From Comparative Genomics to Comparative Genetics - What is Required for Life Without DNA Replication Origins?
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Nottingham
Department Name: School of Life Sciences
All cells contain a complete copy of the organism's DNA, packaged into chromosomes. Before cells can divide, their chromosomes must be duplicated. This is called DNA replication and begins at specific sites on the chromosome called origins. Bacteria have a single replication origin but organisms with large chromosomes, such as humans, need many origins. We have found that in one case, origins are unnecessary and that cells without them can grow faster than normal.
Our research on DNA replication was carried out in Haloferax volcanii, a member of the archaea. The tree of life is split into three groups: eukaryotes, bacteria and archaea. Archaea are microbes renowned for living in extreme conditions. Haloferax volcanii comes from the Dead Sea, we chose it because the enzymes that carry out DNA replication in archaea are similar to those in eukaryotes, such as human cells.
Haloferax volcanii uses three origins to replicate its chromosome but when all origins are deleted, the cells grow faster. Doing these experiments in humans would be impossible. When origins are deleted from eukaryotes or bacteria, DNA replication is prevented and cells die. So how is Haloferax volcanii able to survive?
Cells without origins use a process called recombination to start DNA replication. Recombination is a form of DNA repair that is used to mend breaks in the chromosome. We found that recombination starts DNA replication at random locations on the chromosome, instead of at specific origins. But if this alternative mode of DNA replication using recombination is more efficient, why have origins at all?
In a sister species of archaea called Haloferax mediterranei, origins cannot be eliminated. When this is attempted, a dormant replication origin becomes active. This means that Haloferax mediterranei needs origins, while Haloferax volcanii can instead use recombination to start DNA replication. Why do these two closely-related microbes behave so differently?
We propose that Haloferax volcanii has critical genes that are missing from Haloferax mediterranei, or vice versa. To simplify the search for these critical genes, we will study the genomes of these and up to 20 additional Haloferax species. Our colleagues in Romania have already discovered that salt lakes in Transylvania are a rich source of Haloferax species. We will test these Haloferax species to see if their origins can be eliminated (as in Haloferax volcanii) or if they are essential (as in Haloferax mediterranei). Then we will compare their genomes to locate the genes responsible.
At the same time, we will examine the consequences of using recombination to start DNA replication.
Haloferax volcanii can use recombination to start DNA replication but this may be hazardous. We will test whether it leads to mutations or chromosome rearrangements, and whether there are alternatives that avoid recombination.
Unlike origins, recombination can take place anywhere on the chromosome, but how often this happens depends on the length of DNA. We will test if there is a minimum size of chromosome for this alternative mode of DNA replication.
Our work will contribute to human health by increasing our understanding of cancer. What we have discovered in Haloferax volcanii has parallels with cancer cells. Haloferax has many copies of its chromosome, this is called polyploidy and helps it to survive when replication and cell division are not coordinated. Cancer cells often have mutations in the genes that control DNA replication and polyploidy is a common feature of cancer. Another consequence of uncoordinated replication is that cancer cells grow faster than ordinary cells. This is similar to the faster growth we observe with origin-less Haloferax volcanii, which use an alternative mode of DNA replication.
Our research on DNA replication was carried out in Haloferax volcanii, a member of the archaea. The tree of life is split into three groups: eukaryotes, bacteria and archaea. Archaea are microbes renowned for living in extreme conditions. Haloferax volcanii comes from the Dead Sea, we chose it because the enzymes that carry out DNA replication in archaea are similar to those in eukaryotes, such as human cells.
Haloferax volcanii uses three origins to replicate its chromosome but when all origins are deleted, the cells grow faster. Doing these experiments in humans would be impossible. When origins are deleted from eukaryotes or bacteria, DNA replication is prevented and cells die. So how is Haloferax volcanii able to survive?
Cells without origins use a process called recombination to start DNA replication. Recombination is a form of DNA repair that is used to mend breaks in the chromosome. We found that recombination starts DNA replication at random locations on the chromosome, instead of at specific origins. But if this alternative mode of DNA replication using recombination is more efficient, why have origins at all?
In a sister species of archaea called Haloferax mediterranei, origins cannot be eliminated. When this is attempted, a dormant replication origin becomes active. This means that Haloferax mediterranei needs origins, while Haloferax volcanii can instead use recombination to start DNA replication. Why do these two closely-related microbes behave so differently?
We propose that Haloferax volcanii has critical genes that are missing from Haloferax mediterranei, or vice versa. To simplify the search for these critical genes, we will study the genomes of these and up to 20 additional Haloferax species. Our colleagues in Romania have already discovered that salt lakes in Transylvania are a rich source of Haloferax species. We will test these Haloferax species to see if their origins can be eliminated (as in Haloferax volcanii) or if they are essential (as in Haloferax mediterranei). Then we will compare their genomes to locate the genes responsible.
At the same time, we will examine the consequences of using recombination to start DNA replication.
Haloferax volcanii can use recombination to start DNA replication but this may be hazardous. We will test whether it leads to mutations or chromosome rearrangements, and whether there are alternatives that avoid recombination.
Unlike origins, recombination can take place anywhere on the chromosome, but how often this happens depends on the length of DNA. We will test if there is a minimum size of chromosome for this alternative mode of DNA replication.
Our work will contribute to human health by increasing our understanding of cancer. What we have discovered in Haloferax volcanii has parallels with cancer cells. Haloferax has many copies of its chromosome, this is called polyploidy and helps it to survive when replication and cell division are not coordinated. Cancer cells often have mutations in the genes that control DNA replication and polyploidy is a common feature of cancer. Another consequence of uncoordinated replication is that cancer cells grow faster than ordinary cells. This is similar to the faster growth we observe with origin-less Haloferax volcanii, which use an alternative mode of DNA replication.
Technical Summary
DNA replication initiates at origins, which serve as binding sites for initiator proteins that recruit the replicative machinery. Bacteria replicate from single origins while archaea and eukaryotes replicate using multiple origins. Initiation mechanisms that rely on homologous recombination operate in viruses. We have shown that recombination-dependent replication also operates in archaea.
In the archaeon Haloferax volcanii, deletion of all origins or genes encoding initiator proteins leads to the initiation of replication by recombination - strikingly, this also leads to accelerated growth. If recombination alone can efficiently initiate the replication of a cellular genome, what purpose do origins serve and why they have evolved?
Our results contrast with those obtained in Haloferax mediterranei, where origin-dependent replication is strictly required. Deletion of origins from H. mediterranei leads to the activation of a dormant origin. Why is there such a profound difference between two closely-related species? We will use comparative genomics to contrast species of Haloferax that require origins with those that do not. This screen will identify the genes that are required for life without origins.
Our findings will be of significance for DNA replication in all organisms. We expect to uncover genes that act in the restart of stalled replication forks by recombination and underpin genome stability. However, there are pathways for replication restart that avoid recombination - we will determine which genes act in these alternative pathways. Finally, we will test whether there is a minimum DNA size threshold for replication without origins.
We propose that recombination is the ancestral mechanism for initiation of DNA replication, and that origins are a relatively modern innovation. Origin-less Haloferax may be a window into the evolutionary past - it has the potential to show how this ancestral mechanism was displaced by origin-dependent replication.
In the archaeon Haloferax volcanii, deletion of all origins or genes encoding initiator proteins leads to the initiation of replication by recombination - strikingly, this also leads to accelerated growth. If recombination alone can efficiently initiate the replication of a cellular genome, what purpose do origins serve and why they have evolved?
Our results contrast with those obtained in Haloferax mediterranei, where origin-dependent replication is strictly required. Deletion of origins from H. mediterranei leads to the activation of a dormant origin. Why is there such a profound difference between two closely-related species? We will use comparative genomics to contrast species of Haloferax that require origins with those that do not. This screen will identify the genes that are required for life without origins.
Our findings will be of significance for DNA replication in all organisms. We expect to uncover genes that act in the restart of stalled replication forks by recombination and underpin genome stability. However, there are pathways for replication restart that avoid recombination - we will determine which genes act in these alternative pathways. Finally, we will test whether there is a minimum DNA size threshold for replication without origins.
We propose that recombination is the ancestral mechanism for initiation of DNA replication, and that origins are a relatively modern innovation. Origin-less Haloferax may be a window into the evolutionary past - it has the potential to show how this ancestral mechanism was displaced by origin-dependent replication.
Planned Impact
Who will benefit from this research?
Outcomes from the research will help with our understanding of genome replication and human diseases associated with its deregulation. The healthcare implications of our research will be of potential benefit to a wide range of patient groups, including cancer sufferers. Disruption of DNA replication contributes to genome instability by leading to chromosome breaks and translocations, and genomic regions with few origins are hotspots for rearrangements in cancer. The biomedical implications of the work fit within BBSRC's Strategic Research Priority "Bioscience for Health".
The proposed work has implications for industrial biotechnology. Haloferax volcanii originates from the Dead Sea and it maintains an osmotic balance with its environment by accumulating molar salt concentrations. DNA processing enzymes found in H. volcanii are adapted to function in high salt, making them of great value to biotechnology companies. Biotechnology implications of the research underpin an area of expertise that will contribute to quality of life enhancement from economic growth, and fit with BBSRC's Strategic Research Priority "Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy".
How will they benefit from this research?
The project aims to understand which genes are needed for life without origins. There are striking parallels between origin-less H. volcanii and cancer cells - polyploidy, accelerated growth and an indifference to controls on replication. We anticipate that our results will be informative about DNA replication in all organisms, since the key enzymes are conserved between archaea and humans. Therefore, this project may help uncover new enzymes that are involved in deregulated DNA replication in cancer cells, which would be a step towards improved therapeutic intervention.
Regarding benefits for biotechnology, Dr Loose collaborates with Oxford Nanopore Technologies and this company has supported a BBSRC CASE PhD student in Dr Allers' lab. The project will use Oxford Nanopore MinION technology to sequence novel Haloferax strains and we will communicate with Oxford Nanopore about our research. Novel enzymes we will uncover may have applications in sequencing technologies. Industrial collaborators such as INVISTA Textiles have exploited our expertise in expressing halophilic proteins in H. volcanii. If commercially viable outcomes arise, steps towards exploitation will be taken with commercialisation services at the University of Nottingham.
What will be done to ensure that they have the opportunity to benefit from this research?
In addition to traditional routes of publication, outcomes from this project will be communicated through web pages, social media, the press office of the University of Nottingham, local schools and science discussion groups, and the BBSRC media office. The postdoctoral researcher will make a YouTube vlog about the isolation of novel Haloferax species from Transylvania and their sequencing using Oxford Nanopore MinION technology. Potential future health benefits of the research will be exploited via colleagues from the medical sciences and in partnership with commercialisation services at the University of Nottingham.
Professional development for staff working on the project
The project offers opportunities for the postdoctoral researcher and technician to acquire additional skills. The research will expose both individuals to genetic, genomic and bioinformatic techniques (comparative genomics), with corresponding opportunities for skill development. Before traveling to Transylvania, the PDRA will receive training by Dr Loose in MinION technology. Scientific communication skills of the PDRA will be fostered by presenting the research to academic audiences and the general public (e.g. Nottingham's Café Scientifique). Training will be provided by the University of Nottingham Science Outreach Programme and at a Genetics Society Workshop on 'Communicating Your Science'.
Outcomes from the research will help with our understanding of genome replication and human diseases associated with its deregulation. The healthcare implications of our research will be of potential benefit to a wide range of patient groups, including cancer sufferers. Disruption of DNA replication contributes to genome instability by leading to chromosome breaks and translocations, and genomic regions with few origins are hotspots for rearrangements in cancer. The biomedical implications of the work fit within BBSRC's Strategic Research Priority "Bioscience for Health".
The proposed work has implications for industrial biotechnology. Haloferax volcanii originates from the Dead Sea and it maintains an osmotic balance with its environment by accumulating molar salt concentrations. DNA processing enzymes found in H. volcanii are adapted to function in high salt, making them of great value to biotechnology companies. Biotechnology implications of the research underpin an area of expertise that will contribute to quality of life enhancement from economic growth, and fit with BBSRC's Strategic Research Priority "Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy".
How will they benefit from this research?
The project aims to understand which genes are needed for life without origins. There are striking parallels between origin-less H. volcanii and cancer cells - polyploidy, accelerated growth and an indifference to controls on replication. We anticipate that our results will be informative about DNA replication in all organisms, since the key enzymes are conserved between archaea and humans. Therefore, this project may help uncover new enzymes that are involved in deregulated DNA replication in cancer cells, which would be a step towards improved therapeutic intervention.
Regarding benefits for biotechnology, Dr Loose collaborates with Oxford Nanopore Technologies and this company has supported a BBSRC CASE PhD student in Dr Allers' lab. The project will use Oxford Nanopore MinION technology to sequence novel Haloferax strains and we will communicate with Oxford Nanopore about our research. Novel enzymes we will uncover may have applications in sequencing technologies. Industrial collaborators such as INVISTA Textiles have exploited our expertise in expressing halophilic proteins in H. volcanii. If commercially viable outcomes arise, steps towards exploitation will be taken with commercialisation services at the University of Nottingham.
What will be done to ensure that they have the opportunity to benefit from this research?
In addition to traditional routes of publication, outcomes from this project will be communicated through web pages, social media, the press office of the University of Nottingham, local schools and science discussion groups, and the BBSRC media office. The postdoctoral researcher will make a YouTube vlog about the isolation of novel Haloferax species from Transylvania and their sequencing using Oxford Nanopore MinION technology. Potential future health benefits of the research will be exploited via colleagues from the medical sciences and in partnership with commercialisation services at the University of Nottingham.
Professional development for staff working on the project
The project offers opportunities for the postdoctoral researcher and technician to acquire additional skills. The research will expose both individuals to genetic, genomic and bioinformatic techniques (comparative genomics), with corresponding opportunities for skill development. Before traveling to Transylvania, the PDRA will receive training by Dr Loose in MinION technology. Scientific communication skills of the PDRA will be fostered by presenting the research to academic audiences and the general public (e.g. Nottingham's Café Scientifique). Training will be provided by the University of Nottingham Science Outreach Programme and at a Genetics Society Workshop on 'Communicating Your Science'.
Braun F
Cyclic nucleotides in archaea: Cyclic di-AMP in the archaeon Haloferax volcanii and its putative role.
in MicrobiologyOpen
Dattani A
Differences in homologous recombination and maintenance of heteropolyploidy between Haloferax volcanii and Haloferax mediterranei.
in G3 (Bethesda, Md.)
Dattani A
Genetic Manipulation of Haloferax Species.
in Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
Dattani, A.
Methods in Molecular Biology - "Archaea: methods and protocols"
Haque R
Haloferax volcanii as immobilised whole cell biocatalyst: new applications for halophilic systems
in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Haque RU
Haloferax volcanii for biotechnology applications: challenges, current state and perspectives.
in Applied microbiology and biotechnology
Lever RJ
Archaeal Hel308 suppresses recombination through a catalytic switch that controls DNA annealing.
in Nucleic acids research
Miezner G
An archaeal Cas3 protein facilitates rapid recovery from DNA damage.
in microLife
Pérez-Arnaiz P
Haloferax volcanii -a model archaeon for studying DNA replication and repair
in Open Biology
Schmid A
SnapShot: Microbial Extremophiles
in Cell
Description | Ambika Dattani: UKRI Researchfish submission 2022 DNA replication is initiated at chromosomal sites called origins. Replication origins and the initiator proteins that bind them are assumed to be essential, but we have shown that in Haloferax volcanii, life without origins is not only possible but efficient. Deletion of all origins from the archaeon leads to the initiation of DNA replication by homologous recombination. These results contrast those obtained in another archaeon, Haloferax mediterranei, where origins are strictly required. Deletion of origins from Haloferax mediterranei leads to the activation of a dormant origin, which cannot then be deleted. This project aims to understand why these two closely-related microbes behave so differently by pinpointing which factor(s) are required for origin-independent replication. We initially proposed to address this by isolating novel Haloferax species and subsequently deleting the replication origins found on the main chromosome to determine whether this species undergoes origin-independent replication (as in H. volcanii) or activates a dormant origin (as in H. mediterranei). Comparative genomic studies between these species would identify which factor(s) are required for an organism to undergo origin-independent replication. However, recent work in our lab has significantly simplified this proposed approach. Our lab has created a bioinformatic prediction tool to determine whether any given organism can undergo origin-independent replication. This computational study has shown that the co-orientation of core genes with DNA replication and the signal of nucleotide skew profile correlates with the experimentally-determined examples of origin-less replication. Interestingly, this prediction tool has shown that H. mediterranei, experimentally shown to be dependent on origins, should be able to undergo origin-independent replication. This has led us to believe that this archaeal species has acquired a factor(s) which prevents it from utilising origin-independent replication. We predict that this factor(s) suppresses homologous recombination. In light of this, we have carried out a comparative genetics and comparative genomic studies between H. volcanii and H. mediterranei, two model organisms for testing origin-independent and -dependent replication respectively. To identify this recombination-suppression factor(s), we have engineered an H. volcanii cell line with a single origin on its main chromosome and its initiator protein under a tryptophan-inducible promoter. We have introduced a H. mediterranei genome library into this cell line. If such a recombination-suppression factor exists, the inducible initiator protein (and therefore its corresponding origin) will be deemed essential. 3 candidates for recombination-suppression factor(s) emerged from this screen with sequencing data revealing a ski-2 like helicase as the potential reason for suppressed recombination in H. mediterranei. In-silico studies have shown that this helicase differs from its H. volcanii counterpart by the addition of a 16-amino acid proline rich region which displays high-intrinsic disorder. Currently, RNA-seq analysis has shown no significant difference in RNA expression levels of the helicase in wild type and origin-deleted H. volcanii and H. mediterranei. Restricted access to the lab due to the COVID-19 outbreak had placed this project on hold for 5 months (March - August 2020) with both the research assistant and technician placed on furlough from 1st April- 2nd August 2020. Upon returning to the lab, some advances in the project have been made. To identify interacting partners of this proline-rich sequence, pull-down assays have been carried out using a biotinylated, commercially synthesised peptide corresponding to the 16-amino acid sequence with data currently awaiting analysis by means of mass spectrometry. Microscopy analysis of the H. volcanii ski-2 like helicase tagged C terminally with the GFP marker has shown distinct foci formation upon treatment of cells with aphidicolin and nuclear localisation of the helicase upon treatment of cells with mitomycin C. Equivalent studies with the H. mediterranei ski-2 like helicase are yet to be carried out. The PDRA has been on maternity leave from April 2021 - January 2022. During the months the PDRA was in the lab, protein-protein interaction studies were carried out using the split-GFP assay where it has been shown that H. volcanii hel308 interacts with dlnA, radB, recJ3, recJ4 and rcrA but does not interact with RadA, Rad50, Mre11 or GINS providing light on the specific DNA repair and replication role of hel308. Furthermore, hel308-deletion studies in H. volcanii have shown an increased sensitivity to aphidicolin, a PolB-specific inhibitor. Interesting, deletion of the replication origins results in increased resistance to this inhibitor indicating that PolD is the responsible polymerase for origin-less replication. Deletion of hel308 and all replication origins results in an increased sensitivity to aphidicolin which indicates a specific interaction of hel308 with PolD for the recruitment of originless replication. To confirm this interaction, split GFP assays are being carried out against hel308 and PolD. Genetic studies on this ski-2 like helicase in H. mediterranei are currently ongoing including phenotypic analysis of helicase-deleted strains and pull-down assays. |
Exploitation Route | The aim of this project is to understand the mechanism of DNA replication initiation. How this process is regulated is of fundamental interest for understanding genome replication and human diseases associated with its dysregulation, including cancer, since the key proteins involved in DNA replication are conserved between archaea and humans. |
Sectors | Education Healthcare Manufacturing including Industrial Biotechology Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology |
Description | Examining the Rules of Life for Genome Architecture in Archaea |
Amount | £49,154 (GBP) |
Funding ID | RF-2023-286\2 |
Organisation | The Leverhulme Trust |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 01/2024 |
End | 12/2024 |
Title | Haloarcula hispanica genetic system |
Description | Haloarcula hispanica strains with gene deletions and corresponding selectable markers for genetic analysis. |
Type Of Material | Cell line |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | None yet, in development |
Title | Haloferax mediterranei genetic system |
Description | Haloferax mediterranei strains with gene deletions and corresponding selectable markers for genetic analysis. |
Type Of Material | Cell line |
Year Produced | 2019 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | Genetic screen for factors acting in recombination-dependent DNA replication. |
Title | Haloferax volcanii strain with new chromosomes |
Description | The multi-origin chromosome of the archaeon Haloferax volcanii has split into two elements via homologous recombination. The newly-generated elements are bona fide chromosomes, because each bears 'chromosomal' replication origins, rRNA loci and essential genes. The new chromosomes were stable during routine growth but additional genetic manipulation, which involves selective bottlenecks, provoked further rearrangements. |
Type Of Material | Cell line |
Year Produced | 2016 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | The common ancestry of archaea and eukaryotes is evident in their genome architecture. All eukaryotic and several archaeal genomes consist of multiple chromosomes, each replicated from multiple origins. Three scenarios have been proposed for the evolution of this genome architecture: (1) mutational diversification of a multi-copy chromosome; (2) capture of a new chromosome by horizontal transfer; (3) acquisition of new origins and splitting into two replication-competent chromosomes. We report an example of the third scenario. To the best of our knowledge, rearrangement of a naturally-evolved prokaryotic genome to generate two new chromosomes has not been described previously. |
Title | Haloferax volcanii strains and plasmids for determining in-vivo protein:protein interaction assays |
Description | A split-GFP protein-interaction assay that uses a salt-stable mGFP2 with modifications that increase protein stability in the hypersaline cytoplasm of H. volcanii. The two N-GFP and C-GFP fragments do not by themselves assemble a fluorescent GFP protein in trans, but are capable of doing so when fused to interacting proteins. The assay published by Winter et al (2018) was adapted for use with DNA repair and replication proteins. See below for URL that described original method. Split-GFP assays were performed as described by Winter et al (2018) with the following modifications. H. volcanii transformants were selected on media containing 0.2 ug/ml Novobiocin (Sigma) and 6 ug/ml Mevinolin (Sigma), and plates were incubated at 45oC for 7-8 days. The presence of both plasmids (NovR and MevR) was confirmed by colony PCR. Split-GFP expressing cells were grown at 37oC to an OD600 of 1.0 and then incubated overnight at 30oC. 2 ml of culture was pelleted, washed twice with 1 ml of 18% SW, resuspended in 500 ul SW and transferred to a 48-well plate. Fluorescence was analysed using GE Healthcare Typhoon (excitation wavelength at 488 nm). |
Type Of Material | Cell line |
Year Produced | 2019 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | The assay is now routinely used to study the interactions of DNA replication, repair and recombination proteins in Haloferax volcanii |
URL | |
Title | Transcriptome analysis of Haloferax mediterranei |
Description | RNA-seq dataset of transcriptome analysis of different Haloferax mediterranei strains |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2018 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | Not yet (data being analysed) |
Title | Transcriptome analysis of Haloferax volcanii |
Description | RNA-seq dataset of transcriptome analysis of different Haloferax volcanii mutant strains |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2018 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | Not yet (data still being analysed) |
Description | Comparative analysis of Haloferax volcanii and Haloferax mediterranei |
Organisation | Tel Aviv University |
Country | Israel |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Our research team at the University of Nottingham has developed a tractable genetic system for archaea using Haloferax volcanii. Our group has been pivotal in generating selectable markers, gene knockouts, shuttle plasmids, reporter genes, inducible promoters, protein overexpression systems, and a genome sequence. We use these genetic tools to study replication, recombination and repair. DNA replication. We use genetics and genomics to study DNA replication in H. volcanii. In work published in Nature, we show that deletion of origins leads to accelerated growth. |
Collaborator Contribution | The research team at the Tel Aviv University headed by Professor Uri Gophna has developed a tractable genetic system for Haloferax mediterranei, including selectable markers, gene knockouts, shuttle plasmids, reporter genes. Haloferax mediterranei and Haloferax volcanii are distinct species but their chromosomes are largely syntenic and both rely on three origins of DNA replication. However, only Haloferax volcanii can initiate DNA replication without origins. Both species are capable of genetic exchange by mating, allowing the construction of hybrid strains and thereby the analysis of DNA replication mechanisms. |
Impact | Analysis of RNAseq data from Haloferax mediterranei strains was carried out in collaboration with Uri Gophna. |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Genome analysis of Haloferax volcanii chromosomes |
Organisation | National Institutes of Health (NIH) |
Department | National Library of Medicine |
Country | United States |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Our research team at the University of Nottingham has developed a tractable genetic system for archaea using Haloferax volcanii. Our group has been pivotal in generating selectable markers, gene knockouts, shuttle plasmids, reporter genes, inducible promoters, protein overexpression systems, and a genome sequence. We use these genetic tools to study replication, recombination and repair. DNA replication. We use genetics and genomics to study DNA replication in H. volcanii. In work published in Nature, we show that deletion of origins leads to accelerated growth. |
Collaborator Contribution | The research group of Eugene Koonin at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) is interested in understanding the evolution of life. To obtain glimpses of such understanding, the group employs existing and new methods of computational biology to perform research in several major areas. This includes empirical comparative and evolutionary genomics: comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes with the aim of predicting gene functions, constructing evolutionary scenarios for particular gene families and functional categories, and deciphering general evolutionary trends. An evolutionary phenomenon we are particularly interested in is horizontal gene transfer between diverse organisms, in particular, from prokaryotes to eukaryotes and vice versa. One of the important outcomes of research in this area is the system of Clusters of Orthologous Genes (COGs). |
Impact | Manuscript under review at Molecular Biology & Evolution: "Evolution of Genome Architecture in Archaea: Spontaneous Generation of a New Chromosome in Haloferax volcanii". Abstract: The common ancestry of archaea and eukaryotes is evident in their genome architecture. All eukaryotic and several archaeal genomes consist of multiple chromosomes, each replicated from multiple origins. Three scenarios have been proposed for the evolution of this genome architecture: (1) mutational diversification of a multi-copy chromosome; (2) capture of a new chromosome by horizontal transfer; (3) acquisition of new origins and splitting into two replication-competent chromosomes. We report an example of the third scenario: the multi-origin chromosome of the archaeon Haloferax volcanii has split into two elements via homologous recombination. The newly-generated elements are bona fide chromosomes, because each bears 'chromosomal' replication origins, rRNA loci and essential genes. The new chromosomes were stable during routine growth but additional genetic manipulation, which involves selective bottlenecks, provoked further rearrangements. To the best of our knowledge, rearrangement of a naturally-evolved prokaryotic genome to generate two new chromosomes has not been described previously. |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | Interaction between CRISPR and DNA repair pathways in Haloferax volcanii |
Organisation | University of Ulm |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We have analysed mutant strains of Haloferax volcanii with defects in DNA repair for effects on the CRISPR/Cas prokaryotic immunity system. |
Collaborator Contribution | Our partners, headed by Professor Anita Marchfelder, have analysed mutant strains of Haloferax volcanii with defects in the CRISPR/Cas prokaryotic immunity system for effects on DNA repair. |
Impact | Gophna U., Allers T. & Marchfelder A. (2017) Trends Microbiol 25, 430-32 "Finally, Archaea get their CRISPR-Cas toolbox" Stachler A., Turgeman-Grott I., Shtifman-Segal E., Allers T., Marchfelder A. & U. Gophna (2017) Nucleic Acids Res 45, 5208-16 "High tolerance to self-targeting of the genome by the endogenous CRISPR-Cas system in an archaeon" Maier L., Benz J., Fisher S., Alstetter M., Jaschinski K., Hilker R., Becker A., Allers T., Soppa J. & A. Marchfelder (2015) Biochimie 117, 129-37 "Deletion of the Sm1 encoding motif in the lsm gene results in distinct changes in the transcriptome and enhanced swarming activity of Haloferax cells" Brendel J., Stoll B., Lange S.J., Sharma K., Lenz C., Stachler A.E., Maier L.K., Richter H., Nickel L., Schmitz R.A., Randau L., Allers T., Urlaub H., Backofen R. & A. Marchfelder. (2014) J Biol Chem 289, 7164-77 "A complex of Cas proteins 5, 6, and 7 is required for the biogenesis and stability of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-derived RNAs (crRNAs) in Haloferax volcanii" Fischer S, John von Freyend S, Sabag-Daigle A, Daniels CJ, Allers T & A. Marchfelder (2012) Extremophiles 16, 333-43 "Assigning a function to a conserved archaeal metallo-ß-lactamase from Haloferax volcanii" Fischer, S., J. Benz, B. Spath, L.K. Maier, J. Straub, M. Granzow, M. Raabe, H. Urlaub, J. Hoffmann, B. Brutschy, T. Allers, J. Soppa & A. Marchfelder (2010) J Biol Chem 285, 34429-38 "The archaeal Lsm protein binds to small RNAs" Hölzle, A., Fischer, S., Heyer, R., Schutz, S., Zacharias, M., Walther, P., Allers, T., & A. Marchfelder (2008) RNA 14, 928-937 "Maturation of the 5S rRNA 5' end is catalyzed in vitro by the endonuclease tRNase Z in the archaeon H. volcanii" |
Start Year | 2008 |
Description | Archaea.Bio website |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Construction of Archaea.Bio website to create online tools and discussion forum for archaea researchers. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
URL | |
Description | Article for Microbiology Today |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A magazine, newsletter or online publication |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Article by Bryn McCulloch (MRes student) and Thorsten Allers for Microbiology Today: "The ever-growing tree of life" May 2020 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
URL | |
Description | Organised 2021 International Archaea Online Conference |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Dr Ambika Dattani and Thorsten Allers are currently organising the 2021 International Archaea Conference, which will take place in July 2021. It will take the place of the Archaea Gordon Research Conference, which has been deferred to July 2023. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Organised 2021 UK Archaea Online Workshop |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | Dr Ambika Dattani and Thorsten Allers organised the first online UK Archaea Workshop on 8th January 2021. Keynote presentation by Dr Roxane Lestini (Ecole Polytechnique, France), followed by 11 presentations, overwhelmingly by postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Presentation at NIH Lambda Lunch |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Presentation on research activities to National Institutes of Health (NIH) monthly Lambda Lunch seminar series. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2023 |
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Description | Presentation on Archaea to undergraduate students at Department of Biology - University of Aveiro |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Undergraduate students |
Results and Impact | Presentation on Archaea to undergraduate students at Department of Biology - University of Aveiro - in "Microbial Genetics and Physiology" class, run by Prof. Sónia Mendo |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | Public lecture on Archaea at Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity, hosted by British Science Association, 2019 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | 40 members of public attended a 20-minute talk on "Archaea and the meaning of life" given at the Bread and Bitter pub in Nottingham, February 2019, which was followed by one hour of lively questions. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Public lecture on Archaea at Nottingham SciBar, hosted by British Science Association, 2018 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | 30 members of public attended a 20-minute talk on "Archaea and the meaning of life" given at the Vat & Fiddle pub in Nottingham, September 2018, which was followed by one hour of lively questions. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | U3A Keyworth talk |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | 2 -hour talk to members of the University of the Third Age (U3A) group in Keyworth, Nottinghamshire |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2023 |
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Description | U3A West Bridgford Talk |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | 2 -hour talk to members of the University of the Third Age (U3A) group in West Bridgford, Nottingham |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
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Description | U3A talk - Ambika Dattani |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Ambika Dattani presented a 20-minute talk on Archaea to the University of the Third Age (U3A) in Hucknall, Nottinghamshire, in September 2019 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |