Analysing how auxin dynamics control root phenotype
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Biosciences
The hormone auxin affects many aspects of plant growth. In the plant root, auxin affects how quickly the root grows, orients the root tip to grow downwards and determines when a new root branch will grow from the main root. Therefore, auxin controls the form of the whole root system, which affects how easily roots can take-up water and nutrients from the soil and how securely roots anchor the plant in the ground.
To control the growth, bending and branching of the root, the amount of auxin within each cell varies both between different cells and over time. The plant controls the auxin distribution by positioning different proteins and channels on the cell membranes, which affect how quickly auxin can get into and out of each cell. It is hard to predict how the amount of each protein/channel on each cell membrane affects the overall auxin distribution within the root tip. In this project, we will make and test mathematical models to investigate how the proteins/channels on the cell membranes affect the auxin distribution. We will then use these models to understand how auxin controls root growth, bending and branching.
To create an accurate model of auxin transport, we will first image cell geometries and the distributions of the proteins/channels on the cell membranes. Using this information, we will write down a mathematical description of how auxin moves into and out of each cell to form a mathematical model. We will then simulate and analyse the mathematical model to predict the auxin distribution within the plant root. In order to maximise the knowledge gained, we will use a range of mathematical techniques to produce different types of model, each having different advantages and being amenable to different types of analysis. We will then carefully compare the model results with experimental data. Because auxin is very small, we are unable to measure the amount of auxin within each cell and it is hard to measure the rate of auxin transport across cell membranes. We will therefore make use of fluorescent proteins that are degraded by auxin to collect data with which to test the models. We will carry out a range of experiments to thoroughly test the models, for example, considering roots in which certain proteins are not functional, or when auxin has been supplied to the root. In the event that the model predictions and data do not agree, we will use the models to develop new hypotheses and identify which new experiment would best test these. The modelling will therefore motivate new experiments, the results of which will lead to improved models, and we will move around what is known as the 'model-experimental' loop.
The project will improve our understanding of how auxin controls the plant root system by controlling the growth, bending and branching of the root. Determining what controls auxin dynamics in the plant root will provide us with knowledge of how to manipulate plant roots. In the longer term, this knowledge will lead to the development of crops with roots that are better suited to their environmental conditions, which will significantly improve crop yields. In addition, the project will produce rigorous mathematical models which will be analysed and tested using a wide range of techniques. These models and techniques could be applied to understand other biological questions and so will also be beneficial to future research.
To control the growth, bending and branching of the root, the amount of auxin within each cell varies both between different cells and over time. The plant controls the auxin distribution by positioning different proteins and channels on the cell membranes, which affect how quickly auxin can get into and out of each cell. It is hard to predict how the amount of each protein/channel on each cell membrane affects the overall auxin distribution within the root tip. In this project, we will make and test mathematical models to investigate how the proteins/channels on the cell membranes affect the auxin distribution. We will then use these models to understand how auxin controls root growth, bending and branching.
To create an accurate model of auxin transport, we will first image cell geometries and the distributions of the proteins/channels on the cell membranes. Using this information, we will write down a mathematical description of how auxin moves into and out of each cell to form a mathematical model. We will then simulate and analyse the mathematical model to predict the auxin distribution within the plant root. In order to maximise the knowledge gained, we will use a range of mathematical techniques to produce different types of model, each having different advantages and being amenable to different types of analysis. We will then carefully compare the model results with experimental data. Because auxin is very small, we are unable to measure the amount of auxin within each cell and it is hard to measure the rate of auxin transport across cell membranes. We will therefore make use of fluorescent proteins that are degraded by auxin to collect data with which to test the models. We will carry out a range of experiments to thoroughly test the models, for example, considering roots in which certain proteins are not functional, or when auxin has been supplied to the root. In the event that the model predictions and data do not agree, we will use the models to develop new hypotheses and identify which new experiment would best test these. The modelling will therefore motivate new experiments, the results of which will lead to improved models, and we will move around what is known as the 'model-experimental' loop.
The project will improve our understanding of how auxin controls the plant root system by controlling the growth, bending and branching of the root. Determining what controls auxin dynamics in the plant root will provide us with knowledge of how to manipulate plant roots. In the longer term, this knowledge will lead to the development of crops with roots that are better suited to their environmental conditions, which will significantly improve crop yields. In addition, the project will produce rigorous mathematical models which will be analysed and tested using a wide range of techniques. These models and techniques could be applied to understand other biological questions and so will also be beneficial to future research.
Technical Summary
Strategies to manipulate root systems represent a prime target for improving crop yields. Many aspects of plant root architecture are controlled in the root tip by the hormone auxin. Auxin controls the rate of root growth, tropic responses and lateral root development. These processes depend on the auxin dynamics; thus, understanding auxin dynamics is essential to understand root development.
In this New Investigator project, we will use a systems approach to analyse auxin dynamics in the root tip, and determine how auxin dynamics affect root phenotype. Our recent models revealed the distinct roles of the PIN efflux carriers and AUX1/LAX influx carriers in creating the auxin distribution in the root tip (Band et al . Plant Cell, 2014, Band and King, J. Math. Biol. 2012); however, the predicted auxin dynamics led us to question our understanding of how auxin controls root development. In this project, we will first fully characterise the auxin dynamics in the root tip by assessing the contributions of additional key components (such as ABCB transporters, plasmodesmata and pH variations) and employing novel techniques to parameterise and test our models. We will then investigate how auxin dynamics regulate root phenotype by coupling our auxin-transport models with biomechanical models to analyse how auxin controls root growth rates, gravitropic bending and lateral root initiation. As well as significantly improving our understanding of auxin-regulated root development, the project will generate a solid knowledge base and theoretical tools which will benefit future systems-biology research.
In this New Investigator project, we will use a systems approach to analyse auxin dynamics in the root tip, and determine how auxin dynamics affect root phenotype. Our recent models revealed the distinct roles of the PIN efflux carriers and AUX1/LAX influx carriers in creating the auxin distribution in the root tip (Band et al . Plant Cell, 2014, Band and King, J. Math. Biol. 2012); however, the predicted auxin dynamics led us to question our understanding of how auxin controls root development. In this project, we will first fully characterise the auxin dynamics in the root tip by assessing the contributions of additional key components (such as ABCB transporters, plasmodesmata and pH variations) and employing novel techniques to parameterise and test our models. We will then investigate how auxin dynamics regulate root phenotype by coupling our auxin-transport models with biomechanical models to analyse how auxin controls root growth rates, gravitropic bending and lateral root initiation. As well as significantly improving our understanding of auxin-regulated root development, the project will generate a solid knowledge base and theoretical tools which will benefit future systems-biology research.
Planned Impact
A wide range of people will benefit from this research, including the general public, plant breeders and researchers based in industry.
In understanding how plant growth is regulated, the knowledge from this project will benefit GLOBAL FOOD SECURITY. Although crop production has significantly increased over the past 50 years, during the so-called 'Green Revolution', the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations recently stated the need for global food production to increase by 70% by 2050. This aim is especially challenging given changing climates, water scarcity, competition for land and the need to reduce fertilisers to maintain healthy ecosystems. Such a complex issue has major implications throughout the world. Determining how to manipulate plant architecture is a prime target for increasing food production.
In determining how auxin regulates root phenotype, the knowledge and specific predictions generated during this project will be of commercial interest, both for large international companies and smaller plant breeders. The project will determine which genetic variations exert the most impact on root growth, gravitropism and lateral root initiation. In the longer term, I anticipate that these results would enable breeders to develop plants with root systems that are better suited to their environmental conditions, resulting in higher crop yields and enabling crops to be grown in conditions where they not currently financially viable. To maximise the impact of my research, I have recently developed a collaboration with Prof Jonathan Lynch at Penn State to create multiscale models to determine how regulation at the root tip affects the full root systems architecture. Prof Lynch works closely with plant breeders throughout the world and I envisage this collaboration will lead to the key results of this project being fully exploited in crop species, such as Maize, Rice and Brassica rapa (which have genomes that are closely related to Arabidopsis). As described in my Pathways to Impact, I will actively promote the project results to other plant breeders and agronomists.
As well as the clear academic benefit to the plant science and modelling communities, this project will generate biological insights and modelling tools that would be of wide interest for researchers in industry. By targeting appropriate conferences, we will share our results with industrial researchers and we will make data and models publicly available, as described in the Data Sharing statement.
Plant systems biology is an excellent topic to attract public interest into scientific research and inspire the next generation of scientists, showcasing both science generally and specifically highlighting how mathematics is being used to solve real-world problems. As detailed in the Pathways to Impact, we will actively bring this research to the attention of the public through outreach events and the media. Such opportunities will be identified in collaboration with the expertise of University of Nottingham's Communications Office and the School of Biosciences Outreach Officer.
In understanding how plant growth is regulated, the knowledge from this project will benefit GLOBAL FOOD SECURITY. Although crop production has significantly increased over the past 50 years, during the so-called 'Green Revolution', the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations recently stated the need for global food production to increase by 70% by 2050. This aim is especially challenging given changing climates, water scarcity, competition for land and the need to reduce fertilisers to maintain healthy ecosystems. Such a complex issue has major implications throughout the world. Determining how to manipulate plant architecture is a prime target for increasing food production.
In determining how auxin regulates root phenotype, the knowledge and specific predictions generated during this project will be of commercial interest, both for large international companies and smaller plant breeders. The project will determine which genetic variations exert the most impact on root growth, gravitropism and lateral root initiation. In the longer term, I anticipate that these results would enable breeders to develop plants with root systems that are better suited to their environmental conditions, resulting in higher crop yields and enabling crops to be grown in conditions where they not currently financially viable. To maximise the impact of my research, I have recently developed a collaboration with Prof Jonathan Lynch at Penn State to create multiscale models to determine how regulation at the root tip affects the full root systems architecture. Prof Lynch works closely with plant breeders throughout the world and I envisage this collaboration will lead to the key results of this project being fully exploited in crop species, such as Maize, Rice and Brassica rapa (which have genomes that are closely related to Arabidopsis). As described in my Pathways to Impact, I will actively promote the project results to other plant breeders and agronomists.
As well as the clear academic benefit to the plant science and modelling communities, this project will generate biological insights and modelling tools that would be of wide interest for researchers in industry. By targeting appropriate conferences, we will share our results with industrial researchers and we will make data and models publicly available, as described in the Data Sharing statement.
Plant systems biology is an excellent topic to attract public interest into scientific research and inspire the next generation of scientists, showcasing both science generally and specifically highlighting how mathematics is being used to solve real-world problems. As detailed in the Pathways to Impact, we will actively bring this research to the attention of the public through outreach events and the media. Such opportunities will be identified in collaboration with the expertise of University of Nottingham's Communications Office and the School of Biosciences Outreach Officer.

Band LR
Plasmodesmata play a key role in leaf vein patterning.
in PLoS biology

Band LR
Auxin fluxes through plasmodesmata.
in The New phytologist

Bhosale R
A mechanistic framework for auxin dependent Arabidopsis root hair elongation to low external phosphate.
in Nature communications

Casanova-Sáez R
Auxin Metabolism Controls Developmental Decisions in Land Plants.
in Trends in plant science

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The Virtual Root : Mathematical Modeling of Auxin Transport in the Arabidopsis Root Tip Using the Open-Source Software SimuPlant.
in Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)

Dietrich D
Root hydrotropism is controlled via a cortex-specific growth mechanism.
in Nature plants

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Cell Death in Cells Overlying Lateral Root Primordia Facilitates Organ Growth in Arabidopsis.
in Current biology : CB

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Quiescent center initiation in the Arabidopsis lateral root primordia is dependent on the SCARECROW transcription factor.
in Development (Cambridge, England)

Identification of QTL and underlying genes for root system architecture associated with nitrate nutrition in hexaploid wheat
in Journal of Integrative Agriculture

Hilleary R
The sum is greater than the parts: Co-dependent auxin efflux is mediated by ABCBs and PINs.
in The Plant cell
Description | This project has revealed that auxin fluxes through plasmodesmata (small pores that link the cytoplasms of adjacent cells) has a major impact on the auxin distribution in the plant root tip. Developing our cell-based mathematical modelling framework (Band et al, Plant Cell, 2014), we compared predicted and observed root-tip auxin distributions and found that that root-tip auxin distribution cannot be accounted for by carrier-mediated transport alone. We found that incorporating plasmodesmatal auxin fluxes into our model improved the agreement between model predictions and data under a range of genetic and chemical perturbations, and that manipulating the plasmodesmatal permeability (both experimentally and theoretically) perturbs the auxin distribution. Our study revealed that plasmodesmatal auxin fluxes allow auxin to move from regions of high concentration to low concentration which enables auxin reflux into the inner root layers and increases the total root tip auxin. The resulting research article has been published in Development (Mellor et al 2020). This project has also characterised the role of the ABCB auxin transporters in the root tip, by incorporating ABCB-mediated auxin efflux into our multicellular root-tip model. We have evaluated hypothesised ABCB functions and tested the predicted DII-VENUS distributions using knockout mutants. As part of this project, we have also investigated the auxin dynamics underlying lateral root initiation. Experimental results led us to hypothesise that auxin released from the root cap during programmed cell death (PCD) could be creating auxin pulses. To test this hypothesis, we developed our multicellular root-tip auxin-transport model to simulate the auxin dynamics after PCD; the model revealed that the auxin transporters led to a transient auxin peak in the cells that are later primed for lateral root initiation. This modelling work contributed to an interdisciplinary paper in collaboration with Prof Tom Beeckman and Dr Steffen Vanneste, VIB, U Ghent (Xuan et al, Science, 2016). This project has also contributed to studies on auxin metabolism and hydrotropism. |
Exploitation Route | Non-academic: The auxin dynamics in the root tip regulate many aspects of root phenotype and thus play a major role in controlling the entire root system. Having a better understanding of the processes that control root phenotype can help plant breeders in breeding varieties that have improved root systems in different conditions. Our findings will be published in open access journal articles to ensure they are easily accessible. Academic: The findings of our project have motivated further questions about the roles of auxin transport and metabolism in controlling plant phenotype, which may be taken forward by both ourselves and others in this research field. Furthermore, we have further developed our cell-based modelling framework and modelling methodologies which will benefit future plant modelling studies. |
Sectors | Agriculture Food and Drink Environment |
Description | Having a better understanding of the processes that control root phenotype can help plant breeders in breeding varieties that have improved root systems in different conditions. The root tip auxin distribution plays a major role in controlling root growth and branching and environmental plasticity in these processes. Our findings on the roles of plasmodesmata and the ABCB auxin transporters were published in high-profile journals and have been highly cite; these findings were published in an open access format to ensure they are easily accessible. This project has also contributed to various outreach activities, impacting public understanding of science. We have contributed to public outreach days (SBfest 2017, Undergraduate Open day, 2018), delivered workshops to school children (Nottingham Potential Summer School 2018, Sutton Trust Summer School 2018) and given a talk to undergraduates (Gatsby summer school) which was also provided online ( |
First Year Of Impact | 2020 |
Sector | Agriculture, Food and Drink,Education |
Impact Types | Societal |
Description | Nottingham Research Fellowship |
Amount | £189,549 (GBP) |
Organisation | University of Nottingham |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 09/2017 |
End | 09/2020 |
Description | Paper enhancement fund: Analysing how auxin dynamics control root phenotype. |
Amount | £9,689 (GBP) |
Organisation | University of Nottingham |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 04/2019 |
End | 07/2019 |
Description | Microscopy demonstration at the Open day, 2018 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Dr Darren Wells ran a session demonstrating plant science microscopy to prospective undergraduate students and their parents. The activity sparked questions and a number of students suggested that they are now keen to come to the U Nottingham to pursue biology or plant science undergraduate degrees. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | Molecular Biology Workshop in Benin, West Africa |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | A capacity building project developed by JR Biotek Foundation to foster research and innovation in sub-Saharan Africa through the provision of world-class scientific teaching, training and resources to researchers and academics in African universities and research institutes. We provided a range of services including Teaching Workshops, Laboratory Instrument Building Workshops and an Online Learning Platform to enable the continuing professional development of Africa-based research scientists and students. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
URL | |
Description | Nottingham Potential Summer School |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Talk and group activity on the topic of 'The Maths of Plants' with a group of around 30 local A-level students. Some discussion on the importance of crop research and how maths is used to optimise yields. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | Presentation at Gatsby summer school |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Undergraduate students |
Results and Impact | I was invited to give an hour long presentation at the undergraduate summer school run by the Gatsby charitable trust. The was attended by around 80 first year biology undergraduates who were interested in learning more about plant sciences, with 3 students chosen from each of the participating universities across the country. My talk described how mathematics is being used in plant science research, and used some of the research developed in this grant to demonstrate the power of an interdisciplinary approach to science. Students reported that the lecture changed their perception of how plant science research is carried out. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2017 |
URL | |
Description | SBfest 2017 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr Ute Voss contributed to a stall promoting our plant science research and research facilities at the campus-wide public outreach open day. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2017 |
Description | Sutton Trust Summer School |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Talk and group activity on the topic of 'The Maths of Plants' with a group of around 30 local A-level students. Some discussion on the importance of crop research and how maths is used to optimise yields. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | youtube video of hour-long talk describing how maths is used to understand plant science |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Undergraduate students |
Results and Impact | A talk I gave to undergraduates at the Gatsby Summer school was recorded by a professional company and made into a youtube video. The talk uses some of the research carried out in this grant to demonstrate how mathematics is being used in current plant science research. The resulting youtube video is being promoted by the website that supports UK biology students aged between 17 and 21, providing them with science news, careers guidance, and study skills support. My talk has had 54 views on youtube in 4 months. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2017 |
URL | |