Genetic and mechanical approaches to enhancing crop seed vigour

Lead Research Organisation: University of Birmingham
Department Name: Sch of Biosciences


Seeds are the start and end point for the vast majority of human agriculture. The annual global seed trade is currently valued at over £34 billion, and the production and sale of high quality seeds which germinate uniformly and rapidly underpin this industry.
Seeds experience a range of stresses in the field prior to crop establishment. These include low water stress and mechanical impedance from compact soils. Seed vigour refers to the ability of seed to germinate and establish seedlings across a wide range of environmental conditions, and defines the success of crop establishment in the field. This is a key determinant of yield as the absence of a plant leads to no end product to harvest. Improving this trait in crops is a primary goal of the agricultural industry, however the underlying mechanisms of vigour remain poorly understood.
The growth of plant cells is a mechanical process driven by internal turgor pressure pushing against the surrounding cell wall. Cells get bigger when the surrounding cell wall is weakened and yields in response to internal turgor. Genes which encode proteins that are secreted to the cell wall and modify its structural composition and strength have been identified. Once such protein is named expansin, and acts to loosen cell wall structures, permitting cell growth.
The seed to seedling transition is driven exclusively through cell expansion in the absence of cell divisions. The ability to generate of mechanical force sufficient to counteract external stresses defines the ability of a seedling to establish across a wide range of environmental conditions, and hence be vigorous. Increasing the expression of expansin enables seedling establishment under stress conditions which normally limit this process. Seed vigour may therefore be considered a mechanically driven agronomic trait and the control of expansin expression a target.
This project takes an interdisciplinary approach to uncover the genetic factors and mechanical basis of the seed to seedling transition, and seed vigour. We previously identified proteins which represent high confidence candidate regulators of expansin gene expression. Increasing expansin gene expression can increase seed vigour making these genetic targets to enhance seed vigour. These genes will be explored in the model plant system Arabidopsis. These findings will be extended to enhance seed vigour in the crop species Brassica oleracea. Mutations within newly characterized vigour genes will be identified in different Brassica plants. Together with industrial partner Syngenta, the vigour of these new Brassica seeds will be characterized. This will lead to the identification of varieties which can be used directly in breeding programs to enhance seedling establishment, field crop performance and yield.
We have previously shown that the size, shape and arrangement of cells can influence the early stages of seed germination in response to growth-promoting gene expression, such as expansin. This observation highlighted the presence of mechanical constraints on plant growth. How these constraints affect the growth of seedlings however remains unknown. Understanding the mechanical basis of the seed to seedling transition is of central importance to understanding the establishment of crops in the field and seed vigour. Using a combination of 3D image analysis and mechanical modelling, the relationship between growth promoting gene expression and seedling growth will be established. In this way the mechanical basis of seedling establishment and seed vigour will be uncovered.
Enhancing Brassica seed vigour will increase both crop yields and food security during this period of rapid climate change. The findings in this project may in turn may in turn be extended to other crop species.

Technical Summary

Plant growth is a mechanically driven process mediated by the opposing forces of internal turgor pressure and the restraint of the surrounding cell wall. The expression of cell wall loosening genes, such as expansin, promote the growth of plant cells.
The seed to seedling transition is driven exclusively by cell expansion and represents the starting point for the vast majority of world agriculture. "Seed vigour" refers to the ability of seedlings to establish across a wide range of environmental conditions, and enhancing this trait is a primary objective of the agricultural industry.
This project takes a bottom-up approach to understanding plant growth and improving seed vigour by characterizing the factors which directly regulate expansin gene expression. Transcription factors (TFs) that physically interact with the promoters of expansin genes expressed during Arabidopsis seed germination were identified using a targeted yeast screen. The functional role of these TFs in the control of embryo growth and seed vigour and will be characterized in this model species.
Together with industrial partner Syngenta, vigour-mediating TFs will also be characterized in the crop species Brassica oleracea. Plants carrying mutations in these target genes will be identified from the TILLING population and phenotyped according to industrially-defined criteria. Genetically vigorous germplasm will be identified and used to enhance this crop trait through conventional breeding.
The mechanical basis of seedling growth and vigour will also be determined using a 3D mechanical modelling framework. The relationship between expansin gene expression and observed growth will be determined at single cell resolution. The cellular sites conferring vigour to seedlings will be defined in both Arabidopsis and Brassica.
The yield-limiting effects of climate change are commonly manifest at the crop establishment stage. Outputs of this project will enhance both seed vigour and food security.

Planned Impact

Impacts for Society
Food security is increasingly coming under threat with climate change. The enhancement of seed vigour is central in the ability to produce food under variable climatic conditions. If seeds cannot germinate and seedlings cannot establish across diverse environmental stresses, plants cannot establish in the field and there is no harvest. The impact of this work is therefore central to food production in a changing climate and sustaining food security.
A partnership with seed industry leader Syngenta will ensure that seeds with increased vigour are accurately identified and characterised in a commercially relevant context. Working with this company also ensures that the novel alleles identified reach existing breeding programs to enhance food security by increasing seed vigour.
This significance of seed quality and outputs of this research project will be shared with the greater public through public outreach events at the Birmingham ThinkTank science museum, and through Birmingham University Community Days events.
Economic impacts
The global seed trade is worth over £34 billion annually and is underpinned by the sale of high quality and vigorous seed. Improving seed vigour is a primary objective of the agricultural industry to enhance stand establishment, enhancing food security in a time of climate change.
The identification of genetic targets that enhanced seed vigour has great economic potential and provide a competitive edge in commercial seed sales. Exploitation of these targets through the characterization of Brassica germplasm with enhanced vigour translates this research directly through industrial partnership with Syngenta. These targets may in turn be manipulated in other species and represent strong candidates for yield enhancement across diverse crops.
Training for the PDRA will be diverse and endow the named researcher with skills in quantitative image analysis, physiological analyses of seed performance, cutting edge computational 3D mechanical modelling and work with the crop species Brassica oleracea. The time spent with industrial partner Syngenta will provide the PDRA the additional opportunity to make contacts in industry, learn about commercial objectives and standards while getting training on industrial machinery and work environment. This will have an added value as well to the Bassel laboratory as this knowledge is brought back to The University of Birmingham.
Academic impact
The genetic and mechanical mechanisms driving plant growth, and more specifically the seed to seedling transition in plants remain poorly understood. Using a cutting edge interdisciplinary approach, this project will characterize the genetic factors which influence the biomechanical properties of plants cells, and uncover the cellular sites in seedlings where cellular mechanics both promote and limit organ growth. These findings will fill key gaps in our understanding of plant growth and provide novel cellular insight into a key transition in plants. Linking cellular level regulatory interaction to organ-level 3D cellular mechanical dynamics will bridge the link between gene expression and a developmental transition in plants. Uncovering the cellular mechanical basis of seedling growth will enable targeted re-engineering of this process to enhance this crop trait. Understanding the regulatory networks which affect the biophysical properties of plant cells will also fill a large gap in our understanding of plant growth. This work will also extend novel approaches developed in model systems to crops to enhance their performance and food security.


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publication icon
Bassel G (2018) Information Processing and Distributed Computation in Plant Organs in Trends in Plant Science

publication icon
Bassel GW (2016) To Grow or not to Grow? in Trends in plant science

publication icon
Bassel GW (2016) Quantifying morphogenesis in plants in 4D. in Current opinion in plant biology

publication icon
Duran-Nebreda S (2020) Efficient vasculature investment in tissues can be determined without global information. in Journal of the Royal Society, Interface

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Duran-Nebreda S (2019) Plant behaviour in response to the environment: information processing in the solid state. in Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences

publication icon
Duran-Nebreda S (2017) Bridging Scales in Plant Biology Using Network Science. in Trends in plant science

Title Figure S3 from Efficient vasculature investment in tissues can be determined without global information 
Description Scaling in average path length in networks with vascular systems constructed using a purely local metric 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Figure S3 from Efficient vasculature investment in tissues can be determined without global information 
Description Scaling in average path length in networks with vascular systems constructed using a purely local metric 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Figure S4 from Efficient vasculature investment in tissues can be determined without global information 
Description 2D templates used in this study: 42 (A), 100 (B), 400 (C) and 992 (D) templates. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Title Figure S4 from Efficient vasculature investment in tissues can be determined without global information 
Description 2D templates used in this study: 42 (A), 100 (B), 400 (C) and 992 (D) templates. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Description This work has identified the molecular networks that link the perception of environmental signals to the control of seed germination. This represents a step change in our understanding of the control of seed germination by identifying the molecular networks which underpin this process.

In collaboration with industrial partner Syngenta, we are levergaing these findings to develop tomato plants which have enhanced seed germination properties.
Exploitation Route These alleles represent targets for improving seed vigour, and central objective of the £52 billion global seed industry. Part of this project will involve tranferring these traits into crop species with compromised germination traits.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description The findings of this work in collaboration with the Industrial Partner Syngenta have led to the investigation of target genes which may lead to enhanced seed vigour in horticultural species. This is currently being investigated by Syngenta. The single seed luciferase monitoring system allows the future performance of seeds to be predicted by following traces in the early events of seed germination. This can serve as a means to sort seeds and improve crop performance. We have further developed a genetic approach to rationally engineer the synchronization of seed germination in seed populations. This promises to improve agriculture through the uniform establishment of crops in the field.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink
Impact Types Societal


Title Quantitative analysis of 3D cell shape changes in plants 
Description A computational method to image and quantitatitve analyse changes in the 3D shape of plant cells. The statistical analysis of these changes has also been developed. This represents the first tool to comprehensively analysis the growth of plant cells in 3D over time. 
Type Of Material Biological samples 
Year Produced 2014 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This approach formed the basis of the PNAS paper in 2014, and continues to be a part of the work we are doing in the project, looking at the genetic control of cell shape changes across whole organs. 
Title Cellular resolution connectivity networks describing cell organization in whole organs 
Description This is an image analysis pipeline used to extract cell-to-cell connections from 3D images and abstract these into networks. These describe the organization of cells in ogans. We have further developed a series of computational algorithms that are capable of quantitatively analysing these networks using graph theory. Further computational scripts have been written to visualize these datasets in 3D to be able to graphically interact with these data. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This is the first pipeline capable of exploring how cells come together in whole organs. This will help address the structure-function relationship between cell organization and organ function in complex organisms. The networks provided represent roadmaps of possible information flow through organs and will serve as enduring templates to reveal how genetic networks are embedded within cellular networks. 
Description Collaboration with Prof Claus Schwechheimer 
Organisation Technical University of Munich
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This project is looking at proteins that promote cell growth in the germinating embryo. The relationship between transcription factors and their downstream grwoth-promoting targets (expansins) is being focused upon. This is linking genetic processes to the biomechanial changes that drive seed germination.
Collaborator Contribution Adding to the existing protein-DNA interaction network that makes a major part of this project is the protein-protein interaction network data generated by Prof Schwechheimer's group. This is extending the scope of this work from just the genes that control growth to how they are interacting with upstream regulatory proteins and environmental sensing pathways.
Impact The collaboration has helped us to focus on which candidate genes to focus upon, and identify high confidence regulators of seed vigour and crop preformance.
Start Year 2017
Description Meet the scientist event at The Birmingham ThinkTank Science Museum 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event provides an opportunity for scientists to engage with the public in an informal setting across a full day. A presentation of the work and overall objectives of this project, and the issues surrounding seed quality in agriculture, was provided. Members of the public then in turn asked questions relating to the science and its societal and economic impacts.

This event took place during half term and was attended by hundreds of visitors to the museum on that day. These included students, their parents and members of the general public.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Scientific outreach and Universtiy of Birmingham Open Day 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact As part of the University of Birmingham Open Day I made a presentation to the general public on the research being undertaken in my lab and funded by the BBSRC. This was principally focused on seed research and the challenges faced by agricultural production in the face of rapid climate change. An emphasis on linking this to the personal experiences of the audience in their local allotment gardens was made to help illustrate what may appear to be abstract concepts.

These events have been very well attended and there were productive discussions following the presentations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014,2016