Life Without DNA Replication Origins

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: School of Life Sciences


All cells contain a complete copy of the organism's DNA, packaged into chromosomes. Before cells can divide, their chromosomes must be duplicated. This process is called DNA replication and begins at specific locations on the chromosome called replication origins. Bacteria have a single replication origin but organisms with large chromosomes, such as humans, need many origins. We have found that origins are unnecessary, and that cells without them can grow faster than normal (Hawkins et al. 2013 Nature 503, 544-7).

Our research on DNA replication was carried out in Haloferax volcanii, a member of the archaea. The tree of life is split into three groups: eukaryotes, bacteria and archaea. Archaea are microbes renowned for living in extreme conditions such as acid pools and salt lakes. Haloferax volcanii comes from the Dead Sea, we chose it because the enzymes that carry out DNA replication in archaea are similar to those used in eukaryotes.

Haloferax volcanii uses several origins to replicate its chromosome. But when all of these origins are removed, the cells actually grow faster. Doing these experiments in humans would be impossible. When origins are eliminated from eukaryotes or bacteria, it prevents DNA replication and leads to death. So how is Haloferax volcanii able to survive?

Cells without origins use an alternative method called recombination to start DNA replication. Recombination is a form of DNA repair, it is used to mend breaks in the chromosome. We found that recombination starts DNA replication at random locations on the chromosome, instead of being restricted to a limited number of origins, and this makes the process faster. But this poses a puzzle: if the alternative process using recombination is more efficient, why have replication origins at all?

We propose that origins in Haloferax volcanii are selfish genes. Selfish origins need not offer any advantage to the host cell, but they increase their own frequency because they have hijacked the DNA replication machinery. Over the course of evolution, host cells have found a way to regulate origins and this has allowed them to coordinate the timing of DNA replication with cell division. In complex organisms such as humans, origins have become integrated with cellular processes and it is impossible to delete them without detrimental effects.

The unusual mode of DNA replication we have discovered in Haloferax volcanii has parallels with cancer. Haloferax volcanii has many copies of its chromosome, this is called polyploidy and helps it to survive when replication and cell division are no longer coordinated. Many cancer cells have mutations in the genes that control DNA replication, and polyploidy is a common feature of cancer. Another consequence of uncoordinated replication is that cancer cells grow faster than ordinary cells. Such accelerated growth is reminiscent of origin-less Haloferax volcanii, which use an alternative mode of replication to outpace other cells.

Our work on a microbe from the Dead Sea has shown how surprising results can come from testing long-held assumptions in unusual organisms. But it has given us as many questions as answers:
- How does this alternative mechanism of DNA replication work? Does it have negative consequences for the cell?
- Does Haloferax volcanii use it all the time? If not, how is it kept in check by 'normal' replication?
- Above all, why does Haloferax volcanii grow faster without origins, when other cells would die? We believe that two aspects of this organism are key: recombination and polyploidy.

We will use a combination of genetic and biochemical tools that we have developed, to examine the effects of recombination and polyploidy on replication. This work has implications for DNA replication in all organisms - it may contribute to our understanding of how cancer cells evade the checks on replication, and give an insight into how DNA was replicated before the evolution of 'selfish' origins.

Technical Summary

DNA replication initiates at origins, which serve as binding sites for initiator proteins that recruit the replicative machinery. Origins differ in number across the three domains, bacteria replicate from single origins while most archaea and all eukaryotes replicate using multiple origins. Initiation mechanisms that rely on recombination operate in viruses. We have shown that recombination-dependent replication operates in archaea, and that it can lead to accelerated growth.

We have identified four chromosomal origins in the archaeon Haloferax volcanii. Deletion of individual origins results in reduced growth but a strain lacking all origins grows faster than wild type. These origin-less cells initiate replication at dispersed sites rather than at discrete origins and have an absolute requirement for the recombinase RadA. Thus, recombination alone can efficiently initiate the replication of an entire cellular genome. This raises the question of what purpose origins serve and why they have evolved.

We suggest that origins are selfish elements that have hijacked the host replication machinery. During evolution, cells have found ways to regulate these 'selfish' origins, enabling them to coordinate DNA replication with cell division. H. volcanii is highly polyploid and has no requirement to coordinate replication with division, but it is vital that each of its chromosomes is identical and this requires efficient recombination.

We hypothesise that a combination of polyploidy and recombination is essential for origin-less DNA replication. The consequences of relying exclusively on recombination-dependent replication will be examined - does this lead to genome instability? The role of polyploidy will be tested - is it a precondition for life without origins? The interplay of recombination-dependent and origin-dependent replication will be dissected. We will test the hypothesis that origins are selfish - do they offer any advantage to the host cell?

Planned Impact

Who will benefit from this research?

The proposed work has long-term healthcare implications that will be of potential benefit to a wide range of patient groups, in particular cancer sufferers. Disruption of the regulation of DNA replication contributes to genome instability by leading to chromosome breaks, translocations and aneuploidy. Genomic regions with few active origins are hotspots for rearrangements in cancer. Outcomes from the proposed research will help with our understanding of genome replication and the human diseases associated with its deregulation, including cancer and developmental disorders. Thus, the biomedical implications of this work fit within the BBSRC's Strategic Research Priority 3 "Basic bioscience underpinning health".

The proposed work has implications for industrial biotechnology. Haloferax volcanii originates from the Dead Sea and it maintains an osmotic balance with its environment by accumulating molar salt concentrations in its cytoplasm. Therefore, molecular process in H. volcanii have adapted to function in high salt and this makes the DNA processing enzymes we will characterise of great value to biotechnology companies. Thus, the biotechnology implications of this work fit within the BBSRC's Strategic Research Priority 2 "Bioenergy and industrial biotechnology".

How will they benefit from this research?

The project aims to understand how DNA replication is possible without origins. We will work with the genetically tractable archaeon H. volcanii. There are striking parallels between origin-less H. volcanii and cancer cells - polyploidy, accelerated growth and an indifference to controls on replication. We anticipate that our results will be informative about the regulation of replication in all organisms - the key enzymes involved in replication are conserved between archaea and humans. Therefore, this project could help uncover new enzymes that are involved in unregulated DNA replication in cancer cells - this would be a step towards improved therapeutic intervention.

Regarding the potential of the proposed work for industrial biotechnology, we have an established collaboration with Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd., who support a BBSRC CASE studentship in Dr Allers' laboratory. The new enzymes we will uncover could include DNA polymerases, nucleases and helicases, which have numerous applications in DNA sequencing technologies. If commercially viable outcomes arise, steps towards exploitation will be taken with The University of Nottingham Business Engagement and Innovation Services.

What will be done to ensure that they have the opportunity to benefit from this research?

In addition to traditional routes of publication, the outcomes from this project will be communicated through our web pages, the replication origin database (OriDB), the University of Nottingham's Communications and Marketing Unit, Nottingham's Café Scientifique and BioCity, and the BBSRC media office. Potential future health benefits will be exploited via colleagues within the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, in particular those in the Division of Pre-Clinical Oncology. Should the project outcomes warrant additional exposure, we will engage the services of Bulletin Academic, a specialist communications consultancy.

Professional development for staff working on the project

The project offers many opportunities for the postdoctoral researcher and technician to acquire additional skills. The collaborative nature of the research will expose both individuals to biochemical, genetic and genomic techniques. Scientific communication skills of the PDRA will be fostered by presenting our research to academic audiences and the general public (e.g. Nottingham's Café Scientifique or local schools). Appropriate training for both audiences will be provided by the University of Nottingham Science Outreach Programme, and at a Genetics Society Workshop on 'Communicating Your Science'.


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publication icon
Ausiannikava D (2017) Diversity of DNA Replication in the Archaea. in Genes

publication icon
Blombach F (2018) Structural and functional adaptation of Haloferax volcanii TFEa/ß. in Nucleic acids research

publication icon
Marriott H. (2016) Archaea and the meaning of life in Microbiology Today

publication icon
Schmid AK (2020) SnapShot: Microbial Extremophiles. in Cell

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White MF (2018) DNA repair in the archaea-an emerging picture. in FEMS microbiology reviews

Description In 1963, Jacob, Brenner and Cuzin put forward the 'replicon model' to explain how DNA replication is regulated. They proposed that replication initiates at defined locations termed origins. We have discovered that genome replication does not require origins. In the archaeon Haloferax volcanii, deletion of all origins results not in cell death but in significantly faster growth. Origin-less cells use homologous recombination to initiate DNA replication and this occurs randomly throughout the genome. These findings pose a puzzle: if using recombination-dependent replication is more efficient, then why have origins at all?
H. volcanii offers a unique opportunity to examine the consequences of life without DNA replication origins. How does origin-less replication lead to accelerated growth and what are the consequences for genome stability? We hypothesise that a combination of polyploidy and efficient recombination is the key. We will dissect the regulation of replication in wild type and origin-less cells, and examine the interplay between these two modes of genome duplication. The role of polyploidy will be tested by altering the genome copy number. Our objectives are to test:
A. What are the consequences of life without DNA replication origins?
B. What is the interplay of origin-dependent and recombination-dependent replication?
C. Are origins selfish genetic elements?


A. Consequences of Life Without Replication Origins.
Does origin-less replication lead to genome instability? We have assayed the sensitivity of origin-less cells to UV irradiation, inter-strand DNA crosslinking agents (cisplatin, mitomycin C) and radiomimetic DNA-cleaving agent (bleomycin). We measured both kinetics of survival and survival rates using spotting assays, gradient plates, as well as competition assays. It is not significantly different to the wild type. We also measured mutation rate in wild-type vs originless strain. Again, we found no significant difference to the wild-type.
Given that the originless strain does not exhibit any obvious phenotypes in genome instability assays, we have propagated the originless strain over 360 generation and are assessing whether the strain accumulates genome rearrangements over time.
Does originless growth affect transcription? We have performed RNA-seq analysis of wild-type and originless strain. We did not find any significant differences between them. This suggests that deletion of origins does not significantly perturb gene expression.
Are origins optimally positioned with respect to each other and highly-transcribed genes? One of the origins, oriC2, is located next to the the highly transcribed rrnB rRNA operon, in the orientation away from oriC2. Using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis we have assessed whether the rate of genome rearrangements increase when the replication initiation from this origin is abolished. We did not find any increase in genome rearrangements. To investigate further the collision of replication and transcription machineries we have constructed the strain where the orientation of rrnB has been inverted with respect to the nearby origin. Collisions of replication forks with the transcription apparatus will be examined in a follow-up study.

B. Interplay of Origin-dependent and Recombination-dependent Replication.
Archaeal origins are always located adjacent to the gene for the initiator protein5, suggesting a functional relationship. There are sixteen orc genes in H. volcanii on the chromosome and the three pHV mega-plasmids. Only four orc genes (orc1, orc2, o5, orc3) are genetically linked to the chromosomal origins (oriC1, oriC3, oriC3, ori-pHV4 respectively).
Is nonspecific Orc binding contribute to originless replication? Non-specific binding of ORCs throughout the genome has been suggested as an alternative to recombination-dependent replication. We generated serial deletions of the four orc genes (?orc mutants) and orc genes in combination with the adjacent origins (?orc ?oriC mutants) and then compared cell fitness of these mutants to the origin deleted mutants. The ?orc ?oriC, ?oriC and ?orc deletions largely recapitulate each other. This argues against the role of Orc proteins in replication initiation in the absence of orgins.
What regulatory circuits are formed by ORCs and origins? To test which orc genes are necessary for the initiation of chromosomal origins, we have generated replication profiles of the strains where single ?orc genes adjacent to the origin have been deleted. In replication profile of ?orc1 mutant, only the peak corresponding to oriC1 is affected. This suggests that orc1 is required for the initiation from oriC1, but not from oriC2, oriC3 and ori-pHV4. Surprisingly, ?orc2 replication profile exhibits the loss of both the adjacent to orc2 oriC3 peak and oriC1 peak, as well as flattening of oriC2 peak. ?orc5 replication profile has oriC1 and oriC2 peaks missing. In ?orc3 replication profile the peak corresponding to ori-pHV4 is absent, other peaks are not affected. Thus, the analysis of replication profiles of single orc mutants implies that oriC1 requires orc1, orc2 and orc5 for firing, oriC2 - orc5 and orc2, and oriC3 - only orc2.
Two possibilities exist to account for orc "promiscuity" at the level of origins: 1) the levels of orc gene expression might be reciprocally regulated by orc genes; 2) orc proteins physically interact, and heteromeric ORC complexes are required for oriC1 and oriC3 firing. We have checked that the protein levels of tagged Orc proteins in the absence of another Orc are not affected. We have over-expressed Orc proteins to check whether they can form complexes in vitro. We have generated reciprocal His or Strep-tagged Orc proteins to assess whether Orc proteins interact in vivo.
Does Orc9 act as a negative regulator? Orc9 belongs to the conserved Orc1-2 family, whose genes are never found adjacent to origins. We have managed to generate ?orc9 mutants in all orc ?ori/?orc backgrounds. The ?orc9 mutants exhibit a growth defect; when combined with deletion of other orc or oriCs, ?orc9 leads to synergistic growth defects with the exception of ?orc1/?oriC1. In combination with ?orc1/?oriC1 the growth defect of ?orc9 was suppressed. We generated the replication profile of ?orc9 to check whether it is a global regulator of DNA replication - it was undistinguishable from the wild-type. It argues against the role of Orc9 in replication initation from origins.
We found that ?orc9 exhibits oversensitivity to interstrand DNA crosslinking agent (mitomycin C). The potential role of orc9 in genome stability is strengthened by the finding that orc9 genetically interact with radA recombinase gene.
What are the roles of other native orc genes? Two of the native orc genes, orc15 and orc16 are associated with native glycerol metabolism genes. As such we have generated signle and double ?orc15 ?orc16 deletions and assessed their phenotypes in carbohydrate metabolism. We have found no effect.
What are genetic requirements for originless replication? We have initiated a genetic screen to find the genes essential for originless replication but not for wild-type. We have tested 32 genes so far.
Do origins suppress recombination-dependent replication? Binding of origins by Orc proteins leads to the recruitment of the replication machinery, and one of these proteins may be rate-limiting for recombination-dependent replication. Alternatively, origin-dependent and recombination-dependent replication may use different proteins. H. volcanii has two replicative DNA polymerases, a B-family polymerase PolB and a D-family polymerase PolD that is unique to Archaea. Both are essential in wild type cells, indicating that both PolB and PolD act in DNA replication. Wild-type H. volcanii cells are sensitive to aphidicolin, an inhibitor of B-family (but not D-family) DNA polymerases, confirming that PolB is used in origin-dependent replication. Surprisingly, we found that origin-less cells are resistant to aphidicolin. This suggests that recombination-dependent DNA replication depends on PolD but not PolB.

C. Are Origins Selfish Genetic Elements?
Is the origin on mega-plasmid pHV1 'selfish'? The ori-pHV1 origin is difficult to delete and dominant over native origins, this is in contrast to the chromosomal origins which are easy to delete. We have determined that deletion of ori-pHV1 is even more difficult in a strain lacking all chromosomal origins. However, we have also found that the entire pHV1 mega-plasmid can be lost without consequences for the host cell. This raises the question of why pHV1 is maintained in the cell, and supports our assertion that this mega-plasmid (and its replication origin) is selfish.
Can smaller plasmids be maintained by recombination-dependent replication? Unlike origin-initiated replication (which is programmed), recombination-dependent replication is a stochastic process that depends on the length of the DNA molecule. Therefore, a small (origin-less) plasmid might not undergo sufficient recombination-dependent replication to maintain its copy number. We are testing this hypothesis by engineering plasmids of differing sizes, with and without origins.
The genome of H. volcanii consists of a main chromosome with three origins, and three megaplasmids with one origin each. In the laboratory strain, the largest plasmid pHV4 (650 kb) has integrated onto the main chromosome. This results in a chromosome of 4 Mb with four origins, all of which can be deleted; in the absence of origins, replication is initiated by recombination. Since growth of the origin-less strain is as fast as the wild-type, there must be as many recombination events that initiate replication as there are origins (four). But unlike origin-dependent initiation, the probability of recombination-dependent initiation is proportional to the size of the DNA molecule. If the 4 Mb origin-less chromosome experiences 4 recombination events, this is equivalent to 1 recombination-dependent initiation per Mb.
Indeed, we have found that the origin on the 450 kb plasmid pHV3 cannot be deleted, unless the plasmid is first integrated onto the main chromosome (resulting in a 4.5 Mb DNA molecule). This suggests that there is a minimum size limit for recombination-dependent DNA replication.
Unexpectedly, the origin on the smallest plasmid pHV1 (90 kb) can be deleted. We suspect that this is possible because pHV1 replicates a multimeric form. We have observed that on pulsed field gels, intact pHV1 migrates as a species of 550 kb. This corresponds to a 6x multimer, but intriguingly multimers of 2-5x are not seen. We propose that only DNA molecules of >500 kb are capable of recombination-dependent DNA replication in H. volcanii, because the probability of recombination occurring once per generation is <1 for molecules of <500 kb.
We found that in an orc5 deletion strain, the multi-origin chromosome of Haloferax volcanii has split into two elements via homologous recombination. The newly-generated elements are bona fide chromosomes, because each bears 'chromosomal' replication origins, rRNA loci and essential genes. The new chromosomes were stable during routine growth but additional genetic manipulation, which involves selective bottlenecks, provoked further rearrangements.

The aim of this project is to determine how genomes were replicated before the evolution of 'selfish' origins and their subsequent 'domestication'. The parallels between origin-less H. volcanii and cancer - polyploidy, accelerated growth and an indifference to replication controls - underline the significance of this project to the field of genome stability. The innate simplicity of origin-less replication lends itself also to the development of cell-free systems in the field of synthetic biology.
Exploitation Route We propose that recombination is the ancestral mechanism for initiation of DNA replication, and that origins are a relatively modern innovation. Origin-less Haloferax may be a window into the evolutionary past, which will reveal how recombination-dependent replication can operate in cellular organisms. It has the potential to show how this ancestral mechanism was displaced by origin-dependent replication, leading to the evolution of the eukaryotic cell.
This work has generated preliminary data for the new project funded by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC): BB/R007543/1 - From Comparative Genomics to Comparative Genetics - What is Required for Life Without DNA Replication Origins? (£ 495280; 2018 - 2021)
Sectors Education



including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Interview with Dr Darya Ausiannikava about research project, 2015. YouTube video with Dr Thorsten Allers on Archaea for Microbiology Society, 2016 Article by Dr Thorsten Allers for Microbiology Today: "Archaea and the Meaning of Life" 10/05/2016
First Year Of Impact 2016
Sector Education
Impact Types Cultural

Description From Comparative Genomics to Comparative Genetics - What is Required for Life Without DNA Replication Origins?
Amount £495,280 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/R007543/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2018 
End 06/2021
Title Haloferax volcanii strain with new chromosomes 
Description The multi-origin chromosome of the archaeon Haloferax volcanii has split into two elements via homologous recombination. The newly-generated elements are bona fide chromosomes, because each bears 'chromosomal' replication origins, rRNA loci and essential genes. The new chromosomes were stable during routine growth but additional genetic manipulation, which involves selective bottlenecks, provoked further rearrangements. 
Type Of Material Cell line 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The common ancestry of archaea and eukaryotes is evident in their genome architecture. All eukaryotic and several archaeal genomes consist of multiple chromosomes, each replicated from multiple origins. Three scenarios have been proposed for the evolution of this genome architecture: (1) mutational diversification of a multi-copy chromosome; (2) capture of a new chromosome by horizontal transfer; (3) acquisition of new origins and splitting into two replication-competent chromosomes. We report an example of the third scenario. To the best of our knowledge, rearrangement of a naturally-evolved prokaryotic genome to generate two new chromosomes has not been described previously. 
Title Sequencing dataset for Haloferax volcanii new chromosomes 
Description Manuscript submitted to Molecular Biology & Evolution: "Evolution of Genome Architecture in Archaea: Spontaneous Generation of a New Chromosome in Haloferax volcanii". Sequencing datasets generated and analysed during this study are available in the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus under accession number GSE108201 using token ozojwwguhtmvncb. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact None, not published yet. 
Description Genome analysis of Haloferax volcanii chromosomes 
Organisation National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Department National Library of Medicine
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Our research team at the University of Nottingham has developed a tractable genetic system for archaea using Haloferax volcanii. Our group has been pivotal in generating selectable markers, gene knockouts, shuttle plasmids, reporter genes, inducible promoters, protein overexpression systems, and a genome sequence. We use these genetic tools to study replication, recombination and repair. DNA replication. We use genetics and genomics to study DNA replication in H. volcanii. In work published in Nature, we show that deletion of origins leads to accelerated growth.
Collaborator Contribution The research group of Eugene Koonin at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) is interested in understanding the evolution of life. To obtain glimpses of such understanding, the group employs existing and new methods of computational biology to perform research in several major areas. This includes empirical comparative and evolutionary genomics: comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes with the aim of predicting gene functions, constructing evolutionary scenarios for particular gene families and functional categories, and deciphering general evolutionary trends. An evolutionary phenomenon we are particularly interested in is horizontal gene transfer between diverse organisms, in particular, from prokaryotes to eukaryotes and vice versa. One of the important outcomes of research in this area is the system of Clusters of Orthologous Genes (COGs).
Impact Manuscript under review at Molecular Biology & Evolution: "Evolution of Genome Architecture in Archaea: Spontaneous Generation of a New Chromosome in Haloferax volcanii". Abstract: The common ancestry of archaea and eukaryotes is evident in their genome architecture. All eukaryotic and several archaeal genomes consist of multiple chromosomes, each replicated from multiple origins. Three scenarios have been proposed for the evolution of this genome architecture: (1) mutational diversification of a multi-copy chromosome; (2) capture of a new chromosome by horizontal transfer; (3) acquisition of new origins and splitting into two replication-competent chromosomes. We report an example of the third scenario: the multi-origin chromosome of the archaeon Haloferax volcanii has split into two elements via homologous recombination. The newly-generated elements are bona fide chromosomes, because each bears 'chromosomal' replication origins, rRNA loci and essential genes. The new chromosomes were stable during routine growth but additional genetic manipulation, which involves selective bottlenecks, provoked further rearrangements. To the best of our knowledge, rearrangement of a naturally-evolved prokaryotic genome to generate two new chromosomes has not been described previously.
Start Year 2017
Description Structure and function of Haloferax volcanii TFEa/ß 
Organisation University College London
Department Department of Cancer Biology
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Our research team at the University of Nottingham has developed a tractable genetic system for archaea using Haloferax volcanii. Our group has been pivotal in generating selectable markers, gene knockouts, shuttle plasmids, reporter genes, inducible promoters, protein overexpression systems, and a genome sequence. We use these genetic tools to study replication, recombination and repair. DNA replication. We use genetics and genomics to study DNA replication in H. volcanii. In work published in Nature, we show that deletion of origins leads to accelerated growth.
Collaborator Contribution The research group of Finn Werner at UCL works on transcription in archaea. Important regulatory events in the cell occur at the level of transcription, which is facilitated by RNA polymerases (RNAPs). Prof Werner's research focuses on the workings of the archaeal RNAP, a superb and biochemically tractable model system for eukaryotic RNAPII. They make use of a recombinant transcription system that allows us to introduce mutations, chemically reactive or fluorescent probes into the RNAP and test the resulting RNAP variants in a range of sophisticated biochemical and biophysical assays. This functional dissection strategy of RNAP illuminates the function of the RNAP and its interplay with transcription factors - ultimately explaining gene expression at the atomic level.
Impact Paper published in Nucleic Acids Research: Blombach F., Ausiannikava D., Figueiredo A.M., Soloviev Z., Prentice T., Zhang M., Zhou N., Thalassinos K., Allers T. & F. Werner (2018) Nucleic Acids Res DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkx1302 "Structural and functional adaptation of Haloferax volcanii TFEa/ß" Abstract: The basal transcription factor TFE enhances transcription initiation by catalysing DNA strand-separation, a process that varies with temperature and ionic strength. Canonical TFE forms a heterodimeric complex whose integrity and function critically relies on a cubane iron-sulphur cluster residing in the TFEß subunit. Halophilic archaea such as Haloferax volcanii have highly divergent putative TFEß homologues with unknown properties. Here, we demonstrate that Haloferax TFEß lacks the prototypical iron-sulphur cluster yet still forms a stable complex with TFEa. A second metal cluster contained in the zinc ribbon domain in TFEa is highly degenerate but retains low binding affinity for zinc, which contributes to protein folding and stability. The deletion of the tfeB gene in H. volcanii results in the aberrant expression of approximately one third of all genes, consistent with its function as a basal transcription initiation factor. Interestingly, tfeB deletion particularly affects foreign genes including a prophage region. Our results reveal the loss of metal centres in Hvo transcription factors, and confirm the dual function of TFE as basal factor and regulator of transcription.
Start Year 2016
Description Article for Microbiology Today 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Article by Dr Thorsten Allers for Microbiology Today: "Archaea and the Meaning of Life" 10/05/2016
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Interview with Dr Darya Ausiannikava 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Interview with Dr Darya Ausiannikava about research project, 2015.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description YouTube video on Archaea 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact YouTube video with Dr Thorsten Allers on Archaea for Microbiology Society, 2016
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016