Understanding the mechanism by which tetraspanins regulate the 'molecular scissor' ADAM10
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Birmingham
Department Name: Sch of Biosciences
The transmembrane metalloproteinase ADAM10 is a ubiquitously expressed 'molecular scissor' that cleaves the extracellular regions from its substrates, which include Notch, amyloid precursor protein and cadherins. ADAM10 can be regarded as a 'master regulator' of embryonic development. ADAM10 also impacts on human health via its role in diseases such as Alzheimer's, cancer, Staphylococcus aureus infection and inflammatory diseases including heart attack, stroke and asthma. As such, therapeutic targeting of ADAM10 has huge potential. However, realising this potential is currently impossible due to the toxicity that would result from targeting ADAM10 on every cell in the body. Our recent research demonstrates how we can solve this problem. We and others have recently identified six tetraspanin proteins, which we termed TspanC8s, which promote ADAM10 cleavage of specific substrates. Therefore future therapeutic targetting of specific TspanC8/ADAM10 complexes may be applicable to certain diseases, whilst minimising the toxic side effects of global ADAM10 targetting.
The aim of this project is to determine how one of the TspanC8s, Tspan15, specifically promotes ADAM10 cleavage of the N-cadherin adhesion molecule. N-cadherin acts as 'molecular velcro' and is essential for maintaining tissue architecture in the beating heart, and regulates neuronal synapse formation and cancer cell metastasis. We hypothesise that Tspan15 promotes cleavage of N-cadherin by regulating ADAM10 subcellular localisation and/or causing it to adopt a specific conformation.
To address this hypothesis, we will use cell line models that include our new Tspan15- and ADAM10-knockout CRISPR/Cas9 cells. The main objectives are as follows:
1) To discover how Tspan15 localises ADAM10 to N-cadherin.
We will use advanced fluorescent microscopy to determine the extent of Tspan15/ADAM10 localisation to N-cadherin, in comparison to other TspanC8/ADAM10 complexes. We will identify the intracellular trafficking proteins that promote Tspan15 localisation using proteomics and co-immunoprecipitation. We will demonstrate their importance by assessing ADAM10 cleavage of N-cadherin in their absence following knockdown, and in the presence of Tspan15 mutants that cannot bind to the trafficking proteins.
2) To determine whether Tspan15 induces a distinct ADAM10 conformation.
We will investigate ADAM10 conformation in complex with Tspan15 by flow cytometry using a panel of conformational ADAM10 monoclonal antibodies, and compare with the other five TspanC8/ADAM10 complexes. We will obtain structural information on the Tspan15/ADAM10 complex, again compared to the other TspanC8/ADAM10 complexes, using a novel membrane protein encapsulation method that we have developed for the purification of membrane proteins in their native state. Encapsulated TspanC8/ADAM10 structures will be determined by analytical ultracentrifugation, small-angle X-ray scattering, negative stain transmission electron microscopy and cryo-electron microscopy.
3) To investigate the functional effects of Tspan15 monoclonal antibodies.
We will determine how each of our 12 new Tspan15 monoclonal antibodies affects ADAM10 cleavage of N-cadherin using western blotting and an N-cadherin-dependent functional assay for cell migration.
The findings from this work will help us to understand how other TspanC8s regulate ADAM10 cleavage of other substrates, and allow us to assess for the first time how TspanC8 antibodies might act in a therapeutic setting.
The aim of this project is to determine how one of the TspanC8s, Tspan15, specifically promotes ADAM10 cleavage of the N-cadherin adhesion molecule. N-cadherin acts as 'molecular velcro' and is essential for maintaining tissue architecture in the beating heart, and regulates neuronal synapse formation and cancer cell metastasis. We hypothesise that Tspan15 promotes cleavage of N-cadherin by regulating ADAM10 subcellular localisation and/or causing it to adopt a specific conformation.
To address this hypothesis, we will use cell line models that include our new Tspan15- and ADAM10-knockout CRISPR/Cas9 cells. The main objectives are as follows:
1) To discover how Tspan15 localises ADAM10 to N-cadherin.
We will use advanced fluorescent microscopy to determine the extent of Tspan15/ADAM10 localisation to N-cadherin, in comparison to other TspanC8/ADAM10 complexes. We will identify the intracellular trafficking proteins that promote Tspan15 localisation using proteomics and co-immunoprecipitation. We will demonstrate their importance by assessing ADAM10 cleavage of N-cadherin in their absence following knockdown, and in the presence of Tspan15 mutants that cannot bind to the trafficking proteins.
2) To determine whether Tspan15 induces a distinct ADAM10 conformation.
We will investigate ADAM10 conformation in complex with Tspan15 by flow cytometry using a panel of conformational ADAM10 monoclonal antibodies, and compare with the other five TspanC8/ADAM10 complexes. We will obtain structural information on the Tspan15/ADAM10 complex, again compared to the other TspanC8/ADAM10 complexes, using a novel membrane protein encapsulation method that we have developed for the purification of membrane proteins in their native state. Encapsulated TspanC8/ADAM10 structures will be determined by analytical ultracentrifugation, small-angle X-ray scattering, negative stain transmission electron microscopy and cryo-electron microscopy.
3) To investigate the functional effects of Tspan15 monoclonal antibodies.
We will determine how each of our 12 new Tspan15 monoclonal antibodies affects ADAM10 cleavage of N-cadherin using western blotting and an N-cadherin-dependent functional assay for cell migration.
The findings from this work will help us to understand how other TspanC8s regulate ADAM10 cleavage of other substrates, and allow us to assess for the first time how TspanC8 antibodies might act in a therapeutic setting.
Technical Summary
The transmembrane metalloproteinase ADAM10 is a ubiquitously expressed molecular scissor that cleaves the extracellular regions from its substrates, including Notch, amyloid precursor protein and cadherins. ADAM10 regulates embryonic development and diseases such as Alzheimer's, cancer, inflammatory diseases and Staphylococcus aureus infection. However, realising the therapeutic potential of ADAM10 is currently impossible due to toxicity that would result from global ADAM10 targetting. Our recent research shows how we can solve this problem. We and others have identified six tetraspanin proteins, termed TspanC8s, which promote ADAM10 cleavage of specific substrates. Therefore future targetting of specific TspanC8/ADAM10 complexes may be applicable to certain diseases, with minimal toxicity. However, the molecular mechanisms by which TspanC8s regulate ADAM10 are not known.
The aim of this project is to determine how one TspanC8, Tspan15, specifically promotes ADAM10 cleavage of N-cadherin, an adhesion molecule which maintains heart tissue architecture and regulates neuronal synapses and cancer metastasis. We hypothesise that Tspan15 promotes N-cadherin cleavage by regulating ADAM10 localisation and/or conformation. To address this, we will use cell line models that include our new Tspan15-knockout CRISPR/Cas9 cells, our 12 novel Tspan15 monoclonal antibodies, conformational ADAM10 antibodies, advanced fluorescent microscopy, proteomics and a novel membrane encapsulation technique that we have developed to determine membrane protein structures.
Objectives are as follows:
1) To discover how Tspan15 localises ADAM10 to N-cadherin.
2) To determine whether Tspan15 induces a distinct ADAM10 conformation.
3) To investigate the functional effects of Tspan15 monoclonal antibodies.
Our findings will help us to understand how other TspanC8s regulate ADAM10 cleavage of other substrates, and how TspanC8 antibodies might act in a therapeutic setting.
The aim of this project is to determine how one TspanC8, Tspan15, specifically promotes ADAM10 cleavage of N-cadherin, an adhesion molecule which maintains heart tissue architecture and regulates neuronal synapses and cancer metastasis. We hypothesise that Tspan15 promotes N-cadherin cleavage by regulating ADAM10 localisation and/or conformation. To address this, we will use cell line models that include our new Tspan15-knockout CRISPR/Cas9 cells, our 12 novel Tspan15 monoclonal antibodies, conformational ADAM10 antibodies, advanced fluorescent microscopy, proteomics and a novel membrane encapsulation technique that we have developed to determine membrane protein structures.
Objectives are as follows:
1) To discover how Tspan15 localises ADAM10 to N-cadherin.
2) To determine whether Tspan15 induces a distinct ADAM10 conformation.
3) To investigate the functional effects of Tspan15 monoclonal antibodies.
Our findings will help us to understand how other TspanC8s regulate ADAM10 cleavage of other substrates, and how TspanC8 antibodies might act in a therapeutic setting.
Planned Impact
BBSRC STRATEGIC PRIORITIES. Due to the fundamental role of ADAM10 in development and disease processes, this basic science proposal falls within the BBSRC strategic area of 'Bioscience for health', and the responsive mode priority of 'Healthy aging across the lifecourse'. Indeed, it is focussed on the proteolytic cleavage, or 'shedding', of the extracellular regions of cell surface proteins, which is an emerging mechanism for the regulation of healthy cellular function. The consequences of shedding can include the removal of signalling receptors from the cell surface, the removal of adhesion molecules to weaken cell-cell adhesive contacts, the release of chemokines or growth factors, or the initiation of an intracellular signalling cascade. The transmembrane metalloprotease ADAM10 is a 'molecular scissor' that is responsible for a substantial proportion of shedding from the surface of human cells. At least 40 target proteins have been identified for ADAM10, including proteins involved in embryonic development and development of the central nervous system, and maintenance of blood vessel integrity and a healthy immune response. This proposal aims to determine the mechanism by which ADAM10 substrate specificity is regulated by the TspanC8 subgroup of tetraspanin transmembrane proteins. The findings will therefore yield novel and fundamental insights into normal cell function.
INDUSTRY. ADAM10 is a potential therapeutic drug target for the pharmaceutical industry due to its role in Alzheimer's disease, cancer, Staphylococcus aureus infection and inflammatory diseases such as heart attack, stroke and asthma. However, it is currently unclear how ADAM10 could be targeted to treat specific diseases. Indeed, ADAM10 is a ubiquitous protein with an important role in the function of normal healthy cells, so global inhibition of ADAM10 could yield serious, perhaps fatal, side effects. Our recent research has provided a solution to this problem by showing that specific TspanC8s promote ADAM10 cleavage of distinct substrates. The current project will determine the molecular mechanism by which TspanC8s regulate ADAM10. Moreover, we will show for the first time the effects of TspanC8 monoclonal antibodies on ADAM10 function, enabling us to determine how such reagents might act in a therapeutic setting. The results of our basic research could be used by the pharmaceutical industry to design therapeutic strategies that target specific TspanC8-ADAM10 complexes. This could allow ADAM10 targetting in a cell type and/or substrate-specific manner, so avoiding the toxic side effects of global ADAM10 targetting.
ACADEMIA. Tetraspanins and ADAM10 are emerging as important regulators of other cell surface proteins through their compartmentalisation into microdomains and shedding from the cell surface, respectively. As outlined in our 'Academic beneficiaries' section, new academic researchers are becoming interested in these fields as they discover that their proteins of interest are regulated by tetraspanins and/or ADAM10. Our results will provide important mechanistic and technological breakthroughs in these fields that will be of great benefit to other researchers.
STUDENTS. Dr Tomlinson incorporates his latest tetraspanin and ADAM10 research into lectures given to final year undergraduate and masters students in Birmingham. Most students are very enthusiastic to learn about these emerging areas that are fundamental and yet often completely new to them. As such, several enquire about the possibilities of undertaking their final year research project in the Tomlinson lab. Indeed, aspects of the project, in addition to the spin-off projects that will emerge, are ideally suited to short-term projects which will greatly benefit the students. The post doctoral researcher who undertakes the project will also benefit in developing their supervising skills.
INDUSTRY. ADAM10 is a potential therapeutic drug target for the pharmaceutical industry due to its role in Alzheimer's disease, cancer, Staphylococcus aureus infection and inflammatory diseases such as heart attack, stroke and asthma. However, it is currently unclear how ADAM10 could be targeted to treat specific diseases. Indeed, ADAM10 is a ubiquitous protein with an important role in the function of normal healthy cells, so global inhibition of ADAM10 could yield serious, perhaps fatal, side effects. Our recent research has provided a solution to this problem by showing that specific TspanC8s promote ADAM10 cleavage of distinct substrates. The current project will determine the molecular mechanism by which TspanC8s regulate ADAM10. Moreover, we will show for the first time the effects of TspanC8 monoclonal antibodies on ADAM10 function, enabling us to determine how such reagents might act in a therapeutic setting. The results of our basic research could be used by the pharmaceutical industry to design therapeutic strategies that target specific TspanC8-ADAM10 complexes. This could allow ADAM10 targetting in a cell type and/or substrate-specific manner, so avoiding the toxic side effects of global ADAM10 targetting.
ACADEMIA. Tetraspanins and ADAM10 are emerging as important regulators of other cell surface proteins through their compartmentalisation into microdomains and shedding from the cell surface, respectively. As outlined in our 'Academic beneficiaries' section, new academic researchers are becoming interested in these fields as they discover that their proteins of interest are regulated by tetraspanins and/or ADAM10. Our results will provide important mechanistic and technological breakthroughs in these fields that will be of great benefit to other researchers.
STUDENTS. Dr Tomlinson incorporates his latest tetraspanin and ADAM10 research into lectures given to final year undergraduate and masters students in Birmingham. Most students are very enthusiastic to learn about these emerging areas that are fundamental and yet often completely new to them. As such, several enquire about the possibilities of undertaking their final year research project in the Tomlinson lab. Indeed, aspects of the project, in addition to the spin-off projects that will emerge, are ideally suited to short-term projects which will greatly benefit the students. The post doctoral researcher who undertakes the project will also benefit in developing their supervising skills.
Harrison N
Regulation of ADAM10 by the TspanC8 Family of Tetraspanins and Their Therapeutic Potential.
in International journal of molecular sciences
Koo CZ
The tetraspanin Tspan15 is an essential subunit of an ADAM10 scissor complex.
in The Journal of biological chemistry
Koo CZ
The Platelet Collagen Receptor GPVI Is Cleaved by Tspan15/ADAM10 and Tspan33/ADAM10 Molecular Scissors.
in International journal of molecular sciences
Lipper CH
Crystal structure of the Tspan15 LEL domain reveals a conserved ADAM10 binding site.
in Structure (London, England : 1993)
Matthews AL
Regulation of Leukocytes by TspanC8 Tetraspanins and the "Molecular Scissor" ADAM10.
in Frontiers in immunology
Noy PJ
Tspan18 is a novel regulator of the Ca2+ channel Orai1 and von Willebrand factor release in endothelial cells.
in Haematologica
Wang X
Purification and characterisation of the platelet-activating GPVI/FcR? complex in SMALPs.
in Archives of biochemistry and biophysics
Description | The over-arching aim of this grant was to understand how six different tetraspanin membrane proteins regulate the molecular scissor ADAM10, a transmembrane metalloprotease on all cells in the body that cleaves the extracellular regions from its substrates. ADAM10 is essential for embryonic development and aberrant ADAM10 activity is implicated in major human diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's and inflammatory diseases. With a focus on tetraspanin Tspan15 and ADAM10 substrate N-cadherin, a cell-cell adhesion molecule, the grant has four major achievements. 1. Tspan15 and ADAM10 form an intimate scissor complex (10.1074/jbc.RA120.012601). This was supported by the following discoveries. (1) Endogenous Tspan15 and ADAM10 co-localise on the cell surface. (2) ADAM10 is the principal Tspan15-interacting protein. (3) Endogenous Tspan15 expression requires ADAM10. (4) A synthetic Tspan15/ADAM10 fusion protein is a functional scissor. This has major implications for ADAM10 researchers, because ADAM10 should now not be regarded as a single scissor, but as six different scissors with different substrate specificities, depending on the associated tetraspanin. This also suggests that drug targetting of specific tetraspanin/ADAM10 complexes offers the potential to treat specific diseases without the toxicity that would be caused by global ADAM10 targetting. 2. Characterisation of four mouse anti-human Tspan15 monoclonal antibodies (10.1074/jbc.RA120.012601). These were found to be excellent tool antibodies for western blotting, immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence microscopy. They were epitope mapped and the cDNA sequences determined to enable future modifications, e.g. recombinant Fab production or bispecific binding reagents. Two of the four antibodies had partial inhibitory effects on Tspan15/ADAM10 substrate cleavage and cell migration/invasion. This raises two important research questions for the future. (1) How does Tspan15/ADAM10 promote cell migration/invasion, i.e. which substrates are important? (2) Can new antibodies be generated that potently inhibit Tspan15/ADAM10 activity and cell migration/invasion, and could these be useful therapeutic agents for the treatment of cancer and inflammatory diseases in which Tspan15/ADAM10 plays a role? 3. Structural determination of Tspan15 (0.1016/j.str.2021.10.007). This work was a collaboration led by Harvard Medical School, where our reagents have facilitated a high resolution crystal structure of the Tspan15 extracellular region in complex with one of our Tspan15 antibodies. This work is important for future drug discovery projects as the structures will enable the design of novel Tspan15/ADAM10 targetting strategies, e.g. in pancreatic cancer and mesothelioma in which we have evidence that Tspan15/ADAM10/N-cadherin are tumour-promoting. 4. Tspan15/ADAM10 shedding of specific substrates cannot be explained by subcellular localisation of Tspan15 with substrate, but instead may be due to the conformation of the Tspan15/ADAM10 complex dictating cleavage at a defined distance above the plasma membrane (10.3390/ijms23052440). Fully testing this hypothesis will require the future solving of all six TspanC8/ADAM10 complexes, e.g. by cryo-EM. |
Exploitation Route | The research outcomes are being taken forward by two major routes. 1. Industry. Our findings have great translational potential. Our project directly resulted in six-months of funding from Mestag Therapeutics, a recently established fibroblast-focussed biotech company; the project finished in January 2021. I am now discussing further translational options. 2. Academia. Our findings have great potential for the initiation of new academic collaborations, with academics who are interested in our new 'six scissor' hypothesis for ADAM10 and want to include the ADAM10-regulating tetraspanins in their research. Indeed, we have already established new collaborations as a result of the grant with Harvard Medical School and the University of Munich. |
Sectors | Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology |
Description | To establish a six-month collaboration with Mestag Therapeutics in 2020-21 In January 2023, I became a consultant for TRex Bio, a biotech company in South San Francisco, California |
First Year Of Impact | 2023 |
Sector | Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology |
Description | Birmingham-Maastricht PhD Studentship - The Tspan14/ADAM10 dyad: a major regulator of Notch signaling in atherosclerosis? |
Amount | £80,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | University of Birmingham |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 09/2018 |
End | 09/2021 |
Description | COMPARE Pump Priming Grant |
Amount | £3,600 (GBP) |
Organisation | The Centre of Membrane Proteins and Receptors |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2017 |
End | 02/2018 |
Description | COMPARE Pump Priming Grant |
Amount | £48,536 (GBP) |
Organisation | The Centre of Membrane Proteins and Receptors |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2017 |
End | 02/2018 |
Description | Genome Editing Mice for Medicine (GEMM) Call |
Amount | £0 (GBP) |
Organisation | MRC Harwell |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2018 |
End | 03/2019 |
Description | MRC IMPACT PhD Studentship - Understanding how tetraspanins and the 'molecular scissor' ADAM10 promote blood cancer. |
Amount | £80,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | MRC Doctoral Training Program |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 09/2019 |
End | 09/2022 |
Description | PhD Studentship |
Amount | £120,670 (GBP) |
Funding ID | FS/18/9/33388 |
Organisation | British Heart Foundation (BHF) |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 04/2018 |
End | 04/2021 |
Description | Tetraspanin target validation |
Amount | £120,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | Mestag Therapeutics |
Sector | Private |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 07/2020 |
End | 01/2021 |
Description | Determining the structure of Tspan15 and the Tspan15/ADAM10 complex |
Organisation | Harvard University |
Department | Harvard Medical School |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We provided Tspan15 antibodies and Tspan15/ADAM10 expression constructs |
Collaborator Contribution | The partner has solved the crystal structure of the Tspan15 extracellular region in complex with one of our antibodies (manuscript in preparation) The partner has a low resolution structure of the Tspan15/ADAM10 complex |
Impact | None |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Identifying Tspan15 interacting proteins |
Organisation | Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU Munich) |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Provision of ADAM10- and TspanC8-knockout cell lines and Tspan15 antibodies |
Collaborator Contribution | Generation of mass spectrometry data on Tspan15 interacting proteins and Tspan15/ADAM10 substrates |
Impact | 10.1074/jbc.RA120.012601 |
Start Year | 2019 |