Metal contamination of rice supplies in Asia

Lead Research Organisation: CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY
Department Name: School of Water, Energy and Environment


There has recently been much public debate about contamination of rice supplies across Asia with heavy metals. Two elements in particular are discussed: arsenic (As) (which is strictly a metalloid not a metal) and cadmium (Cd). Rice is thought to be one of the main sources of As in the human diet, and chronic As exposure is linked to cancers of the skin, lung, bladder and prostate as well as heart disease. Contamination of rice fields with As has been found in many parts of Asia, especially in the heavily-populated deltas of the Ganges and other rivers draining from the Himalayas whose rocks contain it. The solubility of As in soils - and hence the ease with which it is absorbed by plant roots - increases when a soil is flooded for paddy rice production because of changes in soil chemistry linked to redox conditions. Hence the particular link between rice and As.

Cadmium is also a primary carcinogen and a chronic nephrotoxin. Sources of Cd in rice soils include parent rock materials and base-metal mining and industrial discharges up-stream of rice field water supplies. In contrast to As, the solubility of Cd tends to decrease when a soil is flooded for rice production, again linked to changes in redox chemistry. But conversely, if the soil is drained during the growing season, as for example in water-saving irrigation systems that are becoming widespread in various parts of Asia, Cd solubility and hence plant uptake tend to increase. So there is concern that water-saving irrigation technologies may exacerbate Cd contamination risks. There is also concern that new varieties of rice with enhanced uptake of micro-nutrients such as zinc, for the sake of human nutrition, may also take up more Cd.

However, the extent of these metal contamination risks across Asia is not well understood. Because of the complex mix of processes and variables controlling metal uptake, making predictions across diverse rice environments is difficult. In the absence of reliable assessments of the extents the problem, it is difficult to prioritise research to develop technologies to lessen contamination risks, though there are promising possibilities for doing this through rice breeding and agronomic management. There is therefore a pressing need for better estimates of contamination risks in the different rice environments across Asia.

In this project we propose to develop methods with which to do this based on spatial data analysis and modelling. We will develop models for predicting contamination levels in rice grain based on spatially-resolved data on environmental, management and genetic variables. We will use the latest spatial data analysis and modelling techniques for this. To develop our models, we will make pilot studies in Bangladesh and the Philippines, in which we will conduct surveys of contamination and its drivers over relevant geographic areas. Our reasons for choosing Bangladesh and the Philippines are related to the availabilities of relevant spatial data resources in these countries, and favourable political conditions for studies on rice contamination in these countries. We will seek to widely disseminate the project findings and the generic methods we will develop through the project team's wide network of partnerships within target countries and across scientific disciplines.

Technical Summary

We will develop models for predicting contamination levels of individual metals and metalloids in rice grain based on spatially-resolved data on environmental, management and genetic variables.

To develop our models, we will make pilot studies at 600 farm sites in Bangladesh and the Philippines (300 in each country), in which we will conduct surveys of contamination levels and its drivers. We chose these countries based on availabilities of relevant spatial data and favourable political conditions for studies on rice contamination. The sites will be chosen to cover relevant geographic areas with a range of contamination risks and rice growing variables. Farmers will be interviewed for their soil and water management practices and socio-economic factors. Rice grain and soils will be sampled: grain will be analysed for metal contents and DNA finger-prints to derive genotype information; soils will be analysed for standard properties and metal contents.

We will also collect existing spatial data on biophysical conditions (soils, water, geology), pollution risks (geogenic, anthropogenic) and rice growing conditions across Bangladesh and the Philip[pines. We will combine this mapped data with the survey and analytical results to derive models relating contamination risks to driving variables (environment, management and germplasm), informed by understanding of the plant, soil and water processes governing uptakes of different metals. We will develop the models on a stratified random subset of the data, and use the remaining data for validation. We will use the models to predict contamination risks across Bangladesh and the Philippines. We will draw conclusions for generic methods for making assessments in other rice-producing countries in Asia.

We will seek to widely disseminate the project findings and the generic methods we will develop through the project team's wide network of partnerships within target countries and across scientific disciplines.

Planned Impact

In addition to the academic beneficiaries listed above, the project will benefit rice breeders and agronomists concerned with genetic improvement of rice varieties and related management practices to mitigate metal contamination risks. In the medium- and longer-term, the project will benefit rice producers and consumers, particularly those in areas with metal-contaminated soils, and rice exporters.

By the end of the project we will have developed generic methods for assessing metal contamination risks in different rice environments. We will facilitate the adoption of these methods through existing technology-transfer programmes that the project team are involved in.

Relevant technology-transfer programmes involving the project team are: the CGIAR HarvestPlus programme, concerned with micronutrient malnutrition and biofortification in crops; the Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA), for accelerated development and deployment of new varieties, management technologies and policies for cereal systems in South Asia; and Stress-tolerant Rice for Africa and South Asia (STRASA) concerned with varieties and technologies for rainfed rice systems. Each of these has components for germplasm testing with farmers, followed by seed multiplication, distribution and impact evaluation.

The project's findings will be will transferred to breeders and agronomists through direct interactions with members of the project team. The main route for dissemination to other scientists will be through publications in high impact journals and presentations at international conferences. All members of the project team have strong track records in publishing in top-ranked journals in their areas and in broad-reach journals. We will make all datasets and models produced in the project available to other researchers, following publication of papers, via websites at the project team's host organizations.

The project team has strong links with rice policy makers in Asia and globally. We will exploit these direct contacts. We will produce regular reports for websites and newsletters of our respective organizations, to communicate with policy makers and the general public.


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Description We have found widespread contamination of rice in farmers' field across Bangladesh with arsenic (As) at levels above internationally recognized safe limits. The problem of As contamination of groundwater in the delta of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers in West Bengal and Bangladesh is well known. It has been assumed that As brought into ricefields with contaminated irrigation water will have accumulated in the soil, and thereby led to contamination of the rice crop. However, surprisingly, this had not been properly tested before our project. We made the largest survey of As in rice in farmers' fields across Bangladesh to date. This has shown - against the accepted paradigm - that contamination is not solely caused by contaminated irrigation water. In fact we found the greatest contamination in rainfed (i.e. unirrigated) Aus rice and in fields outside the areas with high levels of groundwater contamination.

The source of the groundwater As in the Bengal delta is the reductive dissolution of As-rich iron oxyhydroxides formed upstream of the contaminated areas by weathering of As-rich base metal sulphides. The reduction is microbially mediated and consumes oxidizable organic matter. What distinguishes the Holocene sediments of the Bengal delta is the presence of large amounts of organic matter as a result of the sediments being laid down as the sea level rose at the end of the last Ice Age, when, as now, the coastal areas were covered in mangrove swamps. Likewise, soils on the alluvial delta have developed in the same Holocene sediments as in the As contaminated aquifers, and the same reducing conditions develop in the soil when submerged for rice production, driven by organic matter from crop residues. In the Aus season, because of the prevailing weather, the most strongly-reducing conditions -- and resulting increase in As solubility -- coincide with the grain-filling stage, when most As is taken up. This has implications for mitigation strategies, which must therefore focus on soil and rice germplasm, as well as on irrigation water.

We also found cadmium (Cd) contamination of rice across Bangladesh linked to industrial sources, including from the chimney stacks of brick kilns and also, possibly, a hitherto unrecognised geogenic source of Cd contamination in rice in the north of the country.

We made similar surveys of rice in farmers' fields in the Philippines. Our Philippine results did not reveal the expected metal contamination in the main rice growing areas. We found no evidence of As contamination in rice anywhere. However we found strong Cd contamination linked to artisanal gold mining and associated smelting activities in Mindanao.

We are in the process of writing journal articles on the findings for submission in the next few months.
Exploitation Route Our work in Bangladesh suggests - contrary to the accepted paradigm - that As contamination is likely in submerged rice soils on the Bengal and similar deltas across SE Asia, irrespective of whether contaminated irrigation water has been used. This has implications for mitigation strategies, which must therefore focus on soil and rice germplasm, as well as on irrigation water. There is several-fold variation in As uptake and translocation to grain in the rice germplasm. So mitigation based on rice breeding is promising. However, breeding for low As content is not currently a priority. To change this requires a sufficiently strong evidence base, which the methods developed in this project could provide

We have developed generic methods for assessing the extent that rice supplies are contaminated with toxic metals, for use across rice-producing countries. The methods use a combination of rice and soil survey in farmers' fields, and digital soil mapping and spatial modelling techniques to interpolate conditions at the georeferenced survey sites, and to combine the analytical results with the mapped information to derive associations and empirical relationships between contamination levels in rice grain and environmental and management drivers.

In April 2019, we held meetings with Government and other stakeholders in Myanmar (using funding (£30k) from the Cranfield Institutional GCRF QR Allocation), with a view to developing a follow-on research project in which we will apply the methods developed in BB/P02274X/1 to investigate As contamination of rice in the Ayeyarwady delta, which has similar geology and soils to the Bengal delta. Without interventions As contamination of rice is likely to become a major public health problem in Myanmar, exacerbated by the extremely high per capita rice consumption and current plans to greatly increase rice production to meet domestic demand and increase exports. This will largely have to be from increased dry season production in potentially As contaminated areas in the Ayeyarwady delta. However, the institutional capacity to tackle the issue is weak, both in terms of assessing the extent of the problem and in devising mitigation strategies. We are negotiating with the UN LIFT programme for funding for the follow-on project.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink



Description We have raised awareness of rice contamination issues among Government officials in Bangladesh, the Philippines and Myanmar, as follows. In February 2019, we held stakeholder meetings with local government and NGO representatives concerned with contamination from mining in Mindanao and Palawan in the Philippines. In March 2019, we held a meeting with the Bangladesh Secretary of Agriculture, the Director of the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute and others to discuss the project's initial findings. In May 2019, we held meetings with Government (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Irrigation, Ministry of Natural Resources & Environmental Conservation, and Ministry of Health and Sports ) and other stakeholders in Myanmar (using funding (£30k) from the Cranfield Institutional GCRF QR Allocation), with a view to developing a follow-on research project in which we will apply the methods developed in BB/P02274X/1 to investigate As contamination of rice in the Ayeyarwady delta, which has similar geology and soils to the Bengal delta. Without interventions As contamination of rice is likely to become a major public health problem in Myanmar, exacerbated by the extremely high per capita rice consumption and current plans to greatly increase rice production to meet domestic demand and increase exports. This will largely have to be from increased dry season production in potentially As contaminated areas in the Ayeyarwady delta. However, the institutional capacity to tackle the issue is weak, both in terms of assessing the extent of the problem and in devising mitigation strategies. We are negotiating with the UN LIFT programme for funding for the follow-on project.
First Year Of Impact 2019