The essential role of copper in bacterial methane oxidation: characterising a novel copper protein involved in storage and the soluble copper proteome

Lead Research Organisation: Newcastle University
Department Name: Inst for Cell and Molecular Biosciences


Methane-oxidising bacteria use methane, a potent greenhouse gas, as a source of carbon and energy. To enable these organisms to perform this key function most effectively they require large quantities of copper. Methane-oxidising bacteria have evolved novel mechanisms that ensure they are able to accumulate the copper they need to metabolise methane. This includes the secretion of small peptides called methanobactins (mbtins) that are able to sequester the minute amounts of copper present in the organism's surrounding environment. Methane-oxidising bacteria use mbtin to uptake copper, with one of the main uses being for the enzyme that oxidises methane (a methane monooxygenase). How these organisms handle copper, which is potentially toxic as well as being essential, has not been studied in any detail. Whilst analysing extracts from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b, a methane-oxidising bacterium, for mbtin we have found a number of high abundance soluble copper pools containing proteins that bind this metal. The presence of large amounts of soluble copper in M. trichosporium OB3b was unanticipated as only two low-abundance soluble copper proteins are predicted (the copper-containing methane monooxygenase is membrane bound). One of the high abundance copper pools has been found to contain a novel copper protein, potentially involved in storing copper ions, herein called Csp1. The other soluble copper pools have not yet been studied in any detail.

In the proposed work we will study copper binding to Csp1 both in M. trichosporium OB3b and also using protein that we have produced in large amounts via an over-expression host. We will analyse the structure of Csp1 and how this is influenced by copper binding. We will investigate the role of Csp1 in copper storage by genetically engineering M. trichosporium OB3b, as well as by looking at how copper levels during growth influence the production of Csp1. Proteins similar to Csp1 are present in methane-oxidising bacteria and also in other bacteria. The Csp1 homologues from M. trichosporium OB3b and Bacillus subtilis, an organism in which copper handling has been studied and that is more tractable for genetic engineering approaches, will be studied. The other soluble copper pools that have been identified in M. trichosporium OB3b will also be analysed with the aim of finding additional novel copper-binding proteins. The proposed studies will provide insight into copper management in a relatively simple system of environmental importance and therefore has applications in helping to understand the oxidation of methane in Nature and the mitigation of the contribution this greenhouse gas makes to global warming. Furthermore, vast gaseous methane reserves are untapped as a feedstock for liquid fuels and chemical production due to the expense and difficulties associated with the available processes that can facilitate the conversion to methanol, a reaction readily performed by methane-oxidising bacteria. Understanding how these organisms handle an essential cofactor, copper, for the oxidation of methane therefore has potential biotechnological applications.

Technical Summary

Methane-oxidising bacteria use copper to convert methane to methanol as the first step of growth on this carbon and energy source. Copper is the essential cofactor of the most efficient particulate methane monooxygenase. Copper is also potentially toxic and methane-oxidising bacteria have evolved novel mechanisms to handle this metal. Methane-oxidising bacteria secrete small copper-binding peptides called methanobactins (mbtins) under low copper conditions that deliver the metal to the cytoplasm. Most bacteria do not require copper in this compartment. Whilst looking for internalised mbtin in the methane-oxidising bacterium Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b we have found a number of high abundance soluble copper pools. One of these contains a novel copper protein potentially involved in storing copper, herein called Csp1, which has a predicted Tat signal sequence and is therefore expected to be exported from the cytoplasm folded.

We will investigate the ability of Csp1 to bind Cu(I) both in M. trichosporium OB3b and also in vitro using recombinant protein. Csp1 is predicted to be a 4-helix bundle with all 13 Cys residues pointing towards the core of the protein. The number of Cu(I) equivalents, and other metals such as Zn(II), that can be accommodated within this bundle will be determined as will metal affinities. The structures of apo and metal-loaded protein will be analysed. The in vivo function of Csp1 will be investigated using a Csp1-delete strain and also by analysing if the csp1 gene is transcriptionally regulated by copper.

Non-Tat homologues of Csp1, that are expected to be cytosolic, are present in methane-oxidising and other bacteria. We will investigate this protein in M. trichosporium OB3b and also Bacillus subtilis. We will analyse the other soluble copper pools that we have found in M. trichosporium OB3b with the aim of identifying further novel copper proteins. Time permitting, these proteins will also be investigated.

Planned Impact

The link between copper and the oxidation of methane by bacteria makes this work highly conducive to outreach activities. The proposed studies also have numerous potential applications. Understanding how copper handling influences methane oxidation by these organisms will help in the development of biological methods for mitigating the emission of this important greenhouse gas into the atmosphere (strategic priority; living with environmental change). Vast reserves of methane gas are currently underutilised for the production of liquid fuels and chemicals due to the cost and difficulty associated with a reaction that methane-oxidising bacteria readily perform with the help of copper (highlight area: industrial biotechnology and bioenergy, strategic priority: bioenergy; generating new and replacement fuels for a greener, sustainable future). Furthermore, the broad specificity of methane monooxygenase makes these organisms useful for bioremediation applications (highlight area: industrial biotechnology and bioenergy).

Impact is assisted by the fact that copper-containing compounds are widely used for their ability to prevent the growth of a range of organisms in various applications, including the addition of copper to anti-fouling paints, the use of copper, along with silver to disinfect water, the use of copper in hospital fixtures to reduce transmission of nosocomial infections, and copper-based agrochemicals. Additionally, copper mis-handling is associated with a range of diseases. Many biotechnologically useful proteins (highlight area: industrial biotechnology and bioenergy) and biopharmaceuticals are metalloproteins and their recombinant production requires correct metallation. Furthermore, in synthetic biology approaches, another BBSRC strategic priority, the production of modified organisms with a gain of function acquired through the addition of a particular metalloprotein, for example a methane monooxygenase, would require this protein to be correctly metallated.

The Investigators have been involved in a range of outreach activities including local schools and the wider public. The results of research are shared via personal web pages and Institute and University web sites, and press releases when appropriate. Findings can be publicised through various routes including general scientific meetings/exhibitions attended by public and industrial audiences and the wider scientific community. Assistance is available to further develop outreach activities via Beacon NE, which is a partnership between Newcastle University, Durham University and the Centre for Life (Newcastle) that provides training and development opportunities in public engagement.

Numerous contacts already exist with the Industrial sector. Results will be regularly assessed to identify any IP and/or commercially exploitable outcomes via meetings with the Newcastle University Commercial Development Team. If the results we obtain about copper handling by methane-oxidising bacteria are of benefit to any of the applications mentioned above we will publicise this to the relevant businesses. We will transmit technology, in terms of knowledge and techniques, through publication in high impact factor journals and by presentations at international conferences.

The RA working on this project will benefit from improved skills, knowledge and experience gained from the research, and also from the associated training. The RA will be encouraged to contribute to outreach activities. This work will also benefit other members of the Investigators' groups, and particularly PhD students, through exposure to new techniques and developing theories. Academic audiences will be reached via publications and presentations at international conferences and collaborations.


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Description Copper is an essential metal for almost all organisms yet can also be toxic. We have discovered and characterised a new family of bacterial copper storage proteins (Csps). Csp1 and Csp2 are very similar and are exported from the cytosol, and store copper for the membrane-bound methane monooxygenase in the methanotroph Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b. Csp1 binds multiple Cu(I) ions in a previously unseen manner. Cytosolic homologues, called Csp3s, are more widespread in bacteria thus challenging the dogma that these organisms do not store and use copper in this compartment. We have characterised the Csp3s from M. trichosporium OB3b and Bacillus subtilis and although they are similar to Csp1 in terms of how they bind Cu(I), they exhibit differences including usually being able to store a greater number of Cu(I) ions. Possibly the most important difference is that Cu(I) removal from Csp3s is extremely slow and may therefore play a role in preventing toxicity during long-term cytosolic Cu(I) storage. How Cu(I) accumulation occurs in a storage protein has been visualised for the first time using X-ray crystallographic studies of partially occupied forms of the Csp3 from M. trichosporium OB3b. Formation is driven by tetranuclear thiolate-coordinated Cu(I) clusters. Paradoxically, the same facile Cu(I) cluster chemistry appears to be responsible for an emerging toxicity mechanism of copper. Csp3s can replace the copper effluxing P-type ATPase CopA in providing resistance to copper toxicity, and Csp3-bound Cu(I) accumulation occurs in the cytosol, even in the presence of CopA. Final destinations for the stored Cu(I) are unknown, but the presence of such high-capacity cytosolic 'sponges' implies a need for copper within this compartment of Csp3-producing bacteria. This raises the possibility that there are copper enzymes with a range of functions, many of which could have beneficial applications, still to be discovered.
Exploitation Route Understanding how methanotrophs handle copper is essential for all methane-based applications of these organisms. The discovery of how methanotrophs store copper for methane oxidation provides a major breakthrough in this area and can be used for enhancing methane-related technologies. In collaborative studies we have started to make mutant methanotroph strains to identify the function of particular proteins that may facilitate biotechnological applications.

The discovery and analysis of cytosolic Cu(I) sponges has the potential to revolutionise current thinking about how bacteria handle and use copper.

The possession of a Csp3 is anticipated to influence how certain bacterial pathogens evade copper attack from a host.

The factors driving the formation of structures that store Cu(I) may be helpful in understanding how copper binding can cause toxicity.
Sectors Chemicals



Description DTP studentship
Amount £94,000 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/M011186/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2015 
End 09/2019
Description Cryo-EM studies of bacterial copper storage proteins 
Organisation Oregon Health and Science University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We purify, prepare and analyse metal-free and Cu(I)-bound proteins for cryo-EM studies. We help with analysing electron density maps and play a large role in manuscript writing.
Collaborator Contribution The collection and analysis of cryo-EM data and help with manuscript writing.
Impact PDB entry 6WKT. A poster abstract for the Biophysical Society meeting, February 2020. A manuscript that is ready for submission. This is a multidisciplinary collaboration at the chemistry/biochemistry/structural biology interface.
Start Year 2019
Description Genetically modified methanotrophs 
Organisation University of East Anglia
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have identified proteins potentially involved in storing copper for methane oxidation in methanotrophs.
Collaborator Contribution Deletion mutants were made in the lab of Prof. Colin Murrell to confirm that the proteins identified were involved in storing copper for methane oxidation.
Impact A joint paper has been published in Nature as well as a review on which we are both co-authors in Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews.
Start Year 2013
Description Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) measurements of metal binding to bacterial copper storage proteins 
Organisation Dartmouth College
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We purify, prepare and analyse metal-free novel bacterial copper storage proteins (Csps) for the lab of Prof. Dean Wilcox in the Department of Chemistry at Dartmouth College (USA). They use ITC to study the binding of a range of metal ions to Csps. We help in the analysis of data and the writing of manuscripts.
Collaborator Contribution The lab of Prof. Dean Wilcox are world experts in the use of ITC to study the binding of metals to proteins. They are using this technique to analyse the binding of Cu(I), and other metal ions such as Zn(II) and Hg(II), to a range of Csps. They have already produced interesting data, which are currently being analysed with our help. We are in the process of drafting a manuscript about these studies. The work in Prof. Wilcox's lab is currently supported by an NSF grant (CHE-1904705, Thermodynamics of Metal-Protein Interactions, $416K) on which I am a named collaborator.
Impact NSF grant CHE-1904705, Thermodynamics of Metal-Protein Interactions, $416K. A manuscript is currently being drafted describing the work to date. This is a multidisciplinary collaboration at the chemistry/biology interface.
Start Year 2018