14TSB_ATC_IR_Optimising Big Data to Drive Sustainable Agricultural Intensification

Lead Research Organisation: CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY
Department Name: School of Water, Energy and Environment


This project will address key agronomic/soil related challenges currently impeding sustainable intensification (SI). Current levels of wastage and field losses across the UK horticultural sector are not sustainable and are largely attributed to soil degradation-related constraints and inappropriate crop management approaches. This project will focus on minimising wastage and field losses as underpinned by sustainable soil management. Soils are the foundation of food production as they support crop production, and for growers, soil is their primary business asset.

We will drive SI in horticultural and arable production systems by creating a coherent agri-informatics data set covering a comprehensive range of rotations derived from potato, cereals, oil seeds, sugarbeet, alliums, roots and brassica's of unprecedented resolution and scale (5-10 years' worth of data covering >20,000 ha). We will use methods particular to agri-informatics, which consist of data-mining and computational techniques that identify and describe the environmental and agronomic drivers of crop production and crop utilization such as Bayesian belief networks, neural networks, and random forests to determine how the history and prevailing context of a field influences its current state, performance and potential for future utility (SI), and elucidate how metrics of soil health can be used for system monitoring, management and improvement.

The data framework to realise this project is already established via the 'Soil-for-Life' (SfL) system an existing company scale Soil Information Management System underpinned by the aforementioned 'agri-informatics' approaches. The SfL system permits the collation of soil physico-chemical and biological parameters, specific indicators of 'soil health', crop, varietal, agronomic, meteorological, water and economic data, all deployed to support the suite of related analytical and data mining tools. This project will develop mobile applications and related web data services which will be deployed to provide growers in the field with synchronous, geo-referenced access to the SfL databank. Growers will be able to consult the harmonised data holdings on a parcel basis, field by field, both for historical and contemporary operations. Summary results from the agri-informatics analytical tools will also be provided. Thus outcomes from geographic locations judged to be similar environmentally will be made accessible, highlighting actions taken and outcomes - allowing for knowledge transfer between growers. This project will allow an in-depth analysis and exploration of this 'big data', providing robust scientific evidence to support SI and to maintain soil health at a field, farm and enterprise scale. This project will act as a catalyst for a step-change in the way that 'big data' currently generated and stored locally by UK Agri-businesses is combined and critically, fully utilised.

Technical Summary

This project will address key agronomic/soil related challenges currently impeding sustainable intensification (SI). Current levels of wastage and field losses across the UK horticultural sector are not sustainable and are largely attributed to soil degradation-related constraints and inappropriate crop management approaches. This project will focus on minimising wastage and field losses as underpinned by sustainable soil management. Soils are the foundation of food production as they support crop production, and for growers, soil is their primary business asset. We will drive SI in horticultural and arable production systems by creating a coherent agri-informatics data set covering a comprehensive range of rotations derived from potato, cereals, oil seeds, sugarbeet, alliums, roots and brassica's of unprecedented resolution and scale (5-10 years' worth of data covering >20,000 ha). We will use methods particular to agri-informatics, which consist of data-mining and computational techniques that identify and describe the environmental and agronomic drivers of crop production and crop utilization such as Bayesian belief networks, neural networks, and random forests to determine how the history and prevailing context of a field influences its current state, performance and potential for future utility (SI), and elucidate how metrics of soil health can be used for system monitoring, management and improvement.
The data framework to realise this project is already established via the 'Soil-for-Life' (SfL) system an existing company scale Soil Information Management System underpinned by the aforementioned 'agri-informatics' approaches. This project will allow an in-depth analysis and exploration of this 'big data', providing robust scientific evidence to support SI and to maintain soil health at a field, farm and enterprise scale.

Planned Impact

The principal impacts we wish to attain with this project are (i) significant improvements in crop production and crop utilization across the PW Group resulting in direct increases in crop packout, operational efficiencies and income; (ii) wider awareness of Soil-for-Life (SfL) as the exemplar of the use of 'Big Data' and agri-informatics approaches to underpin Sustainable Intensification (SI); (iii) establishment of a firm platform for the wider adoption of SfL by UK agri-businesses (iv) practitioner (including levy boards), societal and policy level appreciation of the fundamental role of soil management in underpinning SI (v) utilisation of the cross-sectoral knowledge generated by this project by UK agri-businesses; (iii) utilisation of the data and knowledge generated by this project by the academic community.

1. Overarching project communication and promulgation:
To ensure full access in the public domain of up-to-date project activities and outputs, we will publish project-specific webpages, hosted on the Cranfield server, from the outset to introduce the work and describe approaches, subsequently to highlight progress, and to provide links to the existing companion SfL website. [Milestones: Revise existing website (Y1). Maintain and update website over duration of project (Y2,Y3,Y4)]. In addition,we will periodically (nominally at outset, mid-way and end) describe the project and associated outputs, via articles in the Cranfield E-zine (an opt-in electronically promulgated magazine) which is currently (2014) sent to >1750 relevant professionals in the sector. [Milestones: Publish Ezine articles].

2. Specific beneficiaries:
PW Group & participating PW Growers. This will comprise PW agronomists and key growers with whom the project partners would welcome insight and dialogue through the Project Advisory Group (PAG). Involvement of the PAG members in terms of realising wider adoption of 'Soil-for-Life' (SfL) via their associated networks will be encouraged. Particular emphasis will be placed on the levy boards and supermarkets. The PAG will stay in touch with project progress, inform the core team of opportunities and viewpoints, and interact with the wider stakeholder group via the project Web presence. The intention is to hold quarterly meetings of the PAG and one full project meeting per annum for a review and preview of the activities, progress and outcomes and a final wider dissemination meeting in 2017. Representatives of relevant levy boards will be invited to attend dissemination events held to coincide with these annual meetings. In addition, to facilitate route to market of SfL representatives of the Waitrose Agronomy Group (WAG) and Sainsbury's Sustainability Groups will also be invited to attend. Representatives from other major UK and global agri-businesses who are already aware of SfL will also be invited. The final project dissemination meeting will coincide with an industry wide dissemination event to which representatives from over 50 organizations to which SfL is directly relevant will be invited to attend. [Milestones: PAG, quarterly meetings, annual meetings and dissemination meetings.


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Description • Greater understanding of the complexity of Horticultural production systems.
• Understanding of the functionality of the Gate Keeper farm management platform and data contained there-in.
• Greater awareness of the challenges of undertaking data mining on grower data
• Key insights gained of the challenges of obtaining, cleaning, interrogating and visualising grower data
• Expertise in cloud based collaborative project tools (Office 365 SharePoint, Skype for Business, Office online)
• Greater understanding of missing 'soil health metrics' and more fundamentally the need to encourage growers, AHDB and agronomy companies to start to measure appropriate metrics of soil biological, physical and chemical health. This has led to Cranfield academics developing a series of research proposals to address this issue.
• Work relating to the adoption of Microsoft Azure tools within the project have corresponded with a parallel initiative by the IT department at Cranfield University to migrate campus network services into Azure. This has enabled a considerable sharing of knowledge and experience between the two groups to the greater benefit of the soil for life Project.
• Increased confidence in Microsoft support
• Increased expertise and experience in information processing and data storage configurations (data base)
• Increased awareness across the agricultural sector (growers and levy boards) of Cranfield's expertise in agri and environmental informatics.
• Greater awareness of soil health initiatives across UK agri-businesses e.g Hutchinsons, and NRM soil health suites, SOYL My Soil platform, Muddy Boots Greenlight.
The Cranfield informatics team now have a much greater understanding of the data fields that is held within Gate Keeper and how to rapidly check and transform this data into a database to which machine learning tools can be applied.
Exploitation Route The key outcome of the project is the development of a functional near commercially viable soil information management system that can be utilised by growers through a user informatics tool kit.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description The University's work with Produce World, one of the UK's largest vegetable growers and suppliers won the KTP 2015 RCUK Research Base Impact Award. Produce World and Cranfield University have been recognised for their work to establish a Soil Information Management System 'Soil-for-Life®' (SfL) which allows the company to map, assess and monitor soils across the business. The system, developed with Cranfield's expertise in soil science and database design, allows Produce World to improve its use of soils to optimise soil fertility, match crops to soil type, and therefore improve marketable yield of vegetables and the sustainability of its farming business. The Soil-for-Life project and approach was presented at the HIP ""Unlocking Innovation through Science and Collaboration" meeting 26th February 2015. In addition, SfL was presented to prospective investors at the 'Clean Equity' Event, Monaco 5-6th March 2015 and again during the 9-11th of March 2017. Innovate UK 2016 2-3 November 2016 KTN Managing & Improving Soil Health Workshop 14th March 2017, Sheffield. A spin-out company Soil For Life Ltd was established on the 4th March 2017. Articles highlighting Soil for Life have also been included in Trade Journals including, Arable Farming and Field Vegetables Review.
First Year Of Impact 2015
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Environment
Impact Types Economic

Title Input, transformation and interogation of whole farm soil an agronomic databases 
Description Currently Soil-for-life brings in data from existing farm management systems. We are working with Farmers who currently use a leading UK farm management system to store their farm data, this information can be exported from their system and imported into Soil-for-life. We are beginning to use machine learning to automate the process of importing the data and refining the system models. Training has been provided by Microsoft to help achieve this. This data is cleaned and presented back to the farmers visually via the web application with intra-farm soil nutrient level, pH benchmarking demonstrated. This is accompanied with recommendations against RB209 guidelines. The screenshots on the Soil-for-Life website show data supplied by one farmer for the purpose of application development. The prototype web application was demonstrated to this farmer and his feedback was unequivocally positive. 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Feedback from users of the prototype Soil-for-Life web application has been positive "For almost 20 years I have farmed over 4,000 acres of land, managing a diverse range of high value crops across a mixture of different farm systems and soil types. I must carry a huge amount of information in my head. Soil-for-life is starting to capture and present that valuable information back to me in an easily used form, allowing me to evaluate the impact of management and to identify long-term trends and changes to the farm. I am convinced that we do not know enough about what is happening below our feet and how management activities that we operate impact on the health of the soil. The benchmarking on fertility of the fields is very useful. The community concept of Soil for life I hope will gain sufficient strength that it will allow us to encourage companies to want to work together for the benefit of the farmer and the environment." (Andrew Williams, Home Farm Nacton) 
URL http://soil-for-life.co.uk/
Description Soil for Life has become a registered member of a philanthropic investment, Aquila partnership 
Organisation The Aquila Partnership
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Soil for Life became a registered member of the Aquila partnership in order to seek investor funding to continue to develop Soil-for-Life into a commercially viable service
Collaborator Contribution The Aquila partnership promotes Soil-for-Life across its investor network
Impact Still awaiting for investor funding
Start Year 2017
Company Name Burgess Farming Ltd 
Year Established 2004 
Impact The company Soil For Life Ltd was established on 4th March 2017. It is to early to define tangible impacts
Website http://www.produceworld.co.uk
Description Article in Research Features entitled 'Sustainability lies in the soil' which outlining the role that Soil-for-Life can play in unlocking the potential of soils through the new science of agri-informatics. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact An article outlining the The Research Features article went live on the 08-08-2017. As of the 04-10-17, there have been 137,258 page views, from 78,012 users. Globally, 29, 33, 17, 8, 5 and 8% of these web views were from North America, Europe & Nordics, Asia, Africa & Middle East, Australia & Oceania and South America, respectively.With regards Twitter, the article has had an audience of 13,622 with 986 engagements from a similar global coverage. In addition, the article has reached 32,284 people on Facebook with 19,942 engagements.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL http://cdn.researchfeatures.com/3d_issues/issue113/html5/index.html
Description CleanEquity Monaco, 2017 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Clean Equity is a private conference, which features up to 30 of the world's best in class next generation technology companies. Soil-for-life was slected to participate again in this conference

Soil-for-Life presented its vision and took the opportunity to network with prominent financial and corporate investors, established industry representatives, key policy makers, government officials, end users and international trade media.

Requests for further information and a detailed business plan were received
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL http://cleanequitymonaco.com/presenting-companies/2017-presenting-companies?sector=12
Description Innovate 2016 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Soil-for-Life was invited to have a stand at this 2-day event (2-3 November 2016) to show case UK innovation in agri-tech. The stand was visited by >100 attendees over the 2-day period. Follow up requests for further information regarding Soil-for-Life were also received including on-going discussions with Department for International Trade in Ethiopia
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL https://www.events.trade.gov.uk/innovate-uk-2016
Description Managing & Improving Soil Health Workshop 14th March 2017, Sheffield 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Soil-for-Life was showcased by Jonathan Tole of Produce World Ltd as an example of how industry and academia can work together to generate mutually beneficial outcomes. This was also taken as an opportunity to seek investment for the next stage of Soil-for-Life development.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL https://ktn-uk.co.uk/events/managing-and-improving-soil-health-workshop
Description On 7th March 2017 Soil-for-Life was presented at the NIAB Ventures Meeting of Minds scheme. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Soil-for-Life was presented by Jonathan Tole at a NIAB Ventures Meeting of Minds. This is a no-cost way for SMEs such as Soil-for-Life to meet with NIAB experts and consultants to discuss their business and their technology.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Presentation on Soil-for-Life at the Agri tech East 'Smarter Farming and connected framers' Give and Get exchange on 28th March 2017 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This engagement activity was to promote Soil-for-Life' and the concept of agri-informatics to a wide agri-business audience as well as to potential investors. A key outcome was further follow up and invitation to submit the Soil-for-Life business plan to the Agri-Tech East GROW business plan competition.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Soil-for-Life presented to agri-businesses as part of the Innovate UK Mission to Canada during 20th -25th March 2017 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact As part of the Innovate UK mission to Canada during 20th -25th March 2017 Soil-for-Life was show-cased to >20 Canadian agri-businesses.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2007
Description UK Agri-Tech Business Plan Competition 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The purpose of attending the GROW event (UK Agri-Tech Business Plan Competition) was to show-case Soil-for-Life and seek additional funding support from AgriTech East to develop Soil-for-Life further. Soil-for-Life was shortlisted as a finalist at the 2017 GROW competition https://www.agritech-east.co.uk/grow-final-today/
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL https://www.agritech-east.co.uk/grow-final-today/