How do Phototropin Receptor Kinases Initiate Signalling from the Plasma Membrane?

Lead Research Organisation: University of Glasgow
Department Name: College of Medical, Veterinary, Life Sci


Improving crop yield has the potential to overcome the challenges facing global agriculture. Strategies to increase plant biomass have centred on enhancing photosynthetic productivity. Phototropin receptor kinases (phots) play an important role in this regard as they function to control a wide range of physiological responses that collectively serve to optimise photosynthetic efficiency. These include chloroplast relocation movements, leaf positioning and expansion, stomatal opening and phototropism, all of which influence a plant's photosynthetic competence by improving the efficiency of light capture, reducing photodamage, and regulating gas exchange between leaves and the atmosphere. Manipulating these processes could offers considerable potential to alter plant growth through changes in photosynthetic performance. Yet, despite two decades of research, our understanding of how these autophosphorylating kinases are activated, how they are regulated and how they initiate signalling from the plasma membrane is far from complete. Obtaining a better grasp of the underlying mechanisms involved will be essential if we are to harness the full potential of altering phot function for agronomic gain. This proposal will capitalise on a substantial body of preliminary work to answer key gaps in our knowledge regarding the molecular basis underlying phot receptor activation and signalling by light. The outcomes of this work will ultimately offer new opportunities to coordinate enhancements in photosynthetic performance with an aim to increase yield and grow crops more efficiently. Knowledge gained from this work will also translate to related kinases with key roles in controlling plant immunity and the hormonal regulation of plant development.

Technical Summary

Enhancing photosynthesis represents a major challenge for improving plant productivity. Phototropins (phots) are plasma membrane-associated receptor kinases that are pivotal for plant growth by regulating a range of physiological processes that serve to optimise photosynthetic efficiency. Thus, modulating phot function offers considerable potential to manipulate plant growth through changes in photosynthetic performance. Indeed, genetic manipulation of phot-dependent stomatal opening has already proved successful in increasing yield. Extending this approach to coordinate further stepwise enhancements in photosynthetic efficiency will require a deeper understanding of how these light-activated kinases promote growth by maximising light capture, reducing photodamage, and regulating gas exchange between leaves and the atmosphere. This proposal capitalises on a substantial body of preliminary work to answer key gaps in our knowledge regarding the molecular basis underlying phot receptor function. Specifically, we will determine how lipid binding/modification, dimerization and phosphorylation impacts the plasma membrane localisation dynamics of phots, and those of early signalling components, at spatiotemporal resolution. The contribution of these processes to phot function will provide new mechanistic information on how these kinases are activated, how they are regulated and how they initiate signalling from the plasma membrane. In addition, kinase engineering approaches together with our progress in genetic suppressor screening will be used to identify new phot signalling components. This project is therefore of central importance to understanding how light is integrated to control a variety of responses that collectively promote plant growth and will ultimately provide new strategies to manipulate yield for agronomic gain.

Planned Impact

Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries of the research will include academic scientists interested in the plant photobiology, receptor kinase signalling and the hormonal regulation of plant development. Commercial organisations interested in developing new strategies to manipulate plant growth, particularly by altering processes associated with impacting photosynthetic productivity will also benefit in the longer term. Individuals and organisations involved in science communication to schools and to the wider public will also benefit from additional activities building on the background work for this proposal (text books for teaching, development and implementation of school teaching resources).

Benefits: This project falls squarely within the remit of the BBSRC Committees B (Plants, microbes, food and sustainability). The impact of the research is derived from its relevance to understand how light coordinates a variety of processes that serve to optimise photosynthetic efficiency and promote plant growth with potential relevance to crop improvement for agronomic gain. Outcomes of this research has the potential to offer new strategies to manipulate plant biomass through alterations in photosynthetic performance. Knowledge gained from this work will not only provide a better grasp of how phototropin receptor kinases coordinate plant growth, but will translate to related kinases with key roles in controlling plant immunity and the hormonal regulation of plant development. In the longer term, these outcomes will have the potential to create new avenues for crop improvement that could benefit farmers, consumers and the environment and contribute to the economic competitiveness of the UK. The staff assigned to the project will obtain knowledge and expertise that can be applied in related research fields or more widely in the commercial or public sectors. Career progression and training of the PDRA will also benefit directly from the various collaborative aspects of the proposed research.

Activities: The project will be continually managed by the PI to engage potential beneficiaries. The PI will publish the research in high-impact scientific journals, write reviews and book chapters and inform the University Media Relations Office of research highlights. Discussions with relevant commercial organisations will be initiated when appropriate to promote exploitation. The PI and PDRA will communicate the research and utilise summer studentships to develop and implement teaching resources designed to engage school pupils in key concepts of photobiology and plant science. The PI will also initiate discussions with the Glasgow Science Centre to design poster displays to raise public awareness on plant photobiology and its potential applications. In addition, the PI will present lectures at national and international conferences, as well as within Universities throughout the UK. The PI will also update online facilities including webpages and University social media to advertise and communicate research.


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publication icon
Christie JM (2021) Optogenetics in plants. in The New phytologist

publication icon
Hart JE (2019) Engineering the phototropin photocycle improves photoreceptor performance and plant biomass production. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

publication icon
Inoue SI (2020) CIPK23 regulates blue light-dependent stomatal opening in Arabidopsis thaliana. in The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology

Description Part of this funding has been used to complete work using a light-activated optogenetic tool to improve carbon assimilation, water use and growth in plants. Our work has been accepted in Science and an international patent surrounding the utility of the technology has been obtained. Publications relating to how phototropins mediate signalling were published but delayed because of the impacts surrounding the COVID pandemic. That said, outcomes from this work have substantially increased our understanding of how phototropins initiate signalling from the plasma membrane. A major finding is that these receptor kinases control phototropic growth by directly phosphorylating signalling partner NON-PHOTOTROPIC HYPOCOTYL 3 (NPH3). This was achieved using our gatekeeper kinase system to screen for new substrate targets of phototropin kinase activity [Schnabel, J., Hombach, P., Waksman, T., Guiriani, G., Petersen, J. and Christie, J.M. (2018) A chemical genetic approach to engineer phototropin kinases for substrate labelling. J. Biol. Chem. 293, 5613-5623]. This approach has now been successful in identifying other phototropin kinase substrates through co-expression analysis and include other members of the NPH3/RPT2-like (NRL) family besides NPH3. Our work shows that NPH3 is directly phosphorylated by phototropin 1 (phot1) within a conserved C-terminal consensus sequence (RxS) that is necessary to promote both phototropism and petiole positioning in Arabidopsis. This RxS phosphorylation also triggers 14-3-3 binding combined with changes in NPH3 phosphorylation and localisation status. Functional characterisation of mutants of NPH3 that are either unable to bind or constitutively bind 14-3-3 s showed compromised functionality for phototropism. Taken together, these findings are consistent with a model where phototropic curvature is established by signalling outputs arising from a gradient of NPH3 RxS phosphorylation across the growing stem. The outcomes from this aspect of the work was recently published in Nature Communications and potentially textbook changing as it contributes to answering a long-standing question that has alluded plant biologists for well over a century - how is polarity underpinning directional growth established? Additional levels of phosphocontrol have also been successfully identified by assess whether specific protein phosphatase mutants alterNPH3 phosphorylation status and phototropic responsiveness. In addition, further genetic and physiological characterisation of the 3 candidate suppressor mutants obtained for the phot1 LOV2-kinase (L2K) transgenic line which is unable to respond to low light intensities was performed, as has whole-genome deep sequence analysis to identify causative mutations. One suppressor mutant has been identified as a novel allele of the red light receptor, phytochrome B. The second is likely to be a mutant in the transcription factor SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING LIKE 14. The identity of the causative mutation in the third suppressor mutant is being now resolved but is beyond the time scale of this grant.
Exploitation Route Patent has been filed with PBL and further discussions on going.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink



Description Dissemination of the findings has been impacted owing to the COVID pandemic, however the communication of the work was achieved by participation in activities for the Glasgow Science Festival: Science Sunday, June 2018 and 2019. Aspects of this research covered in this proposal will contribute to UK competitiveness and quality of life through agro-industrial applications of research, including IPR development (UK application GB1902253.2). This particular aspect of the work used an optogenetic tool to improve plant physiology and was published in Science. It received wide media attention from a variety of sources and was subject to radio broadcast and podcasting. Much the work achieved has improved our fundamental understanding of plant responses to light. Polarity underlies all directional growth responses in plants including growth towards the light (phototropism). Concepts based on the pioneering work of Charles Darwin continue to cement our understanding of plant phototropism and how this directional growth response arises from a gradient of the phytohormone auxin. Yet, how this gradient is established at the molecular level remains enigmatic. We have now discovered that light-driven phosphorylation and re-localisation of a central player, NON-PHOTOTROPIC HYPOCOTYL 3 (NPH3), holds the key to unlocking this mystery which has alluded plant biologist for over a century. We are the first to identify NPH3 as a substrate for phototropin receptor kinases and have demonstrated that phosphorylation by phototropin results in a gradient of NPH3 localisation across the stem following phototropic stimulation. Outcomes from this work substantially extend our understanding of how NPH3 contributes to mobilising auxin movements for plant phototropism and are potentially textbook changing in answering a long-standing question as to how phototropic signalling is initiated in plants. Our research also indicates that other similar proteins, besides NPH3, are phosphorylated by phototropins suggesting a common signalling mechanism of regulating plant growth to the prevailing light environment.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Education,Environment
Impact Types Societal


Title BLINK1 
Description Light regulated potassium channel that has potential in neural silencing. Now demonstrated utility in plants (Science paper pending). Patent has been filed in collaboration with PBL. US patent application 17/431,984; US patent grant 11,542,518. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Published in Science and awaiting further examination of its utility for optogenetics. 
Description BLINK Patent 
Organisation Plant Bioscience Limited Technology
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Data that has now secured a patent filing.
Collaborator Contribution Patent filing.
Impact Patent filed.
Start Year 2019
Description Justyna Labuz 
Organisation Jagiellonian University
Country Poland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have successfully engineered the activity of phototropin receptors to modulate plant growth.
Collaborator Contribution Justyna Labuz has characterised chloroplast movement responses.
Impact A manuscript based on our work has been submitted to PNAS.
Start Year 2017
Description Mike Blatt 
Organisation University of Glasgow
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Collaboration has capitalised on using synthetic photosensory tools to manipulate plant physiology. The work produced has just been accepted for publication in Science. A patent application has been filed.
Collaborator Contribution Electrophysiological and physiological characterisation of transgenic Arabidopsis.
Impact The work produced has just been accepted for publication in Science.
Start Year 2017
Description Noriyuki Suetsugu 
Organisation University of Kyoto
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This works is focussed on characterising NPH3/RPT2 proteins in plants and their contribution to optimising photosynthetic light capture.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Suetsugu visited and worked with us as a JSPS research fellow.
Impact One review has been published and another manuscript submitted to Plant Physiology.
Start Year 2016
Description iLOV 
Organisation Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology
Country China 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Newton fellowship for IBioIC student to visit Tianjin to explore the utility of the iLOV FP in industrial bioprocessing.
Collaborator Contribution Hosting PhD student and training.
Impact N/A
Start Year 2017
Title LOV-based optogenetics for plants 
Description Artificial light-activated K+ channel that has been used to improve carbon assimilation, water use and growth in plants. 
Type Of Technology New/Improved Technique/Technology 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Science paper pending and patent filed. 
Description Glasgow Science Festival: Science Sunday, June 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Contributed to and participated in activities for the Glasgow Science Festival: Science Sunday, June 2018
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Interaction with James Hutton Institute, Dundee. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Visited to initiate collaborative research. Collaborations now secured through a joint PhD student.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Invited participant at the New Phytologist Next Generation Scientist meeting. John Innes Conference Centre, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, UK, July 2017. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Invited participant at the New Phytologist Next Generation Scientist meeting. John Innes Conference
Centre, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, UK, July 2017.Myself (Editor, New Phytologist), Chris Surridge
(Chief Editor, Nature Plants), Anne Knowlton (Senior Editor, Current Biology), Adam Wheeler (Senior
Publisher, Wiley) and Ashlynne Merrifield (Publisher, Taylor & Francis) sat on an expert panel and offered
advice on the processes of communicating science and publishing, as well as an Q&A sessions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Invited speaker and session chair, International Congress of Light and Light Barcelona, August 2019. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Invited speaker and session chair, International Congress of Light and Light Barcelona, August 2019. Presented two talks in different session on opotgenetic strategies to improve plant growth.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Invited speaker and session chair, International Symposium on Plant Photobiology, Barcelona, June 2019. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Invited speaker and session chair, International Symposium on Plant Photobiology, Barcelona, June 2019. Presented research on how to engineer photoreceptor to improve plant growth.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Invited speaker, SEB Meeting - From Proteome to Phenotype (Dec, 2017). Edinburgh, UK 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Invited speaker, SEB Meeting - From Proteome to Phenotype (Dec, 2017). Edinburgh, UK. Presented research on how to engineer photoreceptor to improve plant growth.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Invited speaker, Symposium in Honour of Winslow Briggs (April, 2018). Stanford, USA. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Invited speaker, Symposium in Honour of Winslow Briggs (April, 2018). Stanford, USA. Prof. Briggs sadly passed away at the age of 90 in Feb. 2019. Fund raising has been established to provide support/honour for plant scientists in his recognition.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018