16AGRITECHCAT5: Tools and Technology for Predicting Tomato Glasshouse Production

Lead Research Organisation: National Inst of Agricultural Botany
Department Name: Centre for Research


UK sales of fresh tomatoes are valued at £625M with UK production providing £175M worth of these sales. Current estimations used to predict production are within 10% correct only 30% of the time. Over-estimation of production results in costly imports, whilst under-estimation incurs financial losses from the disposal of surplus fruit. There is considerable potential to reduce waste and financial losses, and increase the proportion of UK sales by improving the accuracy of weekly production forecasts. We will develop a glasshouse-based imaging system TomVision that is fully automated to predict future production.

The proposed scientific and technological innovations represents leading edge applied science and engineering and have not been developed by others for glasshouse production. The consortium will: 1) develop TomVision, an imaging system to count fruit and determine their ripeness; 2) develop an automated platform for TomVision to image fruit in a glasshouse; 3) refine mathematical models to predict production based on the image data generated and future weather conditions (PredictTomPro); 4) test and run the system in UK and NL glasshouses prior to product launch.

We will deliver a system that will lead to greater efficiency in the use of resources, improved productivity from waste reduction and improved grower margins from more accurate production forecasts. We anticipate UK revenue gains of £6M p. a. (£30K/ha) farm gate value by adoption of the outputs and further income to project partners by sales of TomVision and PredictTomPro (£1.3M/£11.7M/£26M UK/NL/W total sales for tomato production).

The route to market will be via roll-out to other UK tomato growers and overseas partners in the first instance, then to other UK, EU and worldwide producers of tomato towards advancing sustainable intensification and delivering economic impact. The proposed project meets all the requirements of duration, project size, business involvement and RTO lead and funding balance for an Agri-Tech Catalyst Industrial Research Award.

NIAB-EMR will be carrying out their research as a RTO requiring 100% FEC.

Technical Summary

We aim to develop a commercial prototype of Tomvision an imaging system and PredictTomPro, mathematical software, that will predict the ripeness of intensively grown tomatoes under commercial production. This system will be able to navigate in the glasshouse in an autonomous way.

To do this we will:
1) Mathematically model the rate of tomato ripening in commercial conditions and relate this too the internal and external environmental conditions.
2) Generate TomVision, an image capture device, that can automatically collect and analyse images that will provide discrete values of the ripeness of tomatoes.
3) Provide mathematical models of ripening linking the image data, yield collected and environmental data. The models developed will be iteratively improved and tested as more data is generated.
4) Develop yield prediction models by incorporating future weather forecast data with the rate of ripening models previously generated.
5) Design and build a platform for the imaging technology so that it is able to move throughout a glasshouse in an automatic/semi-automatic way.
6) Carry out commercial scale trails of the TomVision prototype in the UK and in the Netherlands. Refining the prediction models based on the data obtained.

NIAB-EMR will be carrying out their research as a RTO requiring 100% FEC.

Planned Impact

Our collaborative research between academia and industry is aimed at improving the efficiency of tomato production leading to less waste and increased revenues.

Firstly our consortia will benefit in applying our collective research experience to generate a working commercial prototype of TomVision; a system that will predict future tomato yields. This research and development will enable the generation of new ideas and new analytical equipment. It will provide training of researchers in interdisciplinary activities, the development of new techniques and the use of state of the art tools and technology.
More specifically the impact on Thanet Earth will be the competitive advantage of being the first adopters of this technology and the £540K pa savings that they can gain in their tomato production.
The project will allow RailVision to develop new capability in the area of tomato fruit detection and counting which is fundamental for any production calculations. This new IP will support the development of a new line of products for yield prediction with NIAB-EMR, and will also open up new opportunities for other types of fruit production forecasting in glasshouse environments. The new products based on this study will further strengthen RV's presence as a key player in the automated machine vision systems for glasshouse crop monitoring sector, and provide new sources of income not possible otherwise.
The impact to NIAB-EMR will be in developing new models and enhancing modelling skills that will be deployed on other projects. It will ensure retention of staff and strengthen links with industry in developing technologies for precision agriculture.

The key driver for TomVision is the savings growers will make (£30K/ha), in reducing waste and gaining more value from the supply chain. This will help ensure TE remains as leading one of the leading UK tomato producers in a highly competitive market. Once the system is rolled out to all growers they will all benefit from the reduced waste and more profitable supply chain.

Retailers will gain from the strong UK market for fresh tomatoes enabling increased premium of product sales.

The public will benefit from less waste and more resilient UK supply chain of tomatoes.

The additional impact will be via employment of personnel working on this project and the future personnel required for R&D of the system, sales and support.
Other key beneficiaries include academics and the wider research community. They will gain from the research insights into ripening and the models of predicting future tomato production. More specifically subject to prior commercial protection and agreement form the consortia they will be able to utilise the data that we will generate in modelling fruit ripening and experimental results that will be provided by scientific publications and presentations at scientific meetings.

NB NIAB-EMR will be carrying out their research as a RTO requiring 100% FEC.
Description We have developed better understanding of tomato ripening in the glasshouse. The data collected has been used to generate initial models that will be used help predict future yields.
Exploitation Route Our current research is confidential with our collaborative industrial partners.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Description This is a collaborative grant with industry and all the research is aimed at improving the prediction of future tomato yields in glasshouse production. Our research is collaborative and we report on our advances via the quarterly meetings we hold with our monitoring officer. The impact of our research is currently confidential to our consortia. We have produced an academic review on the non-destructive assessment of fruit ripening that can be used by others.
First Year Of Impact 2017
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink
Description IUK 102638 TomVision Project Consortium Meetings 2016-2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact A kick-off meeting for the UK TomVision project was held at Thanet Earth on 16 October 2016 in which consortium members introduced their companies and their technical roles and responsibilities in the project. A work plan for Quarter 1 was developed and discussed. Q1 meeting, RailVision Europe Ltd, 27 January 2017; Q2 meeting, NIAB EMR, 12 April 2017; Q3 meeting, Thanet Earth, 12 July 2017; Q4 meeting, RailVision, 16 October 2017; Q5 meeting, NIAB EMR, 11 January 2018; Q6 meeting, Thanet Earth, 12 April 2018; Q7 meeting, RailVision, 12 July 2018; Q8 meeting, NIAB EMR, 11 October 2018; Q9 meeting, NIAB EMR, 29 January 2019; Q10 meeting April, 2019, NIAB EMR; BSG meeting, May 2019, NIAB EMR.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016,2017,2018,2019
Description Introduction of myself to CUPGRA 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Brief introductory talk about my past experience and future role in NIAB CUF to potato growers, breeders and agronomists. Informative discussions with CUPGRA members during the meeting.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Presentation to Tomato Growers Association (TGA) Technical Committee 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Talk and engagement with the TGA Technical Committee, describing research being performed at NIAB EMR.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Talk to MSc students 2017 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact University of Greenwich students visited NIAB EMR and a presentation was provided.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description University of Nottingham visit & MSc Talks 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Provision of talks to University of Nottingham MSc students.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Visit to APS group Europa Nursery 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Visit to APS Nursery in Ash Kent, to discus tomato growing and opportunities to interact.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Visit to Eric Wall Ltd to investigate new research opportunities in tomato growing 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Five researchers visited Eric Wall Ltd on 7th March 2018 to introduce our research interestes also investigate potential lines of research. Problems and potential solutions in current tomato growing industry were discussed and Eric Wall was quite interested in the topics such as yield forecast, irrigation management and control of micro crack.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
URL http://www.ericwallnursery.co.uk/