UK-US CWD workshop: Landscape modelling for livestock disease.

Lead Research Organisation: Newcastle University
Department Name: Sch of Biology


United States


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Description Workshop on TSE diseases in wildlife was held in Colorado in June 2014 to develop collaborations with Colorado State University, USDA and AHVLA
This led to a workshop in Newcastle in 2016 from which a review paper is in prep. In the meanwhile the disease has occurred in Norway and this has led to the development of a UK model for investigating disease spread.

The modelling approach has been extended to investigate Parkinson's Disease and we have one paper published
Exploitation Route Collaborative US-UK bid for research funding into CWD was planned.

We have extended the research agenda to include Parkinsons Disease and are submitting grants to the Parkinsons Society in 2016. A paper has been published in Brain Pathology 2019.

The modelling collaboration with the Prion Research Group in Alberta in 2017 did not materialise
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description We are seeking to push forward TSE research with the AHVLA. A new risk assessment for CWD in the UK is planned as a result of the workshop. A model has been developed and is under test Feb 2017. One paper is in MS form on the EU/UK risk of disease