Sparse 4-D multi-spectral optical computed tomography for accurate quantification of voxel composition
Lead Research Organisation:
Institute of Cancer Research
Department Name: Division of Radiotherapy and Imaging
This project is about developing a new type of microscope called a multi-spectral absorption optical computed tomography scanner.
Starting with the development of x-ray computed tomography - the so called CAT scanners that revolutionised medical diagnosis in the 1970's and '80s - three-dimensional imaging has become ubiquitous in modern medicine and science. Principles of computed tomography are employed in fields as diverse as remote monitoring of flames in chemical engineering, tomb-hunting in Egyptian pyramids (via muon tomography) and non-invasive mapping of radiation dose to provide quality assurance in radiotherapy treatments.
Optical computed tomography - or "optical projection tomography" (OPT) as the configuration widely used in biological microscopy has come to be known - provides high quality images that are especially useful at the so-called mesoscale, with sample dimensions of the order of cm and able to resolve details as small as a 5-10 microns. Two principal forms of OPT are available, emission and absorption tomography. This project is concerned with absorption tomography, in which a beam of light shines on a sample and we form a 3-D image from the light that passes through the sample, thus measuring the amount by which the transmitted light decreases because of optical absorption by the various tissue components in the sample.
Tissue absorption occurs to different degrees at different wavelengths. Optical absorption spectra are highly distinctive and may be used to separate out important components of tissue. This technique is routinely used in traditional 2-D microscopy in order to locate regions on the slide containing different types of tissue, which are "stained" with different types of chemical in order to make them more visible and more distinct from each other. Measurements are made at a (normally, relatively small) number of discrete wavelengths and analysed by computer in a process that is know as "spectral unmixing".
In order for this unmixing process to work well, we need to adjust the concentrations the chemical additives (stains) such that they let through an appropriate amount of light in the range measureable by our camera. However, for the sorts of 3-D animal model that we use in cancer, this adjustment is very difficult to do, because there are significant unknowns in the processes by which these "contrast agents" are delivered to tissue. Principles of responsible animal experimentation, involving a reduction in the number of animals used and a refinement of techniques argue strongly for the development of a "smart" readout system, as suggested in this project, to gain maximum value from each animal used.
A second reason for possible failures in the unmixing process is that we might not know in advance what the spectra of the compounds to be unmixed are. The spectra of an exciting new family of contrast agent, based on gold nanoparticles, can vary when they are introduced into tissue. This is unfortunate, as it hinders our ability to make accurate measurements of nanoparticle concentration via spectral unmixing. There has been an explosion of interest in gold nanoparticles in recent years, and particularly in one of the subtypes, known as gold nanorods. These can be attached to various molecules that recognise particular signatures of cancer within the body and, thus, the hope is that by measuring accurately where the nanorods congregate in tissue, we can detect and, perhaps, quantify the amount of malignant tissue.
The data acquisition and processing technique used in this project is very new in OPT. It will reduce the amount of data that need to be acquired by a factor of approximately. This is extremely important because spectral OPT involves very large datasets. Our project consists of three parts: (i) simulate and optimise the acquisition process; (ii) build the new microscope; (iii) test it in two problems of great interest in cancer.
Starting with the development of x-ray computed tomography - the so called CAT scanners that revolutionised medical diagnosis in the 1970's and '80s - three-dimensional imaging has become ubiquitous in modern medicine and science. Principles of computed tomography are employed in fields as diverse as remote monitoring of flames in chemical engineering, tomb-hunting in Egyptian pyramids (via muon tomography) and non-invasive mapping of radiation dose to provide quality assurance in radiotherapy treatments.
Optical computed tomography - or "optical projection tomography" (OPT) as the configuration widely used in biological microscopy has come to be known - provides high quality images that are especially useful at the so-called mesoscale, with sample dimensions of the order of cm and able to resolve details as small as a 5-10 microns. Two principal forms of OPT are available, emission and absorption tomography. This project is concerned with absorption tomography, in which a beam of light shines on a sample and we form a 3-D image from the light that passes through the sample, thus measuring the amount by which the transmitted light decreases because of optical absorption by the various tissue components in the sample.
Tissue absorption occurs to different degrees at different wavelengths. Optical absorption spectra are highly distinctive and may be used to separate out important components of tissue. This technique is routinely used in traditional 2-D microscopy in order to locate regions on the slide containing different types of tissue, which are "stained" with different types of chemical in order to make them more visible and more distinct from each other. Measurements are made at a (normally, relatively small) number of discrete wavelengths and analysed by computer in a process that is know as "spectral unmixing".
In order for this unmixing process to work well, we need to adjust the concentrations the chemical additives (stains) such that they let through an appropriate amount of light in the range measureable by our camera. However, for the sorts of 3-D animal model that we use in cancer, this adjustment is very difficult to do, because there are significant unknowns in the processes by which these "contrast agents" are delivered to tissue. Principles of responsible animal experimentation, involving a reduction in the number of animals used and a refinement of techniques argue strongly for the development of a "smart" readout system, as suggested in this project, to gain maximum value from each animal used.
A second reason for possible failures in the unmixing process is that we might not know in advance what the spectra of the compounds to be unmixed are. The spectra of an exciting new family of contrast agent, based on gold nanoparticles, can vary when they are introduced into tissue. This is unfortunate, as it hinders our ability to make accurate measurements of nanoparticle concentration via spectral unmixing. There has been an explosion of interest in gold nanoparticles in recent years, and particularly in one of the subtypes, known as gold nanorods. These can be attached to various molecules that recognise particular signatures of cancer within the body and, thus, the hope is that by measuring accurately where the nanorods congregate in tissue, we can detect and, perhaps, quantify the amount of malignant tissue.
The data acquisition and processing technique used in this project is very new in OPT. It will reduce the amount of data that need to be acquired by a factor of approximately. This is extremely important because spectral OPT involves very large datasets. Our project consists of three parts: (i) simulate and optimise the acquisition process; (ii) build the new microscope; (iii) test it in two problems of great interest in cancer.
Technical Summary
Optical Computed Tomography (CT) is a method of 3-D imaging that has found widespread use in the physical and biological sciences. The imaging geometry most widely used in biology at the current time is known as Optical Projection Tomography (OPT). OPT may be used in either absorption or emission modes with emission tomography being the more common because of the wide range of fluorescent contrast agents available.
However, this project will study absorption mode OPT, because of its excellent quantitative abilities. The project will apply spectral unmixing to 4-D OPT data (one spectral and three spatial dimensions). It is non-trivial to extend traditional techniques, as developed for routine histopathology, to OPT of cancerous tumours for the following reasons:
1. It is difficult to control the concentration of chromophore in the tissues of interest in such a way as to optimise transmission over large fields-of-view.
2. In important use cases, the reference spectra of the species of interested can vary depending on the local microenvironment. This makes quantitative determination of the analyte concentrations susceptible to significant error.
3. The volume of data that must be manipulated during the acquisition and processing of 4-D data at high resolution from mesoscopic fields-of-view is extremely large.
Our hypothesis is that "true 4-D" (i.e., acquiring many spectral points) multispectral absorption tomography will allow significantly improved quantification of tissue composition and tracer concentration on a voxel basis compared with measurement at a small number of predetermined wavelengths.
We will test this hypothesis as follows:
(a) Simulate and optimise a sparse imaging (also known as compressed sensing) strategy for data acquisition.
(b) Use these results to design and build a multi-spectral absorption mode OPT scanner.
(c) Test the new scanner in a murine model of neuroblastoma and in phantoms containing gold nanorods.
However, this project will study absorption mode OPT, because of its excellent quantitative abilities. The project will apply spectral unmixing to 4-D OPT data (one spectral and three spatial dimensions). It is non-trivial to extend traditional techniques, as developed for routine histopathology, to OPT of cancerous tumours for the following reasons:
1. It is difficult to control the concentration of chromophore in the tissues of interest in such a way as to optimise transmission over large fields-of-view.
2. In important use cases, the reference spectra of the species of interested can vary depending on the local microenvironment. This makes quantitative determination of the analyte concentrations susceptible to significant error.
3. The volume of data that must be manipulated during the acquisition and processing of 4-D data at high resolution from mesoscopic fields-of-view is extremely large.
Our hypothesis is that "true 4-D" (i.e., acquiring many spectral points) multispectral absorption tomography will allow significantly improved quantification of tissue composition and tracer concentration on a voxel basis compared with measurement at a small number of predetermined wavelengths.
We will test this hypothesis as follows:
(a) Simulate and optimise a sparse imaging (also known as compressed sensing) strategy for data acquisition.
(b) Use these results to design and build a multi-spectral absorption mode OPT scanner.
(c) Test the new scanner in a murine model of neuroblastoma and in phantoms containing gold nanorods.
Planned Impact
Academic impact
* The success of the project will enhance the knowledge, capabilities and reputation of the ICR in the field of biomedical imaging.
* The biomedical application of multi-wavelength OPT is still in its infancy. This proposal will pave the way for the discovery and qualification of the sensitive and specific biomarkers of response in a preclinical cancer setting.
* Discoveries made using optical CT are potentially translatable into the clinic, in the form of methods for diagnosis, therapy or monitoring treatment response.
Economic and societal impact
* Close collaboration with drug developers in both academia and the pharmaceutical industry, to accelerate and achieve maximum impact on scientific and industrial development of new therapies, and ultimately on the delivery of health improvements through the NHS and other providers.
* Industrial collaborations will establish the value of both existing and emerging functional imaging biomarkers for the assessment of novel targeted therapeutics and guide their incorporation into planned clinical trials.
* Dissemination of imaging approaches to other hospitals will benefit both patients and the NHS.
* Societal impact is achieved through the widest dissemination of research results, both in the scientific literature and to the general public.
* Our work develops younger researchers conversant with the full range of techniques that are being developed and applied for imaging cancer, and which will also enable them to thrive in other areas of academic or industry- based biomedical research. Study at the ICR also instructs young researchers in a range of complementary skills.
* The success of the project will enhance the knowledge, capabilities and reputation of the ICR in the field of biomedical imaging.
* The biomedical application of multi-wavelength OPT is still in its infancy. This proposal will pave the way for the discovery and qualification of the sensitive and specific biomarkers of response in a preclinical cancer setting.
* Discoveries made using optical CT are potentially translatable into the clinic, in the form of methods for diagnosis, therapy or monitoring treatment response.
Economic and societal impact
* Close collaboration with drug developers in both academia and the pharmaceutical industry, to accelerate and achieve maximum impact on scientific and industrial development of new therapies, and ultimately on the delivery of health improvements through the NHS and other providers.
* Industrial collaborations will establish the value of both existing and emerging functional imaging biomarkers for the assessment of novel targeted therapeutics and guide their incorporation into planned clinical trials.
* Dissemination of imaging approaches to other hospitals will benefit both patients and the NHS.
* Societal impact is achieved through the widest dissemination of research results, both in the scientific literature and to the general public.
* Our work develops younger researchers conversant with the full range of techniques that are being developed and applied for imaging cancer, and which will also enable them to thrive in other areas of academic or industry- based biomedical research. Study at the ICR also instructs young researchers in a range of complementary skills.
- Institute of Cancer Research (Lead Research Organisation)
- Medical Research Council (Co-funder)
- EPSRC (Co-funder)
- University College London (Collaboration)
- Washington University in St Louis (Collaboration)
- Heuris Pharma (Collaboration)
- University of Surrey (Collaboration)
- European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Collaboration)
- The Royal Surrey County Hospital (Collaboration)
- UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY (Collaboration)

Azizian M
Modelling of the penetration of optically absorbing contrast agents into tumour spheroids to investigate the feasibility of multispectral OPT
in Journal of Biophotonics

Doran SJ
Development of multispectral optical computed microscopy using a high-resolution phantom created with synchrotron microbeam irradiation
in Physics in Medicine and Biology
Description | The project has been extremely successful in achieving its scientific goals. We have not only been able to perform our multispectral optical CT measurements on the gold nanorod and neuroblastoma model systems discussed in the case for support (Milestones 4 and 5 of the project), but have also been able to complete an additional exemplar application, viz. multispectral microimaging of tumour spheroids. This has provided additional data that will be used for spectral unmixing, as described in the application. |
Exploitation Route | Additional data generated in the project will be used for spectral unmixing. |
Sectors | Healthcare Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology |
Description | Beamtime award, beamline ID-17 ESRF |
Amount | £1,000 (GBP) |
Funding ID | MD1182 |
Organisation | European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
Country | France |
Start | 11/2018 |
End | 11/2018 |
Description | Multiscale mathematical modelling of 4-D histopathology data to study and overcome the barriers to drug delivery in pancreatic cancer - pump priming |
Amount | £15,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Department | Centre for Mathematical Imaging in Healthcare |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2019 |
Description | Pump Priming fund, Liverpool Centre for Mathematics in Healthcare |
Amount | £15,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | University of Liverpool |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2019 |
End | 07/2019 |
Title | Creation of new multispectral optical CT scanner |
Description | The purpose of the BBSRC grant with which this item is associated was to develop a new instrument for measuring 4-D multispectral optical computed tomography data. This has been achieved as evidenced by the data acquired, which is being analysed for publication. Over the coming months, the instrument will be supplemented with further components. |
Type Of Material | Improvements to research infrastructure |
Year Produced | 2018 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | Three manuscripts currently in preparation will use data from this instrument and it is expected that further research will continue in this area. |
Description | 3-D microscopy |
Organisation | University of Liverpool |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We have provided optical projection tomography and thin-section 2-D microscopic imaging data, together with possible application areas for modelling. |
Collaborator Contribution | The Liverpool Centre for Mathematics in Healthcare (LCMH), in the Department of Mathematical Sciences has obtained pump priming funding (to a value of £15k) and a postdoctoral researcher to work on joint projects for modelling in our areas of mutual interest. |
Impact | Multidisciplinary collaboration (Imaging Physics, Cancer Research, Applied Mathematics) Manuscript in preparation Pump priming funding won as described above. We have been invited to be EPSRC Project Partners on a University of Liverpool bid to EPSRC's "Physics of Life" funding stream. If successful, this will fund a Liverpool PhD student, who will work on areas of mutual interest and who will spend time using our facilities to acquire data. |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | 3-D radiation dosimetry |
Organisation | European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Country | France |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Scientific input into a programme of 3-D radiation dosimetry |
Collaborator Contribution | University of Sydney funded a PhD student to come to the UK to perform a series of experiments, resulting in a conference abstract and peer-reviewed paper. That part of the collaboration ended in 2015 due to moving on of staff in Sydney. University of Surrey provided lab space to undertake experiments. This part of the collaboration has now ended. The Royal Surrey County Hospital provided irradiation facilities for samples. This part of the collaboration has now ended. Heuris Pharma provides test samples for free to a value in excess of £10,000. This part of the collaboration is still active. ESRF has provided synchrotron radiation facilities on beam line ID-17 for 6 experiments since 2008 won via competitive bids. |
Impact | Approximately 14 scientific publications and 30 abstracts in the area of 3-D radiation dosimetry. |
Description | 3-D radiation dosimetry |
Organisation | Heuris Pharma |
Country | United States |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Scientific input into a programme of 3-D radiation dosimetry |
Collaborator Contribution | University of Sydney funded a PhD student to come to the UK to perform a series of experiments, resulting in a conference abstract and peer-reviewed paper. That part of the collaboration ended in 2015 due to moving on of staff in Sydney. University of Surrey provided lab space to undertake experiments. This part of the collaboration has now ended. The Royal Surrey County Hospital provided irradiation facilities for samples. This part of the collaboration has now ended. Heuris Pharma provides test samples for free to a value in excess of £10,000. This part of the collaboration is still active. ESRF has provided synchrotron radiation facilities on beam line ID-17 for 6 experiments since 2008 won via competitive bids. |
Impact | Approximately 14 scientific publications and 30 abstracts in the area of 3-D radiation dosimetry. |
Description | 3-D radiation dosimetry |
Organisation | The Royal Surrey County Hospital |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Hospitals |
PI Contribution | Scientific input into a programme of 3-D radiation dosimetry |
Collaborator Contribution | University of Sydney funded a PhD student to come to the UK to perform a series of experiments, resulting in a conference abstract and peer-reviewed paper. That part of the collaboration ended in 2015 due to moving on of staff in Sydney. University of Surrey provided lab space to undertake experiments. This part of the collaboration has now ended. The Royal Surrey County Hospital provided irradiation facilities for samples. This part of the collaboration has now ended. Heuris Pharma provides test samples for free to a value in excess of £10,000. This part of the collaboration is still active. ESRF has provided synchrotron radiation facilities on beam line ID-17 for 6 experiments since 2008 won via competitive bids. |
Impact | Approximately 14 scientific publications and 30 abstracts in the area of 3-D radiation dosimetry. |
Description | 3-D radiation dosimetry |
Organisation | University of Surrey |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Scientific input into a programme of 3-D radiation dosimetry |
Collaborator Contribution | University of Sydney funded a PhD student to come to the UK to perform a series of experiments, resulting in a conference abstract and peer-reviewed paper. That part of the collaboration ended in 2015 due to moving on of staff in Sydney. University of Surrey provided lab space to undertake experiments. This part of the collaboration has now ended. The Royal Surrey County Hospital provided irradiation facilities for samples. This part of the collaboration has now ended. Heuris Pharma provides test samples for free to a value in excess of £10,000. This part of the collaboration is still active. ESRF has provided synchrotron radiation facilities on beam line ID-17 for 6 experiments since 2008 won via competitive bids. |
Impact | Approximately 14 scientific publications and 30 abstracts in the area of 3-D radiation dosimetry. |
Description | 3-D radiation dosimetry |
Organisation | University of Sydney |
Country | Australia |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Scientific input into a programme of 3-D radiation dosimetry |
Collaborator Contribution | University of Sydney funded a PhD student to come to the UK to perform a series of experiments, resulting in a conference abstract and peer-reviewed paper. That part of the collaboration ended in 2015 due to moving on of staff in Sydney. University of Surrey provided lab space to undertake experiments. This part of the collaboration has now ended. The Royal Surrey County Hospital provided irradiation facilities for samples. This part of the collaboration has now ended. Heuris Pharma provides test samples for free to a value in excess of £10,000. This part of the collaboration is still active. ESRF has provided synchrotron radiation facilities on beam line ID-17 for 6 experiments since 2008 won via competitive bids. |
Impact | Approximately 14 scientific publications and 30 abstracts in the area of 3-D radiation dosimetry. |
Description | XNAT development |
Organisation | University College London |
Department | Centre for Medical Image Computing |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Programming, discussion and active participation in online forums |
Collaborator Contribution | Programming, discussion, advice and problem solving Free, advance access to software developed From financial year 2016/17, our partners at Washington University will provide a financial contribution to the Institute of Cancer Research (exact amount still being finalised as of June 2016) of approx. USD 20k / annum for five years from grant 1U24CA204854. |
Impact | Software developed is foundation for CRUK national imaging repository and the collaboration is helping set the strategic direction for image archiving in the UK Input from us went into the successful bit that led to the award of grant 1U24CA204854 grant Integrative Imaging Informatics for Cancer Research. |
Start Year | 2008 |
Description | XNAT development |
Organisation | Washington University in St Louis |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Programming, discussion and active participation in online forums |
Collaborator Contribution | Programming, discussion, advice and problem solving Free, advance access to software developed From financial year 2016/17, our partners at Washington University will provide a financial contribution to the Institute of Cancer Research (exact amount still being finalised as of June 2016) of approx. USD 20k / annum for five years from grant 1U24CA204854. |
Impact | Software developed is foundation for CRUK national imaging repository and the collaboration is helping set the strategic direction for image archiving in the UK Input from us went into the successful bit that led to the award of grant 1U24CA204854 grant Integrative Imaging Informatics for Cancer Research. |
Start Year | 2008 |
Title | MATLAB software for image reconstruction |
Description | The code written applies a number of different methods, broadly classified as "sparse reconstruction", to the raw 4-D optical computed tomography data, in order to obtain the final images. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2018 |
Impact | The software will be a key component in producing the data for three manuscripts currently in preparation. |