Evolutionary genomics of host range expansion in aphid crop pests

Lead Research Organisation: John Innes Centre
Department Name: Crop Genetics


Pest insects inflict significant economic damage to agricultural crops in the UK and across the world. Some pest insects have evolved the ability to colonise hundreds of different host plant species, whereas others are specialised on a single host plant. The former group of pest insects are called generalists, and they are particularly harmful because they can spread infectious diseases and pathogens across different host species. In addition, generalist pest insects have the propensity to rapidly evolve resistance to pesticides.

An important question in biology is understanding the genetic underpinnings that enable generalist pest insects to exploit different host plant species. This fellowship combines comparative genomics and functional genomics approaches to identify these genetic adaptations. In particular, I will apply whole genome sequencing, assembly and annotating of the genomes of multiple specialist and generalist aphid species across the aphid phylogeny to identify the genes and the evolutionary mechanisms responsible for adaptation to a wide range of host plants. I will validate the bioinformatics and evolutionary genetic findings using a functional analyses, and test whether the identified genes and gene families impact the ability of aphids to adjust and survive on novel host plants. Specifically, this project has three objectives (1): Generate comparative genomic resources for 9 specialist aphids and 7 generalist aphids across the aphid phylogeny and launch an open access ensemble genome hub, (2) Identify genes under recurrent selection and gene families undergoing recent expansions or contractions in generalist aphid lineages, and (3) Test causal relationships between candidate genes and generalism using gene knockdown and host-swap experiments.

The long-term goal of this fellowship is to understand how generalist insect pests have evolved to colonise diverse host plant species. This knowledge and understanding goes beyond the interest of entomologists, and is likely to be applicable to other generalist pathogens. As such, the proposed research in this fellowship is of interest to wider research community, including evolutionary biologists, ecologists, and geneticists working on a wide range of parasites and pathogens. Because this proposal transcends typical disciplinary boundaries, I will be engaging with entomologists and functional geneticist (Prof. Saskia Hogenhout) of the John Innes Centre (JIC), a genomicist (Dr. David Swarbreck) at the Earlham Institute (EI), and an evolutionary biologist (Prf. Cock van Oosterhout) at the University of East Anglia (UEA), and I will communicate my science on an interactive database in collaboration with Mark Blaxter at University of Edinburgh.

The genomes sequenced in this project include many important crop pests and will represent a step change in the genomic resources available for aphids. These data will be made available to the community via a new genome hub - OPENinsectVECTOR.org - that will host the genomes, raise my profile in the field and serve as a future base for hosting comparative genome analyses of more sap-feeding insect species.

Technical Summary

The proposed research in this fellowship is designed to understand how generalist insect pests have evolved to colonise diverse host plant species. The fellowship focuses on generalist and specialist aphid species, and aims to identify the genes and gene families underpinning generalism, the evolutionary processes shaping genetic variation of these genes, and validating the candidate genes identified using gene knockdown and host transfer experiments. The three main objectives of the proposal are:

The first objective is to generate comparative genomic resources for specialist and generalist aphids across the aphid phylogeny and launch an open access ensemble genome hub (OPENinsectVECTOR.org). In total, I will generate 24 new aphid genome assemblies with associated gene annotations.

My second objective is to identify genes associated with generalism based on comparative analysis of 26 aphid genomes from three aphid genera. I will investigate the relative contributions of positive selection, gene family expansion/contraction and adaptive introgression for the evolution of generalism. To accomplish this, estimate gene duplication and loss rates from reconciled gene trees, calculate dN/dS ratios in a phylogenetic framework, and test for evidence of recombination using ABBA-BABA tests and Patterson's D statistics.

In my third and final objective, I will validate the functional significance of the identified genes and gene families, testing their role in adaptation to novel host in a host swap experiment. To accomplish this, I will be using plant-mediated RNAi knockdown in the model generalist aphid M. persicae, and calculate the fitness after host transfer, studying survival and fecundity of RNAi aphids with the aim to identify causal genetic variants and genes enabling rapid host adaptation and generalism.

Planned Impact

Aphids are economically important pests on a diverse range of crops grown in the UK and globally. These insects cause direct feeding damage and also transmit more than 300 different plant viruses and pathogens. Whereas the majority of aphids are specialized and colonize only one or a few related plant species, some aphid species can colonize diverse crops. It is thought that the generalist aphid species are particularly problematic, because they can acquire viruses from weeds and neighboring crops and transmit them to young seedlings, which are particularly susceptible to the pathogens and aphids. In the past approximately 15 years, seed companies and farmers have been able to protect the young seedlings via applications of neonicotinoid insecticides within the seed coating; this insecticide spreads systemically within the plant and protects the young seedlings for approximately 6 weeks upon emergence. However, there is evidence that neonicotinoids affect beneficial insects, including bees, leading to new legislations that have banned these insecticides from the market. In Europe, neonicotinoids are already not being used for flowering crops, such as oilseed rape, and next year they will also be forbidden for other crops, such as sugar beet. Since the discontinuation of neonicotinoids, oilseed rape productions have been seriously afflicted by aphid, flea beetle and slug outbreaks. It is expected that, for sugar beet, the ban of these insecticide will lead to more than 30% loss due to outbreaks of yellows viruses transmitted by aphids. This would make the production of sugar beet, and other crops, economically unviable in the UK.

With the research described in the Fellowship project, I hope to generate basic knowledge on the evolution of generalism in aphids. I expect generated knowledge will be valuable for the characterization of key aphid genes that enable aphids to colonize plant species and migrate from weed to crop and crop to crop. I believe this is important, because so far there is a general lack of knowledge about the biology of aphids and this is seriously affecting the development of novel methods to control these insect pests. Even though insecticides have been highly effective at controlling arthropod pests, they are damaging to the general environment. The knowledge generated in this project may reveal aphid pathways and genes that could serve as targets for new, more benign, control methods. Realistically, it is unlikely that I will be developing such novel methods within the time line of this project, but via my existing and future contacts with colleagues in industry I will be in a good position to take any discoveries made in this project forward to achieve strategic research goals in the future. Overall such achievements would benefit the nation's health and wealth by increasing crop yields and protection of the environment. Within this project, I wish to involve the general public as much as possible via providing basic information on aphids and other insect pests via the OPENInsectVECTOR.org hub, writing of blogs and interactions with journalists.


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Description Plant-feeding insects are hyper diverse and ecologically highly successful. Much of this diversity is thought to be driven by co-evolution between insects and their plant hosts. Although plant-insect interactions appear simple and mechanical (i.e. chewing or piercing and sucking) they require complex molecular interactions between the insect and a potential host plant before, during and after feeding is established. As a result, plant-feeding insects are often highly specialised. However, some pest insects have evolved the ability to colonise hundreds of different host plant species. These "generalist" species are particularly harmful because they can spread plant diseases across different host species. Additionally, they often have very large population sizes and can rapidly evolve resistance to pesticides, making them hard to control. Because most research has focussed on specialist species, an evolutionary and mechanistic understanding of generalist pests is lacking.

To address this important knowledge gap, my fellowship aimed to test the hypothesis that the evolution of a generalist lifestyle requires adaptive evolution of specific genes or gene families and that these genes have undergone recurrent selection in generalist aphid species through convergent evolutionary processes. Or, to put it in other words, generalist aphid genomes should carry an evolutionary signature of host range expansion that can be used to identify key genes that underly the ability of generalist aphids to colonise many different host plant species.

To test this hypothesis I have developed ground-breaking genomic resources for aphids. In total, I have generated 24 new high-quality aphid genome assemblies and annotations. These include the genomes of many crop pests as well as specialised close relatives that colonise wild plant species. Using these data, I have compared gene repertoires of specialist and generalist aphids and discovered extensive convergent gene family expansion in generalist species as well as convergent signatures of positive selection. These analyses have revealed sets of genes implicated in the ability of generalist aphids to move between host plant species. This supports a new model of pest evolution in which there are specific genes involved in generalism, in contrast to the previously prevalent hypothesis that generalism is the "ground state" of parasitism and different lineages have evolved specialisation to different hosts in specific ways.

In generating high quality genomes for many aphid species I have also gained fundamental insights into the process that shape aphid genome evolution. Unexpectedly, I discovered that aphid chromosomes have undergone unprecedented reorganisation over a relatively short period of time. This finding establishes aphids as a key system to understand the dynamics of insect genome evolution at a macro scale.
Exploitation Route Genomic data generated for this project has dramatically increased resources available for the study of diverse aphid pests. These data will underpin future advances in our understanding of the evolution of pest species. More broadly, new insights into the processes that shape aphid genome evolution and organisation at the the chromosome-scale have opened up new avenues of research into the basic biology of insects and the process that drive speciation and adaptation.

The discovery of aphid "generalism" genes provides a basis for developing new targets for pest control in crops.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Title Genome assembly 
Description Developed strategies to improve the assembly of aphid genomes that includes the identification and removal of contigs derived from microbial organisms that are abundantly present in aphids. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Assisted colleagues in the US with improving genome assembly of the soybean aphid. 
Title Nanopore for aphids 
Description We optimized DNA isolation methods for nanopore sequencing of aphid genomes. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact We are able to improve aphid genome assemblies. 
Title Updated Ensemble software 
Description We conducted significant updates to teh Ensemble code to make it accept different file formats and improve compatibility with the secure server. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Being able to launch SapfeedersHub and making data within it freely accessible for downloading by the community. 
URL http://sapfeedershub.jic.ac.uk/index.html
Title A chromosome-level genome assembly of the woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausman) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) 
Description Eriosoma lanigerum v1.0 frozen release Genome assembly: Eriosoma_lanigerum.v1.0.scaffolds.fa.gz BRAKER2 gene models: Eriosoma_lanigerum.v1.0.scaffolds.gff BRAKER2 protein sequences: Eriosoma_lanigerum.v1.0.scaffolds.gff.aa.fa BRAKER2 protein sequences (longest transcript per gene only): Eriosoma_lanigerum.v1.0.scaffolds.gff.aa.LTPG.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences: Eriosoma_lanigerum.v1.0.scaffolds.gff.cds.fa Buchnera aphidicola scaffolds: Buchnera_aphidicola.scaffolds.fa Aphid orthogroups OrthoFinder run files (see for details https://github.com/davidemms/OrthoFinder/blob/master/OrthoFinder-manual.pdf): OrthoFinder_run.tar.gz 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact A chromosome-scale genome assembly and annotation of the woolly apple aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum) - a major pest of apple trees. This genome is being used to support research in Dr. Glen Powell's group at NIAB EMR (https://www.emr.ac.uk/staff/dr-glen-powell/) which aims to reduce reliance on pesticides for the management of fruit tree pests. Additionally, the E. lanigerum genome assembly is the first genome sequence from the entire aphid subfamily Eriosomatinae and as such, is an important genomic resource to aid future comparative genomic studies of aphids and other Hemiptera. 
URL https://zenodo.org/record/3797131
Title Aphidinae comparative genomics resource 
Description Here we provide early access to 18 new genome assemblies, including 8 assembled to chromosome-scale, for aphids from the subfamily Aphidinae. For consistency and to aid comparative analysis, all genomes have been annotated using the same repeat masking and RNA-seq-based gene prediction pipeline. Using this pipeline we also provide new annotations for three previously published genome assemblies. The genome assemblies and annotations are made freely available without restriction, we only request that this Zenodo resource is cited when using the data. Raw sequence data upload to NCBI is underway and full details of all accessions will be given in an updated version of this resource. Manuscripts are in preparation describing the individual genome assemblies in detail and larger comparative genome analyses and we will update this resource with additional citation information as papers are published. Full details of all genome assemblies and annotations included in this release are given in the attached "Data_Description.pdf" document. Aphid species included in this release (bold type = chromosome-scale assembly): Aphis fabae Aphis glycines (updated annotation) Aphis gossypii Aphis thalictri Aphis rumicis Brachycaudus cardui Brachycaudus helichrysi Brachycaudus klugkisti Brevicoryne brassicae Diuraphis noxia Macrosiphum albifrons Metopolophium dirhodum Myzus cerasi (updated annotation) Myzus ligustri Myzus lythri Myzus varians Pentalonia nigronervosa (updated annotation) Phorodon humuli Rhopalosiphum padi Sitobion avenae Sitobion miscanthi 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Substantial new genomics resources for aphids. These resources have already been downloaded over 1000 times by members of the aphid and insect research community. 
URL https://zenodo.org/record/5908005
Title Developed and launched SapFeederHub 
Description Database that provides access via an Ensemble platform to genome sequences and annotations of insect species of the order Hemiptera, including aphids, leafhoppers, planthoppers and froghoppers/spittle bugs. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Colleagues can download sequence data and annotations of economically important insect pests, including for instance the Xylella insect vector Philaenus spumarius. Data can be used for population structure analyses and GWAS to study genomic regions involved in insect phenotypes or host preference. 
URL http://sapfeederhub.jic.ac.uk/index.html
Title Draft genome assembly version 1 of the meadow spittlebug Philaenus spumarius (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hemiptera, Aphrophoridae) 
Description We sequenced the genome of the meadow spittlebug, Philaenus spumarius (Linnaeus, 1758), the main insect vector of Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al. 1987 in Europe (Saponari et al., 2014), using 10x Chromium linked-reads. A single P. spumarius adult female from Portugal (Fontanelas, Sintra; GPS location: 38°50'15.75"N; 9°25'20.77"W), collected in September of 2018, was selected for genome sequencing. This population was initially surveyed for colour polymorphism in 1988 (Quartau & Borges, 1997) and was later included in phylogeographic and population genomic studies of this species (Rodrigues et al., 2014; Seabra et al., unpublished). It is also geographically close to the population from which the individual used for the first partial genome assembly was collected (Rodrigues et al., 2016). The availability of this previous genetic information contributed to the choice of this population as the source of genomic material for whole genome sequencing. A subset of males from the same collection date were analysed for genitalia morphology to confirm species identification, as the best diagnostic characters are the appendages of the aedeagus (Drosopoulos & Quartau, 2002). The genomic DNA of the P. spumarius adult from Sintra was extracted using Illustra Nucleon Phytopure kit according to the manufacturer's instructions (GE Healthcare). We assessed the quality and concentration of the DNA using Femto fragment analyser (Agilent). 10x Chromium library preparation and Illumina genome sequencing (HiSeq X, 150bp paired-end) were performed by Novogene Bioinformatics Technology Co, Beijing, China, in accordance with standard protocols. To create the de novo 10x Chromium assembly we ran Supernova 2.1.1 (Weisenfeld et al., 2017) on the 10x Chromium linked-read data with default parameters, using 1.0 billion reads corresponding to 56X coverage. To improve the initial supernova assembly, we performed iterative scaffolding using all of the 10x raw data (2.3 billion of reads). We ran two rounds of Scaff10x (https://github.com/wtsi-hpag/Scaff10X), followed by mis-assembly detection and correction with Tigmint (Jackman et al., 2018). This was followed by a final round of scaffolding with ARCS (Yeo et al., 2018). The assembly was checked for contamination using the BlobTools pipeline (version 0.9.19; Laetsch and Blaxter 2017; Kumar et al., 2013) and k-mer content was analysed with the KAT comp tool (Mapleson et al., 2017). In order to perform these analyses, it was necessary to remove the 10x linked barcodes from the reads with the script process_10xReads.py (https://github.com/ucdavis-bioinformatics/proc10xG). We assessed the quality of our draft genome assembly by searching for conserved, single copy, arthropod genes (n=1,066) with Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs (BUSCO) v3.0 (Waterhouse et al., 2018). With the above assembly procedure, we obtained a final assembly of 2.7 Gb, having a scaffold N50 length of 116 Kb (contig N50 = 18 Kb) and the longest scaffold was 3.7 Mb. The length of the assembly was consistent with the genome size estimated by flow cytometry (Rodrigues et al., 2016). The k-mer distribution indicated high heterozygosity, estimated at 2.3%. BlobTools analyses revealed the presence of contigs assigned to Sodalis spp. (Enterobacteriaceae), a symbiont in members of tribe Philaenini (Koga et al., 2013). These contigs were filtered from the final assembly. Gene completeness assessment shows that 956 (89.6%) among 1,066 BUSCOs were found as complete copies, with only 26 (2.4%) missing. Of the BUSCOs that were detected, 878 (82.4%) were complete and single-copy, 78 (7.3%) were complete and duplicated and 84 (7.9%) were fragmented. In conclusion, due in part to high (2.3%) heterozygosity levels, the P. spumarius version 1 genome assembly is highly fragmented. Nonetheless, the assembly is considered complete and is likely to contain the majority of the gene content of P. spumarius. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://zenodo.org/record/3368385
Title Draft genome assembly version 1 of the meadow spittlebug Philaenus spumarius (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hemiptera, Aphrophoridae) 
Description We sequenced the genome of the meadow spittlebug, Philaenus spumarius (Linnaeus, 1758), the main insect vector of Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al. 1987 in Europe (Saponari et al., 2014), using 10x Chromium linked-reads. A single P. spumarius adult female from Portugal (Fontanelas, Sintra; GPS location: 38°50'15.75"N; 9°25'20.77"W), collected in September of 2018, was selected for genome sequencing. This population was initially surveyed for colour polymorphism in 1988 (Quartau & Borges, 1997) and was later included in phylogeographic and population genomic studies of this species (Rodrigues et al., 2014; Seabra et al., unpublished). It is also geographically close to the population from which the individual used for the first partial genome assembly was collected (Rodrigues et al., 2016). The availability of this previous genetic information contributed to the choice of this population as the source of genomic material for whole genome sequencing. A subset of males from the same collection date were analysed for genitalia morphology to confirm species identification, as the best diagnostic characters are the appendages of the aedeagus (Drosopoulos & Quartau, 2002). The genomic DNA of the P. spumarius adult from Sintra was extracted using Illustra Nucleon Phytopure kit according to the manufacturer's instructions (GE Healthcare). We assessed the quality and concentration of the DNA using Femto fragment analyser (Agilent). 10x Chromium library preparation and Illumina genome sequencing (HiSeq X, 150bp paired-end) were performed by Novogene Bioinformatics Technology Co, Beijing, China, in accordance with standard protocols. To create the de novo 10x Chromium assembly we ran Supernova 2.1.1 (Weisenfeld et al., 2017) on the 10x Chromium linked-read data with default parameters, using 1.0 billion reads corresponding to 56X coverage. To improve the initial supernova assembly, we performed iterative scaffolding using all of the 10x raw data (2.3 billion of reads). We ran two rounds of Scaff10x (https://github.com/wtsi-hpag/Scaff10X), followed by mis-assembly detection and correction with Tigmint (Jackman et al., 2018). This was followed by a final round of scaffolding with ARCS (Yeo et al., 2018). The assembly was checked for contamination using the BlobTools pipeline (version 0.9.19; Laetsch and Blaxter 2017; Kumar et al., 2013) and k-mer content was analysed with the KAT comp tool (Mapleson et al., 2017). In order to perform these analyses, it was necessary to remove the 10x linked barcodes from the reads with the script process_10xReads.py (https://github.com/ucdavis-bioinformatics/proc10xG). We assessed the quality of our draft genome assembly by searching for conserved, single copy, arthropod genes (n=1,066) with Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs (BUSCO) v3.0 (Waterhouse et al., 2018). With the above assembly procedure, we obtained a final assembly of 2.7 Gb, having a scaffold N50 length of 116 Kb (contig N50 = 18 Kb) and the longest scaffold was 3.7 Mb. The length of the assembly was consistent with the genome size estimated by flow cytometry (Rodrigues et al., 2016). The k-mer distribution indicated high heterozygosity, estimated at 2.3%. BlobTools analyses revealed the presence of contigs assigned to Sodalis spp. (Enterobacteriaceae), a symbiont in members of tribe Philaenini (Koga et al., 2013). These contigs were filtered from the final assembly. Gene completeness assessment shows that 956 (89.6%) among 1,066 BUSCOs were found as complete copies, with only 26 (2.4%) missing. Of the BUSCOs that were detected, 878 (82.4%) were complete and single-copy, 78 (7.3%) were complete and duplicated and 84 (7.9%) were fragmented. In conclusion, due in part to high (2.3%) heterozygosity levels, the P. spumarius version 1 genome assembly is highly fragmented. Nonetheless, the assembly is considered complete and is likely to contain the majority of the gene content of P. spumarius. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://zenodo.org/record/3368384
Title Genome sequence of the banana aphid, Pentalonia nigronervosa Coquerel (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and its symbionts 
Description Pentalonia nigronervosa v1 frozen release Genome assembly: Pentalonia_nigronervosa.v1.scaffolds.fa.gz BRAKER2 gene models: Pentalonia_nigronervosa.v1.scaffolds.gff BRAKER2 protein sequences: Pentalonia_nigronervosa.v1.scaffolds.gff.aa.fa BRAKER2 protein sequences (longest transcript per gene only): Pentalonia_nigronervosa.v1.scaffolds.gff.aa.LTPG.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences: Pentalonia_nigronervosa.v1.scaffolds.gff.cds.fa InterProScan functional annotation: Pentalonia_nigronervosa.v1.scaffolds.gff.aa.LTPG.interproscan.tsv Pentalonia nigronervosa v1 mitochondrial genome: Pentalonia_nigronervosa.v1.mt_genome.fa Buchnera aphidicola (BPn) scaffolds: Buchnera_aphidicola_BPn.scaffolds.fa Wolbachia (WolPenNig) scaffolds: Wolbachia_WolPenNig.scaffolds.fa Myzus cerasi v1.2 frozen release Genome assembly: Myzus_cerasi.v1.2.scaffolds.fa BRAKER2 gene models: Myzus_cerasi.v1.2.scaffolds.gff BRAKER2 protein sequences: Myzus_cerasi.v1.2.scaffolds.gff.aa.fa BRAKER2 protein sequences (longest transcript per gene only): Myzus_cerasi.v1.2.scaffolds.gff.aa.LTPG.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences: Myzus_cerasi.v1.2.scaffolds.gff.cds.fa Aphid orthogroups and species tree Proteomes included in the analysis: proteomes.tar.gz Orthogroups: Orthogroups.txt Gene counts per orthogroup, per species: Orthogroups.GeneCount.csv Single copy conserved orthogroups used for species tree: Orthogroups_for_concatenated_alignment.txt Species tree alignment: SpeciesTreeAlignment.fa Rooted species tree: SpeciesTree_rooted.nwk Bash script to run k-mer based assembly deduplication pipeline File: disco_filter_dups.v1.1.sh This script will parse a discovar de novo assembly and remove scaffolds likely to be haplotigs based on their k-mer content and a self alignment of the assembly (see manuscript for details). The input discovar assembly needs to have white space in scaffold IDs replaced with "_" before running. Illumina reads should be unzipped before running. Usage:
sh disco_filter_dups.sh <./path_to_assembly> <./path_to_r1> <./path_to_r2> <homozyzgous_lower_cov> <homozyzgous_upper_cov> <nucmer_id_cutoff> <nucmer_cov_cutoff> <assembly_output_prefix> <threads> <./working_dir>
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://zenodo.org/record/3765643
Title Genome sequence of the banana aphid, Pentalonia nigronervosa Coquerel (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and its symbionts 
Description Pentalonia nigronervosa v1 frozen release Genome assembly: Pentalonia_nigronervosa.v1.scaffolds.fa.gz BRAKER2 gene models: Pentalonia_nigronervosa.v1.scaffolds.gff BRAKER2 protein sequences: Pentalonia_nigronervosa.v1.scaffolds.gff.aa.fa BRAKER2 protein sequences (longest transcript per gene only): Pentalonia_nigronervosa.v1.scaffolds.gff.aa.LTPG.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences: Pentalonia_nigronervosa.v1.scaffolds.gff.cds.fa InterProScan functional annotation: Pentalonia_nigronervosa.v1.scaffolds.gff.aa.LTPG.interproscan.tsv Pentalonia nigronervosa v1 mitochondrial genome: Pentalonia_nigronervosa.v1.mt_genome.fa Buchnera aphidicola (BPn) scaffolds: Buchnera_aphidicola_BPn.scaffolds.fa Wolbachia (WolPenNig) scaffolds: Wolbachia_WolPenNig.scaffolds.fa Myzus cerasi v1.2 frozen release Genome assembly: Myzus_cerasi.v1.2.scaffolds.fa BRAKER2 gene models: Myzus_cerasi.v1.2.scaffolds.gff BRAKER2 protein sequences: Myzus_cerasi.v1.2.scaffolds.gff.aa.fa BRAKER2 protein sequences (longest transcript per gene only): Myzus_cerasi.v1.2.scaffolds.gff.aa.LTPG.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences: Myzus_cerasi.v1.2.scaffolds.gff.cds.fa Aphid orthogroups and species tree Proteomes included in the analysis: proteomes.tar.gz Orthogroups: Orthogroups.txt Gene counts per orthogroup, per species: Orthogroups.GeneCount.csv Single copy conserved orthogroups used for species tree: Orthogroups_for_concatenated_alignment.txt Species tree alignment: SpeciesTreeAlignment.fa Rooted species tree: SpeciesTree_rooted.nwk Bash script to run k-mer based assembly deduplication pipeline File: disco_filter_dups.v1.1.sh This script will parse a discovar de novo assembly and remove scaffolds likely to be haplotigs based on their k-mer content and a self alignment of the assembly (see manuscript for details). The input discovar assembly needs to have white space in scaffold IDs replaced with "_" before running. Illumina reads should be unzipped before running. Usage: sh disco_filter_dups.sh 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This dataset had 178 views and 266 downloads (10 Mar 2022) 
URL https://zenodo.org/record/3765644
Title SapFeederHub - genome database 
Description SapFeederHub is a genome hub which hosts genome sequences of hemipteran insects. It is currently under development and being populated with genome data and content. The database and website is hosted by the John Innes Centre and will host genome sequences of hemipteran insects generated by my FLF and the BBSRC / UKRI BRIGIT project (led by my FLF host Prof. Saskia Hogenhout) which aims to sequence the genomes of hemipteran insect vectors of the pathogen Xylella fastidiosa. Currently, there is no community resource for hemipteran plant pest genomic data and we hope this will fill an important gap and be of considerable benefit to the community. The database was generated using the GenomeHubs software (https://genomehubs.org/) in collaboration with the lab of Prof. Mark Blaxter (University of Edinburgh / Sanger Institute). 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact None as yet, but expected to become widely used by the hemipteran genomics research community. There is currently no community resource for hemipteran genomics. 
URL http://sapfeedershub.jic.ac.uk/index.html
Title Supplementary data for: Chromosome-scale genome assemblies of aphids reveal extensively rearranged autosomes and long-term conservation of the X chromosome 
Description Myzus persicae clone O v2 frozen release Genome assembly: Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.fa.gz BRAKER2 gene models: Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff3 List of gene models containing internal stop codons (removed from the protein and cds fasta files): Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.braker2.bad_genes.lst BRAKER2 protein sequences: Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff3.filtered.aa.fa BRAKER2 protein sequences (longest transcript per gene only): Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff3.filtered.aa.LTPG.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences: Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff3.filtered.cds.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences (longest transcript per gene only): Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff3.filtered.cds.LTPG.fa De novo repeat library (ReapeatModeler merged with repbase insecta): Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0_repeat_lib.repeatmodeler_merged_repbase_insecta.fa RepeatMasker transposable element annotation using the M. persicae de novo repeat library: Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.repeatmodeler_merged_repbase_insecta.repeatmasker.gff.out RepeatMasker transposable element annotation using the M. persicae de novo repeat library (gff format): Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.repeatmodeler_merged_repbase_insecta.repeatmasker.gff Acyrthosiphon pisum clone JIC1 v1 frozen release Genome assembly: Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.fa.gz BRAKER2 gene models: Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff List of gene models containing internal stop codons (removed from the protein and cds fasta files): Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.braker2.bad_genes.lst BRAKER2 protein sequences: Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff.filtered.aa.fa BRAKER2 protein sequences (longest transcript per gene only): Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff.filtered.aa.LTPG.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences: Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff.filtered.cds.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences (longest transcript per gene only): Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff.filtered.cds.LTPG.fa De novo repeat library (ReapeatModeler merged with repbase insecta): Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_repeat_lib.repeatmodeler_merged_repbase_insecta.fa RepeatMasker transposable element annotation using the A. pisum de novo repeat library: Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.repeatmodeler_merged_repbase_insecta.repeatmasker.out RepeatMasker transposable element annotation using the A. pisum de novo repeat library (gff format): Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.repeatmodeler_merged_repbase_insecta.repeatmasker.gff Rhodnius prolixus DNA zoo chromosome-scale genome assembly annotation R. prolixus chromosome-scale genome assembly was obtained here: https://www.dnazoo.org/assemblies/Rhodnius_prolixus. Genome assembly: Rhodnius_prolixus-3.0.3_HiC.fasta BRAKER2 gene models: Rhodnius_prolixus-3.0.3_HiC.braker2.gff BRAKER2 protein sequences: Rhodnius_prolixus-3.0.3_HiC.braker2.gff.aa.fa BRAKER2 protein sequences (longest transcript per gene only): Rhodnius_prolixus-3.0.3_HiC.braker2.gff.aa.LTPG.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences: Rhodnius_prolixus-3.0.3_HiC.braker2.gff.cds.fa Triatoma rubrofasciata chromosome-scale genome assembly annotation T. rubrofasciata chromosome-scale genome assembly was obtained here: http://dx.doi.org/10.5524/100614 Genome assembly: zhuichun_assembly.fasta BRAKER2 gene models: zhuichun_assembly.braker2.gff BRAKER2 protein sequences: zhuichun_assembly.braker2.gff.aa.fa BRAKER2 protein sequences (longest transcript per gene only): zhuichun_assembly.braker2.gff.aa.LTPG.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences: zhuichun_assembly.braker2.gff.cds.fa Hemiptera orthogroups and species tree OrthoFinder was used to cluster proteomes of 14 Hemiptera into orthogroups for phylogenomic analysis. All proteomes were reduced to the longest transcript per gene. See here for full details: Species included, taxon IDs and data source: Mcer = Myzus cerasi v1.1 (https://bipaa.genouest.org/sp/myzus_cerasi/) MperO = Myzus persicae clone O v2 (This study) Dnox = Diuraphis noxia Thorpe et. al. gene predictions (https://bipaa.genouest.org/sp/diuraphis_noxia/) Apis = Acyrthosiphon pisum JIC1 v1 (This study) Pnig = Pentalonia nigronervosa (This study) Rmai = Rhopalosiphum maidis v0.1 (http://gigadb.org/dataset/100572) Rpad = Rhopalosiphum padi v1.0 (https://bipaa.genouest.org/sp/rhopalosiphum_padi/) Agly = Aphis glycines biotype 4 v2.1 (https://zenodo.org/record/3453468#.XnpL5JOgLRY) BtabMEAM1 = Bemissia tabacci MEAM1 v1.2 (http://www.whiteflygenomics.org/cgi-bin/bta/index.cgi) Trub = Triatoma rubrofasciata (This study) Rpro = Rhodnius prolixus (This study) Ofas = Oncopeltus fasciatus OGS v1.0 (https://i5k.nal.usda.gov/Oncopeltus_fasciatus) Sfuc = Sogatella furcifera v1 (http://dx.doi.org/10.5524/100255) Nlug = Nilaparvata lugens (https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-014-0521-0#Sec42) Files: Proteomes included in the analysis: proteomes.tar.gz Orthogroups: Orthogroups.txt Gene counts per orthogroup, per species: Orthogroups.GeneCount.csv Single copy conserved orthogroups used for species tree: SingleCopyOrthogroups.txt Species tree alignment: SpeciesTreeAlignment.fa r8s configuration file (includes time calibrations and OrthoFinder ML species tree with branch lengths): species_tree_rooted.r8s.nex r8s time calibrated species tree: r8s_tree.nwk 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://zenodo.org/record/3712089
Title Supplementary data for: Chromosome-scale genome assemblies of aphids reveal extensively rearranged autosomes and long-term conservation of the X chromosome 
Description Myzus persicae clone O v2 frozen release Genome assembly: Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.fa.gz BRAKER2 gene models: Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff3 List of gene models containing internal stop codons (removed from the protein and cds fasta files): Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.braker2.bad_genes.lst BRAKER2 protein sequences: Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff3.filtered.aa.fa BRAKER2 protein sequences (longest transcript per gene only): Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff3.filtered.aa.LTPG.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences: Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff3.filtered.cds.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences (longest transcript per gene only): Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff3.filtered.cds.LTPG.fa De novo repeat library (ReapeatModeler merged with repbase insecta): Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0_repeat_lib.repeatmodeler_merged_repbase_insecta.fa RepeatMasker transposable element annotation using the M. persicae de novo repeat library: Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.repeatmodeler_merged_repbase_insecta.repeatmasker.gff.out RepeatMasker transposable element annotation using the M. persicae de novo repeat library (gff format): Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.repeatmodeler_merged_repbase_insecta.repeatmasker.gff Acyrthosiphon pisum clone JIC1 v1 frozen release Genome assembly: Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.fa.gz BRAKER2 gene models: Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff List of gene models containing internal stop codons (removed from the protein and cds fasta files): Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.braker2.bad_genes.lst BRAKER2 protein sequences: Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff.filtered.aa.fa BRAKER2 protein sequences (longest transcript per gene only): Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff.filtered.aa.LTPG.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences: Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff.filtered.cds.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences (longest transcript per gene only): Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.braker2.gff.filtered.cds.LTPG.fa De novo repeat library (ReapeatModeler merged with repbase insecta): Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_repeat_lib.repeatmodeler_merged_repbase_insecta.fa RepeatMasker transposable element annotation using the A. pisum de novo repeat library: Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.repeatmodeler_merged_repbase_insecta.repeatmasker.out RepeatMasker transposable element annotation using the A. pisum de novo repeat library (gff format): Acyrthosiphon_pisum_JIC1_v1.0.scaffolds.repeatmodeler_merged_repbase_insecta.repeatmasker.gff Rhodnius prolixus DNA zoo chromosome-scale genome assembly annotation R. prolixus chromosome-scale genome assembly was obtained here: https://www.dnazoo.org/assemblies/Rhodnius_prolixus. Genome assembly: Rhodnius_prolixus-3.0.3_HiC.fasta BRAKER2 gene models: Rhodnius_prolixus-3.0.3_HiC.braker2.gff BRAKER2 protein sequences: Rhodnius_prolixus-3.0.3_HiC.braker2.gff.aa.fa BRAKER2 protein sequences (longest transcript per gene only): Rhodnius_prolixus-3.0.3_HiC.braker2.gff.aa.LTPG.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences: Rhodnius_prolixus-3.0.3_HiC.braker2.gff.cds.fa Triatoma rubrofasciata chromosome-scale genome assembly annotation T. rubrofasciata chromosome-scale genome assembly was obtained here: http://dx.doi.org/10.5524/100614 Genome assembly: zhuichun_assembly.fasta BRAKER2 gene models: zhuichun_assembly.braker2.gff BRAKER2 protein sequences: zhuichun_assembly.braker2.gff.aa.fa BRAKER2 protein sequences (longest transcript per gene only): zhuichun_assembly.braker2.gff.aa.LTPG.fa BRAKER2 coding sequences: zhuichun_assembly.braker2.gff.cds.fa Hemiptera orthogroups and species tree OrthoFinder was used to cluster proteomes of 14 Hemiptera into orthogroups for phylogenomic analysis. All proteomes were reduced to the longest transcript per gene. See here for full details: Species included, taxon IDs and data source: Mcer = Myzus cerasi v1.1 (https://bipaa.genouest.org/sp/myzus_cerasi/) MperO = Myzus persicae clone O v2 (This study) Dnox = Diuraphis noxia Thorpe et. al. gene predictions (https://bipaa.genouest.org/sp/diuraphis_noxia/) Apis = Acyrthosiphon pisum JIC1 v1 (This study) Pnig = Pentalonia nigronervosa (This study) Rmai = Rhopalosiphum maidis v0.1 (http://gigadb.org/dataset/100572) Rpad = Rhopalosiphum padi v1.0 (https://bipaa.genouest.org/sp/rhopalosiphum_padi/) Agly = Aphis glycines biotype 4 v2.1 (https://zenodo.org/record/3453468#.XnpL5JOgLRY) BtabMEAM1 = Bemissia tabacci MEAM1 v1.2 (http://www.whiteflygenomics.org/cgi-bin/bta/index.cgi) Trub = Triatoma rubrofasciata (This study) Rpro = Rhodnius prolixus (This study) Ofas = Oncopeltus fasciatus OGS v1.0 (https://i5k.nal.usda.gov/Oncopeltus_fasciatus) Sfuc = Sogatella furcifera v1 (http://dx.doi.org/10.5524/100255) Nlug = Nilaparvata lugens (https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-014-0521-0#Sec42) Files: Proteomes included in the analysis: proteomes.tar.gz Orthogroups: Orthogroups.txt Gene counts per orthogroup, per species: Orthogroups.GeneCount.csv Single copy conserved orthogroups used for species tree: SingleCopyOrthogroups.txt Species tree alignment: SpeciesTreeAlignment.fa r8s configuration file (includes time calibrations and OrthoFinder ML species tree with branch lengths): species_tree_rooted.r8s.nex r8s time calibrated species tree: r8s_tree.nwk 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://zenodo.org/record/3712088
Description BRIGIT Xylella 
Organisation John Innes Centre
Department Department of Crop Genetics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The BRIGIT Xylella consortium is a UKRI / BBSRC funded project led by Prof. Saskia Hogenhout (John Innes Centre). The BRIGIT project builds the UK's capability to prevent establishment of vector-borne plant pathogens and will increase our preparedness to respond should they be introduced. Building on an existing collaboration with Prof. Saskia Hogenhout (FLF host) I am collaborating with the BRIGIT project to help deliver work package three (Investigating insect vector biology). This work package includes comparative and population genomics of the known and likely vectors of the Xylella tree pathogen - hemipteran sap-sucking insects known as froghoppers. To this end, I have sat on the search panel for a JIC bioinformatics postdoc position funded by the the project and provided training in bioinformatics, genome assembly and genome annotation to the postdoc we hired (Dr Roberto Biello, JIC). As a result of this we were recently able to publish the first complete genome sequence of the primary Xylella vector - the meadow spittle bug, Philaenus spumarius (Biello, Mathers et. al. 2020). As the project develops I will train RB in comparative genome analysis. As part of my FLF I developed a collaboration with Prof. Mark Blaxter (Sanger Institute, previously University of Edinburgh) to set up a genome hub to host the aphid genome assemblies generated by my fellowship. This allowed us to rapidly set up a genome hub that covers both my work on aphid comparative genomics and the BRIGIT project. Through collaboration with Blaxter Lab members and partners at the University of Edinburgh and the JIC high performance computing team we were able to get a working genome hub set (SapfeedersHub) up that is currently being populated with genome sequences.
Collaborator Contribution Being a member of the multidisciplinary BRIGIT project gives me the opportunity to network with a wide range of researchers and stakeholders at regular progress meetings. This will aid my career development. The BRIGIT project funded the time of a computing expert from the JIC high performance computing team to help set up a genome Hub for the BRIGIT project. As part of the collaboration we set up SapFeedersHub which will host genome data from the BRIGIT project and my fellowship as well as a curated set of genomes from the wider hemipteran genomics community. The website is currently being populated with genome sequences and content before its formal launch.
Impact https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3368385 (Meadow spittle bug genome seuquence). SapfeedersHub - genomic resource: http://sapfeedershub.jic.ac.uk/index.html
Start Year 2019
Description Banana aphid genome 
Organisation International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
Country Nigeria 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Sequenced and assembled the genome of the banana aphid Pentalonia nigronervosa in collaboration with Prof. Leena Tripathi (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kenya) and Prof. Saskia Hogenhout (JIC). I generated a de novo genome assemlby and annotated protein coding genes using pipelines developed for my BBSRC fellowship.
Collaborator Contribution Prof. Leena Tripathi supplied aphid samples and contributed to the genome sequencing costs.
Impact Genome sequence and annotations have been provided to the Kenyan team. A manuscript is in preparation.
Start Year 2018
Description Cryptosporidium evolutionary genomics 
Organisation University of East Anglia
Department Norwich Medical School
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Cryptosporidium species are the causal pathogens responsible for Cryptosporidiosis, the leading protozoan cause of diarrhoeal mortality worldwide. Cryptospodium is a species complex with diverse host preferences. This study aimed to understand the evolutionary history of Cryptosporidium and identify mechanisms by which this pathogen adapts to human hosts. I carried out population genomic and phylogenomic analysis of Cryptosporidium isolates. Additionally, I contributed to the mentorship of PhD student Johanna Nadir, providing feedback on paper writing and design of evolutionary analyses. I also wrote sections of the published manuscript reporting results of this study.
Collaborator Contribution Kevin Tyler (Norwich Medical School) and Cock van Oosterhout (University of East Anglia, Env) led the project and were the primary supervisors of Johanna Nadir who conducted a wide range of analysis to understand Cryptosporidium biology and evolution - see linked paper.
Impact 10.1038/s41564-019-0377-x
Start Year 2017
Description Cryptosporidium evolutionary genomics 
Organisation University of East Anglia
Department School of Environmental Sciences UEA
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Cryptosporidium species are the causal pathogens responsible for Cryptosporidiosis, the leading protozoan cause of diarrhoeal mortality worldwide. Cryptospodium is a species complex with diverse host preferences. This study aimed to understand the evolutionary history of Cryptosporidium and identify mechanisms by which this pathogen adapts to human hosts. I carried out population genomic and phylogenomic analysis of Cryptosporidium isolates. Additionally, I contributed to the mentorship of PhD student Johanna Nadir, providing feedback on paper writing and design of evolutionary analyses. I also wrote sections of the published manuscript reporting results of this study.
Collaborator Contribution Kevin Tyler (Norwich Medical School) and Cock van Oosterhout (University of East Anglia, Env) led the project and were the primary supervisors of Johanna Nadir who conducted a wide range of analysis to understand Cryptosporidium biology and evolution - see linked paper.
Impact 10.1038/s41564-019-0377-x
Start Year 2017
Description Green peach aphid 100 genomes project 
Organisation University of Exeter
Department Biosciences
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ERC funded project is led by Prof. Chris Bass (University of Exeter) and aims to phenotype and genome sequence a collection of 100 M. pericase clonal lines. It includes multiple national and international partners who work on the important aphid crop pest the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae). As part of the project, a subset of clones will have their genomes sequenced to a chromosome scale using long range scaffolding data (HiC) and long read sequence data. As part of the collaboration I have provided training in genome assembly and quality control and genome annotation to University of Exeter Research Fellow Dr. Kumar Saurabh Singh (supervised by CB). I have also contributed directly to the high quality assembly of two of the first two lines to be sequenced - carrying out manual curation of the assemblies. This has resulted in two publications in prep.
Collaborator Contribution ERC funding to Prof. Chris Bass (University of Exeter) supports the project including all sequencing costs. CB has provided me with networking opportunities and mentorship including inviting me to give a departmental seminar at the Centre for Ecology and Conservation (Penryn Campus, University of Exeter). As part of the project we have generated a high quality genome assembly and annotation of a sub species of M. periscae (M. periscae nicotianae). M. periscae is one of the focal species in my fellowship research and the M. periscae nicotianae genome will enrich my comparative analysis of the Myzus genus (a major goal of my FLF).
Impact None as yet. Two papers in prep.
Start Year 2019
Description Roland Wouters DTP 
Organisation John Innes Centre
Department Department of Crop Genetics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution As part of an ongoing collaboration with Prof. Saskia Hogenhout (SH) (FLF host) I have joined the supervisory team of JIC PhD student Roland Wouters. This has given me an opportunity to gain experience of student supervision and mentorship to aid my career development and given RW the benefit of my experience and experitse in evolutionary genomics. I have been sueprvising RW since April 2018 attending regular progress meetings, giving feedback on experimental design and training in bioinformatics.
Collaborator Contribution RWs PhD project and my fellowship will benefit from improving the genome assembly of the green peach aphid Myzus periscae. SH has therefore provided funding for nanopore long read sequencing (approx £2,000) and in vivo HiC library preparation and sequencing (~£5,000). RW optimised nanopore sequencing of aphids as part of his PhD project and I used this data to generate a contiguous, high quality, chromosome-scale assembly of M. persicea. This assembly will be used for aphid comparative genome analysis detailed in my fellowship and for population genomic analysis of RW.
Impact None as yet.
Start Year 2018
Description Woolly apple aphid genome 
Organisation East Malling Research
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution In collaboration with Dr Glen Powell (NIAB EMR) and Prof. Saskia Hogenout (JIC) we have generated a chromosome-scale genome assembly of the woolly apple aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum) a major pest of apple trees to fasciliate basic and applied research into this important insect pest. I supervised Dr. Roberto Biello (postdoc in the Hogenhout lab) in assembling and annotating the genome of the wooly apple aphid using pipelines developed as part of my BBSRC Fellowship. I have carried out comparative analysis of the woolly apple aphid with aphid genomes generated by my fellowship and in the public domain.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Glen Powell identified, isolated and reared Eriosoma lanigerum for genome sequencing.
Impact Manuscript currently in preparation.
Start Year 2019
Description Co-organiser of the 55th annual Population Genetics Group Meeting (PopGroup) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact PopGroup is a prestigious international conference and the primary annual meeting for population and evolutionary geneticists in the UK and across Europe. The event was highly successful with 400 participants over 3 days (held virtually). The conference helps promote the work of early career researchers and was supported (in part) by the Genetics Society. The conference was jointly organised by Earlham Institute, The John Innes Centre and the University of East Anglia.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
URL https://www.populationgeneticsgroup.org.uk
Description MSc colloquium on epigenetics and adaptive evolution 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact MSc colloquium on the role of epigenetics in adaptive evolution to an audience of MSc students from the UEA and visiting MSc students from the International Masters in Applied Ecology (IMAE) from Europe.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022
Description Organized first BRIGIT consortium meeting 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Organized first BRIGIT consortium meeting, London, 6 Feb, 2019.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019