Mechanisms and genetics of iron toxicity tolerance in African rice

Lead Research Organisation: CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY
Department Name: School of Water, Energy and Environment


Rice is a major staple food across sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and demand for rice is increasing rapidly with changes in consumer preferences and urbanization. However, domestic production currently accounts for only about 60% of consumption; imports to SSA amount to a third of the global rice trade. Accordingly there are various national and international initiatives with ambitious plans for increasing production across SSA. There are ample agro-climatically suitable wetlands in inland valleys and elsewhere to support a large intensification and expansion of rice area. During the rainy season, rice is the only possible crop on low-lying wetlands, so it does not compete with other crops for land or water. However, besides agricultural production, i.e. mainly rice-based systems including fish, vegetable, fruit and livestock production, inland valleys also provide local communities with forest, forage, hunting and fishing resources and they are important for water buffering and as biodiversity hot spots. Development for agricultural production must be done in such a way as to avoid compromising these locally- and regionally-important ecosystem services. This will require improved rice germplasm and nutrient and water management suited to these systems, so as to minimise the land area required. It will also require technologies for assessing which areas across SSA are best suited to intensification and expansion of rice-based farming, without compromising other ecosystem goods and services. It is estimated that with realistic improvements in germplasm and management, less than 10% of the total inland valley area in SSA would be sufficient to meet the total demand for rice in Africa. But various biophysical constraints need to be overcome; one of the most important is the soil health problem iron (Fe) toxicity.

Iron toxicity is a set of severely yield-limiting disorders associated with high concentrations of reduced ferrous iron (Fe(II)) in flooded paddy soils. It is exclusively a problem of paddy rice, linked to the biogeochemistry of flooded, anaerobic soil. It is a particular problem in African rice systems because of the nature of the soils, which are highly weathered, nutrient-depleted and rich in Fe oxides, in contrast to the young alluvial rice soils of the Asian lowlands. It affects a large part of the existing and potential rice area in SSA (estimates vary from 20-60% of the area) and causes large yield losses (up to 90%). There are currently efforts to exploit tolerance of it in the indigenous African rice germplasm in breeding and management programmes at AfricaRice and elsewhere. But this is constrained by the complexity of the disorder and by poor understanding of the underlying mechanisms and genetics of tolerance, which reflects its relative unimportance in Asian rice systems where most rice research has been focused.

We propose to provide the bioscience and tools required to (a) elucidate the mechanisms and genetics of tolerance to Fe toxicity in indigenous African germplasm, in support of rice breeding and management programmes, and (b) assess the potential of improved germplasm and management to raise the productivity of existing and new rice-based farming systems across SSA. We will especially focus on Oryza glaberrima ('African' rice) species, indigenous to W Africa, and sub-species of Oryza sativa ('Asian' rice) indigenous to Madagascar. We will use a combination of soil chemistry, plant physiology and molecular genetics approaches with field work in W Africa and Madagascar, supported by controlled-environment and laboratory work in the UK. We will also map the spatial extent of different types of Fe toxicity in existing and potential rice areas across SSA, and we will develop GIS tools for assessing the potential for improved germplasm and nutrient and water management to raise the productivity of rice-based farming systems in these areas.

Technical Summary

We will propose four work packages (WP) corresponding to the above four Objectives.

WP1 We will establish field experiments at sites in W Africa and Madagascar covering the range of Fe toxic conditions and use them for phenotyping of QTL mapping populations and GWAS panels covering the range of promising W African and Malagasy germplasm. We will characterise GxE interactions and identify a set of germplasm with specific adaptions. Key germplasm identified in this WP will be used in WP2 to dissect tolerance mechanisms, and in WP3 for gene mapping and identification of markers.

WP2 We will investigate tolerance mechanisms in key germplasm from WP1 using controlled environment and laboratory experiments with soils brought to Cranfield from the field sites in W Africa and Madagascar, supported by mathematical modelling. We will investigate the following potential tolerance mechanisms: root exclusion of Fe, root-induced changes in the rhizosphere, restricted root:shoot transfer, shoot tolerance, and interactions with other nutrients and stresses.

WP3 Based on results of WP1, genotypes with stable tolerance across years and representing contrasting haplotypes for most influential loci identified in GWAS and standard QTL analyses will be used for studies on possible candidate genes and tolerance mechanisms. These will be tested for gene expression patterns under Fe toxicity. Improved understanding of tolerance mechanisms from WP2 will guide the candidate gene characterization. Marker development for the most influential loci will focus on simple gel-based markers using allele-specific primer design and high-throughput markers such as KASP.

WP4 We will use digital soil mapping and assessment techniques to map the different types of Fe toxicity in existing and potential rice areas across SSA, and use the resulting GIS tool to assess the potential of improved germplasm and management to raise the productivity of rice-based farming systems in these areas.

Planned Impact

We aim to support increased African food security through intensification and expansion of rice-based farming systems across SSA, particularly in inland valleys and other areas affected by iron toxicity. We aim to achieve this in the short (project life-time) and medium (within five years) terms through the following beneficiaries:

(1) Plant breeders and agronomists at AfricaRice, National Agricultural Research and Extension Systems (NARES) and elsewhere concerned with developing high-yielding rice varieties and corresponding water and nutrient management technologies for increasing the productivity of rice in existing and new areas across SSA, particularly in inland valleys and other areas with Fe toxicity.

We will transfer the project's findings - including new knowledge and understanding, genetic markers and breeding materials, and models - to plant breeders and agronomists in international and national programmes at AfricaRice, NARES and other partners through direct interactions. Co-I Venuprasad and PP Wissuwa are involved in various national and international programmes relevant to this, as detailed in Pathways to Impact.

(2) Farming systems scientists at AfricaRice, NARES and elsewhere concerned with intensification and expansion of rice rice-based farming systems across SSA whilst minimising detrimental effects on other ecosystem goods and services.

Identifying the most appropriate inland valleys and other areas in SSA for rice intensification and expansion without compromising locally- and regionally-important ecosystem services requires detailed spatial information on land, water and other resources. This will feed into broader land suitability and socio-economic assessments. We will provide GIS tools on soil and water constraints to rice productivity in Fe toxic areas, and the benefits of improved germplasm and management, for incorporation into broader assessment tools being developed by farming systems experts. We propose to link particularly with AfricaRice scientists working on these topics. Their programme combines research on integrated rice-based systems - such as rice and aquaculture, livestock, vegetables and fruit trees - with the development of decision support tools for land suitability and socio-economic assessments, as well as extension to small-holder farmers using ICT tools. We propose to hold a two-day workshop at AfricaRice in Year 3 of the project to disseminate and further develop our GIS tools with relevant stakeholders, particularly farming systems scientists at AfricaRice, NARES and other partners developing decision support tools for land suitability and socio-economic assessments, and representatives of national and regional government organizations, and relevant NGOs.

(3) National and regional land use planners and policy makers concerned with intensification and expansion of rice-based farming systems across SSA whilst minimising detrimental effects on other ecosystem goods and services.

AfricaRice has strong links with rice policy makers in Africa and globally. For example, AfricaRice's Board of Trustees includes ministers of agriculture, university presidents and chief executives of plant science industries. The AfricaRice research programme 'Policy, Innovation Systems and Impact Assessment' works with NARES on this through the 'Rice Policy Taskforce'. AfricaRice also has strong links with smaller government agencies and specific academic institutions within each country. We will exploit these direct contacts.
Description Objective 1 (WP1)
To explore genetic variation in Fe toxicity tolerance in indigenous W African and Malagasy germplasm under field conditions in contrasting Fe toxic soils, using quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping populations and genome-wide association (GWAS) panels.

WP1 Achievements
Based on pilot experiments in the 2018-19 rice seasons, we identified four field sites suitable for Fe toxicity screening experiments in W Africa (Edozighi, Nigeria; Suakoko, Liberia; Killissi, Guinea Conakry; with Ibadan, Nigeria as non-toxic control) and four sites in Madagascar (Manjakandriana severe and moderate; and Behinjy severe and moderate). In the 2019-20 seasons we ran successful screening trials at these sites. At the sites in W Africa we screened 3 QTL mapping populations for tolerance of Fe toxicity (WITA4 x IRAT109, NERICA NL43 x IR64sub1, NERICA NL19 x IR64sub1; each with approx. 400 lines), selections from a GWAS panel plus 12 additional genotypes from the set of genotypes in the experiments in Madagascar. At the sites in Madagascar we ran genotype by Fe toxicity by nutrient management experiments at the four key sites with a panel of genotypes including the parents of the QTL mapping populations and selections from a GWAS panel. This has shown a previously unrecognised genotype by toxicity by nutrition interaction by which an apparent Mg deficiency is exacerbated by Fe toxicity in the sensitive genotypes. This is consistent with hypotheses we are testing in WP2 relating to the effects of rhizosphere chemistry under Fe toxicity on access of nutrient cations to absorbing roots. Laboratory analyses were delayed by Covid-19 laboratory closures but have now been completed.

Objective 2 (WP2)
To elucidate the mechanisms of toxicity tolerance in key germplasm identified under Objective 1 over the range of Fe toxic conditions, and interactions with nutrient and water management, and to identify corresponding plant traits and soil and water management strategies.

WP2 Achievements
We investigated tolerance mechanisms in a diverse set of genotypes under field conditions in the highly iron toxic soil at Manjakandriana in the Central Highlands of Madagascar. We made repeated plant samplings of young and old tissues throughout the growth period until maturity. Multiple mechanisms were involved, and the importance of different mechanisms changed between growth stages. Higher grain yields were mainly due to healthy vegetative growth, achieved either by reducing Fe uptake (exclusion) or by minimizing the effect of excess uptake through compartmentalization in older tissues and tissue tolerance. Exclusion mechanisms were relaxed during reproductive growth, leading to increased Fe accumulation in shoots. But tolerant genotypes were nonetheless able to grow well through a combination of Fe compartmentalization and tissue tolerance, so that grain filling could proceed relatively unimpeded. Tissue phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) concentrations were close to or below deficiency limits throughout growth. Exclusion by ferrous Fe oxidation in the rhizosphere will impede access of P and K ions to roots, but the differences in their tissue concentrations were much smaller than differences in growth rates, so growth rates evidently drove the uptake differences and responses to Fe toxicity were the more important constraints. There was no relation between grain yield and visual symptoms. To identify useful donors and markers for breeding it is important to develop screening protocols that capture the individual tolerance mechanisms, allowing for the effects of growth stage on their relative importance and expression, and possible interactions with other factors such as mineral nutrition. Selection for tolerance based on visual symptoms, particularly at the seedling stage, is overly simplistic, though it can be useful in the study of specific tolerance mechanisms. We are publishing this work in Rajonandraina T., Rakotoson T., Wissuwa M., Ueda, Y., Razafimbelo T., Andriamananjara A. & Kirk G.J.D. (2023) Mechanisms of genotypic differences in tolerance of iron toxicity in field-grown rice. Field Crops Res., accepted subject to minor revisions.

Iron toxicity is partly caused by an imbalance of minerals other than Fe and supply of minerals is known to mitigate the degree of stress, but the physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying such effects remain to be elucidated. In this study, we conducted a field study in central highlands of Madagascar and hydroponic experiments (300 mg Fe/L) to reveal the effect of magnesium (Mg) on Fe toxicity tolerance. Mg supply consistently decreased leaf bronzing both in field and hydroponic studies, while potassium supply did not have a consistent effects on leaf bronzing in the field. Mg-treated plants tended to decrease shoot Fe concentration in the field, but analysis of multiple genotypes suggested that Fe toxicity symptoms were also mitigated without concomitant decrease of Fe concentration. It suggests that Mg confers tolerance at the tissue level, in addition to the Fe-exclusion mechanism as shown by significantly reduced Fe concentrations in older leaves. Hydroponic experiments also suggested that Mg mitigated leaf bronzing without significantly reducing Fe concentration and oxidative stress level as assessed by the content of malondialdehyde, a biomarker for oxidative stress. An RNA-seq revealed that Mg induces more striking changes in leaves than roots. Subsequent cis-element analysis suggested that the binding sites of NAC transcription factors were enriched among Fe toxicity-induced genes in leaves, while additional Mg treatment caused non-significant enrichment of the same binding sites, suggesting that these transcription factors may mediate the effect of Mg. This study provides a clue for mitigating Fe toxicity-induced leaf bronzing and elucidating associated molecular mechanisms. A publication on this work is in preparation (Rajonandraina T., Rakotoson T., Wissuwa M., Kirk G.J.D., Razafimbelo T., Andriamananjara A. & Ueda, Y. (2023) Magnesium confers exclusion- and tissue-based tolerance to alleviate iron toxicity induced leaf bronzing in rice. Front. Plant Sci., in preparartion).

We have developed a mathematical model of the effects of rhizosphere chemistry under Fe toxicity on access and uptake of nutrient cations by rice roots (Kirk et al 2022). Processes allowed for including Fe(II) oxidation in the rhizosphere and associated acid-base changes; proton release from roots to balance excess cation over anion intake; soil CO2 venting through the roots and associated acid-based changes; and the consequences of these processes for movement of nutrient cations (NH4+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) through the rhizosphere to roots. We made experiments to test the model under controlled environment conditions with a large quantity of soil imported to Cranfield from the Manjakandriana site in Madagascar, and a panel of genotypes from the field experiments. These experiments were interrupted by the Covid-19 laboratory closures but are now complete. The results are being analysed and a publication will be submitted before the end of the project. In addition, we developed a mathematical model of the effects of rhizosphere chemistry in interaction with rice root morphology on the efficiency of P acquisition by rice genotypes. We have tested the model against published data (Kuppe et al 2022).

Objective 3 (WP3)
To use the results of Objectives 1 and 2 to identify molecular markers and genes for use in breeding programs for incorporating tolerance traits from the indigenous African germplasm into improved varieties.

WP3 Achievements
Analysis of the field trial results in W Africa for the three QTL mapping populations at three Fe toxic sites and one non-toxic site (WP1) have (a) confirmed large-effect QTLs for high heritability traits (flowering date, plant height) from a previous, preliminary study at one of the Fe toxic sites in a single season, showing the datasets and analyses were sound; but (b) confirmed only minor-effect QTLs for Fe toxicity tolerance (leaf bronzing score, grain yield) in these populations, indicated in the earlier study. We therefore do not have a sound basis for fine mapping major-effect genes for toxicity tolerance as originally planned in WP3.

Instead we made further field experiments to i) confirm the high tolerance observed in selected lines of the mapping population with the aim to introduce such lines as breeding lines or donors across sites, and ii) pursue the hypotheses we have generated in WP1 and WP2 re tolerance mechanisms linked to Fe toxicity x nutrition interactions. We completed a further season of field experiments at our four sites in Madagascar (Nov 2020 to May 2021) and four in W Africa (July 2021 to Feb 2022 in Nigeria), plus related analyses, to explore the mechanisms and genetics behind the genotype by Fe toxicity by mineral nutrition interaction we are continuing to explore in WP2. We used selections from the QTL populations that the experiments in WP1 have shown to perform well in both Madagascar and W Africa.

Based on the identified QTLs for grain yield and leaf bronzing score in two populations NERICA-L-19/IR64-Sub1 and NERICA-L-43/IR 64-Sub1 we found highly tolerant lines consistently doing well under Fe toxicity in both east and west African environments (Madagascar and Nigeria, respectively). To fine map these QTLs, we developed crosses among contrasting lines as well back-cross subpopulations with NERICA parents. In continuing work at AfricaRice in Nigeria, funded by AfricaRice, 2,915 F5 lines developed from 30 crosses are in line-stage testing to select for suitable plant types and seed increase. Contrasting populations from these 30 developed populations will be genotyped and used for further genetic analysis of QTLs identified before. We will also phenotype them in Fe toxic hotspots to identify superior lines for use in breeding and for possible release.

Objective 4 (WP4)
To map the distribution of different types of Fe toxicity in existing and potential rice areas across SSA, and to develop GIS tools for assessing the potential for improved germplasm and management to raise the productivity of rice-based farming systems in these areas.

WP4 Achievements
We have established methods and GIS tools for digitally mapping potentially Fe toxic soils in inland valleys in W Africa, and for mapping existing rice areas using remotely sensed imagery and digital terrain data. This has included developing a method to allow for the effects of highly weathered soils in uplands surrounding inland valleys, through leaching and up-welling of iron-rich water. We have collated available datasets on soils, terrain, hydrology, climate and land use to support this. There is currently no data on the extent and distribution of rice production areas across West Africa except at coarse, supra-national scales. We have used the methods and data to make risks maps of iron toxicity in potential rice areas in inland valleys in Nigeria, Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Benin and Guinea.
A publication is in preparation with co-authors at AfricaRice and IRRI.
Exploitation Route We have identified donor rice genotypes with tolerance to different types of iron toxicity in highly-weathered lowland rice soils, for use in breeding programmes. We have developed new knowledge and understanding of the mechansims and genetics of iron toxicity tolerance in rice, particularly in interaction with soil mineral deficiencies. Associated datasets, mathematical models and journal publications will be available by the end of the project.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Description Based on the identified QTLs for grain yield and leaf bronzing score in two populations NERICA-L-19/IR64-Sub1 and NERICA-L-43/IR 64-Sub1 we found highly tolerant lines consistently doing well under Fe toxicity in both east and west African environments (Madagascar and Nigeria, respectively). To fine map these QTLs, we developed crosses among contrasting lines as well back-cross subpopulations with NERICA parents. In continuing work at AfricaRice in Nigeria, funded by AfricaRice, 2,915 F5 lines developed from 30 crosses are in line-stage testing to select for suitable plant types and seed increase. Contrasting populations from these 30 developed populations will be genotyped and used for further genetic analysis of QTLs identified before. We will also phenotype them in Fe toxic hotspots to identify superior lines for use in breeding and for possible release.
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink
Impact Types Societal


Description Dr Dule Zhao, Africa Rice Center 
Organisation Africa Rice Centre
Country Nigeria 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution See award outcomes.
Collaborator Contribution See award outcomes.
Impact This collaboration was part of the original application and has been funded through the project.
Start Year 2018
Description Dr Jesus Castillo, Programa Nacional de Investigaci´ on en Arroz, Instituto Nacional de Investigaci´ on Agropecuaria (INIA), Treinta y Tres, Uruguay 
Organisation Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria
Country Uruguay 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Supervision of PhD student Jesus Castillo of INIA jointly with Dr Stephn Haefel of Rothamsted Reseearch.
Collaborator Contribution Data and expertise to quantify the components of the nitrogen economy of rice-livestock systems so as to understand their long-term sustainability.
Impact Castillo, J., Kirk G.J.D., Rivero J.M., Dobermann A. & Haefele S.M. (2021) The nitrogen economy of rice-livestock systems in Uruguay. Global Food Security, doi: 10.1016/j.gfs.2021.100566
Start Year 2020
Description Dr Tovohery Rakotoson, Laboratoire des Radioisotopes, University of Antananarivo 
Organisation University of Antananarivo
Country Madagascar 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution See award outcomes.
Collaborator Contribution See award outcomes.
Impact This collaboration was part of the original application.
Start Year 2018
Description Prof Johannes Postma, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of Bio- and Geosciences - Plant Sciences (IBG-2), Jülich, Germany 
Organisation Julich Research Centre
Department Institute of Bio and Geosciences 1 (IBG-1)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We jointly developed and tested a mathematical model of the mechansisms of phosphorus acquisition by rice genotypes. I provided expertise on soil chemistry and data from BB/C518014/1 and BB/R020388/1 with which to paramterise and test the model.
Collaborator Contribution Model development and programming.
Impact Kuppe C., Kirk G.J.D., Wissuwa M. & Postma J. (2022) Rice increases phosphorus uptake in strongly sorbing soils by inter-root facilitation. Plant Cell Environ. 45, 884-899. doi: 10.1111/pce.14285
Start Year 2021