Development of live attenuated vaccine candidates for Newcastle Disease Virus

Lead Research Organisation: St George's University of London
Department Name: Institute of Infection & Immunity


The farming of poultry and production of eggs is of growing economic importance to Thailand, as well as other countries in the region, but like all livestock industries, animal production is susceptible to disruption by outbreaks of infectious disease. Newcastle Disease Virus is a major pathogen of birds and causes significant economic losses in first world and developing countries, requiring widespread slaughter policies for control. Although Thailand has remained free from NDV since 2014, neighbouring countries have suffered NDV outbreaks; Thai exports of poultry have correspondingly increased. Keeping flocks free from NDV is thus of paramount importance. Available vaccines are not very effective at protecting birds against genotype VII NDV currently circulating in regions of Asia and elsewhere. In this proposal we aim to use our knowledge of the avian innate immune response to engineer a genotype VII virus to be incapable of evading host innate immunity (specifically the interferon system) and therefore generate a lead candidate for a live attenuated vaccine. Our approach has several interdependent phases: We will initially analyse the properties of the "V" protein of a highly pathogenic ("velogenic") genotype VII NDV as an antagonist of interferon induction or the interferon response and compare this with the "V" protein of an apathogenic ("lentogenic") strain. We will identify key host target proteins that are signalling molecules involved in the interferon system and which interact with the V proteins, and we will validate the importance of these proteins in avian innate immunity using in vitro assays. We will characterise the V/host interactions at the molecular level and will identify V determinants that are essential for interactions. We will then engineer both lentogenic and velogenic (genotype VII) strains of NDV to express altered V proteins that cannot interact with the key host target proteins and by extension which render the virus unable to evade host innate immunity. We will test for attenuation of these viruses by experimental infections in chickens, and we will determine whether this correlates with a failure to block interferon induction or enhanced interferon sensitivity in vivo.

Planned Impact

Economic Impact: The farming of poultry (chickens, ducks and geese) and production of eggs is of growing economic importance to Thailand, as well as other countries in the region, but like all livestock industries, animal production is susceptible to disruption by outbreaks of infectious disease. One of the most serious poultry diseases is caused by Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV). Although Thailand has remained free from NDV since 2014, neighbouring countries have suffered NDV outbreaks; Thai exports of poultry have correspondingly increased. Keeping flocks free from NDV is thus of paramount importance. Available vaccines are not very effective at protecting birds against genotype VII NDV currently circulating in regions of Asia and elsewhere. Although the scale of our proposal is not large or long enough to encompass a complete vaccine development programme, we anticipate that we would generate a "lead candidate" for a genotype VII vaccine. The strategy we propose would be readily applicable to other strains or newly emerging strains as might become necessary. The availability of an effective vaccine against genotype VII would be of significant economic benefit to the Thai poultry industry, protecting livelihoods and exports; smaller producers and household poultry production would also benefit from a cleaner supply chain and decreased opportunities for NDV reservoirs.

Impact on the General Public: An obvious benefit from improved vaccination against NDV will be improved food security (both in supply and in the reassurance that the public will not be consuming contaminated meat), as well as economic benefits as discussed above.

Academic Impact: The proposal poses an important question in host-virus interaction, namely, what contribution does the ability of a paramyxovirus to evade the host's interferon system play in causing pathogenic infections? Although paramyxoviruses are common infectious agents across vertebrates we know surprisingly little about this process. What we are able to learn from studies on NDV in this project will have useful impact to academic virology, immunology, and viral pathogenicity.

Training Impact: The project will employ and train one PDRA in the UK and one Research Assistant in Thailand. The project will expand the technical skills of the PDRA in wet-lab biomedical science (molecular biology, immunology, cell biology), and train the PDRA skills in computation skills and bioinformatics (through analysis of RNAseq data). There is a high demand for such skills in the UK, and we also note that is a limited pool of specialist avian virologists in the UK and this project will help provide a skilled individual. The project will also further develop reverse genetics expertise in Thailand, adding to the expertise available in the host biotechnology institute.

Outreach Impact: We are engaged in communicating our research both to academics through publication and presentation. Additionally, our public engagement activities will ensure that members of the public (e.g. schoolchildren) are aware of the research issue and the wider issue of ensuring food security.


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Description As discussed in the previous report we have identified key amino acid changes within the NDV-V protein that affect the ability to inhibit type I interferon production; initially we performed this in the vaccine strain, LaSota, but we have now extended these findings to the V protein of an NDV genotype VII strain. The intention of this project was to build these mutations into the vaccine strain and also into a genotype VII strain using recombinant DNA technology (work to be carried out by the St. George's partner). The recombinant plasmids would then be used to "rescue" live virus by a process called "reverse genetics". Critically, the rescue of the genotype VII strain would have to be done by our Thai partners because of UK Biosafety restrictions. Rescued viruses were then to be used to infect chickens and chicken cells and RNA samples from infections were to be analysed at Imperial College London. Our ultimate goal was to examine correlations between the ability of a virus to evade innate immunity and its' ability to cause disease.

We (St. George's) have improved the reverse genetics system of the vaccine strain and have introduced the desired amino acid changes into the V gene. However, our work on mirroring this on the genotype VII strain has stalled due to the dual impact of technical issues, and COVID, which has especially impacted our Thai partners. As explained in a separate section of this report our Thai partners have been unable to work on this project since March 2020 due to changes in Thai government research priorities resulting from the COVID pandemic. As of March 2020, our Thai partners had unsuccessfully attempted virus rescue for two genotype VII strains (SDWF07 and NA-1). Since March 2020, they have been unable to continue, and the UK partners have not been allowed to work on genotype VII viruses. However, to try and resolve the issue of failure to rescue genotype VII virus we (St. George's) have developed mini-replicon systems for several strains of NDV, including the vaccine strain and genotype VII strains. We have been able to use these to show that the NP and L proteins of the genotype VII system are non-functional. We have recently identified the cause of the failure of the NP protein and have corrected this, but we have been unable to date to fully correct the L protein. Nevertheless, our mini-replicon genotype VII system shows full activation of RNA synthesis using the NP and P proteins from genotype VII viruses together with the L protein of the vaccine strain. Thus, we feel encouraged that we could rescue genotype VII virus if we can secure additional funding. The premature truncation of our rescue experiments has meant that we have not been able to analyse the effects of V mutants on innate immunity.
Exploitation Route Apart from academic impact, the usefulness of our findings will not be realised as impact until we have been able to test the phenotypes of genetically-altered strains of NDV. As discussed above we are going to be unable to do this.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Title Establishing mini-replicon systems for Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) 
Description We have designed, built, and tested mini-replicon system for three strains of NDV (the genotype II vaccine strain, LaSota, and two genotype VII strains (SDWF07 and NA-1). 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This research tool will enable researchers to study the control of replication of NDV and may be useful in designing antiviral inhibitors of NDV replication 
Title We have developed a reverse genetics system for genotype VII NDV 
Description As a key part of our research project to identify mutations that disable the ability of Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) to inhibit type I interferon induction we have developed a "reverse genetics" system for a highly pathogenic genotype VII strain of the virus. This has been carried out in the laboratory of our Thai partners, under Professor Jongkaewwattana's direction. This system will enable us to alter the sequence of specific genes and recover modified virus. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This system will enable us to alter the sequence of specific genes and recover modified virus. 
Description Molecular Analysis of persistent infection by Pigeon paramyxoviruses 
Organisation Animal and Plant Health Agency
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution NDV circulates widely in wild birds but only rarely causes disease in domestic/farmed animals. The sampling (by the APHA) associated with recent outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza has indicated that Pigeon paramyxovirus 1 (PPMV1), a virus which can cause Newcastle disease, is surprisingly widely distributed, and may establish persistent infections in pigeons. This is potential health risk to farmed birds, especially poultry. We are interested in the reasons why only some strains might establish persistent infection, and our work on other paramyxoviruses suggest that this may be a feature of the control of viral RNA synthesis. Our experience with mini-replicon systems gained from this NDV project is our main contribution to this collaboration.
Collaborator Contribution The APHA has an avian virology division which has a subsection for work on NDV. They constantly monitor for the presence of NDV in poultry and in wild birds. The detection of relatively high levels of Pigeon paramyxovirus 1, a virus which can cause Newcastle disease, in UK pigeon populations, is a concern. Understanding the potential risks this poses, especially if the virus is able to establish persistent infections, is important. The APHA will provide PPMV strains and epidemiological data.
Impact None yet
Start Year 2022