Lead Research Organisation: University of Sheffield
Department Name: Biomedical Science


Cilia are finger-like cell surface protrusions that function in the detection and processing of an extraordinary variety of signals. In humans and other vertebrates, cilia are present on the surface of nearly every cell. They are intimately involved in vision, olfaction, early embryonic development, morphogenesis and physiology of duct epithelia, cell motility and metabolism. Cilia defects result in abnormalities ranging from limb malformation to blindness, lack of the sense of smell, obesity, infertility and lung infections.

In humans and other vertebrates alike, the sense of balance is mediated by mineralized round stone-like structures, known as otoliths or otoconia. These structures are intimately associated with cilia of mechanosensitive cells in the ear. We have recently found that mutations in an important ciliary protein lead to otolith mineralization defects, so that otoliths mineralize in an abnormal way, forming aberrant crystal structure. We also found that protein content of otoliths is abnormal in mutant animals. These defects lead to a hyperactive behaviour. Similar human cilia defects may lead to balance disorders and the sensation of "ringing in the ear", medically known as "tinnitus". Such abnormalities are especially common in older people.

This project has several goals. First, we will determine morphological and structural defects of cilia that may account for their abnormal function in otolith crystalization. In parallel, we will search for related cilia genes that may affect otoliths. Since otoliths form outside tissues and cells in the fluid-filled chambers of the ear, a question that needs to be solved is how cilia, which are cell surface features, affect such an extracellular structure. This is likely to involve protein secretion from cells into the ear lumen. We will thus determine which cells in the ear produce and secrete otolithic proteins. We will also establish using biochemical tests how proteins that contribute to otolith structure interact with one another. Finally, we have evidence that otolith defects become more severe with age. We will characterize these age-related changes by studying older animals.

These studies will reveal an essential cilia-dependent mineralization mechanism, determine its molecular components, and evaluate its malfunction in the course of ageing. This mechanism is likely to deteriorate in human population among older people, leading to balance disorders and associated injuries. Our studies will potentially reveal ways to alleviate age-related malfunction of otolith biomineralization.

Technical Summary

In humans and other vertebrates, the sense of balance is mediated by mineralized round stone-like structures, which form in the ear lumen and are known as otoliths or otoconia. Physically, otoliths form in the close proximity of cilia, suggesting that cilia may play a role in otolith formation. Here we combine genetic and biochemical approaches to investigate the mechanism of cilia involvement in otolith biomineralization.

Our experiments will be performed using an animal model, the zebrafish. We will use CRISPR-mediated mutagenesis to generate mutations in genes that affect otolith biomineralization and to engineer knock-in tags in some of these genes. The tagging of genes and consequently proteins expressed by these genes will allow us to determine where these proteins localize in the ear on the cellular and subcellular level. This will suggest how they affect secretion into the ear lumen. Some of the proteins that we will study are themselves secreted into the ear lumen where they contribute to otolith mineralization. We will determine in which cells and in which subcellular compartment these proteins are expressed.

In parallel, we will use biochemical approaches, such as crosslinking followed by mass spectrometry, to determine how otolithic proteins interact with one another. This will advance the understanding of how the otolithic matrix forms and how it regulates crystallization of inorganic salts, such as calcium carbonate, that constitute the major component of the otolith structure.

Finally, our observations suggest that otolith abnormalities become more severe with age. We will evaluate this by monitoring otolith formation in ageing animals. Combined together, these studies will reveal a key secretory pathway that functions to assemble proteinaceous matrix necessary for biomineralization of otoliths and perhaps other hard tissues.

Planned Impact

- Advances in Basic Science
This proposal aims at increasing the fundamental understanding of mechanisms of cilia function. Cilia are now recognised to play a central role in many processes in vertebrate organs, including signal transduction and regulating fluid flow. Research outlined in this project will focus on novel roles of cilia in biomineralization and protein secretion. We will advance the understanding of these hitherto poorly researched cilia-mediated processes that may be nonetheless of key importance for development and function of many organs.

Primary beneficiaries will be researchers with interests in cilia formation and function, currently a very productive area of research that receives a lot of attention in the scientific press, and involves a broad range of scientists, including cell biologists, human and animal geneticists, biochemists, and biophysicists. Our studies will also benefit cell biologists focusing on secretory mechanisms and bioengineers interested in the use of inorganic compounds for the purpose of engineering implants and for tissue reconstruction.

- Medical Impact
Aging of populations is an acute problem in the western world. Our research will help the medical community to diagnose and treat balance disorders that are frequently associated with older age. It will advance the understanding of age-associated changes in human vestibular system and lead to the improvement of methods that are used to alleviate them, thus potentially extending human healthspan and improving the ability of older people to stay in the work force and to lead productive lives. As ageing-associated degenerative changes affect everyone, this aspect of our research will have a particularly broad impact.

Balance and hearing disorders are not restricted to older people. Our studies will thus also impact the understanding of these abnormalities in young people and children, thus improving their quality of life and preventing accidents, such as falls, due to vestibular system defects.

- Commercial opportunities
The improved understanding of age-related changes in the vestibular system will enhance the development of treatment methods by pharmaceutical industry. For example, our studies will reveal secretory mechanisms that may be manipulated pharmacologically to affect otolith biomineralization. The analysis of otolith matrix components that we propose to perform is likely to find industrial applications as it may be used to enhance the quality of scaffolds for neural and dermal tissue engineering as well as bone and cartilage reconstruction.

- Training Opportunities and Collaborations
Postdoctoral scientists, masters and doctoral students, and undergraduate summer students in our laboratory will benefit from research opportunities generated by this project. They will acquire expertise in the use of genetic, proteomic, and imaging approaches, and will gain technical knowledge that will advance their professional development. The broader research community in Sheffield, with interests ranging from basic cell biology to engineering, will benefit from the development of new reagents and intellectual interactions with our research group. Our laboratory has developed a number of collaborations in Sheffield, Yorkshire, and internationally. The funding of this project will allow these collaborations to flourish.

- Public engagement
We will interact with the public to improve the awareness of the most pressing biomedical problems of our time, such as ageing of the human population. We will highlight the importance of biomedical research in trying to address these problems through the use of parallel approaches, such as proteomic analysis, imaging, and studies of animal models.


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Description Ciliopathies are a group of diseases to a wide spectrum of symptoms, but have in common that they all lead to impaired cilia formation or function. Usually cells in an animal have a single cilium that can act as an antenna for outside signals. Cilia can also be motile and have a role in moving fluid outside cells, or moving cells themselves. As they perform so many functions, defects in cilia can lead to human diseases with a wide spectrum of symptoms, this includes laterality defects, obesity, kidney cysts and also vestibular defects, which lead to hearing and balance defects, to name a few. Numerous genes, perhaps more that 40, have now been identified that play a role in ciliogenesis, and it is often assumed that the symptoms they cause when defective, are all result of these dysfunctional cilia.
However, in our work, we found that some genes associated with human ciliopathies can modulate additional processes that lead to human diseases. In particular, we found that CEP290, and most likely Bardet Biedl syndrome (BBS) 2 and 9 genes are also important apicobasal polarity of secretion. This means these genes ensure that particular proteins are excreted to the "outside (=apical side) space" rather than into the inside milieu (basal side) of an organism. This is a new function that was previously not attributed to these genes. In addition, we showed that this is essential for the proper function of Cochlin, the protein associated with a human disease named DFNA9; a human non-syndromic deafness with vestibular dysfunction. However, the function of Cochlin in ear function was poorly understood.
We found that Cochlin is secreted by a group of specialized epithelial cells both apically and basally in the ear. We found that apically secreted Cochlin is essential for proper otolith formation. These otoliths are required to convey position information to sensory hair cells, important for maintaining balance. When Cochlin protein is absent otolith formation is defective. However, we found that the same otolith defects when CEP290, BBS2 or BBS9 function is lacking, and showed this occurs because apical secretion is lost and Cochlin does not accumulate in the lumen of the vestibular system as usual. In this way, we offer a plausible molecular explanation as to why DFNA9 patients suffer from balance disorders. The involvement of cilia genes in polarized secretion is an intriguing additional function for this otherwise very well-studied and medically important group of genes.
Exploitation Route Wehave now published our finding in PNAS. The fact that the BBS genes and CEP290 are involved in apical secretion will inform other researchers working on ciliopathies and alert them to potential explanations for phenotypes seen in cilipathy patients, a problem in secretion could perhaps lead to defective secretion of hormones that may be linked to obesity. Overall it might offer explanations for symptoms seen in ciliopathy patients which are not easily related to cilia themselves.
Sectors Healthcare


including Industrial Biotechology

Description Analysis of rho kinase inhibitors of ciliary function 
Organisation University of Leeds
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have the required mutants available to perform tests of such chemicals in in vivo models
Collaborator Contribution We have done several tests to see if rho kinase inhibitors can impact on the severity of several mutants that have defects in cilia formation. We are looking at various sites where cilia prominent. As it stands we have not been able to find strong effects but the dosing and exposure times require a lot of optimisation.
Impact Currently no outputs as the project is ongoing, it is based on in vitro data and aim to verify these data in vivo.
Start Year 2019
Description Open day presentation to students 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact We promoted zebrafish as a disease model to A level pupil, it made use of transgenic embryos that highlighted both the power of zebrafish and the power of flourescent transgenics. Students were and excited by the tools shown especially the possibility to sit at a microscope and view embryos live was a highlight and sparked numerous questions. Some had heard of fluorescent proteins but seeing them for real really brought hime the point of these
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Virtual Presentation on EHE conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact I presented to a cancer charity promoting the zebrafish as a model to model diseases, and as an organism that can be used to do in vivo drug screen as a way to improve drug discovery and optimisation
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022