Exploiting Notch trafficking to probe mechanisms of endosomal sorting and compartmentation.

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: School of Biological Sciences


In eukaryotic cells the endo-lysosomal pathway is a vesicle mediated transport system that plays an important role in modulating the activity of membrane signalling receptors. It down regulates signalling by removing receptors from access to ligands at the cell surface, sequesters them from the cytoplasm by directing them into intraluminal vesicles of the endosomal lumen and then delivers them to the lysosome for degradation. However the endocytic pathway can also have a positive affect on signalling by bringing necessary components together on the endosomal perimeter membrane into an appropriate signal-competent environment or "signalosome". Hence endocytic flux and residency time of signalling components in different endosomal locations can shape the dynamics of signalling activity in different ways. Endosomes are comprised of different subdomains marked by a distinctive membrane and protein composition. However we still have only a limited understanding of how the sub-compartmentalisation of the endosomes, and the trafficking flux between their different domains, is linked to their different biological roles in signalling regulation, or how misregulation of endosomal architecture is linked to abberent signalling activity. The overarching aim of this proposal will be to take advantage of our new understanding of the endo-lysosomal regulation of Notch, a crucially important signalling receptor, as a model to address these important gaps in our knowledge.
Our recent work has revealed that Notch can be delivered to endosomes by two distinct routes to different as yet poorly understood, endosomal domains which are marked by enrichment or not for GPI-anchored proteins, which appear to be subcompartments of the larger organelle stuctures. Notch can be sorted in the endosomal domain between these compartments and also between the endosomal perimeter membrane and the intraluminal vesicles, making Notch regulation an ideal model with which to probe the functional compartments of the endolysosomal pathway. The challenge now is to better understand the compartmentalisation of the endolysosomal pathway into its functional regulatory units, understand how these units operate in the context of endosomal maturation and define how trafficking between different endosomal environments is linked to regulation of Notch signalling through the interplay of Notch regulatory and core endosomal sorting functions.
Drosophila is uniquely suited as a starting point for this research, being fast and inexpensive, and enabling us to capitalise on very efficient genetic strategies. Drosophila research has played a central role in establishing the foundations of modern biology, contributing to numerous important advances in cell biology, protein trafficking, cell signalling and development, and uncovering many of the conserved pathways that are fundamental to human health and disease. Importantly Drosophila provides a unique experimental platform to dissect the interaction between endosomal regulation and Notch signalling in vivo. This is important because there have been little detailed functional characterisation of endolysosomal compartmentation outside of cell culture studies. Numerous mutations are available that disrupt different components allowing the consequences on Notch to be discerned in the intact organism. The recent improvements in efficient gene editing techniques now mean that new mutations can be engineered into the Drosophila germline by design, to create site directed mutations and insert tags to facilitate bioimaging studies in vivo. This strategy is fast, cost-effective and likely to be highly translatable given that most aspects of fundamental biology are shared between humans and the fly.

Technical Summary

Notch activation requires proteolytic release of its intracellular domain, which occurs on the endosomal limiting membrane. A key regulatory decision is whether Notch is transferred into the intra luminal vesicles (ILVs) and hence inactivated. How this decision is regulated is important because misregulation of Notch at this step can produce strong ectopic activation of Notch. Transfer of Notch off the limiting endosomal membrane requires the ESCRT 0,I,II and III complexes which recruit cargo and transfer it into the ILVs, which they also help to form. We have found that disruption of different ESCRT complexes results in Notch misctivation by distinct mechanisms that we have previously linked to pools of Notch in as yet uncharacterised GPI-protein positive or negative endosomal domains. Our data thus suggests unexpected links between ESCRT function and the subcompartmentalisation of Notch within the endosome. We propose that as Notch is trafficked through the endosomal sorting machinery then it becomes competent or refractory to activation by different mechanisms of activation. The latter defined by requirements for different degrees of endosomal maturation and dependence or not on the metalloprotease Kuzbanian/Adam10. Our challenge now is to understand endosomal subcompartmentation in a way that allows us to define the functional units of endolysososomal structure and understand how Notch is partitioned between these units. Our insights into the regulation of Notch provide us with an ideal model system with which to probe the functional compartmentation of the endolysosomal pathway. We will therefore use a combination of Drosophila genetics, biochemical and cell biological approaches along with EM and fluorescence imaging to uncover the hierarchy of interactions between the Notch, its endocytic trafficking regulators and the activities of the core endosomal sorting machinery in defining Notch endosomal compartmentalisation into different regulatory environments.

Planned Impact

The endosomal trafficking system plays a central role in cellular physiology. Numerous medical and age related conditions have been linked to altered trafficking of proteins in the cell. Furthermore Notch signalling plays a crucial role in development and maintenance of the adult and its mis-regulation contributes substantially to various pathologies including aging related diseases such as neurodegenerative and most notably cancer. Notch is also a key player in regulation of the function and maintenance of stem cells in adult tissues and declines in Notch signalling have been linked to declining ability of repair of tissues in the elderly. Therefore our study will have a significant impact on society with relevance to possible developments of new treatments and in particular targeting those treatments to specific forms of its misactivation.

1:- Medical research
The endosomal trafficking system also plays a central role in cellular physiology exemplified by Notch regulation. Numerous medical and age related conditions have been linked to altered trafficking of proteins in the cell. To pursue routes of impact in the medical field I have established a collaboration with Dr. Keith Brennan of the Manchester breast centre who is already translating our findings from Drosophila into human cancer-research. A similar impact pathway yielded a patented IP relating to prognostic uses of expression of human Su(dx)-related protein in breast cancer patients. I have now established similar links to clinicians at the Christie Hospital and Patterson Institute who are interested in Notch activation in lung cancers. In addition, in collaboration with the Genetics department of St. Mary's hospital in Manchester, w)e have identified in flies, novel links between certain genes linked to neurodegenerative disorders and defective Notch endocytosis and activation. Our work on regulation of Notch may have an impact on understanding the mechanisms of these debilitating diseases. These collaborations will be managed through joint research meetings and an annual review which will assess how work arising from our programme can be best progressed towards clinically utility.

2: Public education
Key goals of this programme are:- to educate the public regarding how regulation of normal cell behaviour is vital to the body systems that normally function to keep us healthy. We further wish to educate the public as to how understanding these normal processes underpins our understanding and hope of medical intervention in pathological situations whereby normal means of control are corrupted. A further goal is to promote the importance of model organisms such as Drosophila as an alternative to animal models, as part of the NC3Rs replacement, refinement and reduction policy. I will regularly review teaching opportunities to communicate my scientific goals and outcomes to our undergraduate students who will go on to fulfil many diverse roles in society. I will utilise numerous opportunities to communicate with the public and schools using informative displays during annual outreach activities comprising of "meet a scientist" school visit days, Faculty of Life Science Open days, the Body Experience exhibition at the Manchester Museum, and the Manchester Science festival. I will further promote use in schools of simple practical experiments we have devised for teachers to demonstrate genetics and the utility of the fruit fly as a model organism. My recent election as parent governor to a local primary school will provide an excellent means to enhance contact with the teaching profession, understand how science teaching is performed in schools and to provide input and feedback on the design of the new science curriculum which emphasises ways of working scientifically.


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Description Ectopic activation of Notch causes developmental disorders and cancer. Ligand-independent activation of Notch in endo/lysosomal pathway is suppressed by its transfer off the endosomal membrane into intraluminal vesicles by the combined activity of ESCRT complexes I-III. Unexpectedly, the consequences of depleting different ESCRT complex components in vitro, and in vivo in Drosophila, are not equivalent, but result in different Notch activation mechanisms. By combining pulse-chase endocytosis assays, and live imaging of fluorescent protein-tagged constructs, we show that ESCRTIII, but not ESCRTI components, normally act to restrict transfer of Notch between distinct membrane micro-domains, defined by different lipid/protein composition, and associated with distinct Adam10-independent/TRPML-dependent and Adam10-dependent/TRPML-independent activation. Different gain of function mutants of Notch also partition into different endosomal membrane microdomains and activate by distinct, and hybrid mechanisms. Understanding the variety of context-dependent mechanisms by which Notch activates, will underpin therapeutic strategies to specifically target pathological consequences of ectopic signalling.
Exploitation Route Of interest to pharmaceutical sector. Basic Research undperpinning potential drug development aganst cancer in the future
Sectors Education


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description We have developed resources for primary and secondary school visits to explore the use of Drosophila as a model organism to understand human development.
Sector Education
Impact Types Societal

Description Synthetic lethal targeting of Notch-driven breast cancer
Amount £24,924 (GBP)
Organisation University of Manchester 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2022 
End 11/2023
Title Live imaging tools for Notch 
Description Double flourescent protein tagged Drosophila Notch constructs for expression in cell culture and in vivo 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Has enabled live imaging og Notch trafficking in cell culture showing movement of Notch between endosomal membrane subdomains. 
Description Notch ubiquitination and trafficking 
Organisation Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have supplied expertise in ubiquitination and trafficking assays, supervision and some lab consumables
Collaborator Contribution The klein lab has constructed Notch receptor expression construct with a lysine to arginine replacement for every lysine in the intracellular domain. They have sent a lab member to my lab for a few weeks to perform some protein ubiquitination and trafficking assays using the expertise we have developed in this area. They have also contributed the researcher's travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses to this visit.
Impact Ubiquitination and trafficking data and new mutant Notch expression constructs.
Start Year 2018
Description Regulation of Notch by Pecanex 
Organisation Osaka University
Department Department of Biological Sciences
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have contributed expertise in cell sorting by FACS, and Notch signalling assays in S2 cells, supervision and training
Collaborator Contribution Our collaborative partner Dr. Tomoko Yamakawa has contributed Drosophila mutants of the Pecanex gene and has characterised the developmental links between this gene and Notch during embryo nervous system development. She has raised funds to pay expenses for travel accommodation and subsistence for a two week research visit to my lab to perform experiments in which we have expertise not available in Osaka.
Impact This is a multidisciplinary collaboration involving Drosophila developmental biology and genetics , cell biology and biochemistry.
Start Year 2018
Description Regulation of Notch by numb 
Organisation Osaka University
Department Department of Biological Sciences
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have provided expertise in Notch signalling assays in S2 cells, supervision and some consumables
Collaborator Contribution Our Collaborative partner, Kenji Matsuno has contributed a post doc to the collaboration who has characterised a role of numb in early development to restrain Not5ch activity and hence assure proper control of mitosis and morphological changes in the embryo. The researcher has visited my lab for three weeks to perform some biochemical experiments and signalling assays to discern the mechanism of numb regulation of Notch. An in kind contribution of travel accommodation and subsistence expenses for the researcher to visit my lab has been made.
Impact Conference presentation: "A novel role of Numb prevents embryo from twisting though the inhibition of Notch signaling" The Notch meeting, Athens 2017.
Start Year 2017
Description Regulation of Notch4 trafficking and signalling 
Organisation University of Manchester
Department Manchester Cancer Research Centre
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Co-superverision of MCRC funded PhD student providing expertise in Notch signalling and trafficking
Collaborator Contribution Rob Clarke of the MCRC is providing joint supervision of a MCRC funded student and providing use of facilities at the MCRC to pursue the project which will investigate how Notch4 trafficking and signalling compares to Drosophila Notch.
Impact Too early for outputs
Start Year 2017
Description Structural studies on Notch mutant domains 
Organisation University of Manchester
Department Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Post graduate student supervision to a self funded PhD student contributing bench fees to my lab. Cell culture, biochemistry experiments and molecular biology manipulating will be performed in my group.
Collaborator Contribution Post graduate student supervision. Use of NMR and crystallography facilities.
Impact Multidisciplinary combining structural biology methods with studies of mutant outcomes on Notch in cells and in the Drosophila organism
Start Year 2018
Description Understanding the role of Deltex in stem cell regulation 
Organisation Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
Country Singapore 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Co-supervision, provision of materials and resources, generation of new mutant zebrafish lines
Collaborator Contribution Co-supervisions, expertise reagents and resources in Zebrafish developmental biology, maintenaice and generation of new mutant lines
Impact The Notch pathway is involved in many developmental processes and its dysfunction leads to disorders such as cancer. Notch can be activated by cell surface ligands, or ligand-independently by the E3 ubiquitin ligase Deltex. The latter regulates Notch endocytosis and its subsequent activation in the lysosomal membrane. In the Drosophila ovary, deltex mutation causes egg chamber packaging defects, with reduced interfollicular stalks, a Notch loss of function phenotype. Moreover, Deltex is involved in the regenerative response of the adult intestine after dextran sulfate sodium-induced damage and stem cell proliferation. Compared to wild type, deltex mutants present with an initial increase in enteroblasts, which are precursors to the absorptive enterocyte cells, but these subsequently showed delayed terminal differentiation, with and associated decreased viability. Without DSS treatment, we observed that deltex mutant intestines had reduced Notch signalling and a suppression of enteroblast differentiation in aged flies, with enteroblasts remaining adjacent to the intestinal stem cells, instead of migrating away. Zebrafish Deltex2 mutants also display abnormal gut morphology and goblet cell overpopulation, indicative of reduced Notch activity. To explore conservation of Deltex function between flies and vertebrates further, mutant zebrafish lines have been established in the Deltex 4a and 4b genes using CRISPR.
Start Year 2019
Description 'How can we use Drosophila to understand our own development?' 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Talk and demonstrations with A-level student participation with microscope analysis which provoked discussion afterwards and has reportedly influenced choice of degree subject for university applications
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brain box exhibition, Town Hall, Manchester. Part of the Manchester City of Science celebrations in 2016 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Designed new exhibit to help public understand the fruit fly as a research tool and model organism as part of a wider contribution from the University of Manchester Fly facility.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL https://figshare.com/articles/Resources_for_communicating_Drosophila_research_in_schools_and_on_scie...
Description School visit 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact A series of lessons and practical classes were devised to enhance teacher training and student learning in the area of genetics, heredity and evolution for year 6 primary school students
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Science outreach 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The brain box.. science fair in Town Hall Manchester, part of European City of Science celebrations
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Science week 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Outreach stand at Science Spectacular show in the University f Manchester Museum as part of Science week. Outreach activities introduced the fruit fly as a model organism for medical research
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description educational visit 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact subject depth training of primary school teachers in aspects of evolution and heredity for delivery of new primary year 6 curriculum, introduction to Drosophila for school practicals.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015