Plasmid manipulation of bacterial gene regulatory networks

Lead Research Organisation: University of East Anglia
Department Name: Biological Sciences


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Planned Impact

Who will benefit from this research and how?

This is basic blue-skies research that will advance fundamental understanding of evolutionary processes and dynamics in bacterial communities. Nevertheless, bacterial evolution has a broad range of important impacts upon society, for example through the effects of rapid evolutionary change on the prognosis of clinical infections, the evolutionary emergence of antibiotic resistance, and evolutionary responses of microbial communities underpinning the functioning of ecosystems to environmental change. Despite the widespread and fundamental impact of rapid microbial evolution in general and horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in particular upon society, these evolutionary processes remain very poorly understood by the general public and policy-makers. The key benefits deriving from this research will therefore be increased knowledge and understanding of bacterial evolution among the following groups:

Secondary school age children: Teaching of evolution in Key Stages 2 and 3 of the National Curriculum is mainly theoretical and lacking in engaging practical classes. We will take experimental evolution into the school classroom allowing pupils to experience evolution in action themselves in real time, generating excitement about microbes and evolution and offering deeper experiential learning.

General public: Bacterial evolution is high on the news agenda due to the crisis in antimicrobial resistance (AMR), however few non-scientists realise that this societal problem is exacerbated by HGT-mediated evolution. Public engagement activities will enhance public understanding of HGT and put this into the context of AMR to show what we can all do to reduce the risks of AMR.

Policy makers in healthcare and agri-food sectors: HGT impacts the evolutionary emergence of AMR in the clinic and the spread of functional traits in soil bacterial communities. Designing policies and interventions that aim to e.g. limit the spread of AMR or conserve the functional diversity of soil bacterial communities, requires sharing knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of HGT and how these are shaped by the ecology of microbial communities and their environments arising from this research with stakeholders and policymakers in these sectors. We will engage with healthcare stakeholders via an established clinical network (PARC; PI Brockhurst is a member) and agri-food stakeholders via the N8 AgriFood Partnership facilitated by the N8 AgriFood Knowledge Exchange Fellows.
Title Comic book illustrating how plasmids work 
Description As part of the outreach element of our pathways to impact plan, we commissioned an artist to produce a comic book illustrating the scientific concepts in our project. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2021 
Impact This comic book is currently in production, with an initial print run of a couple of thousand. 
Description We have discovered that small regulatory proteins control the fitness of plasmids (replicative circles of DNA, that may contain antibiotic resistance or other environmental/ medically relevant features) in bacteria in the soil. More recently, we have identified the genes that control different aspects of the relationship between the plasmid and the host genome. We have characterised an important regulator, RsmQ, and are in the process of analysing a second.
Exploitation Route This work may have relevance for agricultural advice, to restrict the spread of antibiotic resistance in soils. It will provide fundamental insights into the control of important bacterial behaviours such as virulence, persistence of infection or antibiotic resistance.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink



Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Plasmid manipulation of translational regulation in bacteria 
Organisation University of Reading
Department School of Biological Sciences Reading
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution In addition to intellectual input, my lab provides specialist resources and research skills in molecular microbiology, protein biochemistry and plant-microbe interaction to this collaboration.
Collaborator Contribution Sheffield University (Brockhurst lab) are providing skills in evolutionary microbiology, soil microbiology and mathematical/statistical modelling. Reading University (Jackson lab) are providing intellectual input and know-how relating to bacterial genetics and microbiology. Both partners are funded by a companion grant to this one.
Impact None so far
Start Year 2018
Description Plasmid manipulation of translational regulation in bacteria 
Organisation University of Sheffield
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution In addition to intellectual input, my lab provides specialist resources and research skills in molecular microbiology, protein biochemistry and plant-microbe interaction to this collaboration.
Collaborator Contribution Sheffield University (Brockhurst lab) are providing skills in evolutionary microbiology, soil microbiology and mathematical/statistical modelling. Reading University (Jackson lab) are providing intellectual input and know-how relating to bacterial genetics and microbiology. Both partners are funded by a companion grant to this one.
Impact None so far
Start Year 2018