Mechanisms behind the exceptional longevity of freshwater mussels

Lead Research Organisation: Bangor University
Department Name: Sch of Ocean Sciences


United States


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Description Bivalve molluscs are newly discovered models of successful ageing. We tested the hypothesis that extreme longevity of freshwater mussels is associated with an enhanced resistance to oxidative stress. We compared resistance to oxidative stress and total haemocyte counts, a health status biomarker in the exceptional long-lived freshwater mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (MLSP 190 years) with three other freshwater unionid bivalve species spanning a range of longevities. We tested the hypothesis that an association exists between longevity and enhanced resistance to oxidative stress and a general resistance to multiplex stressors. Baseline total haemocyte counts, age-related changes, and responses to exposure to the oxidative stressor Tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide (TBHP) were investigated. Surprisingly our data did not support the premise that extreme longevity in M. margaritifera is associated with enhanced resistance to oxidative stress. In comparison with its shorter-lived counter parts M. margaritifera was the least resistance to oxidative stress. Following TBHP exposure, no association between longevity and resistance to oxidative stress-induced mortality or a marked resistance to oxidative stress-induced declines in total haemocyte counts were observed. The results suggest longevity evolved separately in freshwater mussels and this group warrants further attention from biogerontologists.
Exploitation Route Since our data did not support the premise that extreme longevity in M. margaritifera is associated with enhanced resistance to oxidative stress and following TBHP exposure, no association between longevity and resistance to oxidative stress-induced mortality or a marked resistance to oxidative stress-induced declines in total haemocyte counts were observed. An interesting area of further research that warrants further attention from biogerontologists could be to investigate whether longevity evolved separately in freshwater mussels compared with organisms from other phyla.
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