The macronutrient regulation of adult worker honeybees

Lead Research Organisation: Newcastle University
Department Name: Institute of Neuroscience


World agriculture relies on insects to pollinate flowering crops, especially soft fruit, vegetable, and nut crops, that are increasingly forming the basis of most human diets. As our diet shifts from grains and cereals to including more vegetables and fruits, the demand for these services continues to grow in step with the world's population. In fact, human consumption of fruits, nuts and vegetables that require pollination has increased as much as 300% in the past 50 years. In addition, other crops that improve seed set when pollinated such as oilseed rape are important for food but are also potential biofuels. Pollinators, and their well-being, are important to our future health and survival.

Domesticated bees are the most important pollinators used in world agriculture. Commercial honeybee keepers maintain thousands of colonies, transporting them to orchards or other agricultural field settings to perform pollination services. Commercial beekeepers often struggle to find enough pollen to feed their colonies, especially at times of year when natural forage is scarce. Insufficient nutrition is one of the main factors for the poor health in honeybee colonies that are beset by pathogens and parasites, as well as exposed to a diversity of agricultural pesticides. In the past 20 years, beekeepers have started to rely on feeding colonies with commercial pollen substitutes but these substitutes are not scientifically formulated and do not have all of the essential nutrients bees need.

Our recent BBSRC-funded research investigated the adult worker honeybee's nutritional needs. We found that adult worker bees self-select proportions of protein and carbohydrate and that their demands for protein and carbohydrate change as a function of their caste. In addition, foods high in protein or essential amino acids reduce survival. We also found that the proportion of essential amino acids in diet affected the regulation of protein intake. Our recent work indicates that diets too high in fat shorten adult worker bee lifespan, and that the proportions of essential fatty acids in food affect learning performance and glandular development in adult worker honeybees.

Here, we propose to extend our research on bee nutrition to identify how bees regulate their protein, fat, and sterols. Our experiments will also examine how sources of proteins, fats, and sterols can be combined to produce mixtures that meet the honeybee's needs for essential nutrients. We will start by testing the digestibility of several potential protein sources and their effect on the intake of food in adult worker bees. Extending our previous research, we will test how the proportion of essential amino acids in dietary protein affects the total amount of protein bees consume. Fat is an important nutrient for bees, and makes up nearly 30% of the dry weight of royal jelly (i.e. glandular secretions fed to larvae and the queen) but is only found at between 5-7% of the dry weight of pollen. In our proposed experiments, we will identify the relative ratio of protein to fat needed by adult worker bees in the presence and absence of brood. Bees also need a dietary source of phytosterols that are found in pollen. We will also perform experiments that test how much of these sterols adult worker bees need to rear brood successfully. Our experiments will lead to a final test of a combination of protein, fat, carbohydrate, and sterols in whole colonies compared to the performance of bees fed with natural pollen. With this information, we will be able to provide advice to beekeepers on the materials and their combinations that can be used to formulate substitutes for pollen when pollen is unavailable.

Technical Summary

Pollination provided by domesticated honeybees is critical in agricultural systems where flowering plants are obligated to outcross (e.g. apples). Providing sufficient pollen forage for bees is a challenge in landscapes under heavy agricultural cultivation. Beekeepers face many difficulties such as disease, parasites, and pesticides that are exacerbated by poor nutrition. In response, beekeepers often feed colonies with substitutes for pollen that are indigestible or do not provide all of the essential nutrients bees need. Here, we propose to extend our work on bee nutrition to advise beekeepers about ways they can supplement bee diets when pollen is scarce. Our proposal has three main aims: (1) to identify how bees digest and regulate their intake of protein relative to other nutrients; (2) to identify the optimal amount of essential fats and sterols bees need in diet; and (3) test a predicted 'optimal' mixture of macronutrients on entire colonies. We will start out by testing the digestibility of potential protein sources. Using the Geometric Framework for nutrition, we will measure how the proportions of essential amino acids in food affect the regulation of protein intake. We will also identify the optimal protein-to-fat ratio for honeybees. These experiments will include manipulations of the relative proportions of the total amount of the two essential fatty acids (linoleic and a-linolenic acid) in diet that we know are important for bee development and performance. Critically, we will identify the amount of 24-methylene cholesterol (an essential sterol) needed by adult worker honeybees with and without brood. Finally, we will test our predicted optimal combination of these materials in whole colonies against the performance of colonies fed with natural, honeybee collected pollen. This information will enable beekeepers to feed bees with the best substrates and their correct proportions in the absence of pollen and hence will impact world agriculture.

Planned Impact

World agriculture relies on pollinators for the production of soft fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables. In large scale agriculture such as almond orchards in California, pollination services are primarily accomplished by honeybee colonies that are transported to orchards and fields by the millions during flowering. Commercial beekeepers are paid for each colony they bring to a field site. Prior to flowering, these colonies may not have access to much pollen, which means it is difficult to build up the colony's size and strengthen health. To overcome pollen dearth, beekeepers in the past 30 years have started to use bee feeds made from grains like soya beans: products that are inexpensive and easy to obtain. The base products are purchased from beekeeping suppliers, mixed with sugar solutions (e.g. high fructose corn syrup) in the field, and then provided to the bees as a patty or a liquid food within the colony. Beekeepers sometimes make and mix their own formulations. A major problem with these feeds is the fact that they do not provide essential nutrients (e.g. correct fatty acids and sterols). These base materials (e.g. soy) are also difficult for bees to digest and have been reported to cause dysentery. They are also not formulated in a way that optimizes combinations of macronutrients for honeybees. In fact, to make these substances palatable to bees, beekeepers add ~5-20% honeybee collected pollen to the mix, but this is very expensive and has the potential to spread disease and expose bees to pesticides.

Our proposed research will have a large impact on the beekeeping industry and agriculture. At present, there is a pressing need in the commercial beekeeping industry for bee foods that are substitutes for pollen. To obtain natural forage for their bees, beekeepers also transport their colonies to places where forage is available. This is expensive and stressful for bees. Having a substitute for pollen that did not require the addition of bee collected pollen would reduce the need to transport bees to forage and reduce risk associated with exposure to pathogens from bee collected pollen. Native bees compete with honeybees for access to natural pollen and nectar; a pollen substitute for honeybees would also reduce competition for floral resources in natural habitats and improve wild bee populations.

Presenting our research at international beekeeping conferences and local meetings, we have realized that beekeepers worldwide are very keen to find a way to improve the nutrition of their colonies. This need motivated us to focus our nutrition work towards the goal of producing food that could be used when pollen was unavailable. The research described in our proposal will provide the following: 1) specific information about the nutritional needs of honeybees; 2) information about raw materials that can be used as food in bee colonies; 3) insight into nutrient balancing by social insects, especially for proteins, fats, and sterols. As part of our impact plan, we will begin the process of commercialization of the information we obtain here by applying for BBSRC Follow on Funding and starting a spin-out company that will develop and orchestrate the production of bee feeds. The research described in this proposal will guide our potential future commercialization of this information. The data we produce from this work will also be published in scientific journals and interpreted and made available to beekeepers via a website managed in association with the British Beekeeping Association. This information will permit beekeepers to improve upon their methods of feeding and will improve pollination services for agricultural crops worldwide.


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Description We have found that many of the protein substrates that we intended to test are highly digestible by bees; soy, for example, can be as much as 85% digested by bees. This is in contrast to floral pollen, which we found was about 65% digestible by bees. We have also discovered that bees require a diet that is approximately 1:2 protein-to-fat. We have now identified that bees have requirements for 6-8 sterols found in pollen. We have tested these sterols in full colonies of bees using a method developed during the course of this funded research project in semi-field conditions. We have identified that bees have large requirements for dietary lysine and have shown that the profile of free amino acids in food affects food intake in adult worker honeybees.

We are testing how the protein-to-fat profile of food affects brood production. We used chemically defined diets composed of essential amino acids and lipids (lecithin) to show that adult worker honeybees actively regulate their intake of lipids around optimal values relative to protein in diet. We found that broodless, nurse-age worker honeybees consume foods to achieve a ratio of 1:2 (protein:lipid) using a combination of methods derived from the Geometric Framework for nutrition. When bees were confined to feed on diets relatively high in fat, they gained abdominal fat and hypopharyngeal size in proportion to the lipid in diet. Overeating fat did not result in increased mortality. Importantly, we also discovered that the total quantity of food the bees ate increased when they were given a choice of two diets relatively high in fat, implying that dietary fat influences bee nutritional state in a way that in turn, influences behaviour. Our data show that dietary fat is a key nutrient needed and actively regulated by adult worker honeybees
Exploitation Route We have made a pollen substitute for domesticated honeybees. With the Follow on Fund, we will commercialize this pollen substitute and hopefully have a successful university spin-out company. Our data will also be useful in the field of insect nutrition.

We have managed to finish the objectives that were disrupted by the covid pandemic and intend to submit a final manuscript on these data later this year.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Description The findings from this grant contributed to the formation of a University spin out company called Apix Nutrition (now Apix Biosciences) that is producing food for honeybees.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Education,Environment
Impact Types Economic

Title Raw data from Behavioural regulation of mineral salt intake in honeybees: a self-selection approach 
Description Minerals are required in small amounts to sustain metabolic activity in animals but mineral deficiencies can also lead to metabolic bottlenecks and mineral excesses can induce toxicity. For these reasons, we could reasonably expect that micronutrients are actively regulated around nutritional optima. Honeybees have co-evolved with flowering plants such that their main source of nutrients is acquired from floral pollen and nectar. Like other insects, honeybees balance their intake of multiple macronutrients during food consumption using a combination of pre- and post-ingestive mechanisms. How they regulate their intake of micronutrients using these mechanisms has rarely been studied. Using two-choice feeding assays, we tested whether caged and broodless young workers preferred solutions containing individual salts (NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2) or metals (FeCl3, CuCl2, ZnCl2, MnCl2) in a concentration-dependent manner. We found that young workers could only self-select and optimize their dietary intake around specific concentrations of sodium, iron, and copper. Bees largely avoided high mineral solutions to minimize toxicity. These experiments demonstrate the limits of the regulation of intake of micronutrients in honeybees. This is the first study to compare this form of behaviour in one organism for eight different micronutrients.This article is part of the theme issue 'From floral chemistry to landscapes: the natural processes influencing pollinator health'. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Raw data from Behavioural regulation of mineral salt intake in honeybees: a self-selection approach 
Description Minerals are required in small amounts to sustain metabolic activity in animals but mineral deficiencies can also lead to metabolic bottlenecks and mineral excesses can induce toxicity. For these reasons, we could reasonably expect that micronutrients are actively regulated around nutritional optima. Honeybees have co-evolved with flowering plants such that their main source of nutrients is acquired from floral pollen and nectar. Like other insects, honeybees balance their intake of multiple macronutrients during food consumption using a combination of pre- and post-ingestive mechanisms. How they regulate their intake of micronutrients using these mechanisms has rarely been studied. Using two-choice feeding assays, we tested whether caged and broodless young workers preferred solutions containing individual salts (NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2) or metals (FeCl3, CuCl2, ZnCl2, MnCl2) in a concentration-dependent manner. We found that young workers could only self-select and optimize their dietary intake around specific concentrations of sodium, iron, and copper. Bees largely avoided high mineral solutions to minimize toxicity. These experiments demonstrate the limits of the regulation of intake of micronutrients in honeybees. This is the first study to compare this form of behaviour in one organism for eight different micronutrients.This article is part of the theme issue 'From floral chemistry to landscapes: the natural processes influencing pollinator health'. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Rawdata.xlsx from Behavioural regulation of mineral salt intake in honeybees: a self-selection approach 
Description Minerals are required in small amounts to sustain metabolic activity in animals but mineral deficiencies can also lead to metabolic bottlenecks and mineral excesses can induce toxicity. For these reasons, we could reasonably expect that micronutrients are actively regulated around nutritional optima. Honeybees have co-evolved with flowering plants such that their main source of nutrients is acquired from floral pollen and nectar. Like other insects, honeybees balance their intake of multiple macronutrients during food consumption using a combination of pre- and post-ingestive mechanisms. How they regulate their intake of micronutrients using these mechanisms has rarely been studied. Using two-choice feeding assays, we tested whether caged and broodless young workers preferred solutions containing individual salts (NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2) or metals (FeCl3, CuCl2, ZnCl2, MnCl2) in a concentration-dependent manner. We found that young workers could only self-select and optimize their dietary intake around specific concentrations of sodium, iron, and copper. Bees largely avoided high mineral solutions to minimize toxicity. These experiments demonstrate the limits of the regulation of intake of micronutrients in honeybees. This is the first study to compare this form of behaviour in one organism for eight different micronutrients.This article is part of the theme issue 'From floral chemistry to landscapes: the natural processes influencing pollinator health'. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Regulation of dietary intake of protein and lipid by nurse-age adult worker honeybees 
Description Published in the Journal of Experimental Biology. AbstractEssential macronutrients are critical to the fitness and survival of animals. Many studies have shown that animals regulate the amount of protein and carbohydrate they eat for optimal performance. Regulation of dietary fat is important but less often studied. Honeybees collect and consume floral pollen to obtain protein and fat but how they achieve the optimal balance of these two macronutrients is presently unknown. Here, using chemically defined diets composed of essential amino acids and lipids (lecithin), we show that adult worker honeybees actively regulate their intake of lipids around optimal values relative to protein in diet. We found that broodless, nurse-age worker honeybees consume foods to achieve a ratio between 1:2 and 1:3 (essential amino acids:lipid) or ~1.25:1 protein:fat. Bees fed diets relatively high in fat gained abdominal fat and had enlarged hypopharyngeal glands. In most cases, eating diets high in fat did not result in increased mortality. Importantly, we also discovered that the total quantity of food the bees ate increased when they were given a choice of two diets relatively high in fat, implying that dietary fat influences bee nutritional state in a way that in turn, influences behaviour. We speculate that dietary fat plays a critical role in maintaining workers in the nurse-like behavioural state independently of the influence of queen pheromone. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description American Beekeeping Federation, 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact I gave a presentation on the nutritional value of floral pollen to the American Beekeeping federation. This research is important to commercial and hobbist beekeepers who are trying to find ways to mitigate the loss of natural forage for their bees.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description American Honey Producers Association, Phoenix, AZ, USA 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact I gave a talk about my work on sugar perception and bee nutrition to the American Honey Producers association.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description European Congress of Entomology 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact I gave a talk about our protein-to-fat regulation research in a symposium on insect nutrition. I liaised with other researchers working on insect nutrition.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Gordon Research Conference, Plant-Herbivore Interactions, Ventura CA 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact I gave a scientific summary of my lab's work on bee nutrition, with a specific emphasis on protein and fat in diet and floral pollen. At this meeting, I made several professional contacts that have resulted in potential collaborations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Invited plenary speaker, Apimondia, Istanbul, Turkey, 2017 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact I gave a talk about my work on bee nutrition to the world beekeeping audience in Istanbul, Turkey. It was a really productive meeting where I made several contacts in industry and in honeybee science.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Mechanisms of Insect Nutritional Homeostasis workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact I organized and participated in a very influential meeting on insect nutrition held at the LIMES Institute at the University of Bonn, Germany. It is the most concentrated group of insect nutrition scientists gathered together every 3 years to discuss cutting edge research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Talk at the BBKA 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact I gave a talk about our research on bee nutrition to the British Beekeepers association meeting in Harpenden, UK.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description UNAPI (Italian Southern Beekeepers congress), IT 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact I gave 4 different talks to beekeepers and other industry professionals at the Southern Italian Beekeepers association conference. These talks were based on my research on bee nutrition and supplemental feeding.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019