Host factors in determining resistance to cryptosporidiosis in cattle.

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: The Roslin Institute


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Technical Summary

Cryptosporidium is a major cause of enteric disease in livestock. Our understanding of the host-pathogen interactions determining disease outcome is very limited. A notable aspect of bovine cryptosporidiosis is that neonatal calves are highly susceptible and often develop clinical disease, whereas older calves become infected but do not exhibit pathology. The factors underpinning this age-related susceptibility are very unclear, and this project aims to address the host factors involved in resistance to cryptosporidiosis. A significant current impediment for bovine cryptosporidiosis is the lack of a useful and relevant experimental model system to facilitate detailed analysis of host-parasite interaction. The rodent is a poor comparator for clinical disease in ruminants, and the ability to culture Cryptosporidium in vitro is limited. This project aims to tackle these gaps in capability and analyse in detail the innate and adaptive immune responses to Cryptosporidium infection in neonatal (< 1 week) and 6 week old cattle. We will (i) analyse the key cell-mediated immune responses during in vivo infections of naive calves (ii) analyse by confocal microscopy the initial host-parasite interaction in vitro using ex vivo derived epithelial primary cells from calves (iii) analyse host cell gene expression changes in response to parasite invasion and initial replication in the primary gut cells (iv) apply a 3D bovine gut organoid in vitro system to analyse the host-parasite interaction and explore the potential of propagating parasites in vitro and (v) examine translation of findings from experimental systems to a cohort of calves in the field. Outputs from the project will greatly improve our understanding of cattle resistance to cryptosporidiosis, informing vaccine development and breeding strategies and establishing an in vitro system that could revolutionise our capability to study relevant host-parasite interactions with Cryptosporidium.

Planned Impact

Cryptosporidiosis is the most important cause of enteric disease in young cattle in UK and worldwide and has also been cited as one of the leading causes of infant diarrhoea in humans by the WHO [1]. It is a neglected disease and there are no safe effective treatments or vaccines available to help prevent and control cryptosporidiosis. In discussions the applicants had with livestock producers leading to this proposal, farmers reported increased incidences of severe cryptosporidiosis within beef suckler units in Scotland. Beef industry leaders are very concerned about the lack of control options and have given their unreserved backing to this proposal in a letter of support.
The outputs from our project will make it possible to understand the host factors involved in determining resistance of cattle to cryptosporidiosis, which is essential to enable the development of prevention and control strategies based on vaccination and use of specific biomarkers in breeding programmes. In addition, infected livestock shed billions of parasites into the environment, resulting in an important source of infection for people and other animals. Cryptosporidium oocysts will survive for long periods in the environment and are resistant to normal water disinfection treatments and therefore pose significant economic and public health issues for water companies and governments.
Who might benefit from our project?
The outputs from our project will bring significant benefits to a wide range of different stakeholder groups. These include: those engaged in research involving protozoan parasites, bovine immunology and in vitro technologies applied to further our understanding of infectious disease; livestock producers from the dairy and beef industries; associated livestock health industries; environmental agencies, public health bodies; water companies; governments and policy makers and the public.
How might these stakeholders benefit from our project?
The research will be of great interest to academics in related scientific fields as the project will considerably improve our understanding of disease pathogenesis and host resistance to cryptosporidiosis in a relevant target host species. The application of innovative in vitro 3D culture technologies to enable detailed analysis of host-pathogen interactions in farm animal species will be of significant interest to researchers working to prevent and control infectious diseases of livestock and has the potential to substantially minimise the use of large animals in experiments going forward. We also wish to provide training for early career scientists in this area of research. Activity 1: Host international workshop on use of in vitro technologies to progress infectious disease research in livestock species.
The livestock industry in UK, and further afield, will benefit from the knowledge gained from our project by using new scientific evidence to direct resources effectively towards prevention and control strategies to tackle cryptosporidiosis. Outputs from the project will enable and target further work to test the feasibility of vaccination and using specific biomarkers to develop breeding programmes for improved resilience of livestock. We will also provide advice to livestock producers on managing Cryptosporidium infection on the farm. Activity 2: Host Industry day to discuss outputs from the project and identify collaborative areas going forward. Activity 3: Conduct on farm roadshow meetings in collaboration with farming organisations.
Policy makers, public health, environment and water companies will benefit from knowledge gained on how to control cryptosporidiosis on farms as this will reduce the resultant environmental contamination bringing economic and health benefits. Activity 4: Develop web-based materials and fact sheets on cryptosporidiosis prevention and control.
[1] Streipen B (2013) Nature 503: 189
Title MOESM1 of Development of in vitro enteroids derived from bovine small intestinal crypts 
Description Additional file 1. Video projection showing Z axis-projection of an enteroid whole-mount stained to detect cell nuclei. Video projection showing Z axis-projection of an enteroid whole-mount stained to detect cell nuclei. DAPI, blue. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2018 
Title MOESM1 of Development of in vitro enteroids derived from bovine small intestinal crypts 
Description Additional file 1. Video projection showing Z axis-projection of an enteroid whole-mount stained to detect cell nuclei. Video projection showing Z axis-projection of an enteroid whole-mount stained to detect cell nuclei. DAPI, blue. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2018 
Description We have successfully developed the first bovine enteroid culture system. This has involved isolating intestinal crypts from bovine Ileal tissue, and propagating the consequent enteroids in a custom-designed medium containing growth factors and inhibitors. The enteroids are representative of all relevant cell types in gut tissue, grow and divide through the presence of intestinal stem cells, and can be passaged continuously (we have currently maintained enteroids for at least 11 passages from isolation). Validation steps have been completed to ensure that the enteroids are (a) similar to normal ileal tissue and (b) their phenotype is stable over passage (qPCR of selected cell and tissue specific genes). This has been done via both immunohistochemistry against relevant proteins and RNAseq to evaluate global gene expression patterns. We have established the platform and completed initial experiments to assess that bovine intestinal enteroids can be used to study host-pathogen interactions with Cryptosporidium parvum in vitro. Additionally, we have characterised in detail the bovine neonatal immune response to C. parvum; this information is significantly lacking for the clinically relevant host (manuscript in preparation).
Exploitation Route The bovine organoid has several potential uses. Firstly, it provides a system for analysing any host-pathogen interaction in the bovine gut, making it a relevant platform for analysing many of the most economically important pathogens of livestock. The representation of all relevant cell types in the bovine gut also provide a significant benefit over, for example, purified primary cell monocultures. A further critical advantage is that these organoids are bovine-derived, meaning that the disadvantages of using model organisms are bypassed. Secondly, due to the ability to continuously passage the organoids, this system potentially paves the way for significant reduction of use of animals in research (as a project-specific example, analysing bovine epithelial cells currently requires fresh isolation and short-term maintenance of bovine primary cells from intestinal tissue).
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Members of the research group (Moredun collaborators) have taken part in knowledge exchange activities with sectors of the farming industry: 1. Healthy Beef from Whisky Country 13th October 2015: An on-farm discussion on the prevention and control of cryptosporidium in beef herds to farmers in the North East of Scotland held on the Glenlivet Estate followed by a lunch and panel discussion at the Glenlivet distillery. This event was put together by Moredun colleagues on this project in collaboration with the Crown Estates, High-Health scheme in Orkney and the local veterinary practices. 2. Prevention and Control of cryptosporidiosis in cattle: 10th November 2015: An evening discussion at Dunster town hall in Somerset, organised by Moredun colleagues on the project. 3. Prevention and control of cryptosporidiosis in cattle: 9th Nov 2015: An evening discussion at Hellingly, East Sussex. 4. Farmer phone in on cryptosporidiosis: 1st April: Sarah Thomson (Moredun postdoc on project) led a discussion and answered farmers questions in a live phone-in organised in collaboration with AHDB.
First Year Of Impact 2015
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink
Impact Types Policy & public services

Title In vitro culture of bovine intestinal enteroids 
Description We have developed the methodology for generating and culturing bovine intestinal enteroids - stem cell-derived 3-dimensional structures, including a lumen and crypts, and with all cell types represented. Importantly these are able to be continuously passaged, and can be cryopreserved. Therefore, they are (i) a more physiologically relevant in vitro model for the bovine intestine, (ii) represent a viable route to replacing animal use in the study of the bovine intestine - for example, in host-pathogen studies of important bovine enteric pathogens (potentially including drug screening). 
Type Of Material Model of mechanisms or symptoms - in vitro 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact While it is too early to assess impact of our research tool, we have already had multiple enquiries for collaboration and requests for advice on use of the technique, both within Roslin Institute and from external institutions. We predict that this will lead to a reduction in animal use as the use of enteroids becomes more wiodespread. 
Title MOESM2 of Development of in vitro enteroids derived from bovine small intestinal crypts 
Description Additional file 2. Details of the genes found in each co-expression cluster derived from the mRNA-seq analysis data. Table providing details of the genes found in each co-expression cluster in the network graph derived from the mRNA-seq analysis data. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title MOESM2 of Development of in vitro enteroids derived from bovine small intestinal crypts 
Description Additional file 2. Details of the genes found in each co-expression cluster derived from the mRNA-seq analysis data. Table providing details of the genes found in each co-expression cluster in the network graph derived from the mRNA-seq analysis data. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title MOESM4 of Development of in vitro enteroids derived from bovine small intestinal crypts 
Description Additional file 4. Representative GO term enrichment annotations for the genes in the largest 50 co-expression clusters. Table listing the representative GO term enrichment annotations for the genes in the largest 50 co-expression clusters derived from the network graph. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title MOESM4 of Development of in vitro enteroids derived from bovine small intestinal crypts 
Description Additional file 4. Representative GO term enrichment annotations for the genes in the largest 50 co-expression clusters. Table listing the representative GO term enrichment annotations for the genes in the largest 50 co-expression clusters derived from the network graph. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title mRNA-seq analysis data derived from in vitro bovine ileum enteroid cultures 
Description In vitro 3D enteroid, or "mini gut", cultures were prepared from bovine small intestinal (ileal) crypts. mRNA was isolated from bovine small intestinal crypts, freshly prepared enteroids (P0) and enteroids after multiple serial passages (P1-5). Global gene expression was compared in these samples by mRNA-seq. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Significant interest from many other researchers was generated from these data