13TSB_ACT Putting the Ecology into Efficacy: a new paradigm for pesticide discovery

Lead Research Organisation: University of York
Department Name: Environment


Chemical crop protection remains central to meeting the challenges of food security, changes in geographical distribution of pests, and emergence of pest resistance. Discovery of new pesticidal products adopts a screening approach with largely empirical optimisation once candidate molecules are identified. This project will investigate a new paradigm in pesticide discovery/optimisation. Therein, the development process will be driven by detailed understanding of the ecology of target species bedded within a modelling framework to identify optimal molecular properties, formulation, timing and placement of the crop protection product.

Technical Summary

Chemical crop protection remains central to meeting the challenges of food security, changes in geographical distribution of pests, and emergence of pest resistance. Discovery of new pesticidal products adopts a screening approach with largely empirical optimisation once candidate molecules are identified. This project will investigate a new paradigm in pesticide discovery/optimisation. Therein, the development process will be driven by detailed understanding of the ecology of target species bedded within a modelling framework to identify optimal molecular properties, formulation, timing and placement of the crop protection product.

Planned Impact

Syngenta will apply the outputs to gain a greater understanding of how to control pest populations in different crops, soils and weather conditions and thereby to develop appropriate new molecules that are more likely to succeed in the field. We will specifically develop the models for two of the largest markets for crop protection products: the potato cyst nematode (65% of potato land infested & 50 Mio GBP loss per year in the UK alone [Scottish Crop Research Institute]) and the western corn rootworm (yield loss >800 Mio USD per year & money spent for control > 200 Mio USD per year in the US alone). The recent introduction and spread of the western corn rootworm in Europe means this market is expanding.

This early stage feasibility study will deliver model prototypes parameterised for the western corn rootworm and potato cyst nematodes. These tools will be directly applied within Syngenta's research and development program to improve the search for new active ingredient molecules for the two pests selected for this feasibility study. During this "on-the-job testing" we will demonstrate how to use the modelling framework for (i) the design and selection of active ingredient molecules, and (ii) the derivation of optimal application rates and patterns. This will allow us to communicate the strategic value of the modelling framework to drive active ingredient research across the business. The demonstration phase will include combinations of active ingredients to use different toxicity profiles most effectively together (e.g. "stun, knock-down, suppression"). Furthermore, we will explore and present ideas for future development and applications of our modelling framework.

There is a long track record of the York team working successfully in partnership with Syngenta across a range of projects. The relationship started in the mid-1990s when the PI was employed by Cranfield University, eventually establishing Cranfield Centre for EcoChemistry. Specific mechanisms to maximise dissemination of the research within Syngenta include the integrated programme of work with matching of scientific expertise across the two organisations; resources requested to allow Agatz (PDRA) to work at Syngenta for designated periods; and a cash allocation from Syngenta to create a user-friendly interface for the model to facilitate uptake across the business.

The project team have extensive experience of the translation of research into impact. The PI was a member of the Defra Advisory Committee on Pesticides for six years (2007-2012) and he Chairs the International Conference on Pesticide Behaviour in Soils, Water and Air which takes place in York every four years (www.york.ac.uk/environment/pesticides). Several of his research projects have led to direct uptake into risk assessment practice at European and national level (e.g. http://www.york.ac.uk/environment/pesticides/#tab-2). The PI has contributed on behalf of the European Commission, European Food Safety Authority and Defra to advise on developments in chemical risk assessment as well as advising multinational companies, the European Crop Protection Association and the European Life Sciences Institute. TSB-funded research to develop the PESTER model (100874) involved the lead scientists from York (Brown) and Syngenta (Sweeney); this project was successfully completed in autumn 2013 and the model is in the preliminary stages of incorporation into risk assessment procedures, facilitated by active promotion through a range of international and national fora. Syngenta funded work on TKTD modelling in fish during 2011 and 2012 involved Ashauer (York) and Thorbek (Syngenta) and the resulting TKTD model has been submitted as part of the regulatory environmental risk assessment for a new compound at the end of 2012.
Description The project aimed at delivering proof-of-concept for a new paradigm in pesticide discovery that starts with the ecology of the target pest, and is linked through kinetics of pesticide uptake-elimination to a spatially- and temporally-explicit description of pesticide concentrations in the soil/root zone. Innovation arises in bringing together three established, but disparate modelling approaches and applying them in a novel way to provide Syngenta with a competitive advantage in addressing two of the largest markets for crop protection products, the western corn rootworm and potato cyst nematodes.

An innovative modelling tool (COMPASS - COmprehensive Model for Pesticide Activity in SoilS) has been developed as proof-of-concept for this rational, knowledge-based approach to pesticide design. It has applications in optimising molecular properties, formulation, timing and placement of application and use of pesticide mixtures/sequences.

- The individual-based model (IBM) for the corn rootworm simulates the development of root mass and the life cycle of the pest to predict region-specific pest pressure assessed as yield loss. IBMs for the corn rootworm and the potato cyst nematode were implemented using the NetLogo platform. Model outcomes for pest development compare well with field observations for various regions in the US Corn Belt (date of first pest emergence ±3 days versus site/year variability of 45 days); field-specific pest pressure/root damage is also predicted well.

- The ecological model is coupled to an advanced, 2-D environmental fate model. The SCREEN model, developed with previous TSB funding (100874), provides a significant advance compared to preceding 1-D models, particularly for targeted pesticide applications such as seed treatments and granules. The model was refined within the current research, including a complete revision of the soil temperature routines that are embedded within all pesticide fate models to deliver the accuracy needed to simulate temperature-dependent development of soil pest populations.

- Linkage of the IBM and output from SCREEN is delivered via toxicokinetic/toxicodynamic (TK/TD) modelling to predict survival of pests in response to pesticide exposure that varies in space and time. Toxicokinetics include uptake, distribution, biotransformation and elimination of the chemical of interest; toxicodynamics simulates the time-course of damage increase and compensation and how this distributes across a pest population. Novel laboratory experiments were developed to deliver TK/TD parameters for different pest life stages, providing insight into differences in sensitivity to pesticidal chemicals across life stages.

Root damage and yield loss were successfully simulated for field efficacy trials undertaken for the current grant at two locations and with different active substances and formulation types. Priorities for further development of the approach include (1) the need for an accurate representation of growth of crop root systems; (2) the need to understand and incorporate controls on pesticide uptake into the target pest; (3) the need for detailed data on the movement of target pests in soil and how pest presence co-occurs with the pesticide; and (4) the need for innovative laboratory testing protocols to parameterise the model.
Exploitation Route The primary beneficiary of the Early-Stage Feasibility research is the industrial partner, Syngenta, and the COMPASS model framework is already in use within the organisation. Rollout within Syngenta has been via (i) the Soil platform which is tasked with furthering research into the role of soil and the rhizosphere as they apply to crop protection, and (ii) the Corn Rootworm platform which champions research aimed at control of that pest. As well as communicating the core science within Syngenta, the research applied the COMPASS framework to explain results from field efficacy trials where pest control is evaluated for a variety of chemical and formulation types. This has helped to demonstrate the value of the approach to Syngenta's business, accelerating uptake of the findings.
The project team have prepared three publications for the peer-reviewed literature. These cover (1) the ecological model, validated against data for pest emergence, root damage and yield losses; (2) two-dimensional model of soil, roots and pesticide fate; and (3) the COMPASS model framework, validated against field experiments into the efficacy of different chemical pest control strategies. These publications will allow the generic findings to be taken forward more broadly within the agrochemical sector and research community.
The COMPASS approach has been applied within a BBSRC GCRF IAA funded-project to extend impact to control of agricultural pests in Colombia. The soil pest Cyrtomenus bergi which causes significant losses in cassava was selected for study and a modelling framework was co-designed with Colombian stakeholders. The model was delivered in March 2017 via a two-day training workshop in Cali, Colombia to familiarise stakeholders with principles of mathematical modelling as well as the use of the decision framework tool. Stakeholders engaged: CIAT (International Center for Tropical Agriculture, Cali), Corpoica - Palmira and Corpoica Tibaitatá (Colombian Corporation of Agricultural Investigations, FENALCE (National Federation of Cereal Farmers, Buga), ICA (Colombian Institute of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Palmira), ITA (Agricultural Technical Institute, Buga, Valle del Cauca), Universidad del Valle (Cali).
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink



Description The primary beneficiary of the research is the industrial partner, Syngenta, who will gain potential competitive advantage in the agrochemical market. There are likely to be secondary benefits to the UK economy through increased R&D spend further down the project pipeline and medium-term benefits to UK agriculture and UK consumers who will benefit from maintained food security. The project has provided proof-of-concept for an innovative modelling framework that is being applied within Syngenta to gain a greater understanding of how to control pest populations in different crops, soils and weather conditions and thereby to develop appropriate new molecules that are more likely to succeed in the field. Prototype development focused on two of the largest markets for crop protection products. These are: (i) the potato cyst nematode where 65% of UK potato land is infested and UK losses are estimated at £50 million per year [Scottish Crop Research Institute]; and (ii) the western corn rootworm which is responsible for yield losses of >$800 million per year in the USA alone; control of the western corn rootworm costs >$200 million per year in the USA and the recent introduction and spread of the western corn rootworm in Europe means that this market is expanding. The COMPASS approach has been applied subsequently within a BBSRC GCRF IAA funded-project to extend impact to control of agricultural pests in Colombia. The soil pest Cyrtomenus bergi which causes significant losses in cassava was selected for study and a modelling framework was co-designed with Colombian stakeholders. The model was delivered in March 2017 via a two-day training workshop in Cali, Colombia to familiarise stakeholders with principles of mathematical modelling as well as the use of the decision framework tool. Stakeholders engaged: CIAT (International Center for Tropical Agriculture, Cali), Corpoica - Palmira and Corpoica Tibaitatá (Colombian Corporation of Agricultural Investigations, FENALCE (National Federation of Cereal Farmers, Buga), ICA (Colombian Institute of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Palmira), ITA (Agricultural Technical Institute, Buga, Valle del Cauca), Universidad del Valle (Cali).
First Year Of Impact 2016
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Chemicals
Impact Types Economic

Description BBSRC GCRF IAA 'Impact Enhancement Award'
Amount £22,760 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/GCRF-IAA/23 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2016 
End 03/2017
Title POPP-Corn 
Description An individual-based model for the corn rootworm Diabrotica spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) combined with a temporally-explicit model for development of corn roots across the soil profile has been developed to link pest ecology, root damage and yield loss. Development of the POPP-Corn model focused on simulating root damage from rootworm feeding in accordance with empirical observations in the field to allow the virtual testing of efficacy from management interventions in the future. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The model has been provided into Syngenta's business in accordance with the objectives and contractual arrangements for the project. The model has applications in testing chemical pest control strategies under a range of environmental conditions and for differing pest pressures. 
Description SCREEN is an adaptation of a 2-D soil model (PESTER) developed in collaboration with Rothamsted-Research and Syngenta and with TSB/EPSRC funding. The model has been adapted to interface results with an individual-based model of the western corn rootworm (POPP-Corn). The ecology of this species is highly dependent on soil temperature, both in terms of over-wintering, hatch time, and development rates for different life stages. In turn, this temperature-dependence is critical in designing successful chemical control strategies for the corn rootworm. The soil temperature algorithms have been completely reworked in producing this new model to provide the accuracy in simulations required to feed into the model of pest ecology. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The SCREEN model has replaced PESTER and continues to be used within Syngenta's chemical development business. 
Description Presentation to European network for Pesticide Modelling 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Presentation to ca.80 pesticide modellers, primarily from industry and consultancies, but also with national and international regulatory bodies including EFSA. The presentation sparked discussion about new opportunities in pesticide development arising from the research. Follow-up funding with industry is currently under discussion and two further dissemination events have been planned.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
URL http://pfmodels.org/emw9.html