Structures and Mechanisms of RNA polymerase inhibition and activation

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Infectious Disease


RNA polymerase is a fundamental cellular machinery responsible for converting genetic information stored in DNA to another genetic molecule, called RNA, that can then be converted to protein or act in another regulatory capacity. Accessing information in DNA occurs in a complex, highly controlled process called gene transcription and the core molecular machinery, the RNAP enzyme, is conserved from bacteria to humans. Gene transcription is a highly regulated event in development and a major response to growth and environmental stimuli in all known living systems. Although significant advance has been made towards understanding how RNAP functions as an enzyme, including the work recognised by the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2006, how RNAP itself is controlled by factors that signal special cellular states and events, is still poorly understood.

We use the bacterial RNAP and its major variant sigma factor, sigma54, as a simplified model system to study how RNAP stays in an inhibited state and how activator proteins, acting remotely from where transcription will start, utilise cellular energy in the form of a high energy molecule called ATP, to convert the RNAP from an inactive enzyme to a transcriptionally competent enzyme. We have just determined the crystal structure of RNAP-sigma54 so that we now have a detailed view of what RNAP-sigma54 looks like. Our structure explains how sigma54 maintains RNAP in an inhibited state. Furthermore, we discovered many of the inhibitory strategies we see are shared to some extent by other bacterial and eukaryotic factors and reveal there are conserved hotspots in RNAP that are targeted to varying degrees by different elements and transcriptional factors to fine-tune transcription inhibition.

In this current proposed research, we plan to utilise our newly acquired knowledge, experience and reagents already generated to address fundamental questions on how this inhibited state is relieved by activator. This is likely to shed light into how RNAP in humans, plants and animals is activated. Furthermore, we want to exploit the structural features of the inhibited state to design novel antibiotics that inhibit gene transcription by attacking important sites and surfaces on the bacterial RNAP enzyme that have not been targeted before for drug therapies. Inhibiting bacterial RNAP, and hence gene transcription, is a validate antibiotic strategy e.g. in controlling TB infections, so our work should provide novel avenues for effective antibiotic development at a time when it is crucial to have new reagents to control dangerous pathogenic bacteria of humans and animals.

Technical Summary

RNA polymerase is a fundamental cellular machinery responsible for gene transcription. RNAP is conserved from bacteria to humans. Gene transcription is a highly regulated event in response to cues in development, growth and many varying environmental stimuli. Although significant advance has been made towards understanding how RNAP functions as an enzyme, how RNAP is controlled by in cis and in trans acting factors , is still poorly understood. This is critical to RNAP sensing the outputs of signal transduction pathways.

We use the bacterial RNAP and its major variant sigma factor sigma54 as a simplified model system, important in many bacteria, to study how RNAP stays in an inhibited state and how activator proteins acting remotely from transcriptional start site utilise a AAA+ ATPase to convert it from an inactive enzyme to a transcriptionally competent enzyme. We have just determined the crystal structure of RNAP-sigma54 at 3.8 Å. Our structure explains how sigma54 maintains RNAP in an inhibited state. Furthermore, we discovered many of the inhibitory strategies are shared to some extent by other bacterial and eukaryotic factors and reveal there are conserved hotspots in RNAP that are targeted to varying degrees by different elements and transcriptional factors to fine-tune transcription inhibition. Here, we plan to utilise our newly acquired knowledge, expertise and reagents already generated to address fundamental mechanistic questions of how this inhibited state is relieved by AAA+ activators. Outcomes will also shed light on AAA+ proteins and how other RNAPs are activated. Furthermore, we want to exploit the structural features of the inhibited state to design novel antibiotics that inhibit gene transcription. Bacterial RNAP is a validated antimicrobial target,and some of the controlling hotspots we identified are not targeted by current antibiotics. So our work should provide novel avenues for new effective antibiotic developments against pathog

Planned Impact

Key groups who will be impacted upon by the proposed research are:

(i) Academics: The academic sector will be the main short to medium term beneficiary, as the proposed research will provide knowledge, reagents and new structures of a pervasive ATPase driven gene regulation response system in E. coli, a major studied bacterium widely used to unravel the basic life processes for many decades. Furthermore, the project will provide a clear opportunity for career development and training of individuals, both nationally and internationally.Importantly in vitro mechanistic data from new structures and biochemistry will be used to help tackle controlling gene expression in vivo for antimicrobials developments .
(ii) Society at large: Benefits to society at large will be twofold: In the short term, the proposed project will provide employment and training for individuals at the postdoctoral level providing experience of project design, management as well as its high level scientific implementation, thereby directly contributing to the national economy. The interdisciplinary nature of the proposed research will greatly enhance training of the associated PDRAs, especially with respect to their ability to work within large interdisciplinary teams and deploy cutting edge approaches. Longer term benefits include impacts on health care through stimulating the formulation of new antimicrobials and refining the usage of existing ones.
iii) Industry: The industrial sector is another potential long-term beneficiary. The proposed research will generate knowledge that could potentially be exploited for new product development by the biotech and agri tech industries (e.g. against therapeutically proven antimicrobial targets). Research results could potentially identify novel targets for therapeutic intervention at protein/RNA, protein/protein and protein/DNA interaction level. The IC Business Development teams would be a valuable resource in supporting any (long term) future commercial development arising from this research. Similarly, this would benefit from the expertise offered by IC Innovations teams in the area of translating research into marketable products.
iv) Government: One of the remits of the new IC Institute for Global Health is to translate new scientific knowledge into applications to improve global health by influencing international policy. Expertise offered by the IC Institute for Global Health could therefore be exploited for using discoveries made as a result of the proposed research to inform future health care policies.

Exploitation and Application: A number of structures exist within ICL for exploitation of knowledge gained and the development of beneficial applications. For example, we could make use of the expertise offered by ICL Innovations teams in the area of translating research into marketable products. In addition, we have the opportunity to benefit from input and advice from IC Drug Discovery Centre's multi-disciplinary team whose remit is to translate early research into drug discovery projects. Results from the project will provide opportunities for novel drug-target discovery centered around protein/RNA, protein/protein and protein/DNA interactions.

For drug discovery, and noting the diminishing content of the pipelines that feed this aim, one possibility is that, as a result of the proliferation of technologies intended to enable drug discovery, the basic biological questions are being overlooked or ignored. Technological development in high throughput target identification, screening, library synthesis, and validation have their place, but they are essentially just tools, and a clear understanding of the underlying biology is paramount.This project affords such a deep mechanistic understanding of cellular responses that can then frame new approaches to drug discovery.


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Description Our DNA needs to be accessed to make proteins which carry our cellular activities. DNA first needs to be transcribed into mRNA and this process is carried out by RNAP. Our original aims were set out to answer how a special transcription machinery maintains an inhibited state and how it is activated and what is the 3D structural organisation of the machinery when it synthesises mRNA. We have achieved almost all these original aims set out in the grant. Work from this award has yielded two major publications in international leading journals (Glyde et al. Mol Cell 2017; Glyde et al, Mol Cell 2018). These two publications are based on several 3D structures obtained using cryo electron microscopy and these structures reveal several novel molecular mechanistic insights: 1) we revealed that DNA is distorted when the major variant sigma54 recruits RNAP to DNA, through interactions between DNA and sigma54 . Our structures also provide molecular basis on how sigma54 maintains RNAP in a state unable to proceed to transcription, 2) we reveal that activator proteins induce conformational changes in sigma54 and DNA that promote DNA opening up and allowing it to enter RNAP active site, 3) We reveal how DNA is loaded into the RNAP active site and the conformational changes occurring in RNAP and sigma54. Our results challenge the established model and propose a new coupled load and melt model for DNA loading. 4) We reveal a novel mode to maintain the openned up DNA ( transcription bubble) and we show that initial transcription involves DNA scrunching. Overall our research from this award answers a number of long standing fundamental questions concerning how transcription is initiated and provided unpreceded details on the mechanism of sigma54-dependent transcription.

Our research funded by this award enabled 2 postdocs and 1 PhD student to be trained in multi-disciplinary research including newly developed high resolution cryo electron microscopy field. Indeed, the PhD student has since moved to industry, utilising and applying his computational and quantitative analysis skillsets. The two postdocs continue in research with one of them about to take on an independent academic position. Further, we have developed expertise and new protocol , for example in producing large amount of DNA suitable for structural studies. We have also adopted new methods for cryoEM grids preparation that are now widely used in our laboratory and have been published so that other researchers could utilise in their studies.

The research has also opened up new research questions that have subsequently been awarded new research funding (BBSRC) and new PhD studentships (one BBSRC DTP, and one self-funded international PhD student).

Further, we have attracted new collaborations (Durham university) to address how a bacteriophage protein inhibits RNA polymerase, and that work has yielded a further publication (Ye et al. eLife 2020). We have also attracted an international visiting scientist and our collaborative work has unravelled how RamA contributes to antibiotic resistance (Hao et al., Adv Sci 2022).

In summary, this has been one of our most successful research program, both in terms of scientific knowledge, training, protocol generated and collaborations.
Exploitation Route The output has opened up new research questions, challenge existing dogmas on how DNA melting occurs and how DNA transcription bubble is formed and loaded. This will allow new research directions (by us and others) to be taken to investigate the mechanisms of fundamental biology. Furthermore, it opens up new avenues for antibiotic development. Our deposited structures and published results and methodologies can also help others in the field for structural mechanistic studies and to design new experiments and antibiotics based on structural information.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description We provide cryoEM maps and structural models of bacteriophage protein OCR in complex with RNAP 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Our work provides a molecular basis for how bacteriophage protein OCR inhibits transcription of bacteria, thus allowing bacteriophage to successfully infect bacteria. The structures suggest possible strategies that could be exploited in adopting DNA mimicry and forms a basis for novel antibiotics development. 
Title RamA-RNAP transcription complexes 
Description cryoEM maps and models of RamA-dependent transcriptional complexes at class I and class II promoter sites. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact It unravels how RamA recruits RNAP machinery to the two genes involved in antibiotic resistance, thus providing structural and molecular basis for RamA-dependent antibiotic resistance. 
Title cryoEM maps and models of RNAP transcription initiation intermediate complexes 
Description We provide cryoEM maps and structural models of an intermediate complex caught during transcription initiation as well as open promoter complex and a initial transcribing complex. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Gene transcription is carried out by multi-subunit RNA polymerases (RNAPs). Transcription initiation is a dynamic multi-step process that involves the opening of the double-stranded DNA to form a transcription bubble and delivery of the template strand deep into the RNAP for RNA synthesis. We capture a new intermediate state at 4.1 Å where promoter DNA is caught at the entrance of the RNAP cleft. Combining with new structures of the open promoter complex and an initial de novo transcribing complex at 3.4 and 3.7 Å, respectively, our studies reveal the dynamics of DNA loading and mechanism of transcription bubble stabilization that involves coordinated, large-scale conformational changes of the universally conserved features within RNAP and DNA. In addition, our studies reveal a novel mechanism of DNA strand separation. 
Title cryoEM maps and structures of RNA polymerase closed and intermediate complexes 
Description We provide cryoEM maps and structures of bacterial transcription complexes containing the major variant sigma factors, in particular the closed and intermediate complex. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Gene transcription is carried out by RNA polymerases (RNAPs). For transcription to occur, the closed promoter complex (RPc), where DNA is double stranded, must isomerize into an open promoter complex (RPo), where the DNA is melted out into a transcription bubble and the single-stranded template DNA is delivered to the RNAP active site. Using a bacterial RNAP containing the alternative s54 factor and cryoelectron microscopy, we determined structures of RPc and the activator-bound intermediate complex en route to RPo at 3.8 and 5.8 Å. Our structures show how RNAP-s54 interacts with promoter DNA to initiate the DNA distortions required for transcription bubble formation, and how the activator interacts with RPc, leading to significant conformational changes in RNAP and s54 that promote RPo formation. We propose that DNA melting is an active process initiated in RPc and that the RNAP conformations of intermediates are significantly different from that of RPc and RPo. 
Description Durham 
Organisation Durham University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Carrying out scientific research and reporting the results via publication
Collaborator Contribution providing reagents and knowledge
Impact Publication: Ye et al. eLife 2020.
Start Year 2018
Description School lecture 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact I gave a lecture to A level students at a girl's grammar school. I talked about my journey into science and my current career and blended in with my research and science. Questions and answers session followed this and it was very positive and indeed a number of students emailed me immediately afterwards asking about work experience in my lab. Unfortunately this event had to be conducted online due to COVID19.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Talk to private donor 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I was approached by a potential private donor - due to our work advertised online and through funding bodies. I spoke to them about what we do and what the potential impact might be. Subsequently I received £12500 private donation to my research. The donors even suggested to have a drive to get more donations to my work. I was very touched and proud that our research has inspired general public in such a way.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description hosting school students 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Annually I host 2-4 school and undergraduate students for work experience in my lab to encourage them to pursue science at degree and postgraduate levels
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2018,2019,2020