Butt Close, but penetrometer measurements could. However, the conductivity measurements on each site for the different wheats were significantly correlated.
3. In the heavier Warren field site, statistical analysis of 1/conductivity (i.e. resistivity) provided a good discrimination in terms of soil drying between the different wheats. Penetrometer resistance and electrical resistivity produced the same rank correlation of soil drying on each site (P=0.022).
4. In Warren field, grain yield was positively correlated with resistivity (percentage variance accounted for 28.4% of the variance (P<0.001).

With EMI measurements we show that changes in conductivity are consistent with measured changes in soil water content in the root zone of wheat. On a sandy clay loam the changes in conductivity were consistent with expected soil water profiles for water-limited conditions and also consistent with the progress of the crop from a vegetative stage, with high water demand, to a senesced condition with low water uptake. Differences in the inferred depth of water uptake between the four wheat lines studied were observed. On the loamy sand soil, with a cemented layer at a depth of approximately 0.4 m, water uptake appeared to be confined to the surface layers and controlled by soil lithological characteristics. On this site drawing inferences about differences between root water uptake between the wheats or the effect of growth stage is not possible, although the value of EMI as a tool to investigate soil-crop interactions is apparent.

Using data from a more comprehensive experiment in 2015 (in which we measured moisture content in all plots using neutron probe instrumentation) we were able to confirm the link between measurable changes in electrical conductivity with EMI and moisture content. Thus, we see EMI as a potential valuable field-based method for crop breeding studies.
Exploitation Route We attempted to take this work forward jointly with Richard Whalley at Rothamsted with (1) a pathfinder project and (2) assuming we can develop an appropriate business plan, a full "follow-on-project". This was unsuccessful . We did, however, have success with a BBSRC International Partnering Award "China: A Virtual Centre for Monitoring the Rhizosphere" BB/P025595/1 led by Rothamsted.

Additionally, based on proof-of-concept data collected in this project we submitting a proposal to EPSRC on the subsurface imaging of soil properties. This was a joint submission between Rothamsted, Lancaster University and the Open University. The proposal was unsuccessful. A further attempt was made with the UKRI-US NSF Signals in the Soil, which again was unsuccessful.

Using funds from Rothamsted and Lancaster University, in 2016 we secured funding for a PhD studentship to develop some of the ideas further. This PhD project is currently underway.

We have also received small funding from AHDB to extend our work to applications related to potatoes.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description The unique contribution of the team in establishing how EMI can be used to determine the relationship between electrical conductivity and depth (Shanahan et al. 2015; Whalley et al. 2017), rather than the current commercial practice of making empirical associations between unprocessed raw EMI data. With our approach we have demonstrated, for the first time, how EMI measurements can be used to infer soil drying patterns with depth. We have conducted trials with plant breeders and have recently submitted a follow on fund proposal to develop a more commercial approach. The work has led to further applications funded by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board. In addition, we have been working with Nottingham University on applying the techniques for crop cover studies.
First Year Of Impact 2016
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink
Impact Types Economic

Description Soil and Water Call
Amount £33,152 (GBP)
Organisation Agricultural and Horticulture Development Board 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2016 
End 05/2021
Description Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Université de Liège 
Organisation University of Liege
Department Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (GxABT)
Country Belgium 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Links with Sarah Garré: sharing field experiment experiences, co-supervising student from Liege (visit to Lancaster for 3 months in 2015)
Collaborator Contribution Sharing field data
Impact co-writing of proposal for EU Marie Curie ITN proposal (2016) [awaiting funding decision]
Start Year 2015
Description University of Catania 
Organisation University of Catania
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution PhD student from Catania spent 2.5 months in 2014 learning more about the geophsyical methods we are developing to study soil-water interactions. The student plans to utilise these at her field site. This is likely to lead to further academic collaboration with Catania.
Collaborator Contribution Training on use of geophysical methods. Guidance on experimental design.
Impact None
Start Year 2014
Description PhD training course in Belgium 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was a prcatical course on "Insights into plant biological processes through phenotyping" which was targetted at the plant scinece community. The key outcome for me is the opportunity to engage with a completely different discipline and transfer my research to this field
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015